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Subject: Robbie Knievel Jumps Over the Rainbow Bridge

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/14/23 at 6:55 am

Daredevil Robbie Knievel, son of legendary daredevil Robert “Evel” Knievel has passed away at the age of 60, from cancer of the pancreas.  :\'(

Following in his father’s footsteps, Robbie never saw anything that he couldn’t jump over with his motorcycle, including pickup trucks, semis, busses, and even military aircraft on the deck of an aircraft carrier. 8)

His Grand Canyon jump on May 20, 1999, was one of Knievel's most famous jumps. The jump was partially based on Robbie's father's desire to perform a Grand Canyon jump, yet would end up doing the rocket-propelled Snake River Canyon jump. On May 20, 1999, Robbie jumped his motorcycle for a personal record of 228 feet. :o However, Knievel lost control of the bike on landing and broke his leg in the ensuing crash.

Subject: Re: Robbie Knievel Jumps Over the Rainbow Bridge

Written By: nally on 01/15/23 at 10:25 am

So we’ve lost two famous guys named Robbie this week. :\'( (Bachman and this guy.)

Subject: Re: Robbie Knievel Jumps Over the Rainbow Bridge

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/15/23 at 10:45 am

Had Robbie Knievel retired from the motorbike antics, or was he still performing for I heard recently that a son of Evel Knievel was to do a jump in the UK this summer, maybe a sibling?

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