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Subject: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/14/10 at 1:50 am
Tyler Lambert, the 25-year-old son of "Diff'rent Strokes" star Dana Plato, passed away yesterday. :\'(
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: danootaandme on 05/14/10 at 6:51 am
Screwed up parents tend to make their children pay the price. Too sad, too often :\'(
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: Howard on 05/14/10 at 11:10 am
Like mother,Like son. ::)
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/14/10 at 11:20 am
I didn't know she had a son. :-[ But it is sad.
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/14/10 at 2:29 pm
Dana Plato herself was born to a messed-up teenage mom and adopted by parents who pushed her into show business. I don't know anything about the kid's dad, but it sounds like Tyler might have been dealing with some inherited (genetic) psychiatric issues as well as the post-trauma of his mother committing suicide.
The whole thing is tragic.
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/14/10 at 4:17 pm
Dana Plato herself was born to a messed-up teenage mom and adopted by parents who pushed her into show business. I don't know anything about the kid's dad, but it sounds like Tyler might have been dealing with some inherited (genetic) psychiatric issues as well as the post-trauma of his mother committing suicide.
The whole thing is tragic.
If memory serves (and it usually does) I think that it was Tyler who found his mother dead when he was 14. :\'(
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: apollonia1986 on 05/15/10 at 10:00 pm
That is so so sad. I can't belive it. :\'(
You know Dana died on my 13th birthday (May 8, 1999)
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/15/10 at 11:43 pm
If memory serves (and it usually does) I think that it was Tyler who found his mother dead when he was 14. :\'(
Jesus, the kid was probably a nervous wreck already given Ms. Plato's chaotic life. That had to be the final straw for Tyler. Suicide affects a family for generations. My grandfather ate a shotgun in 1943 when my dad was just a toddler. The family handled it the way a lot families did in those days. They didn't talk about it. They just drowned it out with alcohol. Grandma remarried and sent my dad off to boarding school as soon as he was old enough, and that was that. Or was it? My grandfather was discharged from the army with a diagnosis of "manic depression" (what we now call "bipolar disorder"). Evidence suggests depression runs in families. My father, my aunt, my sister, and myself have all battled depression and suicidality to varying degrees without much letup. Not to be insensitive about it, but in some ways perhaps it is better that Tyler stanched that unhappy genetic line. I survived past 37 (my grandfather's age when he died), which I all but certain I would not, and the long-running illness is part of my decision never to have kids.
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: Howard on 05/16/10 at 6:38 am
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/16/10 at 7:39 am
Wow, he had his mom's awesome eyebrows. :)
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: ninny on 05/16/10 at 6:33 pm
Wow how sad :\'(
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: Howard on 05/16/10 at 6:35 pm
Wow, he had his mom's awesome eyebrows. :)
But the hair is different too.
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/28/10 at 10:14 pm
Dammit, didn't think I'd get to use this so soon.
RIP, Gary.
Subject: Re: Dana Plato's Son Passes On
Written By: Howard on 05/29/10 at 6:48 am
Dammit, didn't think I'd get to use this so soon.
RIP, Gary.
Wow,I remember this one. Thanks for sharing Foo.
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