Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.
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Subject: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Since the last one disappeared, we had to make an emergency teleport to this new island...play well, fellow penguins, I must away...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
For a minute there I thought everyone got sucked into a wormhole and sent out to space. I was expecting to see a "Penguins Lost In Space" thread!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Well, that'll teach me to find an island in the Bermuda Triangle! Luckily, I had 2 made of all the playthings so we can all still play ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Where did the island go?? I went to look for it and it was GONE! I think someone was jealous of all the fun we had and stole it. Maybe it was Carman Sandiago. Should we call out the gumshoes?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
At least we still have the trampoline. ;D I know that Steve will be glad to hear that.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
As long as we have our McDonalds Playland, I am a happy camper!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I bagsy trampoline!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
The McDonald's at the Castleton Square location has jettisoned its playground for a more retro (and smaller) look. Guess I'm not going there again. :(
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
"Aha!" shouted the Shakespearean Shaz penguin. "Our fair isle malicious thieves did try to take, but thou knewest another one should spring forth in the 00s forum! Out, you devils, this is a land of felicity and for making merry!"
With that, Shazpenguin contemplated the spring operated mechanism, and found it to be most engaging. "To bounce, or not to bounce, that is the question." And the answer, thou queries?"
BOING BOING BOING.....weehee, hey this is fun!
;D :D ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hey guys, please tell me the ball pit came with us. Wait a minute, what's that I see...BALL PIT!!! yaaayy.... :D Here I go.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Well, since Crazy Don was imprisoned by Hairspray in the Land of Misfit Penguins, and Speedo Boy disappeared in the previous Island of Misfit Penguins, and since this is 80s cheerleader's favorite hangout, may we present…
80's Crazy Don!
Yep, this is an actual picture of Crazy Don from the 1980's…
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
My ex-girlfriend drove into the Playplace here after going through the drive-thru.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Luckily, everything is indestructible on the Island, which is also why we don't have to worry about hurricanes, monsoons, etc. We all do happy dances...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hey! Can I join in your penguin line dance? That looks like fun ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Sure, I'll pm you the file...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
yee ha!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Look at what other fun things I found for us to play with...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
;D Boy...I could stay on this Island forever! Weeeeeee! a swing! I think we need a couple of McPina Coladas!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
^ ^
> o <
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Coming right up...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Cute cat, Catpenguin!!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Thanks but it is nothing like your whatever you call them. I don't know how to do that. :'( I am a bit computer illiterate.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Coming right up...
End Quote
Ha! How funny! Thank you...slurp, slurp, gulp. aaaahhh.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Cat, don't feel bad...I had to have someone else tell me where to get them too. Go to cnet.com and search for 'emoticons' or 'smileys'. Then, you can download them. Most are only free for a trial period.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Cat, don't feel bad...I had to have someone else tell me where to get them too. Go to cnet.com and search for 'emoticons' or 'smileys'. Then, you can download them. Most are only free for a trial period.
End Quote
Better yet, Cat, click this link:
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
grrrrr.... 80s must be a registered user...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
registered where???
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I like this one
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Is that a smilie in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
registered where???
End Quote
If you move your cursor over any image you see on the net and click the right-hand button on your mouse, a small window pops up. Then, if you click "Properties" in that window another small window pops up, and on that window is a "http://" location that tells you where the image is drawn from. I went there but I couldn't play in the image area without registering for about $7.00...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
hmmm, I just down loaded the emotipad II and got 2 weeks free trial.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I just went to the "links" pages...and there was no charge!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Can I interest any fellow penguins in a Spamburger?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
That is SOOO cool!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
how about a drink?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Or is it nappy time?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
HEY!! Where'd you get the neat smilies? I don't have any of them :(
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
There's a whole bunch of them here:
But you can only use them here…
http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/rotaeye.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/jestera.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/1syellow1.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/boldblue.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/boldlblue.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/boldred.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/bounce.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Yay...it didn't disappear over night. If you guys need me I am on the swing! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
And I will be snorkeling....
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
And 80's Crazy Don dares not get on that trampoline, after he found out what happened to his 13-year-old alter ego in the disappeared island of misfit penguins…
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
It took a while for DJ penguin to get here, as he decided to lug his equipment to the new island.
Let's party down!
http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/biggrinparty.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/djsi.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/fro.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/humpty.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/rainfro.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/ymca.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
LOVE IT! You gotta love those afros! I am partial to them ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Thanks. Any requests? :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
How about some Parliment for a little P-funk Penguin boogie!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Can I have a little help here? I went to the "smiles" place but I don't know how to copy them here. I tried to right click and copy but that doesn't work. Please help a poor computer illiterate penguin out. ???
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Can I have a little help here? I went to the "smiles" place but I don't know how to copy them here. I tried to right click and copy but that doesn't work. Please help a poor computer illiterate penguin out. ???
End Quote
Copy the link of the smilie, and in your post use the "insert image" feature (4th button from the left on the bottom row above the smileys when you post). Where it says URL delete URL and paste your link there.
Hope this makes sense! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
How about some Parliment for a little P-funk Penguin boogie!
End Quote
You got it, P-O-P penguin! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
wooooo woooo!
"Now, I lay me down to sleep
Ooh, I just can't find a beat
Flash light (ohh, I will never dance!)
Ha da da dee da hada hada da da.........."
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
...Everybody's got a little light, under the sun!....
Humpty-Hump penguinfro recommends me segueing into his song next, as they are close in BPMs...
"Alright stop what your doin' 'cuz I'm about to ruin..." ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
"Now gather round, I'm the new fool in
town and my sound's laid down by tha Underground."
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Can I have a little help here? I went to the "smiles" place but I don't know how to copy them here. I tried to right click and copy but that doesn't work. Please help a poor computer illiterate penguin out. ???
End Quote
If you went to the one CD suggested, you just copy the url and paste, if it is emotipad, you can just click and drag. I'm not sure about the others.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
"...the Humpty Dance is your chance..."
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
"talk to me baby"....
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
DJ penguin takes this time to congratulate princess of pop penguin as she has officially reached royal penguindom while on the island. http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/queen1.gif
http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/dance2.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/dance2.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/dance2.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Thank you. I am honored :D
Does this mean that I spend more time on this darn website than grooming myself? Because I could use a little grooming. ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Congrats princessofpop!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Congrats princessofpop!
End Quote
thanks man!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
>flies in, surveys the scene<
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Yep, the twenty-something 80's Crazy Don tries to get some of those yummy McDonald's French fries…and wonders why they replaced the nearest McDonald's to him, which burned down, with a retro-1961 McDonald's, when McDonald's didn't come to Charleston, WV, until 1971… ::)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Thank you. I am honored :D
Does this mean that I spend more time on this darn website than grooming myself? Because I could use a little grooming. ;D
End Quote
See, you knew you'd make it to Royal status someday! You just saved yourself the trouble of changing your username ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Princess is as Princess does!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Congratulations, Princess http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/huepfen/huepfen027.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Congrats, Princess....McMargaritas for everyone! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Speaking of margaritas, where's our friendly anteater bartender? I sure could use something cold and alcoholic ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Damn you, Instant Hole! (An obscure Ant and the Aardvark reference);D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Sucked into the depths of the island yet again.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Good morning, all. Where's the coffee?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I don't have too much time this morning but I want to say Congrats Princess!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Thanks Cat! Gosh, I never knew that reaching Royalty status was so prestigous! I feel like I should be registering for gifts somewhere! If anyone wants to send a cash donation, please PM me for an address. ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Would someone please answer a question for me? How come whenever I don't have too much time to play on the computer, it works great. But when I have a lot of time, it decides to act up. I just don't understand it. I need to get going but will back later. Hopefully, I will be working fine then.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Would someone please answer a question for me? How come whenever I don't have too much time to play on the computer, it works great. But when I have a lot of time, it decides to act up. I just don't understand it. I need to get going but will back later. Hopefully, I will be working fine then.
End Quote
Because little aliens live in your computer and they know what you are doing. http://www.techhelpers.net/e4u/aliens/17.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
That's exactly the same reason they know what GMT is, am I right?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
{The VFM lands}
Somebody puhleease tell me whats going on here! ??? I fly around for hours yesterday, looking, searching, and the IMP is gone!! Disappeared!! So I find a place to land, and its in this strange place where there are Rubber Duckies, and Scooby Doo characters and all kinds of wierd stuff happening. WHEW!! Its been a long hard ride, but I'm finally amongst friends!!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hee Hee. Well, DJ Penguin has finished most of his tasks today, and as usual, is left waiting on other people. But that's okay, because it gives him time to play on the island! :D But DJ will have to depart for a little while around noon, as he has an "Organizational Workshop" to attend (he's really going for the free pizza). ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
But that's okay, because it gives him time to play on the island! :D End Quote
What do you wanna play?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Whatever you'd like, P-O-P. :)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
wanna play doctor? ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Um...okay. Or we could bury Rice Penguin in the sand - I think he's still sleeping.... ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
How about we bury him in the sand up to his beak and see if he wakes up? And where is that cheerleader penguin??
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Cheerleader penguin is here. Sorry, she had to make a trip to laundryland (again). I say we bury Rice, play doctor, join DJ for some free pizza, then take a nap. Sound good?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
{The VFM lands}
Somebody puhleease tell me whats going on here! ??? I fly around for hours yesterday, looking, searching, and the IMP is gone!! Disappeared!! So I find a place to land, and its in this strange place where there are Rubber Duckies, and Scooby Doo characters and all kinds of wierd stuff happening. WHEW!! Its been a long hard ride, but I'm finally amongst friends!!
End Quote
It's good to have you back. See, I accidentally found the Island in the Bermuda Triangle, and it went to the land of Missing Planes. So, Rice, being the ingenious penguin he is, found us a copy of the Island (probably on The Onion) and transported us all here. Anyhoo, you made it and that's the important part. ;D Frolic at will....
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
D'oh! Had to modify, cheerleader penguin is here! :D
I was orbed off the island momentarily to send an e-mail for my boss from his PC while he is out on appointments...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Cheerleader penguin is here. Sorry, she had to make a trip to laundryland (again). I say we bury Rice, play doctor, join DJ for some free pizza, then take a nap. Sound good?
End Quote
Hi my partner penguin in crime! All of the above sounds like fun! But what if we play a game of Twister BEFORE we take a nap?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Twister sounds like fun. How about we make it Shot Twister? Each body part has a different shot associated with it, so before you can move the body part, you have to do a shot? Just no rum because Cheerleader penguin had a baaad experience with rum once.http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Green.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
OK...I'll go find some Jagermeister and Tequila and you go find a hospital that accepts penguins in case we all end up with alcohol poisoning.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
There's a Veterinary Hospital right here on the island ;) Dr. Doolittle owns it.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Ooh, Twister! :D Count me in!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Right flipper RED! Shot! Gulp.....ooohhh :-X
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hey!! I though Twister was after pizza, oh well, left foot blue...tequila, yummy! Lick It, Slam It, Suck It!!!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Left foot green...glup. Where is DJ with that pizza anyway?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Um, it will be here in an hour. The delivery guy had to go over directions with me three times on how to get to the island... ::)
Okay, right hand, yellow! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Okay, right hand, yellow! :D
End Quote
Did you forget something DJ? Chug a lug my little spin meister.
Blue foot right......slam! ::burp:: scuse me :-[
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Oh, I forgot. Never played Shot Twister before. excuse me...*gulp* :P I don't do shots much. :-/
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I wanna play! I wanna play! :D
Left foot yellow *gulpgulpgulp* AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaah...that hit the spot.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Oops, forgot to mention that the first one to fall has to finish the bottle...right flipper yellow...gulp. EWWW!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Flipper Yellow left....ugh...guuuuulp :P
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Can we switch to some Absolut Vodka then? ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Can we switch to some Absolut Vodka then? ;D
End Quote
by all means! In fact lets get some Sothern Comfort to add to the MIX!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I've got some Absolut Currant...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hey, it looks like Rice Penguin has joined the fun! :D
Red foot Left...I mean Led foot Reft...*gulp* YeeeeOOOW! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Let me make one of the concoctions I tried a long time ago...the VULCAN MIND SCREW!! ;D
1 part ouzo, 1 part 151...all headache ;D
right flipper green...*gulp* AAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Guess we can't bury him now :( Oh well, the more the merrier :) Right red foot...slurp. Burp!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
NO burying! BAD! :D
left foot blue...*gulp* ugh... :P
amazing how flexible we penguins are, no? ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Yesh! :D
Okay, right flipper green...*glug* excuse me, cheerleader as I slip by you...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
HEY!!! That's not the dot :o
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Ah, I thought that felt a little rounder than normal ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
;D *hiccup*
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
...and so soft...mmmm...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Dude, I'm going to hell, aren't I? ::) :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Well, at least you'll have company ;D 8)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Nah. Okay, Right loot Flue! *gluglug* ahhhhh.... ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
When do I get to spin??? ;)http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Headspin.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
your turn, leercheader! *hic*
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Ah, the 'za has arrived...Enjoy! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
YEAH!!! I got a wicked case of the munchies...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Time for me to work ;) Good day for now.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
YEAH!!! I got a wicked case of the munchies...
End Quote
got any Cheetoes?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Of course! Only the crunchy ones though. They're my favorite. Look, it's Chester! :o
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Lets see now, liquior+Twister+pizza+cheetoes=..........I've got a feeling theres going to be some sick little birds around here in a little bit.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Sick? no way we are having too much fun!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Sick? no way we are having too much fun!
End Quote
:o :o :o !!!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I'm back and see all the fun I missed. :'( Hopefully my computer won't act up which it seems to be doing. I am ready to take a sledgehammer to it. Or I could use an axe and become a real "computer hacker." lol
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Sick? no way we are having too much fun!
End Quote
Too Much Fun? What's that mean? (Daryl Singletary)
(Oops, wrong thread again!)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Can I interest anyone in a little lunch?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Well, I just ate, but if it comes with this:
End Quote
Sure, I'm hungry! :D ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
http://www.bettycrocker.com/images/photos/pr_d_hh_photo.jpg How about dinner? ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hmmm...which one are you serving? ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
All of them ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
How about dinner? ;)
End Quote
I like the beef strokeinoff kind! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
You ladies are so naughty ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
naughty by nature :-*
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Well, since the Island of Misfit Penguins is a figment of someone's imagination, '80's Crazy Don decided to visit the website "instantlybetter.com" seen in those Progressive Insurance commercials. Crazy Don decided to change his unassuming male roommate for a cheerleader, and instead of '80's cheerleader, who wore green, sent a cheerleader wearing red and blue, as in the commercial. And lo and behold, she also had a pizza, as in the commercial! Crazy Don and the cheerleader talked and ate pizza, but Crazy Don did not have his way with her! No sir!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Alas, DJ penguin has returned as he once again completed his daily tasks in his other life before the workday is up. After a piece of leftover pizza, he is ready for fun and frolic with the naughty but nice penguins of IMP. :)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Princess penguin has decided to photograph our trip to IMP. Yay! :D She's a great photographer. :)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Wow! Look at those penguins having fun! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
End Quote
Thanks, Princess, I needed that. :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Flying in... soon to fly back out again.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hey guys, it's Friday. Almost time to spend the weekend on our island. :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Woo-hoo! :D I think I'll have a McMocha this morning (not that I'm wired enough already...) ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAYto all my friends on the Island!!!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Thank you cheerleader! :D :-* :-*
Happy Valentine's Day to you as well!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Good morning to my little penguin clan! HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY! The reason I wasn't on the Island last night is because I made a raft out of pine needles and sailed to a strange land of humans in search of a special gift for all of my penguin buddies. I didn't have any money of course, so I had to perform seaside circus acts for spare change. So here they are, my gift to you to show just how much you are loved.
Please remember to share with the others & no fighting over who gets all the orange ones! Oh yeah, and also share with the class what your conversation heart says. You never know, you might get lucky tonite! ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I need to find one that says "Be Mine." This lonely heart needs a female companion to be his valentine! Any takers? ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
AWWW! Mine says Bite Me. I'll try another... Wass Up? Wait, third time's a charm...Sweet Thing! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Wow. I got one that says, "Sweetheart." Thanks Princess! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
mine says "true love" :)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I have one that says "Foxy Lady". Well, if you say so! ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Who's that lady? (Who's that lady?)
Beautiful lady...(Who's that lady?)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Mine says "you must first dial a 1 or zero when calling this number." Oh wait, that's my phone... ::)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Can't you just feel the love on this island? ;D :-* :-*
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hey, I got "Sweety Pie"! Would any of you ladies want to be my sweety pie? ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Who's that lady? (Who's that lady?)
Beautiful lady...(Who's that lady?)
End Quote
;D LOL! That's a funny song!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Mine says, "Hey Baby." 8)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Tonight might be a good night to go ice skating :)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Oh that sounds like a great idea! We can skate while Penguin DJ spins some good tunes! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Cool! It's a good thing I have "Don't Stop The Rock" and other great tunes to skate to...
"When I hear music it makes me dance..."
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hey! I got one that says, "For a good time, call...." Oops. Maybe I shouldn't read that one.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Cat... does it say "867-5309"? Because that's Jenny's number & I don't think she wants anyone calling her for penguin phone s*x anymore! ::)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
That's too bad because I was going to the number to Crazy Don. ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
That's too bad because I was going to the number to Crazy Don. ;)
End Quote
;D lol
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
End Quote
you crazy little penguin! i lost we lost you on the Island! I have been waddling around here all day in search of a Valentine's date for you!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
You so sweet! You know I already have one, though ;) Guess I missed my plane, though. Oh well, there's always next year...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
ooohhh sorry you won't be able to be there. i know YOU will be missed! :'(
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
My Valentine brought me flowers ;D (Ok, so I am bragging). We are going out to dinner when he gets home because he had a meeting. Whoever decided to have a meeting at 4:00 on Valentine's day should be shot! In fact, my honey did tell the guy that I was upset about the time of the meeting.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
There are no meetings on this Island, except for FUN meetings! :D
Where's my potato cannon?
*BOOM* *splut!* ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Geez, Rice. You got me in the eye again. Here, take this lemon merange pie-right in the kisser. :-*
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
"Huh? No, penguins!"
"Oh, DUCK..." ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Crazy Don wouldn't mind calling Jenny for a good time…he needs a valentine…but the girl may be into, uh, uh… ::)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Mine says "luv U"...darn, I wanted Bite Me.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Crazy Don wouldn't mind calling Jenny for a good time…he needs a valentine…but the girl may be into, uh, uh… ::)
End Quote
Plume and ice? ::)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Isn't that what Pat Benatar sang at Super Bowl XIVI or something like that? :-/
Plume and ice? ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I just wanted to introduce my penguin friend below. His name is Badtz Maru and he a mischevious little penguin. He likes ice skating and long walks in the snow. He lives in a place called Sanrio. You can pet him of you like, but be careful, he has excellent pick-pocketing skills! ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hello Penguin!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I just wanted to introduce my penguin friend below. His name is Badtz Maru and he a mischevious little penguin. He likes ice skating and long walks in the snow. He lives in a place called Sanrio. You can pet him of you like, but be careful, he has excellent pick-pocketing skills! ;)
End Quote
What should I call him? I started to say "Hello BM", but those initials have foul conotations if you catch my drift. How about just plain ol' Bad? "Hey there Bad.......you're a cute little thing, yes you are......wait a minute........where are my VFM keys?"
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
You can call him whatever you like but don't make him mad because secretly he is part of an elite group of Japanese toe fighting warriors. :o
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
OK........Bad it is. And I found those keys........I would hate to see him trying to operate a technical piece of equipment like the VFM. You know what they say about penguins and flying.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
OK........Bad it is. And I found those keys........I would hate to see him trying to operate a technical piece of equipment like the VFM. You know what they say about penguins and flying.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
That's right! We bad, we bad. ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Woohoo...we have a mascot! Alright Bad! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
This penguin land may be doing great, but the Pittsburgh Penguins are going bankrupt :(
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hi guys...here to rescue this thread from dreaded page 2! :o
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
That would have been disastrous, here I am to float in and save it.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
This penguin land may be doing great, but the Pittsburgh Penguins are going bankrupt :(
End Quote
One of my best friends used to love the Pens until Jagr went to Washington.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hey! I'm back here!
Anyone want to party
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Jagr's a sellout. Lemieux is the heart-and-soul of the team but he's getting old and has no supporting cast :(
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Go Caps! ;D
How is everyone today?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
O Ye with more money ;) ::)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
O Ye with more money ;) ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
The Caps' payroll dwarfs the Penguins' ;)
Lately the Pens have become like a minor league team to the Caps :(
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I see what you're saying now! How is Rice today? I am looking at 2 feet of snow out my window! >:( UGH!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Rice is one penguin who needs snow :(
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Are you guys talkin hockey? What a perfect sport for Penguins ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Just so happens I have a few sticks and pucks here ;) Now we need a net...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Good morning Princess and Earl and Sticky Toes... ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Good morning Steve! ;D
Hi 80's! ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Good morning Princess and Earl and Sticky Toes... ;D
End Quote
That's MS. Sticky Toes!
UGGGHHH!!! Gotta get going and go shopping with the family to get a new TV for my middle penguin and some stuff for the hubby. Wish he would just go and let me relax!!! It's not like my opinions counts on these types of things anyway!!! ::)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Two feet of new snow? That makes life interesting...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Two feet of new snow? That makes life interesting...
End Quote
Interesting....no, Psychotic....yes! :o
I hate it, I feel like I am living in the friggin' Arctic Circle.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Heck of a lot better to have it on a Sunday. Radio just said Baltimore might get 30+ inches with this storm.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hello there everyone...where is that bartender...some of us don't have to work tomorrow and want to party! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
What's your poison? ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hello there everyone...where is that bartender...some of us don't have to work tomorrow and want to party! ;D
End Quote
That's make two of us, Dagwood ;D Ain't nothing better than ignoring a Monday morning alarm clock.
I'll have a virgin Mary...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Sorry, I don't serve human flesh ;) j/k
Here ya go! *fizzzzzzz*
Now what's the bloody answer?? :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Well... if you ain't got a virgin Mary, don't spose you have any... uh... kumiss, do you?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
*flips quickly through bartender's manual*
I have no idea what that is :-/
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Fermented mare's milk ;D But heck, I'll take a cherry snapple if you got it.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Always something with you ::)
We need another clue, darn it! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Kumiss was the stuff Attila and his huns drank. I read about it years ago and spent a bit of time trying to find me some to taste... even thought about home brewing some but not many places sell bottled mare's milk...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
EWWW! I'll take something sweet and leaded!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hi all! Bagsy the trampoline!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Good morning penguins! Just checking to see if any of you were around. I see that you all were party penguins last night, so you are probably still sleeping. Well, I am up for a little penguin-style snowboarding today. So I am off to carve a slope.........
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Good morning all, I am going to sit here and enjoy a cup of coffee.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I'm starting the party tonight. I got my glass of spumonti. Cheers, everyone. ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Party time...I brought chips and dip...and my wine coolers.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Where's the ZIMA? I feel like partying like it's 1987!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Where's the ZIMA? I feel like partying like it's 1987!
End Quote
I thought I was the only one who drank Zima. I love the stuff but I also love my spumonti. ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
It's super tasty with a splash of chambord!! ;) I like Spumonte too & remember Bartles & Jaymes? HeeHee! That stuff used to make me soooooo ill!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
"Thank you for your support." ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Did y'all ever try Tropical or Purple Passion? We used to live on that stuff in college. It was, like $3.00 for a 2 liter. MadDog was cheaper, but this stuff was better. Kinda like spiked cool-aid!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Ee-yew. I'm glad I don't drink anymore ;D
The only gooey sweet drink I remember is blueberry schnapps, which tasted like a hellsbrew combination of cough and pancake syrup.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Look what I found for us!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
*flips through the menu*
Hmm...I'll have the Fizzaxenu. I'll have to eat....oh what the heck. Throw in a Chickenspice wing with Xtra pepper.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Who has a big tall super alcoholic drink for the Princess? I am having a cr@p day and I need a fellow penguin to lean on while I sip away my sorrows! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
A Misfit Island Iced Tea for you, my dear penguin friend...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Could I have my order please, 80s_cheerleader??
i want my Fizzaxenu with the Chickenspice wing with Xtra pepper!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Sorry, burnt the first batch... here ya go...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I'll be the Music host. Give it up for...BLOODSTAIN!!
(Glug) Ahh, nice Fizzaxenu! (chomp) Yumsh! Yummy Chickenspice wing with Xtra pepper!! Now let's have a nice listen to the musik!!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Grr I only get those two on the stage!
Here is the singer - (sorry if they dont fit on the front of the stage!)http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/musik/music-smiley-012.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Wee-hoo... got my taxes done and I'm getting money back...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Me Too!!! Shall we happy dance?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Wee-hoo... got my taxes done and I'm getting money back...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Love to, Ms Sticky Toes! (Maybe we can slip a little Zip into these boards while we're at it, they're mooving sooo slooooowww)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hmmm, this land is manic...one moment it is slow, the next, quick as lightning...weird it is! ???
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
IhearyaEarlmovingtoofastnow ::)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Ah yes, hello good sir. How goes your day? :)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Doth well, sirrah. And you?
Shopping for a plasma monitor with my state refund... http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/cool/cool-smiley-014.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
You're going hardcore! :D
Why not splurge on a better CPU first, then go for the monitor? :)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Getting the CPU with the Fed money, Earl. Got that one done last week (when Intuit's Turbo Tax took possession of my computer...) State's gonna be dedicated to a monitor...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Most excellent. I love it when the government works for us penguins ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Hello all. I am here for just a little bit of time. Busy day so I didn't get a chance to come by earlier. I hope that everyone is doing GREAT today.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Thank you, Earl ;D Hi, Cat!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Now you can do your taxes AND surf the web! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Feeling great tonight. Drinking my spumonti and listening to Styx. What could be better? ;) Anyone care to join me?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I do like Styx, but I am not familiar with the band post-80s :-/ It is most unfortunate that Dennis DeYoung is no longer part of the band.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
They had stuff post 80s? ;) Right now, I am listening to Paradise Theatre. I was listening to Pieces of Eight earlier. I love them. They are one of my favorite bands of all times (of course the Beatles are that list too.)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
We did a thread on favorite bands once :) It was fun. I think I grouped the Beatles and the Rolling Stones on one echelon and Huey Lewis & the News, Styx and the Police on another...very hard to choose, so much good music :)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I just read in the 2000s board that today is Dennis DeYoung's birthday. That is too funny because I have been listening to them for a while now.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Since it is our own little land and we can have what we want, I brought Dennis DeYoung in and we are going to have a kick @ss birthday party for him! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Now everyone sing Mr. Roboto!
Domo arigoto!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I will be right back...I am going to get the Cave of the shogun Penguins cleaned up and ready, as our little island is sinking.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
We can continue to party here while Dagwood Penguin sets up the cave for the new party...but unfortunately the weather has gotten bad and we shall have to paddle towards higher ground :(
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Ah, now they are playing "Babe"...
Rice Penguin made a parody of "Babe"! :) Would you like to see?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I am back...cave is ready so whenever we need to we can go on over. Good news is that it is huge so we can fit and then some. ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
It must be a super cave! :D
Let us dance and waddle like penguins on meth! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Yay! Since this party's guest of honor is Dennis DeYoung, our special penguin time machine has brought back...original Styx! Yay!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I would love to dance like a penguin on meth if I knew how..would you show me?
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Maybe Zella will bring her Rolling Stones collection and we can listen to Stones and Styx ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Oh yeah...waddle! Shake that, uh, penguin behind! Waddle and flap like you've never waddled and flapped before! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
**on feet screaming**
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Yeah! Maybe if we flap hard enough we can fly to the new cave instead of swimming! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Maybe Zella will bring her Rolling Stones collection and we can listen to Stones and Styx ;D
End Quote
Hell, why just bring the collection, have Zella bring the Stones...the cave is big enough for tons of bands...we will party for weeks! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Cool! We can soar with the ostriches!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
And the emus and the kiwis too! :D
But we must save energy if we are to swim to the cave...Dude is not here with his flying car :-/
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Any requests for drinks? I am headed over to the Cave to get the party started there as these big threads slow my computer down big time. :P
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Darn big threads :-/
Hey, let's get some Sam Adams in that there cave ;)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
And extra bananas for Jessica Penguin :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
May I have some kumiss, please http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/mittelgrosse/medium-smiley-124.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
We need to load these supplies on our penguin life rafts before it's too late! The floods are coming!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Yeah, don't forget the bananas! I couldn't live without them! ;D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Crazy Don is outta here! And Dag, I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said to be hurtful to you…
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Bananas get priority! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
3...(this is intense!)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
2...(can you feel it?)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Crazy Don is outta here! And Dag, I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said to be hurtful to you…
End Quote
I didn't take any offense...no hurt feelings..peace? :)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Everyone's on the boat! Let's hop on over to the Cave of the Shogun Penguins, where Styx and Stones await! :D
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
(Hang on, let me get the drill and the bleach before we blow this joint...)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Come on over, everyone. I got this new machine that when you reach in you can get whatever drink you want!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
We'll see you later ;D (Got the drill and the bleach...)
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Now, Give it up for the ONE & ONLY...THE AMAZING 5...HURRICANE BLOW with LoVeStRiKe!
8) :D :o :-* >:(<(Boo!) :)
(the words to the song)
Uh huh, yeah, love, uh huh
Uh huh, yeah, love, uh huh
Listen up
Here's the rap
I cant say
you have not heard LoVe in rap
now sing
say hey (hey)
say ya (ya)
say hiss (hiss)
say you (yeah?)
Gotcha (grr)
ya never know
what's happenin in the LoVe rap
now LoVe
can be tricky
I can say
It's just unpredictable
you can tell that in the love rap now
I know it's true
look at the love rap
see it?
LoVe LoVe LoVe
it's everywhere
you cant predict LoVe at all
We're Hurricane Blow
with The LoVe rap!!!!!
Rap yo'selves
listen up
can't ya rap
I'll tell yo how to
you just think up a story and put them into one tone
s'easy when yo think
then yo get a record disk
put in in a record player
yo scratch disk
get that?
yo know now how to rap?
That's the LoVe rap for yo
Erm, I never KNEW it was gonna be a rap!..
Oh well, Gareth Gates?!?!? why is HE here??? Get out! Unless you are here for a very good purpose...
this is Gareth...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I see the Island hasn't sunk yet :o Glad I found the cave, though...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Everyone, come back! I have a machine that is virtual reality, you can be in whatever world you want, doing whatever you want! Come back!
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Well, the Island will soon be overcome by a giant padlock, put there by our friend, Hairspray, due to the number of posts, so we must evacuate to the cave...
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I find that having padlocked not nice
It should be here for a lifetime! :'( :'( :'( :'(
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Oh well, we always have the cave and anyone who decides to make another island.
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
You mean that the island has been blown to smithereens and Hairspray hasn't made it off limits yet? I'm heading to the cave…
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
Nope, the Island is not off-limits yet!http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/evil_lol.gif
Subject: Re: Return to the Island of the Misfit Penguins
I figured by the time I returned we would have migrated to another fun place...see ya there! :D