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Subject: Haiku #5
Needed A New Thread,
Zella Wants To Punish Me, :ohttp://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/32.gif
Need A Good Spanking http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/03.gif
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Spanking with new thread
Isn't a problem for me
Maybe I'll try it
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Such vibrant smilies
I have never seen before
Cool RockandRollFan :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Anybody can
Write haiku-just stop at the
Seventeenth syllab
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I like Banasy
She deduced our haiku ways
Running out of syl--
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I suppose Zella
And Fuss haven't found the new
Thread yet? I don't know.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
And this Haiku thread
Is still short of some Haikus
Anything, CD?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Perhaps you should view
Thread 'bout what happens when I
Get metaphysical ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
^ Is sometimes Riceł
And sometimes is Rice uncubed.
The cube comes and goes... ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
^ Is sometimes Riceł
And sometimes is Rice uncubed.
The cube comes and goes... ::)
End Quote
Rice is not Hobbit
But will Rice become cubed 'gain?
We shall never know...
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I must write a res
ponse in this thread but I fast
Run out of syllab...
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Headline news ! Bobo
To appear on Zella's show
"I've got a secret"
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hairspray hasn't locked
#4 yet. I'd rather
Post in the new thread.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I have never yet
Begun a follow on thread,
I have no death wish! :o ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Ha ! Holy Dooley
Is very observant of
Nuances on board
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Nobody wants to
Participate in story
So now on page two :'(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
This will never slip
Down in the depths of the board
Long live haiku forms!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Sorry, Zella, but
Mountaineers beat Pittsburgh in
The Backyard Brawl! Yes!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I am loathe to say
I am a stupid Bear's fan-
What is wrong with me?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
So we meet first time
Elusive Banasy girl
Good to see you here ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
You will have good times,
With my dear Hoosier buddy.
And Darla, I hope.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hello Banasy,
You were lost and now you're found,
Much to Don's delight! :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Don not withstanding
Many pleased, Banasy's returned with
Rapier-like wit
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hairspray's not locked up
#4 yet? It's still open!
Why not come here? Huh?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I asked Hairspray nice
So number four is now locked
Now shut the (*&# up.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
It's play time for me
My family has gone out
Dance, cabana boys!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hello Banasy
I would dance too but I have
Two left feet, methinks
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hi, Rice Cube, honey
Dancing is optional here
Step into my tent!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Cool that you have tents
Are you into camping out?
Outdoors stuff is fun :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I love to camp out
Outdoor stuff is really fun
I'm a nature girl.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
My Banasy girl's back!
I really, really missed her!
Please don't go away!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Worst news of the week:
Manchester United won
2-1 at Anfield
Poor Jerzy Dudek
One error, one real howler
Two goals conceded
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Another boring
Morning; me by myself and
No one else here. Sad.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I am here, CD.
Had to catch up on reading
Away for 5 days
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Glad to see DJ
Great to have you back on here,
Always enjoy you!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Thanks, RNRF.
As always, good to be here
Among the penguins
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Yes, is great here,
Finding out people do care,
Please have a great day!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I will; hope you do :)
It is almost time for lunch
Turkey leftovers ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I hate being here
All by myself. Misery
Loves company, right?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
No, misery sits
Alone all day, and listens
To Leonard Cohen.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Welcome, Sally S.
Glad to see you on the boards
And writing haiku
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Also "Hi" Sally,
Welcome to this awesome place,
Glad to have you here :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Thank you for your words.
May your days be filled with joy
You lovely penguins. :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
This is a great place,
I met my one and only,
I am so happy.....
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Yes it is quite true
Those two gush like a fountain
So warm and fuzzy ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Is nineteen days now.
Almost three weeks and counting.
Miss my fav'rite sound... :'(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Oakland Raiders win
Old guys really can play ball
Rice or Brown for Prez!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Gosh it's really hot,
I'm not boring you am I?
It's just that it's hot!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I envy Holy
Dooley, she's in Australia.
Almost summer there.
As for me, I'm here
In West Virginia freezing
My @$$ off. Brr. Brr.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Air conditioning
Once more operational
Microscope playtime! ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Indy is frigid.
In the 30s, now dropping.
Like a rolling stone.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
There is call for sleet
Tomorrow, possibly snow
In my neck of woods :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Is there a neck in
The woods? And do they have two
Shoulders in the woods?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
If a tree falls down
And nobody hears it, does
It still make a sound?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
If I scream in space
But the vacuum prevents sound
Did I really scream?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I envy Holy
Dooley, she's in Australia.
Almost summer there.
End Quote
Constant one hundred
Degree days means Summer is
Already here Don >:( ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Always summer there?
FBVP, you bastard
It's very wet here
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Feels like it Phil
I like the way you talk, man
Straight to the ol' point ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
You use a smiley
Count how many syllables
A smiley uses?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
An australian
Smiley uses none, Don't know how
Many in Britain ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
That's cheating Dooley
And as I told Phil, In Aus
They count for nothing ! :-/
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
My phone line went bad.
I may not be here for long.
As long as it holds.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Good day yesterday.
Waiting all over at last.
Three weeks is too long... ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Grateful for Zella,
Ever happy for my friend,
Always here for you ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
An australian
Smiley uses none, Don't know how
Many in Britain ;D
End Quote
:) :D ;)
>:( ::) 8)
(to translate:
Smiley, cheesy, wink
Rolls on floor laughing a$$ off
Angry Rolleyes Cool)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Not too thrilled about
Sleet & Ice this afternoon
Driving on ice sucks
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
But driving over
Vanilla Ice would be a
Service to mankind.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Very true, Sally.
Should throw Britney and Justin
Under the bus too.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
^^ Has brought laughter,
with the above great comment,
Thanks for the "Funny" :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I enjoy writing
Haikus, cos they always sound
Wiser than they are!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Rainbow Brite was fun
She-Ra, Princess of Power
Was much cooler though ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
We strive for wisdom
The effort twists our faces
We look like monkeys
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
My phone line is fixed.
I can surf the Web now. I
can even stop here!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Ice pellets falling
The drive home will be a drag
People can't drive here
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Benefits snafued!
Stupid red tape gets me down
Ev'ry single time >:(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Our benefits have
Cancelled out our pay raises.
Darn health insurance. >:(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
No benefits here,
I'm lucky to be able,
Paid under table :-X
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Poor Rock and Roll Fan.
I would give you some of mine.
But may need it soon.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Thanks very much, IndyGent,
I know you're my friend!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
You know I kid though.
I would try to give to you.
But the folks complain.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Fuss, HolyDooley
Green with envy because it's
Snowing where I am!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I do not envy
Crazy Don, because the snow
Is so hated here.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
309 is a better
Title than epi.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
When I'm playing Quake
I always get fragged a lot
I'm not very good
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Then how does Fragged go
When playing Quake with Marci
I'm forced to wonder :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
How's it going, Fuss,
Was The Eclipse rather fun,
Were you close to it?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
No Mark I wasn't :(
But in South Australia
Ceduna saw it....
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Heard it's been a some time,
Last time was '76,
Ours was '84
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
In Seventy-Four
We had your Skylab fall on
West Australia ! :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Sorry about that,
AC/DC broke windows,
Way back in Denver ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Touche my good man
One big piece of fallout sure
Deserves another !
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
But it was enjoyed,
By many a rowdy teen,
They love crackling ears!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
RIP Bon Scott
ACDC are great but
Never quite the same :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Brian was the one,
Back when the windows got broke,
I miss Bon as well :'(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Seen DC many times
My biggest regret is this:
Never with Bon Scott
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Philbo fell to Dark
Lord Sauron as he and Tong
Made a parody ;)
(Not that I have anything against Tong, the monotony is just getting to me)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
It was my idea
I thought Bill would finish it
Better. I was right.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I don't hold it against you ;) I have to go, I'll haikuize it later.
Back is the Rice Cube
To tell Philbo parody
Was actually good :)
(I gave you guys straight 5s)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Haiku should be a
Soliloqy of feelings.
Something just like this:
You love is the glue
That holds my life together;
Helps to keep me sane. :-*
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I have a Grandson
My daughter had him today
I am very proud
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
That is a wonderful thing!
Enjoy that baby!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Way back when yours were still young,
Cherish those moments ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Jon is 39.
Not 7. I'm jealous. He's
a grandpa, I'm not…
Married and need a
Girl. Maybe Mystery Wo-
man, maybe not. Huh?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Marriage is not all
It's cracked up to be. It is
The cause of divorce.
I know this for fact
I am now a statistic
But I have great kids
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Marriage is not all
It's cracked up to be. It is
The cause of divorce.
I know this for fact
I am now a statistic
But I have great kids
End Quote
Children sure are great
I wish I had one or two
So legacy lives ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
My Mind Is Hazy,
Another Depression Bout,
Thoughts Become Confused....
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Well keep your head up
The future awaits you so
Carpe Diem, dude! 8)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
The Future Is Dim,
Just Like The Past Before It,
Sadness Shall Invade....
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
So it's dinnertime
Serving dumplings in sweet sauce
My stomach squeals much!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Mercy has smiled
Upon where I live with cooler
Temperatures now :P
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I go for one day
And haiku thread slips down here
To dreaded page 2 >:(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Notarious is
Haiku thread for cries of help...
Which people ignore.
Icarus falls from
The sky, but still the plowman
Keeps plowing the field.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I am listening
To the classical piece that
Looney Tunes use much ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Bugs Bunny, class act
Too bad Daffy, Sam and Fudd
Try to harm ol' Bugs.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Bugs Bunny, class act
Too bad Daffy, Sam and Fudd
Try to harm ol' Bugs.
End Quote
You forgot about
The Tasmanian Devil
Sharp teeth, eats rabbit :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Martin the Martian
I omitted too. Have to
Watch my syllables.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Martin the Martian
I omitted too. Have to
Watch my syllables.
End Quote
That's "Marvin," Indy
He of the Iludium
Q-thirty-six thing.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Sorry, I confuse
Marvin with the Ray Walston
Alien of yore.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Thundering Herd won.
Buffs, Hogs both lose. Zella, this
Is last sports haiku.
(From me, that is.)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Z Paid attention,
Knowing I was In Trouble,
Thanks, Love You, Zella :-*
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
It was worth it, 'cus
You are worth it, and you are
Always there for me.... :-*
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Here I'll Always Be,
For To Cry On My Shoulder,
Whenever You Need ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
You are a good man!
Never sell yourself too short:
So many love you! :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I might Sell Myself,
To The Highest Of Bidders,
Though Jess Has My Heart :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Maybe should start thread:
"Bidding for RockandRollFan"
But I have no $$.... ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
You don't need money,
For you Z, I care so much,
And I always shall :-*
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Holy mush bucket!
The mush has spread to haiku!
Man battle stations!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
What's wrong with mush, Rice?
Mark, Zed care for each other.
We should practice some.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Oh, Mushy, Schmushy,
So I Care About Zella,
Among Many Others ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Mush isn't nothing
That a superhero should
Fret about no way.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Jessica has Mark's
Heart. I wish someone had mine.
Mystery Woman?
(Perhaps, perhaps not.)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
So my Mark loves me
And that makes me feel so good
Yes we are soulmates
(There's a little mush for you! ;D)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Jess has my heart too,
So together we are one,
Together, Always :-*
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Aren't you married, Mark?
I hope Jessica knows this.
Nothing good this comes.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Problems were abound,
So together four more years,
Only Plutonic
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Wish to change subject.
And no sports per Zella's wish.
So what about joy?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Joy's what I found here,
Best people I've ever met,
Friends and my Soulmate ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Joy is good for us.
We should all do what is best
For all our soulmates.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Some have Souls "Plural",
But I desire just one,
Jessica's my mate :-*
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
How is ev'ryone
Going to spend the Christmas
Holiday season?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Me? Sister's house first
Then brother's house next, maybe
Vice versa. Yeah.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
How is ev'ryone
Going to spend the Christmas
Holiday season?
End Quote
Hopefully Vegas
With shotguns and sweet sports cars
And all my good friends :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Daniel is my joy,
A pain in the butt sometimes,
But I am in love ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Have you told Daniel
A pain in the butt can mean
You're doing it wrong
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Power back on now
Was out until yesterday
Once again I'm warm
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Blackouts are so fun.
Unless the NCAA
Tourney is still on. :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Love writing stories,
In the thread Artists/Titles,
Need to more often!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Rice Cube's story done
Now penguins shall toboggan
Life is very good ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Queen AmenRa's tale
Is buried in PBG
Off to a slow start
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Queen's story revived!
Post now while posting is hot!
Do not dare delay!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Know no stories yet,
As I have just awakened,
Too early to think
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
If you cannot think,
Curtsey while you're thinking, it
Saves a lot of time.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Also cut and paste
Saves you time from retyping
What you typed before
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Another day starts
Another gallon of cold
Nitrogen used up
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Don't use it to cool
Your processor like they did
On "The Screen Savers."
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Where has Zella gone...
She has been gone for a while,
But also Fuss Has :-/
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Speaking of Zella
It appears she just signed on
Welcome back Zella!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Now she disappeared,
She's acting like Houdini,
I'll call her Harry
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Harry, oops, Zella
Was here for a little while
Now she's gone again
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
And now she's returned,
She is going back and forth,
On and off the boards!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
It is as though she
Is cloaking like Romulan
Warbirds in Star Trek! :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
She is also a
Multilinguist in code thread
Z es muy bien, si!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I know no Spanish,
Not very much anyway,
My question is Que?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Use to know German
When I was my high School.
I don't know nicht mier.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
A toast to Hairspray
One of the best moderators
In all history ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Where has Zella gone...
She has been gone for a while,
But also Fuss Has :-/
End Quote
Fuss has found this post
That time is my Five A.M.
Always in bed then........
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Late at night in bed
Perfect for writing haiku
But never online
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
True ! The best Haikus
Come to my mind when I am
Least able to type :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Today, what a day,
Happy Birthday my friend, Fuss
Tough for me today.....
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hope you're okay, Mark.
You and your family are
In my thoughts and prayers.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I'm gone for a night
And all hell breaks loose on here
Return to normal!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Thanks to you, DJ,
I Appreciate your your thoughts,
Strong and yet still sad :'(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I'm very sorry.
Deeply apologetic
For what I did here.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Waiting for this sucks,
They're still picking a jury,
I will get through though ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Waiting for this sucks,
They're still picking a jury,
I will get through though ;)
End Quote
Just wanted you to know
You are in my thoughts and prayers
Especially at this moment
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Just wanted you to know
You are in my thoughts and prayers
Especially at this moment
End Quote
Your very kind words,
I deeply appreciate,
You have made me smile :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
It's beginning to
Look a whole lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Stupid radio
Stations play Christmas tunes like
Nonstop nowadays! >:(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I can never get
Tired of Adam Sandler's
ol' "Hannukah" song. ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Warriors triumphed
Over Lakers yesterday
Reality shatters.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
And then there was peace
And Rice Cube said, "This is good."
Then back to page one ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Joy and happiness
When I moved this back up to
The top of the board.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Fuss's Birthday was
A happy event thanks to
All of you good folk ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Anytime, great friend,
You're between my neice Nichole,
And Randall & Matt
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Fuss's Birthday was
A happy event thanks to
All of you good folk ;)
End Quote
Well you deserve it
Muchly; hope everyday
Continues well too! :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
"Muchly," said Zella...
Seems she also likes that word
I thought it was mine ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Nose all full of snot
Sudafed Plus is my friend
Hope I get well soon
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I feel bad for you,
Full of snot, my nose is not,
Take care my good friend
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Having a cold sucks.
But it doesn't suck as bad
As having the flu.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Oh say can you see?
That song always motivates
Me. Yay U-S-A!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Almost five o'clock
Which means time to slack off some
Ah, the joys of work :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Can't stay long tonight,
But I shall return later,
Miss me while I'm gone? :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I know someone will ;)
Perhaps she will call you up
And the mush shall flow ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
She may or may not,
Randalls Party is real soon,
So I must leave soon.....
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Happy birthday then
To your dear boy good kind sir
Counting syllables ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I stayed at home sick.
The umpteenth time I've done it.
Workers do not fathom.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Best wishes go to
RockandRollFan and his kin
Have a happy day :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Thanks a lot, Rice Cube,
Your wishes made me smile,
Thank you very much!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I Think Its 5 here
And then here you put two more
Then I'm at The End
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
"Hi" to you, J3,
I think you should get some sleep,
See you tomorrow :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Is J-3 sleepy? ???
Where is she on this planet?
I'd like to find out.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
She's from New Zealand,
Just check her profile out,
And then you will know :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Its not nite time yet
It's only five Thirty now
So Its Too early
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
We have a Kiwi
On this board! Welcome aboard,
Miss Kiwi Member!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Five-thirty P.M.?
And I was thinking morning,
How silly of me :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Just in time for the
Sun rise there on the southern
Hemisphere, good show!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Im really hungry
So Ill have my dinner now
Yummy Fish and chips
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Mush flying all over the place!
Someone hose them down! ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Late nights a good time,
To be with my Jessica,
Anytime really :-*
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Five syllables here
Seven syllables go here
Yay I Am Clever
I cant think straight!!!!!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Just you and me now :)
How is the land of Kiwis?
I trust it is fun :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Its pretty cool here
New Zealand rocks your socks off
Yay for the kiwis!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Yay kiwis indeed
Where sheep outnumber people
More woolly sweaters! :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Im getting bored now
So sorry rice but im off
Catch you later dood!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hi there, New Zealand
Where the men are really men
And the sheep are scared
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Good to see at last
Some friends from across the waves
Join us on the board :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Think I'll try this out
No idea if this is right
But it looks good, huh?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Good go Syncronos
Ain't no thang, just count the sounds
And away we go ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I have to pause here
To ask a haiku question
So please be patient...
Hey, so haikus are Japanese, right? But I'm not sure the Japanese language allows for five syllable meanings, especially since it takes them like eight syllables to say "sorry"...so would an original Japanese format haiku be structured in terms of Japanese characters rather than syllables?
Now back to the show
Everyone please keep it up
This is a fun thread ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I guess it worked
My first haiku is good
Still unclear though
(What constitues a syllable in these things? I know the format is 5 7 5, but which sounds count as syllables?)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Depends where you're from
Where I live one syllable
Can turn into two ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hey, so haikus are Japanese, right? But I'm not sure the Japanese language allows for five syllable meanings, especially since it takes them like eight syllables to say "sorry"...so would an original Japanese format haiku be structured in terms of Japanese characters rather than syllables?
End Quote
Japanese Haiku
Must be extremely compact
We have it easy
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
More haiku comes now
As Rice Cube now posts again
And the world rejoiced.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hallelujah, Rice!
You saved this haiku thread from
The dreaded page two!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Perhaps it'd be cool
If we turned the story thread
Into long haiku :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Queen AmenRa might
Lash out at her "subjects" then
(Not that she won't now...) ;D
Well, it's 4 PM
Another week of work done
Time to go now. Bye!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I get off at five
I am jealous of DJ
He hopped out early :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Just finished a call,
With my baby on the phone,
Love to hear her voice :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Racking up her bill
You crazy nutty lovebirds
Make phone lines heavy ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
They are most lucky
Got free long distance to love
Should see what I pay... ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
But minutes finite
So they have to ration, see?
It is difficult :-/
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
They need a phone card.
It's the only way to go
Till credit runs out... ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
The way they use phones
They'll bankrupt the US Mint ;D
That's one idea ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I have a phone card.
And a cell phone. Wonder if
Mark and Zella got…
(Oops, ran out of syllables!)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
The day wore me out,
All the crap out the trial,
Just brings it all back...
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Take a long deep breath
And clear your mind of bad thoughts
You will be alright :)
You're among friends now, dude :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Take a long deep breath
And clear your mind of bad thoughts
You will be alright :)
You're among friends now, dude :)
End Quote
Soon will be sleep time,
This week has been very bad,
But thanks for my friends...... ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Goodbyes are not good
Rainy days are even worse
Time goes by so slowly now
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Chinese folk eat rice
It is not stereotype
Just a fact of life :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
The holidays should not be
sad. Then where is my
holiday spirit?
Think I will watch a Christmas
special. Can't face watching the news
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
The news sucks these days >:(
Their views blatantly biased
Too sensational
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Twenty-seven pages ;D
Not as much as previous
But cool nonetheless ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Time to go zonk out
A good night to everyone
Or good morning too ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
At work on weekend
Just to hide some Christmas gifts
No room in my house!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Won't tell anyone ;)
Your secret is safe with me
Mister Midas sir :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I have no secrets.
At least not any that are
viable to post.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Finally have time
To write parodies again
Go to AmIRight :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I write parodies for fun.
A few were witty.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Wish I could do more
Like lebeiw and junior too
But I don't have time :-/
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
It is amazing!
Jess still has minutes to spare!
She has self-control! :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I enjoy her much,
She makes me feel so alive,
Sorry, no more Mush ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
And no more gossip.
I've gotten into trouble
With that wicked scheme.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
But gossip's so fun :D
I like the mush that is cuuuuuuuuuoool!
Jess hates that word though ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
One wicked thing here,
Is that guy, Wicked Lester,
Though he's not wicked :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
But Crazy Don is
Sometimes known to go berserk!
But he's a good guy! :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I hope, Don, you will
Apologize to dagwood.
That was so not cool >:(
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Christmas almost here
kids behaviour is nicer
santa is watching ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
They are only good
Because they want more presents
Do not be fooled, mom! :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
you are quite right, yes.
But Mom is not fooled. She knows
why they are kinder.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Mom is quite astute
You should exploit their charms to
Your own advantage ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Mom is way ahead
Have watched dutiful offspring
Cleaning up their rooms. :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Check each one's closets :)
Or under the bed as well.
They are wily ones ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Caught on to that trick
As a past offender when
I was much younger. ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Excellent! Mother
Is eight times wilier than
Her sneaky children :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Sly child number three
Has just come from bed asking
to stay up with mom
Will humor sly child
For just a few minutes and
Send him back to bed. :) ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
we love our gamecube
it brings us very much joy
can't wait for zelda!!
this is my 1st attempt...please be kind...lol. :-/
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hello new member!
You did quite well I would say
Do you have Metroid?
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Several newbies
Have joined here just recently
Under my nose. Hi!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I have won Mind Trap!
I am the master of the world!
Bow before my might! :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
I salute the King
Of Mind Trap because I do
Suck at most Vid games.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Not video game
Mind Trap is a thinking game
Played with cards and dice :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Thinking game? Oh Gosh
I'm even worse at those games.
They give me headaches.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Watched son play cricket
Today and got badly sun
burned, but he played great :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Unlike England's team
Saw their recent results here:
Cricketbase dot com.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Still, Shane Warne got crocked
So the news for rest of world
Not bad after all....
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Remember, there is
Another thread a-waiting in
Case this gets too full.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hope nobody minds,
That i started a new one,
I'm new around here.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
i can't play that game but my 19 year old brother just started it friday. we just got our gamecube on tuesday. thanks for the welcome. ;)
Hello new member!
You did quite well I would say
Do you have Metroid?
End Quote
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Hey MamaMonstr!
welome our little world,
i hope you have fun :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
And the Colts gave Browns
A dose of their own meds and
Won close one in Pound.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Three haiku threads now
open so I am posting
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Three more posts until
Page 20. That's when Hairspray
Will lock this one up.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Coffee wearing off
Almost time to eat some lunch
Quizno's today. Yum!
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
The next haiku here
Will push this onto the next
Page, and that ends it.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Here we are at page
20. This thread is kaput.
Go to the new threads.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
Yes, because Hairspray
Is ready to lock up here.
The end of this one.
Subject: Re: Haiku #5
It's not locked up yet
So I will post another
Haiku on this thread