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Subject: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Jessica on 09/14/09 at 7:20 pm


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Dagwood on 09/14/09 at 7:21 pm

Wow, we new it was coming but damn I don't like it one bit.  This one made me cry like a baby. 

Rest in peace, Patrick.  We will miss you.  :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: snozberries on 09/14/09 at 7:22 pm

:\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

Publicist: Patrick Swayze dies at 57

LOS ANGELES – Patrick Swayze, the hunky actor who danced his way into viewers' hearts with "Dirty Dancing" and then broke them with "Ghost," died Monday after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 57.

"Patrick Swayze passed away peacefully today with family at his side after facing the challenges of his illness for the last 20 months," said a statement released Monday evening by his publicist, Annett Wolf. No other details were given.

Fans of the actor were saddened to learn in March 2008 that Swayze was suffering from a particularly deadly form of cancer.

He had kept working despite the diagnosis, putting together a memoir with his wife and shooting "The Beast," an A&E drama series for which he had already made the pilot. It drew a respectable 1.3 million viewers when the 13 episodes ran in 2009, but A&E said it had reluctantly decided not to renew it for a second season.

Swayze said he opted not to use painkilling drugs while making "The Beast" because they would have taken the edge off his performance. He acknowledged that time might be running out given the grim nature of the disease.

When he first went public with the illness, some reports gave him only weeks to live, but his doctor said his situation was "considerably more optimistic" than that.

"I'd say five years is pretty wishful thinking," Swayze told ABC's Barbara Walters in early 2009. "Two years seems likely if you're going to believe statistics. I want to last until they find a cure, which means I'd better get a fire under it."

A three-time Golden Globe nominee, Swayze became a star with his performance as the misunderstood bad-boy Johnny Castle in "Dirty Dancing." As the son of a choreographer who began his career in musical theater, he seemed a natural to play the role.

A coming-of-age romance starring Jennifer Grey as an idealistic young woman on vacation with her family and Swayze as the Catskills resort's sexy (and much older) dance instructor, the film made great use of both his grace on his feet and his muscular physique.

It became an international phenomenon in the summer of 1987, spawning albums, an Oscar-winning hit song in "(I've Had) the Time of My Life," stage productions and a sequel, 2004's "Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights," in which he made a cameo.

:\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: snozberries on 09/14/09 at 7:23 pm

I just posted this... but you beat me to it...

Such a great loss!  :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Frank on 09/14/09 at 7:27 pm

Yes, a great loss.
He was so good in Dirty Dancing and especially Ghost.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/14/09 at 7:30 pm

Can't say that I am big fan of him, but still it is very sad, indeed.


Rest in peace, Patrick and God speed.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: LyricBoy on 09/14/09 at 7:34 pm

RIP, Dalton...


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: whistledog on 09/14/09 at 7:42 pm

My favourite of his will always be 'Next of Kin'.  He was a great actor who had great films and I will miss him terribly.

R.I.P. Patrick.  You were a great actor

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/14/09 at 7:52 pm

This is sad news - such a big loss for us  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze - you will be missed.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Max Power on 09/14/09 at 7:59 pm

Now he really is a ghost

He'll be missed.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/14/09 at 8:24 pm

sad loss indeed. rest in peace Patrick. 

he was in one of the funniest Saturday Night Live skits ever    (Chippendales audition) with Chris Farley

I enjoyed his characters in  Red Dawn, The Outsiders

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Doc Brown on 09/14/09 at 8:25 pm

Now he really is a ghost

He'll be missed.

"Whooooooooooooooooooo myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy looove, my darling. I've hunngered for yoooooour touch for love..."
It just seemed appropriate. Rest In Peace, Patrick.

Your Pal,


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: LyricBoy on 09/14/09 at 8:55 pm

"We... had... the time of our lives..."

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: snozberries on 09/14/09 at 9:16 pm

Suddenly I have a great need to hear She's Like the Wind  :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 09/14/09 at 10:26 pm

so sad. :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: kellygoo72 on 09/14/09 at 11:28 pm

Im sad to hear of the passing of Mr Swayze but, Im glad he is in eternal peace.  I have  never even seen Dirty dancing but I did see many of his other works and me being silly, I always loved his skit with Chris Farley from yrs ago... I admired his class and courage and I would love to have half his strength.

R.I.P. :\'(
Cancer  SUCKS!

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Brian06 on 09/14/09 at 11:28 pm

So sad :-(, RIP Patrick Swayze.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Foo Bar on 09/14/09 at 11:46 pm

20 months is a hell of a long time for pancreatic cancer.

The next time you yell WOLVERINES, remember that most of the kids in Red Dawn ended up dead.

RIP, Patrick.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Doc Brown on 09/15/09 at 1:25 am

The next time you yell WOLVERINES, remember that most of the kids in Red Dawn ended up dead.

Maybe so, but they died for their country, and that was not in vain.
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

The fact that the earliest clip of Patrick I remember was a MASH episode(where he played a soldier diagnosed with leukemia) seems so eerily prophetic now.

Your Pal,


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 09/15/09 at 2:26 am

Although this was expected, it is still hard news to take. My mother and sister are devastated, as they were major fans of his films. Dirty Dancing is my mother's favorite film of all time, and it seems that whenever I go to her house, she is watching that movie! He was a very talented man, a very accomplished dancer, singer and actor, as well as a king, loving and compassionate family man. He will certainly be missed...  :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Davester on 09/15/09 at 3:58 am

  Never cared for his acting, but RIP anyway...

  Cancer sucks...

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: gibbo on 09/15/09 at 5:04 am

Suddenly I have a great need to hear She's Like the Wind   :\'(

They were playing that on the radio today...and that's when I heard this sad (but not unexpected) news. I liked him in Roadhouse as well....

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: danootaandme on 09/15/09 at 6:59 am

I have  never even seen Dirty dancing

You gotta gotta gotta Rent it, and have the time of your life.  I am not the biggest Swazye fan, but I love this movie.  I could watch this segment 1000 times

Nobody puts Baby in a corner

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: statsqueen on 09/15/09 at 8:08 am

He wasn't afraid to show any side of himself (Dirty Dancing, Ghost, Roadhouse, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (where he played a drag queen).

He was incredibly talented in so many areas and fought a brave fight.

He will be missed by many.  :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Stompgal on 09/15/09 at 9:16 am

I was shocked by the news when I heard it on the radio this morning. Some say that Patrick was a brilliant dancer and I've never seen 'Dirty Dancing' or 'Ghost,' which one of my Link Workers thinks are excellent.

RIP Patrick. You've certainly had the time of your life during your acting career.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Doc Brown on 09/15/09 at 10:07 am

I've read the his final request was to be cremated, along with every copy of Too Wong Foo ever made.

Your Pal,


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/15/09 at 11:30 am

I was so sorry to hear about this-even though we all knew it was coming.  :\'( :\'( :\'(  I once wrote him a letter (but never mailed it). My thoughts go out to his wife, family & friends.

He will be missed.  :\'( :\'( :\'( :\'(

RIP, Patrick.


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Red Ant on 09/15/09 at 11:46 am

RIP, Dalton...




Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/15/09 at 12:19 pm

So sad, and it was only last Saturday night I was watching Ghost.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: snozberries on 09/15/09 at 2:08 pm

Whoopi had me in tears today on the View....rarely does Whoopi lose composure....she came as close as I've ever seen this morning.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: nally on 09/15/09 at 2:09 pm

So sad for sure. I knew he had been battling the pancreatic cancer for quite a while, but all the same it is bad when it turns you in. RIP Patrick.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Dagwood on 09/15/09 at 5:41 pm

Whoopi had me in tears today on the View....rarely does Whoopi lose composure....she came as close as I've ever seen this morning.

Same here.  I wondered how she would handle it and she did pretty good.  She was very close to the edge, though. 

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: MrCleveland on 09/15/09 at 7:18 pm

I watched "Patrick Swayze Christmas" for him...even though it isn't Christmas....

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: coqueta83 on 09/15/09 at 8:11 pm

This was something I saw coming, but it is still such a sad shock.  I practically grew up with Patrick's movies.  It's going to be very hard to watch movies like "The Outsiders", "Dirty Dancing", and "Ghost" now.  :\'(

RIP Patrick Swayze.  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/15/09 at 9:41 pm

Can't say that I am big fan of him, but still it is very sad, indeed.


Rest in peace, Patrick and God speed.

Same here.  I mean, the movies he was in did not interest me (except "Roadhouse" is a guilty pleasure), but Swayze seemed like a genuinely nice guy and a lot of folks loved him dearly.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/16/09 at 11:33 am

Wanted to watch Dirty Dancing last night but Carlos wasn't in the mood for it.  :-\\  Oh well.


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Stompgal on 09/16/09 at 12:13 pm

So sad, and it was only last Saturday night I was watching Ghost.

'Ghost' was on Film4 last Saturday night, but I didn't watch it.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/16/09 at 12:14 pm

perhaps it's been mentioned but tonight there is a profile or bio show on Patrick Swayze's life & career on lifetime or a&e or one of those cable networks.

I forgot all about the movie Point Break where he's a bank robber and Keanu is the cop. I'd watch that and Roadhouse as a double feature

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/16/09 at 4:33 pm

RIP Patrick you will be missed.  He was one hell of an actor and singer.  I thought he was excellent in North and South. :)

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: statsqueen on 09/17/09 at 11:00 am

RIP Patrick you will be missed.  He was one hell of an actor and singer.  I thought he was excellent in North and South. :)

That's when I fell in love with him.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/17/09 at 2:55 pm

Suddenly I have a great need to hear She's Like the Wind   :\'(

That is a very pretty song, and I really liked his voice in it...

R.I.P. Patrick... :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: statsqueen on 09/17/09 at 3:07 pm

That is a very pretty song, and I really liked his voice in it...

R.I.P. Patrick... :\'(

It is a beautiful song.  What makes it even better (IMO) is that his wife Lisa inspired it.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/17/09 at 8:27 pm

That's when I fell in love with him.

Me too.  I think I watched the tape my parents made of it three times a week for a year.  He was excellent in that.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/19/09 at 11:39 pm

I've read the his final request was to be cremated, along with every copy of Too Wong Foo ever made.

Your Pal,


Are you bitter because he looks better in drag than you??? :-\\

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: snozberries on 09/20/09 at 11:01 am

Are you bitter because he looks better in drag than you??? :-\\

Oh Snap!!!!  ;D

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Doc Brown on 09/20/09 at 11:40 am

Are you bitter because he looks better in drag than you??? :-\\

Not even going to dignify THAT with an answer!


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/20/09 at 11:55 am

Not even going to dignify THAT with an answer!


But you pretty much walked right into that.  Don't worry I still like you . . . even without the lip gloss. :)

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Jessica on 09/20/09 at 6:39 pm

But you pretty much walked right into that.  Don't worry I still like you . . . even without the lip gloss. :)


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Tam on 09/21/09 at 11:50 am

They played Dirty Dancing last night on ABC Family...

I couldn't stand all the commercials so instead I got out the dvd and watched it in less time! ;)

My favorite part of course is where he is dancing with Jennifer Grey and he puts her hand on his chest and explains the whole dance thing with the beat of his heart...

"Ga-gong... Ga-gong..."


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: ninny on 09/21/09 at 12:07 pm

Such sad news..R.I.P. Patrick :\'(

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Doc Brown on 09/21/09 at 12:18 pm

"Ga-gong... Ga-gong..."


Could someone pick up Tam off the dance floor? She's like the wind, but I guess letting her watch DD alone was a mistake.

BTW, did you know AFI credited Patrick with one of the top 100 movie quotes in history? And yes, #97 was in Dirty Dancing.
"Nobody puts Baby in a corner."
It always made me laugh when VH-1 used the line for their ads when they put DD in their Movies That Rock roster.

Your Pal,


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Tam on 09/21/09 at 12:25 pm

Could someone pick up Tam off the dance floor? She's like the wind, but I guess letting her watch DD alone was a mistake.

BTW, did you know AFI credited Patrick with one of the top 100 movie quites in history? And yes, #97 was in Dirty Dancing.
"Nobody puts Baby in a corner."
It always made me laugh when VH-1 used the line for their ads when they put DD in their Movies That Rock roster.

Your Pal,


Thanks Doc... I needed that pick-me-up! ;D ;)

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/21/09 at 1:29 pm

They played Dirty Dancing last night on ABC Family...

I couldn't stand all the commercials so instead I got out the dvd and watched it in less time! ;)

My favorite part of course is where he is dancing with Jennifer Grey and he puts her hand on his chest and explains the whole dance thing with the beat of his heart...

"Ga-gong... Ga-gong..."


One of my favorite parts is when they are just playing around with the song "Love is Strange". I don't know why, I just love that scene.


Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/21/09 at 10:59 pm

on the collectors edition that I just bought of Red Dawn, the special feature 2nd disc has some wonderful interviews with the cast, and they interview young Patrick during the making and then older Patrick from a few years ago reflecting on the film.

They played Dirty Dancing last night on ABC Family...

I couldn't stand all the commercials so instead I got out the dvd and watched it in less time! ;)

My favorite part of course is where he is dancing with Jennifer Grey and he puts her hand on his chest and explains the whole dance thing with the beat of his heart...

"Ga-gong... Ga-gong..."

from my above post, Lea Thompson said that Jennifer and Patrick did not get along at all during the filming of Red Dawn, and then on their next film Dirty Dancing , they didn't just get along, they got it on!!  :D

only in the movie of course  :)

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: snozberries on 09/24/09 at 6:21 pm

on the collectors edition that I just bought of Red Dawn, the special feature 2nd disc has some wonderful interviews with the cast, and they interview young Patrick during the making and then older Patrick from a few years ago reflecting on the film.
from my above post, Lea Thompson said that Jennifer and Patrick did not get along at all during the filming of Red Dawn, and then on their next film Dirty Dancing , they didn't just get along, they got it on!!  :D

only in the movie of course  :)

you know how there's a thin line between love and hate... well all that tension from their not liking each other really worked and read as lust on screen It was an amazing chemistry.... that scene where he runs his hand down her arm and she keeps laughing- that was real. They were trying to get the shot and Jen kept laughing. Patrick was getting seriously annoyed. That was not Johnny Castle losing his patience that was Patrick Swayze but the director decided to keep it in because he thought it worked.... and he was right.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/26/09 at 4:29 am

btw, Ghost is on tv again tonight.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: snozberries on 09/26/09 at 10:40 am

point break was on last night but I missed it... I'm gonna catch it again on Wed.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/26/09 at 1:44 pm

btw, Ghost is on tv again tonight.
..and Dirty Dancing is on tomorrow night.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: DJ Blaze on 09/26/09 at 2:43 pm

Just like with Michael Jackson, I never really liked his music until his death.... shame, really. R.I.P.

Subject: Re: Goodbye, Patrick Swayze.

Written By: LyricBoy on 09/26/09 at 3:38 pm

The title of this thread brings a thought to mind.

Maybe Elton John can do a reworked version fo Candle in the Wind for Patrick Swayze.

"Goodbye Patrick Swayze..."

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