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Subject: Mark Goddard Ejects From the Jupiter 2

Written By: LyricBoy on 10/13/23 at 4:01 pm

Legendary 1960s TV actor Mark Goddard, who portrayed Major Don West, pilot of the Jupiter 2 spacecraft in the TV hit series, Lost in Space, has passed away at 87. :\'(

Every week, Godard’s character had to deal with all sorts of crises, usually caused by the evil “Doctor Smith”.. and  ;D

Point of LyricBoy trivia: In 1998, a reboot LOS was released, shot by a company called Prelude Productions. As it turns out, the owner of Prelude, one Mark Koch,  had a side business (Marbi Inc) selling steel scrap to my company and bribing our buyers. Some of the bribe money was in the form of Prelude checks issued to our executive, as I recall to an account in Bermuda. As things turned out he was bribing several of our executives, all of who got canned. He later reinvented himself as a “Christian film maker” but the reality is that he was a thieving scum bag. Big stink. Half a dozen scum bags at my company were summarily fired and one did hard time in the Federal slam. And if I ever ran into that guy, I’d pop him but good. My company was struggling at the time, fighting for our jobs, and this dirt bag was ripping us off.

Subject: Re: Mark Goddard Ejects From the Jupiter 2

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 10/13/23 at 8:23 pm

An icon of my youth.  Fair sailing to Alpha Centauri..

Subject: Re: Mark Goddard Ejects From the Jupiter 2

Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/16/23 at 1:29 pm

As a kid, Lost in Space was my favorite show. I also didn't like Dr. Smith. As an adult, I love his humor. (I didn't pick up on it as a kid.) I remember in first & second grade, we would "play" Lost in Space and I ALWAYS had to be Penny. If I wasn't Penny, I didn't want to play. One time I was Judy and NOT happy about it. 😠  :D ;D ;D


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