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Subject: Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Gets What Was Coming

Written By: LyricBoy on 10/27/19 at 12:48 pm

Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, one of a seemingly endless supply of “Muslim Clerics” who preach violence (curiously more often against Muslims than Jews or Christians) and ‘founder’ of the ISIS terror group, finally met his comeuppance, courtesy of the United States Special Forces 8) last night.  Reports indicate that the Special Ops guys operated out of Iraqi bases.

True to his theology, he chose to blow up himself, along with several children who were with him, and a few of his wenches who also set off their suicide belts. One last hurrah in a career built on mayhem and death. The Special Ops boys had him cornered in an escape tunnel ;D that did not work out as planned for him. None of the Special Ops guys were injured.

Kudos to the CIA who reportedly identified the location of the terrorist. There are lots more where he came from though.

Drinks all around.

Subject: Re: Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Gets What Was Coming

Written By: LyricBoy on 10/27/19 at 5:26 pm

Just read where the ISIS official spokesman, Abul-Hasan Al-Muhajir yabba dabba doo was blown to smithereens in a US bombing run less than 24 hours after his boss was snuffed.

Not a bad weekend for the US armed forces. Details are scarce but it looks like this job might have been done by the spooks at the CIA, deploying a Hellfire missile from a drone.

Subject: Re: Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Gets What Was Coming

Written By: ChrisBodilyTM on 10/27/19 at 6:29 pm

By all accounts, he's likely been dead for ages.

Subject: Re: Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Gets What Was Coming

Written By: LyricBoy on 10/27/19 at 6:46 pm

By all accounts, he's likely been dead for ages.

There were prior unverified claims of his demise, but the US pooh-poohed those claims. If he had been really killed a while ago, credit woulda been claimed before.

On the other hand, if he really did die long ago, no biggie. A few other of his ilk just got blown to smithereens in that tunnel. No downside to this story.

Subject: Re: Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Gets What Was Coming

Written By: AmericanGirl on 10/28/19 at 11:18 am

Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, one of a seemingly endless supply of “Muslim Clerics” who preach violence (curiously more often against Muslims than Jews or Christians) and ‘founder’ of the ISIS terror group, finally met his comeuppance, courtesy of the United States Special Forces 8) last night.  Reports indicate that the Special Ops guys operated out of Iraqi bases.

True to his theology, he chose to blow up himself, along with several children who were with him, and a few of his wenches who also set off their suicide belts. One last hurrah in a career built on mayhem and death. The Special Ops boys had him cornered in an escape tunnel ;D that did not work out as planned for him. None of the Special Ops guys were injured.

Kudos to the CIA who reportedly identified the location of the terrorist. There are lots more where he came from though.

Drinks all around.

Just read where the ISIS official spokesman, Abul-Hasan Al-Muhajir yabba dabba doo was blown to smithereens in a US bombing run less than 24 hours after his boss was snuffed.

Not a bad weekend for the US armed forces. Details are scarce but it looks like this job might have been done by the spooks at the CIA, deploying a Hellfire missile from a drone.

Wow!  :o

Subject: Re: Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Gets What Was Coming

Written By: LyricBoy on 10/29/19 at 5:45 pm

By all accounts, he's likely been dead for ages.

Apparently in this latest assault, while the rest of his body was pretty much obliterated when he set off his homicide belt, his head was blown clean off and intact.

The commandos used facial recognition technology to do a positive ID on the head.

Must have been one hell of a mess. I wonder if they put his head on a pike? ???

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