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Subject: Lenny Strollo Leaves This Thing of Ours

Written By: LyricBoy on 05/20/21 at 6:45 pm

Notorious former boss of the Youngstown Outfit, Lenny Strollo, has reportedly passed away in a most unusual manner for a mobster… he died of old age at 90.

Lenny made his bones with the Pittsburgh mob, and then moved over to Youngstown to advance his career. His big break came in 1991 when then Youngstown padrino Joey Naples was picked off by a sniper :-X , and then Lenny conveniently took over.

But Strollo’s reputation took a hit in ‘99 when he switched sides and ratted out informed on his fellow mobsters to save his own hide. To tell you the truth, back then people were making book that Lenny would get rubbed out, and pronto.

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