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Subject: Answer the question
Another silly question and answer idea... in this case, you give the answer and somebody else has to come up with the question. I'll start with:
A: A Cigar
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What did Fidel Castro regret sending to Bill Clinton ?
New Answer : Computer Programmer
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What job do only the most talented, intelligent people in the world do?
New answer: Going down
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q : Where are Wolverhampton Wanderers headed ?
New A : Eiffel Tower
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What will I be seeing in October?
New A: flapjack
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: How did the director tell Jack Nicholson to do an impression of a goose?
New Answer: Pythagoras
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: name one person who is smarter than most democrats ;D
A: four cigerettes and a gum wrapper
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do you need to make a simple thermonuclear device?
A: Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. Who's really in charge of this country? (ho! ho!)
A. Skateboards
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What should you always run people over with?
A: A horny Men At Work guy.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Who just bagged your groceries?
A: Vanessa Williams, Octavio Agustas, and Paully Shore
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Who just bagged your groceries?
A: Vanessa Williams, Octavio Agustas, and Paully Shore
End Quote
Q: Name Three people who will sing on the new Santana album?
A: Can you hear me now?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: what was the last words of Tom when he ventured into the washing machine to find his sock in a hopes of keeping a verbal comunication going with his brother Willy along the way to not get lost.
A: Mel Torme's 1997 Volkswagon's hubcaps
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is on display in the ROck and ROll Hall of fame, next to Mick Jaggers Tire Iron?
A: Henry Fonda
Subject: Re: Answer the question
A: Who is Hanoi Jane's late father?
Q: Retinitis pigmentosa
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick?
A: Monica Lewinsky's laundry
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Where can you find the latest in Teletubby merchendise?
A: When the Transformers go crazy-insane.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: When will Don Rickles shut up?
A: Chatanugga
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. What is the newest kind of chat room?
A. Reg Strikes Back
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What Reggie Jackson does after Billy Martin Punches him?
A: Lean Mean Fighting Machine
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do you get when you feed a bulldozer spinach?
A: A tornado, a hurricane, and a woman.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. What three things can work up a REAL storm?
A. Popeye
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. What did all the workers get when the buxom young woman walked past the construction sight?
Next answer:
Fig Newtons
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Isaac Newton got kicked where??
A: Butt floss.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do the Cheeky Girls use to clean between their teeth?
A: Tyrannosaurus Rex
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What ran over my grandma?!
A: And chunks is my dog.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. My cat's name is bits, isn't it?
A. Sharpie markers
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: name one thing Syd Barret was sniffing when he wrote the song "Bike"
A: six camels and a circuit breaker
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. What was John Mayer smoking when he wrote "Your Body Is A Wonderland"?
A. Five gallons of milk and a turtle
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What was the apitizer to Marlon Brando's lunch?
A: Yes, Paully Shore has many good movies
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. Does Pauly Shore have any good movies? :P
A. xanthippe
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. How did Cindy Lou Who with a severe lisp address the disguised grinch?
A. a herd of lemmings
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Which of the following have you heard of:
a) Lemmings
b) Bratislavan pot-weevils
c) Ravenous bug-blatter beast of Traal
A: Six inches thick, and takes two years to tan
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q) What is the skin like on the ravenous bug-blatter beast of Traal?
A) Only in the winter
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: When do bears sleep?
A: Jeopardy
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What was the last hit The Greg Kihn Band had?
A: Terracotta
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What color is my underwear? ;D
A: stud and spiked bracelets.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
what did MR T leave Master P in his will?
A: Ding Dong Ditching
btw, Michael, that Syd Barrett one was great lol
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is Jerry Speiser's favorite game?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What "injury" are you attempting to fake to get out of class on monday?
A: a white thing about yey high
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: How would you describe Mini-Me?
A: Domino's Philly Cheesesteak Pizza.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What did the coroner say was the contents of the victum's stomach?
A: a stuffed pluff deer holding a coke bottle
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is a 'real man's' garage decor?
A: Six inches
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: How far is my face from the 'puter screen ?
A: A big old hessian bag
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What was Hitler's mother known as...
A: Three sheets to the wind
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What happens if you forget to use clothespegs ?
A : A White Sport Coat
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What's a bad thing to wear at Carl's Jr.?
A: Ten tired turtles on a tuttle tuttle tree
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is a good example of alliteration ?
A : Coo-ee
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What's the mating call of the yellow speckled pygmy possum ?
A: Gooseberries
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What are silk pairs of underwear made of?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. What is popcorn without the opc?
A. Bennie and the Jets
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What song's original working title was "Albert and the Airplanes"?
Hurdy Gurdy
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name two words that rhyme
Gene Siskel and Robert Downy Jr
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Name two people who Voted for JFK in the 1960 "Election"?
A: The Death of Howie Mandel
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What did I wish for Christmas last year?
A: Yes, Paulie Shore has great movies!
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is the biggest lie one could tell?
A: Annie Hall
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name one person who didnt invent the cotton gin
soiling the stage props
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. What is it called when you pour dirt over the costumes and scenery?
A. Because Peter Cetera sucked all the helium out of the Goodyear Blimp
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Why do my ears hurt?
A: the Veternarian's in the dishwasher
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. Why couldn't I take my cat into the clinic?
A. Glass Houses
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Glass houses?
two transvestites in Nepal
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. RuPaul's twin cousins?
A. spoiled milk and a can of green beans
Subject: Re: Answer the question
ouy, Im going back into the bathroom, what did I eat for dinner?
statatory rape of a 84 year old woman
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Mikey...... :-/
What is the definition of sick in a number of ways?
New answer : New York, New York
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What song, if in a guitar store, will you get thrown out for playing the solo from?
A: Electric Slide
somethings bothering me...hoe can you STATHATORY Rape an 84 year old woman?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is the lame assed dance they make you learn in gym class in junior high?
Stinky feet
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Why did the foot doctor commit sucide?
A giant rhino and monkey both dancing
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What was unique about Gerald Durrell's funeral?
A: The Mazda MX-5
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is the new line of Star Trek ships called?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What's the one thing that men contribute to society?
in the filing cabinet
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Where will you find lots of little bits of iron?
A: W-R-O-N-G
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: By what acronym is the society Women's Rights Over Nasty Guys known as?
A: lunchtime
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What time was it back when Karen wrote that message?
A: Party Time
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What time is it always in our house (for the children, that is)?
A: A new job
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do you look for when your landlord turns into Satan?
Men At Work, The Police, & The Cars.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name the top three things you see in New York City
A: Purple rain
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do you get when you really screw up acid rain?
Jerry Speiser naked. ;) :-[
Subject: Re: Answer the question
whats the only thing not downloaded ever from Kazaa?
A: Alanis Morrisette
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is the only thing that has not been downloaded off of Kazaa? ;) ;D
Howard Stern in a juicer
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is the only thing that has not been downloaded off of Kazaa? ^___^ hurhurhur
Penis ;)
Subject: Re: Answer the question
what is the thing downloaded off of Kazaa the most
a: Ketchup
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is one thign you should never mix with motor oil? Ever
Gene Shallat
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Who is the leader of India?
A: Sega Genesis
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. Phil Collins went solo and formed what new band?
A. Von Maur
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is the opposite of Von Less?
A: Lisa Guerrero's thong strap. ;D
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What have I just downloaded a picture of from Kazaa? :D
A: A bastard with a pin in a condom factory
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Who shall I blame for my 5 kids?
New answer: a man wrapped in Cling Film
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What image epitomises safe sex?
A: Crustaceans
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What image epitomises painful sex? ;D
Salty smelly farts.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What can I not think of a question for?
A: Golden years
Subject: Re: Answer the question
During which part of his career was Michael Jackson black?
Whipping post
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What will you see Jerry Speiser on?
Horny Greg Ham
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do you make with horny Greg Pork?
A: Trynoacidol
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What did Syd Barrat think he was talking to while writing "Bike?"
Listerene and a cheap motel
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Ha ha !
What's Mike Florio's idea of the perfect date ?
A : Y-Fronts
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What was the new fighter model that the rebels designed to replace the X-Wing?
A: Twisted Sister
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What does FussBudget have one of ?
A: Music Box
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do cricketers wear if they want music while they work?
plastic bag
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q : How do most people categorise Yoko Ono, part of the Plastic Ono Band ?
Fishnet stockings
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do fishermen hang at the end of their bed at Christmas time?
A: A pain in the a$$
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Define a 56k modem
Q : The number 42
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do you get if you multiply six by nine? ;-)
A: Ian Duncan-Smith
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do you get if you multiply six by nine? ;-)
End Quote
Programmer huh ? I bet you worked on SAP that I have to use then ! ;D
What would be an a-typical name for an English Rugby Union player ?
Q : Price Harry in 100 degree heat
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What would most shop assistants refuse to do?
(Or did you mean Prince Harry? ;) )
A:a cup of tea
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Programmer huh ? I bet you worked on SAP that I have to use then ! ;D
End Quote
I guess you need to read THHGTTG, then - there's a bit of explanation here
Q: What is the standard English remedy for floods, earthquakes and nuclear holocausts?
A: Mice
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Who really does experiments on Earth? ;)
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Who is the second most intelligent life-form on Earth (after the mice, that is)?
A: "Oh, no - not again"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do you say when you crap your pants? ;D :P
"Holy $hit, Batman! That dudes got a really long....12 inch...pizza slice! HAW!!!"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What did Robin say at the Superhero orgy?
A: A Leper Messiah
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Who actidently said the wrong thing upon touching his arm?
King Soloman and Candice Bergen
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Which couple recently appeared on Page 1 of the National Enquirer under a headline that said "Murphy Brown picks gold digger as latest secretary" ? ::) ::) ::) ::)
A : A Flock Of Seagulls
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do you see at the beach?
Be Good Johnny
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What did Michael J Fox in "back to the future" origionally call the song he sang at his parent's prom?
Sewer caps and knee braces
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What essential items did Casanova forget, one hot summer's night?
A: Large flies
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What assists in keeping up large trousers ?
A: Store mannequins
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What would be weird to see a bunch of walking down the road?
A: Al Shapton's Diggery Doo
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name one Australian thing under black control
little girls and their mommies
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is the definition of Prep?
"Silly boy, pot's for grandpa's!"
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What comment made us officelly determine that grandpa was senile?
Alive but dead inside
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How would you describe Brian Wilson?
A: Plinko
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How would you describe Brian Wilson?
A: Plinko
End Quote
What sounds like a synonym for about 20 different things everyone else would call Brian Wilson?
A: Question
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What have I just written?
Small World
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What's the latest excuse G.W. Bush has for the war in Iraq?
A: "Get Smart" marathon.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What would Billy actully set aside time for to watch?
A: Heroes and Villians
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do you call the thing that is always in a cartoon/real life show??
Minky Boodle was a poodle who had no hair!
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What did the mental patient say to the unsuspecting doctor?
Pholonious Monk
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Who is the still unknown son of Thelonius Monk?
A: Radar O'Reilly
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Which MASH character held the top spot on kid's halloween costumes from 1978 through 1997 when he was overiden by a turtle?
Rice Cube and Watt Daddy
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Who are two perennial candidates for the amiright.com Awards?
A: Kung Pao Chicken
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is more fun to say than too eat?
Gaterade in a milk cartin
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What phrase can only Mike Florio spell wrong?
A: Pork the other white meat
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What slogan did a bunch of Chickens come up with ?
Temperature Rising
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Why are there so many Joules in this room, according to this joule-reading meter of some sort?
Alonzo mourning eating hamburgers
Subject: Re: Answer the question
what was the contents of the mysterious envelope in the OJ Simpson trial?
A: Got to be there
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Do I really have to be there?
finding ways to generate static electricity.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What else can you find in a balloon?
French Toast.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What almost got re-named Freedom Toast in a fit of knee-jerk ?
A : King of the world
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Define Bill Gates. ;)
Scoobles-fashoobles-pastoobles-hanoobles!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What answer can no one pronounce? :-/
Dandruff, Excema, Seborrhea and Psoriasis
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What four scientific phrases can dictate the loser in a group of high school students?
Belligarent androids
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What race does James Carnville come from?
A: Heavy on the cream
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How do I like my wo,er, coffee?
Spineless, brainless and tasteless
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do this years crop of Freshers look like?
six inch nails and a hammer
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What single objects prevented William Shatner from making another album?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Whats tapioca pudding really made out of? ;)
Chocolate milk
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What havent I had since I was in 4th grade, but now that I think about it, feel like having again? :o :-/
Adaptation, Metabolism, movement
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What 3 words make up a good BM?
A: Cookie Monster's saliva
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is the main ingredient of a McDonalds thick shake?
a wire coathanger
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Whats the biggest export out of Argentina?
A: Liquid Wisk
Subject: Re: Answer the question
If that wasn't liquid plummer I just poored down the clogged drain, then what was it?
Take off those sunglasses!
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What are the most feared words of an ophamologist?
A: Natural ingredients
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q. What is guarenteed to promote outstanding regularity?
A. A solid gold replica of Ernest Borgnine's pivot tooth.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What did I find embedded in my knuckles after punching <insert celebrity of choice here> in the mouth:
A: Meriadoc's real name
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is (un?)likely to be revealed when hell freezes over ?
A: A two-bob watch
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do the police call a stakeout where both targets are called "Robert"?
Q: Green fingers
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Ah ! A question with a question, Philbo ? Okay ! ;)
Q: What is the result of eating grass without the aid of the correct utensils ?
A: Chalk dust
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What dost leave thy fingers white?
A: Gelatine
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What substance will last longer than cockroaches after the nuclear holocaust?
A; "Im sorry old chap, but Im blind"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What does Stevie Wonder always say in London?
A: The 'Uh-huh' Girls, Michael J. Fox and Britney Spears
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name three people who fit this creative criteria:
"no cash in bank/career sank/shes a sk*nk"
Wow, Oprah has the best garage sales!
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What was overheard at a Jenny Craig convention?
A: 3 pink flamingos and a jar of Cheese Whiz
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is the last thing on Oprah's stomach? :o
No one believes a mime!
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is the difference between a mime and The Weekly World News?
A: K-Mart, United, and Willie Nelson
Subject: Re: Answer the question
what were the last three covers of "Bankruptcy Weekly"?
A: "Swing Mister, you gotsa moves!"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What did the un-PC sportscaster say to Tiger Woods just before getting fired?
A: six saspirillas and a Cinco de Mayo parade float
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What did Ceaser Chaves leave to his son in his will?
A: Bed Bugs
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do you get when you sleep in a Roach Motel?
A: "Size doesn't matter."
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What got the biggest laugh at the "Learn to please your men" convention?
A: "Holy split personalities, Superego, that Id has one huge Pleasure Principle!"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Why did Ego fail the auditions for the new "Batman" movie?
A: A perfect game
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What can never be in the same sentance as "The Mets had..."?
A: TIckle me Elmo
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What were Cheetah's word to Tarzan in the never release x-rated outtakes?
A: A clam rake and some purple chalk
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What did the Coroner say was the contents of the victom's stomach?
Breath Spray
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: How do opera stars hit such long, high notes?
A: "Melancholy Baby"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name the only thing Ozzy Osbourne hasn't snorted
blue white out
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is another name for a blue ink pen?
A: David Schwimmer's career.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Graph y=-x2+2x+6 (get it? A parabola! hahaha!)
Teddybears and the White stripes
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What two things will never be on stage together?
A: Garbage in, garbage out.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
When a camera was placed in front of the Tabloid papers on the rack from the beginning of the day, what was the summery of what was on the tape?
Chris Kattan marrys a girl
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What headline will shock many SNL fans?
A: When Brad Garrett is paid a million dollars an episode.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
When will they cancell the show that Brad Garret is on?
poland spring water bottles and garbage cans
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Whats Dasani water REALLY made from?
Dr.Pepper and Mountain Dew
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What combination of soda is fatal if drank?
A: Waffle Iron
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is the latest tool used to crimp one's hair?
The Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What game was I addicted to a few years ago?
A: Show us your boobs
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is something you'll never hear Richard Simmons say?
Two sugars thanks.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is something you'd never hear Marlon Brando say?
eating lightbolbs
Subject: Re: Answer the question
what does Cher do to stay thin?
A: Kobe Bryant, Michael J Fox and William Penn
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name a Laker, a shaker, and a Quaker! ;D hahahahaha!
Bob Dylan's motorbike
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Have you seen Dylan's Dog? It got wings. It can fly....*
A: one lump or two
* Apologies to Patti Smith ;)
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Would you please pass the soilent green?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What was Joe Namath wearing 30 years ago?
A: Vermicelli
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What sounds a whole lot like vermillion but isnt?
Sour porkier
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: George 'Dubya' Bush
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How does George Bush prefer to spell his middle initial?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What kind of meat is best served deleted?
A: Tovah Feldshuh
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What word will I not be able to pronounce even if you pay me?
A: Henry David Thorou
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Who??? ;)
taco Bell and Taco Via.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Whats types of dog food that you feed your dog?
White Vermouth and chilli powder
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is garunteed to rupture my spleen at any moment? x_X;;
Pickles and beets pickles and beets we're gonna get us some pickles and beets kitty!!!!
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do cats roam the streets saying to each other?
Tupac Shakur
Subject: Re: Answer the question
what is the never celebrated Jewish Holiday?
A: Chicken Soup
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name the first two words in the title of the book, whose author is now looking for work?
Electric eels
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What were the pets of Ursula The Sea Witch in "The Little Mermaid"?
"I forgot my keys."
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What Emerson Fittipaldi said at the Dutch GP.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How would a Cockney say "He, hello!'?
Soyburgers suck.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do the people from Soyburg do for a living?
Ball and Chain
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What can you beat people with?
Dr.Heckyll and Mr.Jive.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What's the name of the coolest Icelandic spoonerized techno band ever?
Bass trombone
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How do hip-hoppers do the Cha-Cha Slide?
CFC Campaign
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What was the name of the process that Cautious Faking Caretakers underwent to get votes in the next election?
Weight lifting
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is the only sporting event Bulgarians are good at?
A: Ho Chi Mihn Trail
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What did Dorothy follow in the Vietnamese remaking of "The Wizard of Oz"?
A: Strong, black with a sprinkling of cinnabar
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How do I like my wo eh, Coffe? ;)
Subject: Re: Answer the question
who is the new governor of California?
A: "Lick your own salt!"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Will you use your tounge to lick the salt off this pretzel for me, Im watching my blood pressure?
Return to teacher the next day
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do you do with the assignment where you write "I will not fantasize about Mrs. Snodgrass" 100 times?
A: California Redemption Value
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is the only thing you'll get for Gray Davis today?
A: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What Welsh place name is difficult to say with a mouthful of Brussel Sprouts?
Holy Zarquon's singing fish
Subject: Re: Answer the question
If you jump to the left and squint a bit...with a bit of luck you should get...
Chinchillas, mitochondria and a one-armed window cleaner.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name the last three things pranked on "Celebrity Bluppers and Practical Jokes"
A: What would Jesus Do?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Can you answer my question with a question?
Red spikes.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What was unique about that guy from GC's hair last night?
Larry the Coast guard
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Who did Billy Joe Bob the Marine have a one night stand with over the weekend?
A: hearts of palm
Subject: Re: Answer the question
what is rice-o-roni really made of?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What word do you not associate with the film "Trainspotting"?
A: Egregious bodily harm.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is one level down from grievous bodily harm?
a straightened out paperclip
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What can gracefully poke my eye out with?
Jerry Speiser: "Take me down under!"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Which comment to Jerry Springer was cut from the one that Jerry Speiser appeared on?
A: Meera Syal
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is the name of the comedy duo in Iraq?
A: Yom Kippur
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: The Yiddish reaction to smoked fish for tea?
A: A silly question
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What is there no such thing as unless you're the one asking it?
A: Personal items
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What should you leave behind in case of fire in the Misfit Penguin current residence?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do you use instead of a teafork or a teaknife?
A: Robert Evans' ego.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What should you ALWAYS keep in a mint Tic Tac container?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What when found in your medicine cabneit, is the final sign that you just got married?
A: A dentist's office
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Where do you least want to be when you hear the phrase: "We haf vays uf making you talk?"
A: Q-tips
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q What does one need when standing in a loooong boring line at the bank ?
A Offal
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How does my brother spell "Awful"?
A: Lipstick vender
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How does my brother spell "Awful"?
A: Lipstick vender
End Quote
Thanks billy, but I know how to spell awful...Im not a bad speller, I just rush through things...
Who sold you that chapstick, Redlips?
Pork fried rice
Subject: Re: Answer the question
:D What you get when you let pigs own a chinese restaurant.
Tuna Fish
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: If you can tune a piano, why can't you....
A: dialtone
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What you get from exercising with soap in the shower.
bed spread
Subject: Re: Answer the question
what is the newest thing to put onto bread?
two brunettes
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is smarter than 1 blonde? ^_^
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What do you call a cop with sleep apnea?
A: The Oracle of Delphi
Subject: Re: Answer the question
what was Socrates least favorite place in Greece?
A: CHocolate Smores
Subject: Re: Answer the question
name one thing I never put into my mouth
Dodge 4 x 4
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Whats the equivalent of a wooden 2 by 4?
pee juice
Subject: Re: Answer the question
name the only drink still made by someone's feet
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Into what do ho's expectorate?
A: The Arsenal
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What Police called Al Bundy after he started setting fires to buildings?
A: Peach Pie
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What jus totally gags me with a spork?
Strawberry and Yaks milk.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
When Jon Krakaur was stranded up on Mt Everest, and out of food, what was he forced to drink to stay alive? ***
Barrie Mann
***Jon Krakaur, writer of the famous novel, "Into thin air," depicting the horror that occured on Mt Everest in 1996, where a storm hit a team on summitt call, and killed many people, Krakaur luckily surviving, although he was never forced to actually drink yak's milk, he did barely survive.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What person have I never heard of before in my life? ¬_¬
I'm TIRED!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Why couldn't I think of anything funny to ask?
A: A spider, two jugs of milk and an anorak
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What are the three main ingrediants for withces brew?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What blood type is ee cummings?
Der Kinderstod
Subject: Re: Answer the question
How do you say that famous song by "After the Fire" in gualupian?
The tragic city
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What will be the nickname for Chicago if the Cubs lose tonight?
Lawrence Welk's last waltz.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is Tom Petty's latest single?
A: "Silly Rabbi, Church is for gentials"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What were the last words of Alan Dershowitz before being blackballed?
A: Not enough gas in the tank.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: Why did the Panzer commander eat more beans?
A: Oh, God, yes!
Subject: Re: Answer the question
A: "Silly Rabbi, Church is for gentials"
End Quote
PS - did you mean "gentiles" or "genitals"? Either fit reasonably well, I guess ;-)
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Say a phrase that breaks the seccond commandment
Its a girl, but it has a penis!
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What the OB / Gyn said to Mrs. and Mr. Jackson upon the birth of their baby, they named it Michael....
" A Box of lobster and a six pack of Mountain Dew."
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name two things youre not aloud to bring into the testing room while taking an examination?
Hickery Dickery Doc
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do you call a well-endowed physician from Hickory, NC?
An upset in the making.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is this "The Ring part two" Ive been hearing so much about?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is something Santa Claus vowed to never use again?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What did you do to this punch?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: How do you get your insurance company to pay your spouse so the two of you can sneak off to Aruba for a life of luxery?
(that should have gone to "deathcom")
A: malfeasance
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do you call a bad feasance?
Broad Ripple
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Q: What are two of Fred Sanford's favorite things?
A: free electric band
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What is the name of the only band around inspired by LIPA?
I am not you
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Are you like me?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What sound did the economy make when "W" took office.
A Liverwurst sandwich, and a bucket of car wax.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What are two things that dont taste too great together, or apart?
Clear Channel likes pain
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Why is Clear Channel letting thugs run their company?
Eggs beaters and soyburgers
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What are two things that dont taste too great together, or apart?
A: "And the Mets have won the World Series"
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Name one thing you hear while in Bazarro world?
Patrick Duffy
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Who's not the black private dick, who's a sex machine with all the chicks?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Say a word that I dont know the definition of?
death by leathal injection
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What would be the final wish of Tom Green?
Acid reflux disease.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What you get from watching Tom Green.
Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What do North Koreans have more than Saddam?
Big Mac and fries
Subject: Re: Answer the question
What am I having for lunch this afternoon?
Subject: Re: Answer the question
Where is the question I forgot to answer? :P