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Subject: Ron Galella Zooms Out

Written By: LyricBoy on 05/03/22 at 5:24 am

Legendary and pioneering paparazzo Ron Galella has taken his last celebrity pic at the age of 91.  :\'(

In his heyday, Ron was notorious for bird-dogging all of the rich and famous, getting those cool photos that lesser photogs dare not get. And he was not one of these guys with the super long-range zoom lens. He got up close and personal.

In one incident, Marlon Brando punched him out, breaking his jaw and knocking out 5 teeth.  :o  Jackie O’Nassis at one point had a restraining order against him, which he ended up violating anyway.

Subject: Ron Galella Zooms Out

Written By: Dude111 on 05/06/22 at 6:08 pm

Very sad.........

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