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Subject: Final Roll Call for Captain Mauser (Art Metrano)

Written By: LyricBoy on 09/09/21 at 4:45 pm

Legendary actor Art Metrano, who portrayed police officer Mauser in the Police Academy heptalogy, has passed away at the age of 84 from natural causes.  :\'(

He also appeared in “Joanie Loves Chachi” and guest-starred on “All in the Family,” “Bewitched,” “Starsky and Hutch” and “Mod Squad”.  8)  Back in his heyday, he was everywhere.

His career was cut short in ‘89, when he fell off the roof of his house and was rendered a quadriplegic.

And they called him Captain Mauser… yowsa, yowsa…  8)


Subject: Re: Final Roll Call for Captain Mauser (Art Metrano)

Written By: LyricBoy on 09/10/21 at 5:25 am

The Captain Mauser character is the latest in a long line of Police Academy cast to move on.

Others include George Gaynes (Commandant Lassard), Marion Ramsey (Hooks), David Graf (Tackleberry), Ted Ross (Capt. Reed), Debralee Scott (Mrs. Fackler), Bubba Smith (Hightower), and Doug Lennox (main bad guy in the riot segment).

But there are still plenty of original  cast members still with us, so maybe there will be a Police Academy 8 in the works.  8)

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