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Subject: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/22/04 at 12:12 pm

Well, now that the board is a new one

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/22/04 at 5:17 pm

We should all eat spam on a bun

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: SmithsGirl on 04/22/04 at 5:38 pm

and if thats not to your satisfaction

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/22/04 at 10:02 pm

and you can't get no 'girly action'

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 04/23/04 at 7:00 am

Then you'd best eat that bun and run !

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/23/04 at 8:00 am

Mooey was seen to run off....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 04/23/04 at 8:38 am

Down the street in a bit of a huff

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/23/04 at 8:44 am

She picked up the pace.....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/23/04 at 1:59 pm

Like she was in a race

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/23/04 at 7:17 pm

Cos she realised she was in the buff !

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/23/04 at 11:33 pm

And you could tell she was blushing

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/24/04 at 8:02 am

By the way she was rushing

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/24/04 at 4:29 pm

And her face was all red

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/25/04 at 7:35 pm

Shouldn't have left her bed.....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/25/04 at 8:02 pm

"cause the toilet just couldn't stop flushing.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/26/04 at 1:41 am

Now that we have 'barrassed Moo...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 04/26/04 at 2:04 am

Nah ! I always run 'round in the nude  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/26/04 at 4:56 am

There's an image that sticks...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 04/26/04 at 7:23 am

what 'moo does for kicks

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/26/04 at 7:45 am

I'll stop now lest I get crude  ;D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 04/26/04 at 7:55 am

That was a good save by Fussy  ;D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/26/04 at 8:00 am

(eerrrrr, rhyming here is gonna be hard !)

Then I hopped on the bussy  :-\

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 04/26/04 at 8:09 am

Very good ! ;D

To go for a ride

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/26/04 at 8:14 am

and in a car alongside

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 04/26/04 at 8:32 am

Which looked incredibly sussy  ::) :P

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/26/04 at 8:42 am

Which looked incredibly sussy  ::) :P

I thought you might say "There drove a shameless hussy"  ;D :o :P

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/26/04 at 8:43 am

So in the bus I rode

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/26/04 at 8:50 am

When I noticed the driver was Toad

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 04/26/04 at 8:51 am

I doused him with salt...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 04/26/04 at 9:16 am

Which looked incredibly sussy  ::) :P

I thought you might say "There drove a shameless hussy"  ;D :o :P

That would've been better than what I came up with  :P ;D

He hopped and then croaked

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/26/04 at 9:29 am

And he exited into the commode.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/26/04 at 5:10 pm

Ha ha!  Got you Toad, I cried

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/26/04 at 7:00 pm

After the webbed one had dried

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/27/04 at 5:04 am

Frogs' legs for me!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 04/27/04 at 5:37 am

They're great for tea

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/27/04 at 8:42 am

That is only if they have died  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/27/04 at 1:22 pm

They all have contracted toad stools.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/27/04 at 4:59 pm

No wonder they're feeling such fools

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 04/27/04 at 9:32 pm

They pooped out a 'shroom...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/28/04 at 5:43 am

Which left lots of room

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 04/28/04 at 7:23 am

For more fungi one would assume

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/28/04 at 5:30 pm

Was the rhyming on that one quite right?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/29/04 at 12:55 am

Three rhymes are a weird sort o' sight.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/29/04 at 3:30 am

'Cause three seems just wrong

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 04/29/04 at 7:06 am

It just doesn't belong

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 04/29/04 at 7:31 am

Any wonder they all sound like sh!te  !!!  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/29/04 at 9:12 am

Jaytee how very succinct.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 04/29/04 at 11:19 am

IndyGent said, and he winked

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 04/29/04 at 1:11 pm

And Jaytee did cheer

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/04/04 at 5:36 am

And bought us a beer  well, no harm in wishful thinking...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 05/04/04 at 7:07 am

Just wish I could make out the fine print ! ;D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 05/04/04 at 8:14 am

Philbo was just wishful thinkin'

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/04/04 at 9:10 am

'Bout beer, and free and gratis drinkin'

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 05/05/04 at 9:03 am

What else could it be ?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/05/04 at 10:13 am

That we can get for free?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Claude_Prez on 05/05/04 at 3:26 pm

I hear they got free slaves from Lincoln

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/05/04 at 4:39 pm

Oh, I say, Claude that was a corker!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Claude_Prez on 05/05/04 at 9:51 pm

I'm glad to hear it wasn't torture

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/05/04 at 10:28 pm

'cause torture might kill

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 05/06/04 at 1:17 am

Or it might be a thrill...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/06/04 at 4:01 am

And you'd see the pix in the New Yorker  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 05/06/04 at 5:26 am

(oo, oo I get to start a limerick)

Now what shall my first line be?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Claude_Prez on 05/06/04 at 11:15 am

I think that by now it's line three

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/06/04 at 11:27 am

Or is this line four?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Claude_Prez on 05/06/04 at 3:25 pm

Now just add one more

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/06/04 at 4:33 pm

Now there's six plus or minus one... see?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/06/04 at 4:43 pm

Now I have to start over

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/06/04 at 5:38 pm

As I'm walking to LA from Dover...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/06/04 at 5:56 pm

Take care lest you get wet

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/06/04 at 5:59 pm

I meant Delaware, twit! ;D ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/06/04 at 6:04 pm

Careful, less I start to push and shover  ;D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/06/04 at 6:06 pm

In a wrestling match I would win....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/06/04 at 6:07 pm

(Ha!) You would need to bring a twin !

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/06/04 at 6:08 pm

Which you'd love, I suspect...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/06/04 at 6:10 pm

far be it from me to object

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/06/04 at 6:12 pm

Might as well double the sin...  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/06/04 at 6:13 pm

There once was a poster named Karen

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/06/04 at 6:14 pm

Who of this thread was quite wary'n...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/06/04 at 6:17 pm

her posts here were missing

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/06/04 at 10:41 pm

Liked an end in botched brissing

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/06/04 at 10:47 pm

it SUDDENLY ended quite barren  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/06/04 at 10:49 pm

Limericks are syllabically 'fusing...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/06/04 at 10:57 pm

Should be careful of which you are using

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/07/04 at 7:19 am

The words you should use

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 05/07/04 at 7:24 am

So as not to confuse...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 05/07/04 at 7:50 am

Shouldn't be English abusing

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/07/04 at 8:12 am

Your english must be quite correct....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 05/07/04 at 8:31 am

If your limericks are to be perfect

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/07/04 at 8:33 am

the timing's just right

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/07/04 at 12:05 pm

If you were to recite

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/07/04 at 1:34 pm

Then the men would all stand erect. ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/07/04 at 2:28 pm

I'm not sure I'd call it perfection

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/07/04 at 3:25 pm

It might be the other direction.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/08/04 at 6:58 pm

What, you'd call it wrong?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/08/04 at 11:03 pm

Might become a swan song

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/09/04 at 6:59 am

If the wrong person wins the election ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/12/04 at 10:36 am

By that, you must not like Dubya

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/13/04 at 5:50 pm

Oh, no - if you met him, he'd snub ya

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/13/04 at 7:30 pm

Like he does Colin Powell?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/14/04 at 10:14 am

Or Theresa Jowell*

*Culture secretary, whose name just happens to rhyme

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/14/04 at 1:14 pm

So he'll choke like his dad in Novemba.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/14/04 at 5:41 pm

There's easier rhyming for "Kerry"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/14/04 at 8:34 pm

But even he is so very scary

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/17/04 at 5:00 am

You'll wake up at night

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 05/17/04 at 6:52 am

And switch on the light

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/17/04 at 10:43 am

To see someone's stolen your cherry :-\\

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/17/04 at 12:40 pm

So how can you make cherry pie?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/18/04 at 9:08 am

With no cherry, it's hard... so say I

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/18/04 at 8:08 pm

So let's pick some organic

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/19/04 at 5:01 am

Satanic mechanic

Couldn't resist the Rocky Horror quote, even if it is out of context ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 05/19/04 at 6:30 am

So come on let's give it a try.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/19/04 at 6:57 am

OK, so come up to the lab...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 05/19/04 at 7:43 am

And pop yourself up on the slab  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/19/04 at 8:01 am

We'll open you up...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/19/04 at 8:21 am

And see you shiver with anticip...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/24/04 at 4:36 am

...pation - or call you a cab

seeing as nobody else wanted to finish it off...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 05/24/04 at 6:31 am

seeing as nobody else wanted to finish it off...

maybe they were wondering how antici... rhymed with up?  ???

When we tried to sew you up

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 05/24/04 at 7:14 am

The thread all knotted and snapped

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/24/04 at 11:41 am

A temporary loss of rhyme

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/25/04 at 3:48 am

maybe they were wondering how antici... rhymed with up?  ???

anticip... pronounced "antissup"

Which doesn't sound right ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/25/04 at 8:54 am

Okay, let's try a traditional rhyming limerick this time

There was man named al-Sadr

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/25/04 at 3:50 pm

Who could have behaved a lot badr

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 05/26/04 at 3:53 am

but he listened to his mum

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/26/04 at 4:12 am

And then he kept schtumm

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 05/26/04 at 11:27 am

Which made his enemies even madr

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/26/04 at 6:13 pm

There once was a place called Fallujah

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/27/04 at 1:18 am

To Alllah, they said "Hallellujah!"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/27/04 at 1:23 am

They bowed towards Mecca

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/27/04 at 1:32 am

The town was a wreck-a

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/27/04 at 1:33 am

And the lib'rals still haven't a clue-la.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/27/04 at 1:39 am

At least in the good USA

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/27/04 at 1:43 am

The ACLU lets us pray.... ::)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/27/04 at 1:44 am

To every single god

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/27/04 at 1:46 am

Like Tzelpaxc and Zbgubrod

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/27/04 at 1:59 am

Most have the devil to pay.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/27/04 at 6:37 am

But in England it causes a schism

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/27/04 at 9:04 am

They itch at the sight of those 'isms'.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/27/04 at 11:04 am

And they pray that it will

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/27/04 at 1:58 pm

That their lives will be filled

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/27/04 at 2:25 pm

If viewed the right way through a prism

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/27/04 at 3:29 pm

Because it has lots of colors

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/28/04 at 12:37 am

These rhymes will drive Phil into cholers

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/28/04 at 7:43 am

So collar yourself

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: dude on 05/29/04 at 4:43 am

Put your inhibitions on the shelf.......

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 05/29/04 at 7:03 am

At Kintrye, with all of those 'mullers'  ::) :P

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/29/04 at 12:59 pm

Do you think you might get "Muller Lite"?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 05/29/04 at 8:23 pm

Spell caref'ly or you'll be in a fight.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 05/30/04 at 2:44 am

But 'ware 'tudes of 'postrophes...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: dude on 05/30/04 at 4:28 am

But 'ware 'tudes of 'postrophes...
You expect me to rhyme with ^..........please!?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 05/30/04 at 3:54 pm

Hey, Dude, that's a rhyme to delight ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 05/31/04 at 2:34 am

Tho' it truly was not too polite! :o ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: dude on 05/31/04 at 3:27 am

Still, it's a beautiful sight! :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 05/31/04 at 3:29 am

That line made a triplett....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: dude on 05/31/04 at 3:39 am

That is, if you count yours as doubling it.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 05/31/04 at 3:40 am

So a limerick doth go mis-adight!  ;D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: dude on 05/31/04 at 3:43 am

I hate to, but must bid you ado. :-\\

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: dude on 05/31/04 at 3:46 am

Your memory is GREAT! :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 05/31/04 at 3:46 am

But I had so much fun stalking you!  8)

Ooops! Ha ha. Modified too fast!  ;D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/01/04 at 4:37 pm

Will this confusion last? :-\\

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/03/04 at 12:49 am

Or will it go past....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/03/04 at 10:10 am

(Actually, Zella, I made my last line to rhyme with "Modified Too Fast". To save us from more confusion, please pick a word that doesn't rhyme. Thank you. :))
Or will it go past....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/03/04 at 11:57 pm

Start anew to end Indy's confusion....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 06/04/04 at 3:13 am

I'm finding it mightly amusin'

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/04/04 at 5:41 pm

When Indy's unsure

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/04/04 at 7:26 pm

Starts the flying of fur

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/05/04 at 2:45 pm

And the sub-text gets way too bemusin'

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/06/04 at 10:13 pm

Now we are back at Square One.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/07/04 at 5:49 am

After all the cool lines we have done

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/07/04 at 9:46 am

And the people who made them

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/07/04 at 12:36 pm

Are feeling dismayed, when

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/08/04 at 8:54 am

Confusion takes out all the fun.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/09/04 at 4:30 am

If they need an occasional "Bump"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 06/09/04 at 8:10 am

We'll smack 'em quite hard on the rump

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/09/04 at 9:52 am

And our limericks might

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/09/04 at 11:14 am

Cause the pastors a fright

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/09/04 at 12:11 pm

If we ever get out of this slump

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/09/04 at 1:48 pm

But what if we get on a roll?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/09/04 at 4:56 pm

Maybe success will take its toll

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/09/04 at 7:55 pm

It ain't what it's cracked up

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/10/04 at 12:55 am

To be when it's stacked up

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/10/04 at 8:51 am

But success is a mighty goal.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/11/04 at 9:58 am

But some you win, and some you lose

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/11/04 at 8:17 pm

Said Phil as he poured more booze  ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/12/04 at 12:49 am

And hit on his bong...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 06/12/04 at 8:40 am

And pulled on his thong (OMG the mind boggles!)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/12/04 at 10:29 am

Then took off on a round-the-world cruise :D :D :D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/14/04 at 10:30 am

But Philbo's boat was sunk :D :D :D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/14/04 at 11:12 am

That's what comes of getting too drunk

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/14/04 at 1:12 pm

The captain was Stubing

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/15/04 at 1:30 am

He got wrapped up in tubing...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/15/04 at 4:33 am

Jumped overboard, then did a bunk

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/16/04 at 12:35 am

This rhyme will not have Philbo innit...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/16/04 at 11:51 am

So he just have to bear and grinnit

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/16/04 at 5:58 pm

(Make sure I'm not seen)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 06/16/04 at 6:04 pm

Yeah Zella's so mean!!  ;D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/17/04 at 12:43 am

Making rhymes way too hard at beginnit... ::)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/17/04 at 4:04 am

This limerick will be much easier

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: dude on 06/17/04 at 4:21 am

Although, maybe, a bit sleezier :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/17/04 at 12:52 pm

If it's dirty, it's fun

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/17/04 at 5:45 pm

And now we have begun

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/17/04 at 7:40 pm

To make some limericks weaselier. 8)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 06/18/04 at 12:29 am

Returning to the traditional:

There once was a hobbit named Pippin...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/18/04 at 3:51 am

Who never was much good at tippin'

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 06/18/04 at 8:54 am

A real cheapskate...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/18/04 at 1:08 pm

It ticked off his date

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/18/04 at 4:42 pm

But at least she weren't with Dr Crippen

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/18/04 at 5:36 pm

And who, Phil, is this Crippen fellow?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/18/04 at 5:54 pm

Briefly off-topic: from my father's poem "Second thoughts on matrimony" -
Crippen was a great guy, he chopped his wife in pieces
Put them under the cellar floor to hide from the polices
Dressed his woman as a boy and took her on a ship
A pity there was radio to go and spoil their trip

...his fame (or notoriety) stems from him being the first criminal to be caught with the aid of a radio

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/18/04 at 10:43 pm

Sorry I asked. ::) ;)
Now back to our limericks.
There once was a boy named Lady

Briefly off-topic: from my father's poem "Second thoughts on matrimony" -
Crippen was a great guy, he chopped his wife in pieces
Put them under the cellar floor to hide from the polices
Dressed his woman as a boy and took her on a ship
A pity there was radio to go and spoil their trip

...his fame (or notoriety) stems from him being the first criminal to be caught with the aid of a radio

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/19/04 at 3:30 am

And his girlfriend, one Paddy O'Grady

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 06/19/04 at 8:16 am

They were peas in a pod

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 06/20/04 at 5:42 am

Some thought they were odd

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/20/04 at 12:29 pm

Very odd, indeed.. and a bit shady

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 06/21/04 at 7:12 am

Sitting under a shady gum tree

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 06/21/04 at 8:16 am

i sat my bum on a bee  :(

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/21/04 at 8:39 am

The bumblebee buzzed

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/21/04 at 3:39 pm

And the buzzing was caused

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 06/26/04 at 12:06 am

By the swelling of some parts by three!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 06/26/04 at 8:01 am

In Upper Kumbucta West

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 06/26/04 at 9:09 am

I stopped my car for a rest

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/28/04 at 5:28 am

The thing was too hot

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 06/28/04 at 6:22 am

the engine was shot

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/28/04 at 7:07 am

And the tyres took weeks to digest :-)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 06/28/04 at 7:59 am

A helicopter came to my rescue

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/28/04 at 10:50 am

By a Romanian named Dominescu

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/28/04 at 12:04 pm

But then he dropped dead

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/28/04 at 1:24 pm

From a tincture of lead

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/28/04 at 4:55 pm

Wrapped round a bust of Ceausescu

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/29/04 at 2:09 am

There once was a loveable ferret...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 06/29/04 at 7:27 am

Who had a nut, but wouldn't share it

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 06/29/04 at 9:41 am

along came a rabbit

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/29/04 at 1:14 pm

And tried to grab it!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/29/04 at 1:47 pm

In return the bunny left him a carrot.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/30/04 at 12:17 am

Why must I always begin 'em?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/30/04 at 12:27 am

'Cause you're not here as much as the men n ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 06/30/04 at 12:28 am

That's hardly a reason...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/30/04 at 12:37 am

Then why are you teasin'? ???

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/05/04 at 11:10 am

..And I think Zella don't like endin' em ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 07/06/04 at 1:10 am

Dear Phil has a magical wit...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 07/06/04 at 3:49 am

Even though he's a bit of a git! (just jokin' Phil!) ;) ;D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/06/04 at 7:16 am

I'm sure that's a joke...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 07/06/04 at 10:24 am

'cos he's a nice bloke

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/06/04 at 12:33 pm

Who really could not give a wink?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 07/07/04 at 4:05 am

The weather is set to turn stormy

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/07/04 at 6:30 am

Yep, wind and rain- just the thing for me

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 07/07/04 at 6:33 am

batten down the hatches

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/07/04 at 6:58 am

Fasten the catches

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 07/07/04 at 8:26 am

Lest ye be lost at sea  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/07/04 at 9:11 am

There once was an Aussie FussBudget

...obviously too hard that one...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/14/04 at 1:16 pm

There once was a woman named Fitz

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 07/15/04 at 10:27 pm

Who gave everybody the shi :o

Who had a pair of incredible ti  :o

Whose hair was all hopping with nits !

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/16/04 at 4:27 am

And at tea at the vicar's

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 07/16/04 at 4:28 am

one fell in her knickers

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 07/16/04 at 8:23 am

But was retrieved by swimmer, Mark Spitz  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/16/04 at 8:57 am

He got a gold medal for that

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 07/16/04 at 9:20 am

and for wearing a big floppy hat

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/16/04 at 4:15 pm

And those thin Speedo things

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 07/18/04 at 9:05 am

And some cute water wings

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 07/18/04 at 9:36 am

And the fact that he was rather fat

But he threw it away, said "that's that" (zzz)

And for sitting down on a cat's lap (impossible! lol)


There once was a girl, name of Ripp

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/18/04 at 1:35 pm

Who took acid and had a bad trip  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 07/18/04 at 3:00 pm


She ate some cold pie

So, trying to stir

Eating a flapjack

She fell down the stairs

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 07/22/04 at 4:11 am

And said "See you later"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Taoist on 07/22/04 at 5:08 am

To the octopus sailing the ship

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 07/22/04 at 6:25 am

A man, name of Andrew Rouge

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 07/22/04 at 6:27 am

Had a snoz that was awesomely huge

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 07/22/04 at 7:40 am

When he wanted to sneeze

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Taoist on 07/22/04 at 8:22 am

He first bent his knees

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 07/23/04 at 5:11 am

And went speeding as though on the luge!!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Taoist on 07/23/04 at 7:06 am

Whilst sunning myself on the beach

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/23/04 at 4:42 pm

I spotted a bloodsucking leech

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 07/24/04 at 8:16 am

So I picked up my sun lotion

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 07/24/04 at 9:42 am

Which caused a commotion

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 07/24/04 at 2:20 pm

'Cause my back I could never reach

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 07/24/04 at 4:11 pm

I squirted the horrible creature

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/25/04 at 4:09 pm

(I mean my Biology teacher)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 07/30/04 at 8:53 am

It shuddered and shook

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/30/04 at 9:48 am

'n said "By hook or by crook"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 08/03/04 at 7:13 am

Do that again and I'll eat ya!!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 08/03/04 at 8:05 am

I flung myself across the room

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 08/03/04 at 10:09 am

when someone said "Here's the groom"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 08/03/04 at 2:52 pm

And threw some confetti

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 08/03/04 at 7:18 pm

On the bride whose name's Betty

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 08/04/04 at 10:42 am

Then Betty gave birth in her womb.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 08/04/04 at 10:49 am

She gave birth to a beautiful girl

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 08/04/04 at 10:57 am

Now their life is just one big whirl

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 08/05/04 at 1:24 pm

Of "mammy"s and "pappy"s

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 08/06/04 at 7:01 am

And wet sh!tty nappies

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 08/06/04 at 7:12 am

whose smell will make you hurl

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 08/06/04 at 9:10 am

Ah yes! The miracle of birth

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 08/06/04 at 10:21 am

gives you a tummy of a huge girth!  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 08/06/04 at 5:35 pm

Well, I got one, too

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 08/07/04 at 3:41 am

Is it something stupid, philbo?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 08/07/04 at 8:32 am

'Tis bigger than most on this earth?  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 08/07/04 at 4:43 pm

I said that I would lose some weight

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 08/07/04 at 9:44 pm

I would be lucky to date

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 08/12/04 at 8:48 am

A girl that I wanna

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 08/12/04 at 9:42 am

eat a banana  :o 

(well what else rhymes?)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 08/12/04 at 11:35 am

That's calorie-free but tastes great

(well what else rhymes?)

I was thinking of "J-Lo or Madonna"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 08/12/04 at 3:29 pm

So that what they call "on the Dole"! :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 08/12/04 at 3:30 pm

A clam with a genius I.Q.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 08/12/04 at 3:38 pm

(That doesn't rhyme with dole, Johnny ::))
A clam with a genius I.Q.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 08/12/04 at 6:23 pm

(That doesn't rhyme with dole, Johnny ::))

Given that he posted 64 seconds after you, IG, I guess JD thought he was starting a limerick, too... so I guess:

>So that's what they call "on the Dole"!
A political party's own goal

>A clam with a genius I.Q.
Tried to say "I know much more than you"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 08/13/04 at 2:05 am

So that's what they call "on the Dole"!
A political party's own goal
Is to sling the most dirt

At whom it will most hurt

A clam with a genius I.Q.
Tried to say "I know much more than you"
But his mouth, it stayed shut

And I know he tried, but

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 08/13/04 at 4:43 am

So that's what they call "on the Dole"!
A political party's own goal
Is to sling the most dirt
At whom it will most hurt

and dig themselves in a hole

A clam with a genius I.Q.
Tried to say "I know much more than you"
But his mouth, it stayed shut
And I know he tried, but

it sounded like "coo coo ca choo"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 08/13/04 at 6:16 am

I am totally dazed and confused

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 08/13/04 at 11:30 am

Three cheers for The Man In The Moon!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/01/04 at 7:56 am

I guess we'll be meeting him soon

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/01/04 at 8:05 am

He's just a big cheese

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 09/01/04 at 8:08 am

Edam, if you please

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/01/04 at 8:13 am

At least he's not made of Coon  :)

(And before anyone starts poking knitting needles in their FussBudget dolls, in Australia we have a brand of cheese called "Coon")

So cope with it  ;)

refer below

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/01/04 at 9:17 am

The cheeses that they sell down under

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/01/04 at 5:24 pm

Are as fresh as a loaf of Wonder

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/02/04 at 8:27 am

And you wonder if they

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/02/04 at 4:18 pm

Have they ever been grey

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/02/04 at 5:14 pm

'Cause that would for sure be a blunder

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/03/04 at 4:12 pm

The Swiss cheese no longer has holes

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/03/04 at 5:38 pm

They've been eaten by mice, rats and voles

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/04/04 at 1:06 am

To them it wasn't filling

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/04/04 at 7:36 am

Was expensive, the billing...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 09/04/04 at 7:38 am

I think they'd be best on a roll

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/04/04 at 7:51 am

A fresh roll is just the best

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 09/04/04 at 8:59 am

If you have it with butter, no less

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/04/04 at 9:04 am

with black poppy seeds

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/04/04 at 3:41 pm

And precision in knead

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/05/04 at 1:58 am

But when I try it just makes a mess

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/06/04 at 1:07 am

Don't worry Phil, you'll get better

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/06/04 at 7:25 am

Maybe, if I can forget 'er

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/06/04 at 7:36 am

But the thought lingers on

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 09/06/04 at 7:44 am

Like a bit of a pong  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/06/04 at 7:46 am

Like the dung of a great big red setter  :-\\

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/06/04 at 8:47 am

Thanks, Fuss, for that "great" mental image

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 09/07/04 at 4:14 pm

I took a picture to stick on the fridge (well? I dunno what rhymes)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 09/08/04 at 6:44 am

It made people ill

Like the dung of a great big red setter  :-\\

(Clifford the Big Red Dog fan?)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 09/08/04 at 7:06 am

Including our Phil(bo) ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 09/08/04 at 7:10 am

Which was off-putting, just a smidge

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/08/04 at 6:08 pm

A smidge, an iota or dash

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 09/09/04 at 6:55 am

was said by a man with a 'tache

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/09/04 at 11:05 am

He was oblivious

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 09/09/04 at 11:07 am

that stating the obvious

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/09/04 at 11:18 am

Would disappear in a flash

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: stingr22 on 09/09/04 at 8:29 pm

Just like his cash

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 09/10/04 at 12:06 pm


Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/10/04 at 12:08 pm


Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 09/10/04 at 1:30 pm

I think they want you to start over since 'flash' ended the last limerick.

Just like his cash

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 09/19/04 at 2:48 pm

A lady went by the name of Ripp

(If you want you can choose one of these or make up ur own)

She had a child called "Nip"She poked at the small sign sayin' "Bip"To the toilet, she had to Nip (!!!)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/19/04 at 3:10 pm

And she'd frequently gambol and skip

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 09/22/04 at 6:12 am

playfully about

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/22/04 at 6:29 am

Then she'd scream and shout

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 09/22/04 at 7:07 am

Until she choked on a hot chip

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/22/04 at 7:22 am

(a new limerick specially for our Aussie visitors):

Man-of-the-match Michael Vaughan

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/22/04 at 7:29 am

(a new limerick specially for our Aussie visitors):

Man-of-the-match Michael Vaughan

Grrr  ;)

"Was approached by Shane Warne, for some porn"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/22/04 at 8:27 am

He said "Here's something blue:
Forty-two for two"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 09/22/04 at 8:28 am

We wish Vaughan had never been born

;D ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 09/22/04 at 8:36 am

But remember Oz v USA ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 10/05/04 at 7:51 am

Has anyone something to say??

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 10/05/04 at 8:21 am

They're all keeping quiet

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 10/05/04 at 8:29 am

Hey let's start a riot!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/05/04 at 8:43 am

A riot?  Hell, that's me away ;-)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 10/06/04 at 6:59 am

Do Americans not like to rhyme?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/06/04 at 8:12 am

Sometimes we British don't either  ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 10/08/04 at 6:00 am

perhaps there's no point

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/08/04 at 6:14 am

In finding a rhyme

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 10/08/04 at 6:16 am

Because that just makes things difficult

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/08/04 at 6:53 am

:D:D:D back to normal...

There once was an unfriendly hippo

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/08/04 at 7:15 am

That had an unlucky slip. Ohh! :-[

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/08/04 at 8:30 am

With the grace of a cat

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 10/08/04 at 8:34 am

He feel full face, flat

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/08/04 at 8:40 am

And now he can no longer skip-o  :-\\

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/08/04 at 9:14 am

There was a young fellow from Philly

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 10/08/04 at 9:26 am

Who was always incredibly silly  :D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/08/04 at 9:39 am

Till the day he found out

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/08/04 at 9:56 am

He had syph'lis and gout

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/08/04 at 10:13 am

And soon was to loose his darn willy :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/08/04 at 6:59 pm

Who in here likes this ol' thread?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/09/04 at 1:21 pm

I warn you: say "Yes", or you're dead

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 10/11/04 at 7:14 am

I'm not sure that threats

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 10/11/04 at 7:31 am

Will help in our quest

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/11/04 at 7:33 am

OK, then - ignore what I said ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 10/11/04 at 7:40 am

What was that, that Philbo just said ?  ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 10/11/04 at 7:43 am

I don't know, it went out of my head

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/11/04 at 8:53 am

Sigh.. whatever I say
Seems to vanish that way

(sorry for doing two lines, but it fit so nicely)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/12/04 at 9:24 am

Perhaps he could sing it instead :P

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/13/04 at 3:46 am

But I cannot remember, myself!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/13/04 at 6:22 am

What you need is the help of an elf.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 10/13/04 at 7:30 am

With big pointy ears

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/13/04 at 7:39 am

And a 12 pack of beers! :D

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/13/04 at 8:22 am

Cheers!  Hic! Your ver' good helf

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/13/04 at 8:32 am

Now that Phils mem'ry is back.

Cheers!  Hic! Your ver' good helf

ROFL ;D That's great!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 10/13/04 at 9:07 am

He's going to make a wise crack

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/13/04 at 10:21 am

And his crack is so wise...

ROFL ;D That's great!

Thank you :)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 10/13/04 at 11:02 am

That its wisdom implies...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/13/04 at 11:07 am

He knows more than just talking smack.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/13/04 at 11:12 am

Ah, fellows, you're simply too kind

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 10/13/04 at 11:36 am

Your flattery boggles my mind.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 10/17/04 at 6:15 am

But since eating my pie
When I'm playing in mud

I never knew that

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/17/04 at 11:20 am

Because I'm so phat. 8)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/17/04 at 12:18 pm

But if I keep it up, I'll go blind ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/18/04 at 5:19 pm

Maybe it's too late for Pee Wee

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/19/04 at 6:26 am

He should'nt have shown his wee-wee

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/19/04 at 7:00 am

But it's all for the best

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 10/20/04 at 7:31 am

What ? Surely you jest ! ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/20/04 at 7:46 am

No, no! I'm sincere!  Honest... (tee hee)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/20/04 at 8:45 am

The story's descended to dongs...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 10/20/04 at 9:05 am

Perhaps we should change it to songs?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/20/04 at 1:16 pm

I want to break free

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/20/04 at 1:59 pm

no more speak of will-y

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/20/04 at 5:59 pm

So tough to you shingers of shlongs

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/20/04 at 9:03 pm

Nothing about shlongs neither

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/28/04 at 9:14 am

From smut we must now take a breather

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 10/28/04 at 9:40 am

Before Chucky steps in

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 10/30/04 at 12:35 am

And catches our sin...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/30/04 at 1:05 am

And bashes our brains with a cleaver. ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 10/30/04 at 1:06 am

There once was a knight with a mace...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/30/04 at 1:12 am

He swung it at a criminal's face (Is that better, Merry?) ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Meriadoc on 10/30/04 at 1:14 am

;D ;D ;D

(A mace, not SOME mace...)

His knowlege of weaponry.....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/30/04 at 1:18 am

Was as bad as the circuitry

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/30/04 at 6:57 pm

That's why he came in second place

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/31/04 at 6:16 pm

'Cause the other knight had a pole

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/01/04 at 1:06 pm

It 'twas pointed at a small hole

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/01/04 at 7:05 pm

Which grew out to be big

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/03/04 at 2:16 am

And stuffed with a fig   :-\\

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 11/03/04 at 2:54 am

My ending must seem rather droll  :-\\

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/03/04 at 6:39 am

Droll would be slightly harsh, dontcha think?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/03/04 at 8:04 am

But don't let it drive you to drink

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 11/03/04 at 8:11 am

It's not worth it, you see..

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/03/04 at 8:14 am

you should feel quite luck-y

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 11/03/04 at 8:37 am

don't let this thread bring you to the brink

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/03/04 at 9:38 am

'Cause bush winning will do that, instead

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/03/04 at 9:43 am

just giggle at kerry's bowed head ::)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/03/04 at 7:57 pm

And no hope for Nader

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/04/04 at 2:14 am

His time may come lader ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/04/04 at 4:53 pm

If he can remove all the lead.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 11/05/04 at 12:11 pm

Bush is so very stupid!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/05/04 at 2:42 pm

you should be on the political board if you think you got dupe - ed

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 11/06/04 at 7:35 am

So lay down your guns

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 11/06/04 at 7:35 am

This place is for funs

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 11/06/04 at 7:37 am

Take a pill, and your head will get droop-ed  :)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 11/06/04 at 7:51 am

There was a young man called Fuss

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 11/06/04 at 7:56 am

Who hammered his thumb, so he cussed  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 11/06/04 at 8:02 am

His nail turned black  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/06/04 at 8:14 am

So he hammered thae back

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/06/04 at 5:59 pm

Then his toes got run o'er by a bus

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 11/08/04 at 7:05 am

Fuss' toes got squished by a bus

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 11/08/04 at 7:16 am

The wind blew and his hair got all mussed....  :(

(What there is left of it, grrrr)  >:(

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/08/04 at 7:19 am

And then what hair was left

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 11/08/04 at 7:20 am

He got permed and set  :o

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 11/08/04 at 7:27 am

Then got hit on, by some guy named Gus  :\'(

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/08/04 at 7:59 am

Oh, the joys of living down under

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/08/04 at 8:03 am

It certainly does make you wonder.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/08/04 at 5:15 pm

How the john water turns

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/08/04 at 5:18 pm

And in spouts it returns

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/08/04 at 5:24 pm

And how it comes down with the thunder.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/08/04 at 5:30 pm

Now, Indy, that sounds rather messy

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/08/04 at 6:14 pm

Excuse me, has anyone seen Jessie? ::)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/09/04 at 6:47 am

I thought she was here

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/09/04 at 6:57 am

I thought she went for a beer

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/09/04 at 8:06 am

And then refought the Battle of Crécy

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/09/04 at 10:00 am

I didn't know she was skilled on the longbow

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/09/04 at 10:42 am

I thought she kept pulling the wrong bow

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/09/04 at 1:12 pm

And she far missed the mark.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Grendle on 11/10/04 at 12:21 am

Fumbling 'round in the dark....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 11/10/04 at 3:46 am

her shot laid King Kong low

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/10/04 at 3:52 am

On the bright side, at least she missed Grendel ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/10/04 at 5:26 am

Luckily her shot it did dwindle

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 11/11/04 at 11:46 pm

By reversing two digits....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/12/04 at 5:55 am

And switching the widgets

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 11/12/04 at 6:05 am

It turned into the Rock and Roll Swindle

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/12/04 at 7:48 am

C'Mon, let's all go rock 'n' rolling

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/12/04 at 8:37 am

Should we invite Deep Purple's Tommy Bolin?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 11/12/04 at 8:55 am

What about Robert Plant ?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/12/04 at 9:10 am

He'd come, but he can't

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/12/04 at 10:44 am

Oh, that's right, he went bowling.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 11/13/04 at 2:34 am

There once was a sad armadillo....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 11/13/04 at 8:01 am

Who had an un-comfy pillow

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/13/04 at 11:02 am

When he tried to sleep

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/13/04 at 2:51 pm

An ant started to creep

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/18/04 at 11:15 am

Then whipped his backside with some willow

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 11/18/04 at 12:14 pm

one day whilst driving my car

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/18/04 at 12:29 pm

I saw something wholly bizarre:

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 11/18/04 at 12:46 pm

a turtle with two heads

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/19/04 at 9:46 am

both braided with dreads

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/19/04 at 10:15 am

And it was smoking cigars.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/19/04 at 12:26 pm

"Damn!  I've lost my camera!" I cursed

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/21/04 at 9:40 pm

I should have loaded film first.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/29/04 at 10:08 am

Then at least I'd have shot

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/29/04 at 11:30 am

If I'd find my f-stop

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/29/04 at 11:43 am

And it's on live TV, unrehearsed :-[

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/29/04 at 2:15 pm

So Phil, them's the breaks

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/29/04 at 3:56 pm

So, as from your dream you wakes

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 11/29/04 at 4:02 pm

If you're feeling uncertain

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/29/04 at 6:21 pm

Get up, draw that curtain

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 11/29/04 at 7:45 pm

Then sit down and poop two sheesh_shakes.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 11/29/04 at 7:48 pm

The doctor said that I should eat

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/30/04 at 6:23 am

At least twenty kilos of meat

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 11/30/04 at 8:56 am

so, three times a day

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/30/04 at 10:26 am

I stuff it away

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 11/30/04 at 10:41 am

no carrots or beans

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/30/04 at 11:49 am

Nooo... you missed the first two lines of the limerick on the previous page... we should be:

The doctor said that I should eat
At least twenty kilos of meat
So, three times a day
I stuff it away

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 11/30/04 at 11:56 am

Until I shat bison complete

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 11/30/04 at 11:58 am

Sir Francis Drake's hundred-foot clipper

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/30/04 at 12:09 pm

Cuts fingernails, toenails and Flipper

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 11/30/04 at 1:03 pm

Nooo... you missed the first two lines of the limerick on the previous page... we should be:

The doctor said that I should eat
At least twenty kilos of meat
So, three times a day
I stuff it away

Did not!

when I clicked on the little link to this page to read what you posted it took me to your post of

At least twenty kilos of meat

Hence my reply

no carrots or beans

I didn't spot the next page and neither did the quick link doo-dah either!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 11/30/04 at 1:07 pm

Cuts fingernails, toenails and Flipper

He sailed the High Seas

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/30/04 at 1:20 pm

Did not!

OIC... yes, that does make more sense... (however tempted I was to write "Did too!")

Sir Francis Drake's hundred-foot clipper
Cuts fingernails, toenails and Flipper
He sailed the High Seas

Caught a dolphin disease

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 11/30/04 at 1:22 pm

Sir Francis Drake's hundred-foot clipper
Cuts fingernails, toenails and Flipper
He sailed the High Seas
Caught a dolphin disease

And now his mandrake is a dripper

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 11/30/04 at 3:52 pm

A brave exopthalmic from Mars

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/30/04 at 4:24 pm

Said "I can see things in the stars"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Johnny_D on 11/30/04 at 4:25 pm

When he looked at J-Lo

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 11/30/04 at 6:33 pm

He noticed a glow

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 11/30/04 at 7:14 pm

For her butt couldn't fit in two cars.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 12/01/04 at 12:39 am

I was kind of hoping for "T'was the sun shining out of her 'R's" ;)

I'm off for a couple of days

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 12/01/04 at 8:25 am

We'll miss you, as always

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 12/03/04 at 4:58 am

Thanks - now I'm back

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 12/03/04 at 8:00 am

That went quick as a snack !

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 12/03/04 at 9:40 am

Well, I'm always quick... so they says ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 12/03/04 at 10:15 am

I'm not a mindreader, Phil. ;D ;)
I was kind of hoping for "T'was the sun shining out of her 'R's" ;)

Now for Philbo's return

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 01/04/05 at 7:31 pm

But for monthe this threade he doth spurne...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/04/05 at 9:30 pm

Got tired of the syllables

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/05/05 at 8:06 am

'Cause they're all unbillables

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/05/05 at 4:03 pm

I guess we have lots to learn. :(

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/05/05 at 4:33 pm

Well, I hope all your new years are happy

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/05/05 at 4:41 pm

And let's hope that the songs aren't so sappy

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/05/05 at 4:54 pm

Yeah, that'd be good

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/05/05 at 4:56 pm

And that's the way it should

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/05/05 at 5:08 pm

And would make me a well happy chappy :)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/05/05 at 5:12 pm

So today is the Fifth

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/06/05 at 5:41 pm

It was, when you said thifth

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/07/05 at 7:55 am

Is that even a word?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/07/05 at 12:01 pm

No, but a rhyme had occurred

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/07/05 at 9:16 pm

That certainly gave me a lifth.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 01/08/05 at 1:34 am

There once was a lass named Clarinda...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/08/05 at 1:35 am

There once was a lass named Clarinda...

Who burnt her cakes to a cinder...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 01/08/05 at 1:38 am

She spread on some aloe....

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/08/05 at 1:39 am

Then fell on the floor...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 01/08/05 at 1:46 am

Then fell on the floor...

(aloe/floor - must be some dialectic rhyme scheme or something...  :) )

And knew for a month she'd be ti nder.... :P

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/08/05 at 1:48 am

(aloe/floor - must be some dialectic rhyme scheme or something...  :) )

And knew for a month she'd be ti nder.... :P

I read it as a-law ...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Zella on 01/08/05 at 1:57 am

I read it as a-law ...

Close enough!  :)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/08/05 at 3:23 pm

Continuing with a new limerick

There once was a man with bad sinus

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/08/05 at 5:14 pm

Who sneezed over the Royal Highness

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Bobby on 01/08/05 at 5:28 pm

Didn't like it a lot

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/08/05 at 5:34 pm

Being covered with snot

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Bobby on 01/08/05 at 5:44 pm

Now she wears green for her nightdress.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/08/05 at 5:46 pm

That reminds me a little of this

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Bobby on 01/08/05 at 5:57 pm

That reminds me a little of this

Unreal lol. It says a lot about us, heh Phil?  ;D

Great parody.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/18/05 at 2:46 am

New Limerick

There was a young lad named Leonado

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/18/05 at 7:23 am

Who painted a ripe avocado

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 01/18/05 at 7:34 am

a strange shade of pink

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/18/05 at 8:06 am

then stopped to think

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/18/05 at 9:32 am

That it rather decreased his bravado

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/20/05 at 2:42 pm

But he couldn't believe his libido

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/21/05 at 6:27 pm

Once he'd taken a toke of the weed, oh!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/22/05 at 12:58 pm

He had gotten so high

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 01/22/05 at 6:05 pm

He'd unbuttoned his fly

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 01/22/05 at 9:03 pm

And took of his tiny little Speedo.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/01/05 at 4:26 pm

But yet he started again.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 02/02/05 at 4:14 am

though it caused him a pain

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/02/05 at 4:20 am

He went for a walk

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 02/02/05 at 6:14 am

with his pet stork

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 02/02/05 at 5:14 pm

Which he kept on a platinum chain

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 02/02/05 at 5:18 pm

And he forgot to take his keys

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 02/02/05 at 5:21 pm

Which he'd left in the fridge with the peas

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 02/02/05 at 5:24 pm

The peas clung to the metal

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 02/02/05 at 5:27 pm

So he poured on some Dettol

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 02/02/05 at 5:30 pm

And topped it all off with some grease. :P

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 02/02/05 at 6:25 pm

Yum Yum!  He enthused as he ate

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 02/02/05 at 7:02 pm

Everything gross on his plate

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: joedeertae on 02/03/05 at 5:46 am

As it went down the hatch

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 02/03/05 at 5:50 am

it made his throat 'catch'

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 02/03/05 at 2:26 pm

And he said "I won't pay for this, mate"

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 02/04/05 at 4:37 pm

The waiter said, "I'll take Visa".

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 02/04/05 at 6:18 pm

Or Access, I'm sure you'll agree, sir

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 02/04/05 at 6:51 pm

As in Access Hollywood"?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 02/05/05 at 6:42 am

No, an Access card should

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 02/05/05 at 12:31 pm

Take care of your gluttonly leisure.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 02/05/05 at 1:05 pm

Rhymes like that do leave me groaning

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 02/05/05 at 1:24 pm

Oh, Phil refrain from moaning

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: jaytee on 02/06/05 at 7:59 am

All this whingeing and whining

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 02/06/05 at 5:40 pm

Distracts me from dining

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Ripp on 03/01/05 at 12:49 pm

And it distracts me from loaning :o


A girl that was strangley called Ripp
Im gonna add the second line too
To the toilet she had to nip!
Well I've been trying for this second line for ages so I'm going to put it in

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/01/05 at 1:07 pm

And it distracts me from loaning :o


A girl that was strangley called Ripp
Im gonna add the second line too
To the toilet she had to nip!
Well I've been trying for this second line for ages so I'm going to put it in

She ran through the door,

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 03/01/05 at 3:08 pm

Before typing some more:

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: JamieMcBain on 03/01/05 at 3:17 pm

She slipped on the floor

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 03/01/05 at 5:30 pm

And finished off with too many lines in the limerick, no rhyme and the last line having way too many syllables

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 03/01/05 at 6:12 pm

Here's an ending: And McBain is the blame for the slip. (No offense, Jamie)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/15/05 at 8:35 am

I got this at the top when i went to post :

Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic

And yes, I am sure

Starting a new limerick :

There once was a fellow named Dave...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/15/05 at 8:36 am

There once was a fellow named Dave,

Who once made a beautiful save...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/15/05 at 8:41 am

he spread his arms wide

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/15/05 at 8:42 am

There once was a fellow named Dave,

Who once made a beautiful save.

He spread his arms wide,

the ball flew by his side...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/15/05 at 8:43 am

There once was a fellow named Dave,

Who once made a beautiful save.

He spread his arms wide,

the ball flew by his side...

and the papers about him did rave  ;)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Dominic L. on 10/15/05 at 9:07 am

If you are allergic to sun

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/15/05 at 9:08 am

If you are allergic to sun,

To the shade you must run...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Dominic L. on 10/15/05 at 9:09 am

If you are allergic to sun,

To the shade you must run

It must be a fright...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: mandamoo on 10/15/05 at 9:10 am

To be pale and white

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/15/05 at 9:11 am

Especially round back, on your buns  :)

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/15/05 at 9:12 am

If you are allergic to sun,

To the shade you must run

It must be a fright,

To be pale and white.

and start living as a recluse as a nun.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/16/05 at 4:45 pm


The importance of making the rhyme

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/17/05 at 3:22 am

The importance of making the rhyme,

Is important from time after time...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/17/05 at 7:55 am

The importance of making the rhyme,

Is important from time after time...

It's lines number five

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/17/05 at 7:57 am

The importance of making the rhyme,

Is important from time after time.

It's lines number five

That keeps it alive...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 10/17/05 at 7:59 am

The importance of making the rhyme,

Is important from time after time.

It's lines number five

That keeps it alive...

Some rhymes they bomb, but some shine

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/18/05 at 5:32 pm

The trial of Saddam Hussein

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/18/05 at 7:11 pm

The trial of Saddam Hussein

Is a nightmare of red tape and pain

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/19/05 at 3:57 am

The trial of Saddam Hussein

Is a nightmare of red tape and pain

For the man is insane,

For he was found in a drain...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/19/05 at 2:04 pm

So let's dump him back there again

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/19/05 at 2:31 pm

The trial of Saddam Hussein

Is a nightmare of red tape and pain

For the man is insane,

For he was found in a drain

So let's dump him back there again

Very good

Daniel Craig will be the Bond...

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: philbo on 10/19/05 at 2:51 pm

Will he go with a bang?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/05/06 at 6:14 pm

Or did the bells rang?

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: CeeKay on 06/05/06 at 6:18 pm

Either way, he'll end up with the Blonde!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: Mr Tumnus on 06/05/06 at 6:20 pm

Daniel Craig is the new Bond I hear

Seems he is popular - no fear

He struts all muscles and fair

Oh my he is without a care

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: CeeKay on 06/06/06 at 10:05 am

Daniel Craig is the new Bond I hear

Seems he is popular - no fear

He struts all muscles and fair

Oh my he is without a care

Seems Craig has found his new career.

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: CeeKay on 06/06/06 at 10:10 am

We're writing a screen play -- it's funny!

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: KKay on 06/06/06 at 10:20 am

We're writing a screen play -- it's funny!
But we're not gonna make any money

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: karen on 06/06/06 at 10:39 am

We're writing a screen play -- it's funny!
But we're not gonna make any money
it's just for a laugh

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: CeeKay on 06/06/06 at 12:09 pm

We're writing a screen play -- it's funny!
But we're not gonna make any money
it's just for a laugh
We've got quite a staff

Subject: Re: A Whole New Limerick Thread

Written By: KKay on 06/06/06 at 12:20 pm

We're writing a screen play -- it's funny!
But we're not gonna make any money
it's just for a laugh
We've got quite a staff
I can't wait till the pre-mier, honey!

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