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Subject: Rice Cube's story game (Ended) #1
Okay, so once upon a time, I read about a certain type of English assignment where people would partner up and write a couple of sentences to a story and switch off. I thought it might be cool to do the same here. Let's see how it works out, shall we? ;) Let's have fun with this!
I'll start the story:
On a typical not-so-cold day in Antarctica, Penny Penguin was waddling along with her friend Penelope Penguin when they happened upon a crashed spaceship in the middle of their favorite tobogganing slope.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
"Oh salmon-sap" said Penny Penguin "We can't toboggon with that space ship sitting sideways on our slope!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
As the two annoyed penguins watched, the door of the spaceship creaked open and out stepped Elvis Presley, clad in a sequined white jumpsuit and a fur parka.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
In typical Elvis fashion, he said, "Hello there, pretty birds...I seem to have myself a hunka-hunka-burnin' ship here!"
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Everyone stood there and stared, thinking to themselves "What a nut".
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
The penguins then heard a loud noise comming from the area behind them.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
"Hey man," said Penny; "Would you mind shifting this burning hulk off of our toboggan slide before it ruins all the good ice?"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
At the same time, Penelope wondered what that noise was, and turned around...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
It was 50 Million Elvis fans, and they were heading straight for them.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
The penguins were aghast when they saw a group of Swedish hunks coming off the boat wearing nothing but smiles. :)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Penelope said to Penny, "I didn't know Swedes were such rabid Elvis fans!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
The beauty of it all, was that the 50 Million Elvis fans stampeded the burning space ship off the slope! :D
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
"darnit!" exclaimed Elvis, "That is the third space ship they have ruined in two weeks."
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Unfortunately, the Elvis fans were out of control, and in the madness, they trampled over him.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
"Aw nuts," said Penny, "Now we're going to have to give him beak-to-mouth resuscitation"
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"Forget it," said Penelope, "lets use are tobogins and get out of here before they trample us."
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
But Penny couldn't leave Elvis like that. She began performing beak to mouth resuscitation.
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Unfortuntaely, Elvis had been lying in the snow so long he had gone into a cryogenic state :D
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Suddenly, a polar bear with a Coke gave Elvis CPR, and the King was revived. Wish I could say the same for his ship.
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Thankfully, Scotty from Star Trek was dogsledding along and decided to stop by and take a look at Elvis' banged up ship.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
"Scotty do you think you can fix it?" asked elvis "these swedes are getting frisky"
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"And while you are at it Scotty," continued Elvis, "would you happen to have anything in your backpack containing any codine?"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
"What do you think I am, a junkie?!! >:(", Scotty yelled. "You got me confused with Mr. Spock, Fatso!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Elvis, the Penguins and the polar bear were surprised to see that Scotty was not speaking with a Scottish accent...in fact, Scotty was none other than the nefarious Dread Pirate Penguin!!
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They were even more surprized when Captain Kirk appeared behind them and began to play guitar and promote priceline.com.... ::)
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"This is highly illogical, Captain" said Mr Spock, "I have been telling everyone this side of the Alpha Quadrant that you are a talentless git"....
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Penny wondered what happened to Captin Kirk, asking him "Did you gain a few pounds?"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Meanwhile, Scotty was digging through his backpack until he found a bottle of Irish Whisky, and handed it to Elvis "Here ya go laddie, this el do you better than the codine."
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Elvis, his spirits greatly revived, then joined Scotty for an impromptu rendition of Jail House Rock, which echoed menacingly over the icy slopes.
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The rest of the assembled crew glared at Kirk when he suggested they could follow up with his greatest collection of 'Knob' songs >:(
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
While the Star Trek bunch was arguing about this, who should wander along but the entire crew of Gilligan's Island....
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Captain Kirk was immediately distracted by Ginger's presence and wondered if she was an alien that he made love to before.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
There had been some changes since the 60's. Thurston and Ginger had got together, as had Mary-Ann and Gilligan as everybody had hoped. Lovey Howell had got a sex change and was now a bloke named Nathan. The Skipper was once again convinced he was on Iwo-Jima, and the Professor has taken to wearing the 'blue dress' that Lovey had discarded forllowing the 'change'.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Captain Kirk was immediately distracted by Ginger's presence and wondered if she was an alien that he made love to before.
End Quote
Ha ! Probably, DJ !
But I don't remember Ginger ever wearing a mini-skirt so methinks he would have passed her by.... ::)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
All the while, the Penguins wondered how it was that the Dread Pirate Penguin had suddenly morphed back into Scotty form, and developed a Scottish accent to boot.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
And what should come out was Burgess Meredith returning from the dead as the Penguin, with Batman and Robin in hot pursuit…
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Just as the Brady Bunch washes ashore, all beaten and bloody after being thrashed by the Partridge Family.
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As the Brady Bunch continued to get pummeled by the Partridge Family, the Penguin magically transformed into Mickey, Rocky's trainer, and taught the Brady Bunch the art of boxing.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Then suddenly, Danny Partridge pulled out his 57 magnum and shot it into the air!
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After "pulling out his gun" Danny saunters over to Robin and whispers in his ear...
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"Sorry," said Robin. "I only swing with Batman"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Gilligan and Skipper look at each other and say, "I knew it. The tights were a dead give away."
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Suddenly another ruckus was heard, and up rode the Cartwrights....
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And Danny shouts out, "Mine's bigger than his!!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Gilligan, pointing to the Skipper, shouts, "and his!" Skipper jerked his head to look at Gilligan, who began to wonder about all that 'little buddy' stuff...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Then the Professor emerges from his hut with a coconut bazooka and yells "BRING IT!!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Then Maxwell Smart snuck up to the Professor and shouted, "Missed it by that much."
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"Hey! No fair!," cried Gilligan, as he moves to stop Smart...but trips over the Skipper's shoes, landing face first in the dirt.
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Smart, being as inept as Gilligan, followed the first mate into the mud with 99 (Swedes) watching.
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Nelson Muntz (of Simpson fame) walks up, points, and says, "Ha ha!"
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The Skipper pushed Muntz into the mud, and Homer Simpson, being as inept as Smart and Gilligan, followed them into the mud and said, "Ummm, chocolate".
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Marsha Brady trips and falls into the mud. The entire Brady Clan moves to help Marsha, shoving Jan out of the way. "It's all about her...Marsha Marsha Marsha! Well, not today!" Jan then does a flying elbow drop onto Marsha's back. "How do you like Marsha NOW!?"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Then Trish Stratus run to the bog and delivers a cheap shot on Jan, who drops like a ragdoll.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Alice, the Brady's made, strips off the apron to reveal a dominatrix outfit. "Hey, only I may beat her like that!" With that, she delivers a flying drop kick to Trish. Meanwhile, Nelson's jaw drops to the ground.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Mickey/Penguin, a tad too excited, has his second heart attack and dies (again).
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
And then the Joker (as played by Cesar Romero) emerges from the dead, with Batman and Robin in hot pursuit…
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
And all the males stop to watch the ensuing mud wrestling going on on the center of the island. The millionaire, the professor, Gilligan and the skipper are sitting nearby, eating popcorn and watching the battle.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
Unfortunately, this made the tobogganing slope even more crowded than before. The Penguins knew they had to do something, and do something they did...
So as not to disturb the story...Irisheyes, you're my hero :) MacGyver ROCKS!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
They called for McGyver...They knew he could help them out...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
McGyver, having only an old coffee can and some twine....okay, finish this part :-/
Subject: Re: Writing a story game #1
McGyver, having only an old coffee can and some twine....okay, finish this part :-/
End Quote
MacGyver, having only an old coffee can and some twine, created a neutron disruptor and threatened military action if Saddam Hussein didn't agree to UN terms. Or something like that, MacGyver was being coerced by Murdoch at the time.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Batman gets up and kicks MacGuyver in the head. "You're blocking the view!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Needless to say Penny and Pentelope Penguin had enough of this rucus and inability to toboggon and it great frustrated warrior cries desended on Cindy Brady,- warriors yes, but careful to pick there battles.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
"Thop it you thupid theagullth!!!" she cried.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
With that, she pulls out an uzi and begins to fire up in the air.
"Alright! Cut thith crap out! That'th my thithter in there!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
The Joker was not pleased that he wasn't the one shooting off the Uzi, so he used his acid flower to dissolve the Uzi, ruining Marcia's facelift in the process...
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...and revealing that Marsha all along has been...
Leroy Brady! The long lost transvestite love child of Mike Brady and Alice, the maid!
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I new it! Shouted Jan, You've been a hermaphradite all along!
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"Now it's going to be all about Leroy - Leroy, Leroy, LEROY!!!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Suddenly MaryAnne and Ginger found use for all thos Coconut Cream Pies they had been making for the last 40 years - throwing them.
Kirk and Mike Brady, as the 2 most irritating characters there, got the first volleys....
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
But Brady genetics are not compatible with key-lime pie, or any pie for that matter, so their festering hulks of skin sloughed away to reveal...Skeletor and Hordak!!!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Then Skeletor appeared to be having a heart attack but actually transformed into 1980s television superstar......ALF http://frontpage2k.nmia.com/~kenk/Character_pics/alf.JPG
He says "Hey, Elvis, you got any cats around here?" and started sniffing Elvis to see if he was hiding any cats under his large suit.
"Hey, lil' Dude," said The King, .......
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Alf, as it turns out, was not an extraterrestrial, but a large hairy pengiun named Ice-Cube Chunky Penguin.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
And he immediately leaped up on top of the nearest glacier and began some serious penguin-rap....
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
And so Ice Cube rapped his Penguin Rap:
Could I have your attention please?
Could I have your attention please?
Would the real Wet Birdy please stand up?
As Ice Cube rapped and flailed his flippers, the Swedish Elvis fans changed allegiances and began to hop to the beat.
Yes, I know it's Eminem, but let's not cross our streams here ;)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
And then the Swedish Elvis fans brought along the Swedish Bikini Team…
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Greg Brady grabbed the keg out of the back of the wagon and Gilligan pulled a big bag of genuine Island Grown out of his sailor trousers. Marcia, who is now Leroy, ripped off his/her top and began waving it in the air, Jan began to remove her's too but quickly rememberd her breasts were smaller than her sisters/brothers and self conciously crossed her arms over her bosom. The scene began to ROCK!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Greg could not conceal his lust anymore. Having experianced the joys of family love with Mrs. Brady, Greg now wanted his sisters, both Jan and the transvestite. Gilligan, noticing Greg's bulging manlihood decided to disarm the situation and rolled one up. Everyone took a drag. Before Greg knew it, his lust for his sisters was replaced by a wanting for something salty.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
And when the Swedish Bikini Team took off their bikinis, all the lust-crazed men went after them.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Meanwhile, Mike Brady (as Hordak) & The Skipper began a breakdancing duel...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
...as Robin stands up and says, "They're all fake anyway. Come on, Bruce...let's go. We can still make our flight to San Francisco. RuPaul's throwing a big bash!!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Soon after Batman and Robin hopped the love train to 'Frisco, though, the participants of the Antarctic orgy began to suffer the effects of cold shrinkage...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
That when Gilligan begins to smile REALLY big. And rightly so...his bulge manages to brave the cold effects. "Hey," he says, "Why do you think it was a THREE HOUR tour?"
(::) groan)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
The orgy suddenly stopped as everyone realized how bad Gilligan's quip was. But soon their attention turned to Hordak and the Skipper, who were tearing it up on the dance floor. The Penguins were not amused that their tobogganing ground was getting mutilated by backspins and handstands.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Penny and Penelope, who did nothing to deserve such a day, turned to the dark side of the bird world to end this shameless display. Using there innate penguin bird-cries they summoned birds from around the world. Please free us from these horrid humans they cried.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Deep under the blue seas, Aquaman hears the cries of his beloved Penguin brethren and sends manatees and sea elephants to see what's going on, since Aquaman at that time was being swamped by his income tax returns.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (we'd like your input!) #
Right at that moment, the former cast of Baywatch, sporting matching red bathing suits (and about 200 lbs of silicone), ride up onto the beach in their bright yellow jeep. "May we be of assistance?"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
...and gasped in surprise at the hobbit with his arms twisted behind his back speedily typing a sentence before leaving to go home, just to add something to this story...
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"Sure," said Penny & Penelope. "If you could break up that dance-off over there before the ice breaks, we'd be most appreciative!"
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Of course, at this point it would be extremely difficult, since Derek Zoolander and Hansel were now engaging in a "walk-off" contest to determine "Outstanding Antarctic Male Model" ...meanwhile, the Hobbit had finished his work and had gone home to smoke his weed.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Marvin the Martian glides by in his flying saucer, and surveys the carnage. "Puny earthlings," he says. "I'll destroy them all with my P-31 space modulator!"
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the P-31 space modulator, as everyone knows, is a latest prototype and successor to the Eludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator, which Duck Dodgers and his Eager Young Space Cadet stole years ago. Thankfully, Duck Dodgers was on hand with his anti-disintegration vest to act as a consultant to prevent the Earth from getting vaporized.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
"WHo cares about earth?," says Marvin. 'I'm talking about those cloned women with the silicone enhanced chests. They shall be destroyed!" With that, there was a blinding flash of light, and all that remained of the Baywatch cast were a pile of symmetrical silicone lumps. Jan happily picked two of them up and said, "Let's see you all talk about Marsha NOW!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Greg Brady, having an epiphany, fused two of the lumps of silicone together to make a football. While throwing it towards Hansel, naturally Marcia stepped in the way and got her nose flattened again. With football and breakdancing and walk-offs, the Penguins still couldn't get their tobogganing slope cleared. What were they to do?
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Jan appears at the top of the hill. She is sporting a double E-cup sized pair of breasts, and hold herself up proudly. "BEHOLD!" she bellows. "Behold the work of art that is JAN BRADY!"
All at once, the chaos stops as they gaze into the newly fabricated mounds of flesh.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Nearly an hour passed by, and the bloodyfaced Marcia/Leroy was fuming...why wasn't anyone paying attention to her/him?
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Yakko, Wakko, and Dot jump out of Marvin's spaceship, and the two boys shout, "He-LLO nurse!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
And at this point, Penny & Penelope had seen to much. In complete frustration brought to a fatal dose Penny & Pennelope burst into flames. The 1st documented case of Spontaneous Penguin Combustion.
And the smell was awful.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
And then...in a burst of light, Marsha/Leroy sheds her clothes and reveals her true identity! http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/kofKrizalid2Animated.gif I am Leroy, king of the Flame-people! KNEEL before me, puny mortals!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Though the penguins were now dead, their souls were still hovering above their charred carcasses. They proceeded to possess a couple of Swedish firefighters/Elvis fans/swimsuit models to put out the remnants of the flaming feathers, and then plotted to destroy Leroy once and for all.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Then, Buffy The Vampire Slayer battled the nefarious Leroy until the monster was vanquished with Holy Water, restoring the lives and shapes of the cute little penguins.
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http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/krizalid-punches.gif As if cast in one of the Scream movies, Leroy rises from the dead and begins to attack...and grope Buffy!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
That's when Buffy noticed the silicone breast implants still lying on the frigid ice. She attached one to each end of a short string and created implant-chuks and proceeded to pummel Leroy with her furious vampire-slaying might.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
In an effort to steer this story back on the right track... ::)
That's when former President George Bush interrupted the vicious fight to the death and begged everyone to "come together in a thousand points of light, and stay the course" because fighting "wouldn't be prudent at this juncture".
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Accompanied by former President Bill Clinton who immediately began leering at Jan and Marsha's silicone....
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The sheer volume of people on the penguin's toboggan slope was so mindboggling that some of them did not realize that Marcia and Leroy were one and the same...or were they?
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
As it turned out, Leroy was the dreadful Mr. Dittmeyer, the cantankerous Brady neighbor. "I have been wait all my life to destroy all you TV sitcom stars of Sherwood Schwartz." Just at that moment, Buffy doused Dittmeyer with icy water, who melted into the tundra, saving the penguins one more time.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Well, it turns out that somehow, the entire Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team showed up out of nowhere, and they found no one to play hockey with them…
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Relieved, the penguins looked at each other and around in disbelief, how lucky we are, they said to each other using their telepathic penguin abilities. Do you think we should let everyone know who we really are, and how crucial it is for them to let us get to the top quickly?
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Undaunted, Mario Lemieux uncorked a wicked slapshot and beheaded Leroy/Dittmeyer, ridding the Penguins of their mutual thread once and for all.
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The masses cheered and rejoiced (for what reason, I don't know).
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As the puck bounced off the mutilated Leroy/Dittmeyer's severed head, Lemieux slapped it down and fed Kovalev for a nifty one-timer to emasculate Bill Clinton--yet somehow, horn-dog Bill was able to continue leering at Jan's enhanced bosom.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
As Penny and Penelope Penguin both, raised their fists in the air, and in despair cried for the Hall's Menthol Lyptus angel to hear their desperate cry...
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..but instead, Jan hushed the penguins and called in a loud yodel.."RICCOLA!"
::) (Lame...what can I say?)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
...but was it a call for her sore throat..or something else?
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
...summoning the ferret from the Budweiser commercials, who in turn said, and I quote..."-ha oo ay engooeens rrom fwampf!?"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Riding on the ferret's back was none other than the Gecko from Geiko, who nonchalantly licked one eye and ignored the ruckus.
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Peering over the Gecko's perch, James Bond, the world's most cunning linguist, tried desperately to decipher the ferret's ululations, before Dr. No could melt the polar ice caps and flood the planet...not to mention destroy the last great tobogganing grounds.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
After precious minutes, Bond finally realized that the ferret was mumbling: "Yo quiero Taco Bell" and realized that the ferret and gecko must be sharing communications...
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As the Jamaican bobsled team, taking advantage of the situation, performed an impeccable run down the...
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...middle of the mass of Swedish bikini models, making sure to make use of their hands on the way through. Bond took notes on his wristwatch for his next encounter with a female superspy.
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Meanwhile Penelope and Penny (wondering for the umpteenth time why they had different versions of the same name) waddled off to their igloo to turn on their computers and see what was happening inthe00s...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
...and just narrowly escaped being impaled by one of Zella's jarts!
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Zella being really p****d off since Antartica was at least 100 degrees colder than she liked it, and neccesitated wearing clothes and lots of them....
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
And lots of them she wore, as The Blues Brothers, parked nearby, with their car stereo blasting "Sweet home Chicago", checked her out and said...
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..."You got any fried chicken, ma'am?"
Then Elwood got bowled over by one of the Pittsburgh Penguins, and shaking his fist, yelled, "You fat penguin!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Four times fifity living penguins, slowly turned around and cast him with their eyes, and I heard nor groan or sigh, four hundred eyes full of rage stared at him, as Penny and Penelope looked away from the impending doom...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Thankfully, it was Sean Connery Bond, and his wristwatch emitted 60s-style sound effects so it didn't sound too gory. Connery Bond then gave the Blues Brothers' hats to the penguins so they could match their au naturel tuxedos.
"Goodness," said Penny to Penelope, "There's been a lot of death in Antarctica today!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
-there'll be more, Penelope replied, unless we do what we have to do. As they failed to notice Connery morphing into a beautiful multicolored Dragon,
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Colourful Dragon
Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!
Screamed Penelope
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Just then, Alex Trebek came in the form of Questioning Answer Penguin and stuth his sheath in Mr. Connery, who responded with expletives and epithets.
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A flashing kick knocks Alex Trebek unconscious as a mysterious man walks in. Dressed in a trenchcoat, no one seems to know who he is...until he sheds his coat and reveals that he is none other than...
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/sf-feilong.gif BRUCE LEE!!!
"You want to fight?" he says, his mouth not matching his words. "Then fight me!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Continued Bruce Lee: "For penguins...don't fight back."
The Pittsburgh Penguins took some offense to it, but seeing as he was Bruce Lee and they were mere hockey players, they decided to let it go...for now.
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http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/sf-feilong3.gif Bruce senses some jealousy, and turns to offer a word of warning. "Don't start trouble, and there will be none," he says. Again, his lips don't match his words, but his intention is very clear.
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Shortly afterwards, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar hopped out of his oversized dogsled and begged Master Lee for one more kung fu lesson...
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http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/fei-pose-noanim.gif "Begin!!!" http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/butt-kick.gif
And the lesson began with the two wildly attacking each other...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The penguins (both real and hockey) were wowed not only by the martial prowess of Bruce Lee and his disciple, but also by the results that Kareem got from Rogaine.
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Then, to end the battle, Kareem shows Bruce how hard he's been hitting the gym. Master and stuent stand locked in an all out flex-match...
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/marco-rip-win.gif http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/sf-feilong.gif
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Of course, He-Man did not want to be shown up, so he came in with a vengeance, flexing muscles that normally shouldn't exist...
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Later, Bruce and Kareem would wonder why everyone on Eternia wears leopard-skin speedos, and why Skeletor has muscles...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
At that moment another dogsled rocked up, filled with Illinois Nazis.....
Belushi and Ackroyd were heard to say "We hate Illinois Nazis" and Ackroyd floored the bluesmobile, but as they were on ice, they just sat there with the wheels spinning... ::)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
they got out of the car and waved the most unlikely of creatures, who happened to be cruising down in a most unique ride w/ a licenseplate that read ECTO-1...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
I'd like to interrupt this story to tell everyone who posted or will post here how much I appreciate their input, and how you've made this story one of the, um, most interesting stories anyone has ever read. Keep it coming, and again, thank you for participating in this little game of mine :)
On with the story:
Egon Spengler and Peter Venkman hopped out of Ecto-1 with Slimer in tow, and proceeded to exorcise the Illinois Nazis. Ray Stantz joined them, but strangely, one of the Blues Brothers had disappeared right before his appearance...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
-Them penguin chicks are going to be very upset if we don't move our arses, we're late already, and they sounded desperate, I wonder if we should call that Fox Mulder guy who left his business card at the station last week... said Egon
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
"Forget Mulder!" exclaimed Venkman. "I just want a turn at that hot redhead Scully!" The National Organization for Women showed up soon afterwards and started walloping Venkman over the head with their purses.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
That's when Green Lantern (the Hal Jordan one, that is) swooped in, and with a single thought, giant green boxing gloves materialized and knocked away the NOW people. GL pulled Venkman out of the fray, and this thread from page 2...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
And then the Green Hornet steps in, and Bruce Lee becomes Kato!
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Who turnes to Venkman and says- "Quite sliming Banasy!!!! That's my job!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Hearing this, Jenna Jameson and Asia Carrera blushed with embarrassment...
"But Dr. Venkman!" they cried together, "You're supposed to slime US!" as they assumed positions that would make Chinese acrobats jealous...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
silence..."Chirp, chirp" (cricket sounds...) as you could hear Nelson Muntz in the distance go Ha, Ha! and then penelope's horrified scream "-Oh my God!! they killed penny!! you bas#@rds!!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Just then a new contender stepped into the fray. It was Greg Brady (from the later series episode where he was the rebellious high school senior with the love beads and the cool shades... ::))
"Hi Mike, Morning Carol" he said. Two penguins named Mike and Carol took offense and beat him to a pulp, then pushed him and his love beads down the slope towards the sea....
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
And then a bunch of rockets were heading for the island, and Robin turned to Batman and said, "Holy Toledo, Batman! Look at those rockets!" Unbeknowst to all, there was a herd of bison there, and the rockets were headed in their direction…
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
"Don't you mean holy lean meat, Robin" said Batman. "Quick, pull your rocket anti-detanator from your utility belt!"
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And then the gang from "Jonny Quest" shows up, along with Crazy Don, and explains to Race Bannon, "I guess you did not read the sports inferences in my previous post?"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
"Inferance!" shouts Race, "What do you have a thick head to think this text follows any type of story line, and Jonny, quit hanging out with that creepy Don guy."
"Batman and Robin, are you going to stop those rockets or not?"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Greg Brady didn't make it to the cold water, as he slid face down into a crevace, and got stuck halfway down with his legs sticking out.
Then Greg Lamond, having not stopped cycling since passing under the Arc De Triomphe at the conclusion of his last Tour De France, rode up and parked his bike in Greg's backside :(
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Meanwhile, Ben, Hoss and Little Joe climbed to the top of the highest glacier and began shouting, "Why have were been ignored thru this entire thread?!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The Blues Brothers and The Brady's (minus Greg the bikerack) joined them in complaining.
A groundswell of unrest was forming...
Suddenly Cindy Brady was heard to yell :
"Bring Uth The Head Of Rith Cube - He Wath The One Who Stharted All Thith"
Next thing, penguins are being thrown, left and right ! :o
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Suddenly a Concord landed and out swarmed 300 PETA protestors.... "Penguins should never be used as missiles!" they shouted. "Nor as food. Eat healthy non-animal product foods such as Rice Cubes... "
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The Concorde flight crew, concerned their plane may slide into the sea, removed Lamond's front wheel from Greg Brady, and replaced it with the pointy bit of the plane :-X
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And then Fred G. Sanford (the "G" stands for "goodness gracious") steps in and calls Lamont a dummy!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Suddenly a Concord landed and out swarmed 300 PETA protestors.... "Penguins should never be used as missiles!" they shouted. "Nor as food. Eat healthy non-animal product foods such as Rice Cubes... "
End Quote
Next thing the whole group, comprising the two opposing factions, and the Concorde crew, joined forces with the unthrown penguins, and started throwing all the PETA protestors...
One of the protestors made the mistake of mentioning the word "Taliban", one the penguins got concerned and called 000 (no good calling 911 if you are close to Australia) and in a flash there were 14 police cars arrving filled with officers with drawn handguns....
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The officers of course having driven at warp speed thru the 2000 mile long Archunnel... :o
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
That's when Ice Cube and Mario Van Peebles (or whoever was in Next Friday) came bumbling up reeking of the herb and wondered why everyone was persecuting their friend Rice Cube. All the penguins got a contact high and started doing the funky penguin dance.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
"Those penguins are fly", said Ice Cube. "If only need Mario Lemieux, and we have a ****ing **s ice party."
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Just then Pepe Le Pew arrived on the scene. "Did someone mention my name, no?" His odor, not able to linger far in the subzero climate, was beginning to suffocate the penguins...
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And as if things couldn't get worse, Dumbo the Elephant flew in from the South Pole and made a row of huge droppings on the Penguins and Swedes.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
And then Batman and Robin spot a contingent of Australian posters to the Decades Messageboard arriving on the island. Robin says, "HolyDooley, Batman! It's FussBudget, Reddyrules, Goreripper and BrianMannixGirl! As well as HolyDooley!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Then Crazy Don came in a very bulky parka and six pairs of long johns. He kept yelling, "Darla! Mystery Woman! Where are you?! I need you." But no one answered him. It seems that Darla was still in his basement. ;D
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The collective rambling of the penguins et al were drowned out by Syncronos and Rice Cube's "Yo Mama" insultathon.
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THen RiceCube's and Syncronos' mothers, tired of being bashed by the insults being hurled at one another by their sons, rise up and begin to brawl. The sound is frightening; although only two women appear to be fighting, the noise is that of an entire BAR full of women!
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Soon afterwards, the mothers bowled into a group of penguins in a bowling pin formation and scattered them to and fro. To stop the quarrel and maternally-driven destruction, QueenAmenRa (I hope!) swooped in and separated the mothers before they could engage in more fisticuffs.
(I hope you can read this soon, Queen) ;)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Both mother's look at QueenAmenRa, and wonder why she has broken up a perfectly good brawl.
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QueenAmenRa then proceeded to show the mothers how to REALLY girlfight ;D
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Maenwhile, the Cartwrights, tired of being ignored through tht entire thread, climbed up on top of another glacier and pulled out their oozies and shouted "take that you muthas!"
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That's when Green Lantern shot them with the "Peace Ray" and they put down their Uzis and did what peaceful Cartwrights do...
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....Rode off into the sunset in the direction of the Ponderosa, where Hop Sing awaited them with a good home grilled steak meal, followed by 2000 PETA activists shouting "cows are people too!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Green Lantern created a humongous green frying pan and flipped the PETA people around a bunch before launching them back to Hollywood with a giant green catapult. Then he settled down with the Flash and the Martian Manhunter for some hamburgers from Hardees/Carl's Jr. (depending on where you are)
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Seconds later Barbara Streisand, Martin Sheen and Ed Asner showed up and insisted on an immediate governmental cleanup of the penguin's toboggan grounds, so that Antarctica could again be a lovely place to be enjoyed by our grandchildren....
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...and in the background, Charlie Sheen snorted some lines and ogled the younger hotter Asner, which John McCain sang showtunes to show Streisand how much more talented he was than she ;)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Just then, form the direction of the grassy snowy knoll, John Prine and Bob Dylan were heard to start arguing over who had the more unique voice.
Prine got jack of Dylans' protestations so he smashed a guitar over Dylan's head, and said, "Take that, and start Knocking on Heaven's door".
Just then Henry Kissinger walked over and said, "You're both mistaken, Gentlemen, it is I who has the loveliest singing voice in the world".
All of a suddeen the brawling stopped and they just all stared at Henry.....
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
..who immediately begins to peel away his outer skin. "I'm all over showbiz, you know." As he peeled away more skin, his true identity began to shine through, revealing himself to be none other than...
Marilyn Manson!!!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
That's when the reincarnated souls of the Hanson brothers materialized on the ice sheet to challenge Marilyn Manson to a Celebrity Deathmatch...again. This time Hanson had the power of the Super-Best-Friends on their side...with the force of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, and Sea-Man, would they have enough oomph to best the evil that is Manson?
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http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/testament-prc.gif Marilyn says, "Why don't you quit singin' it, and start bringin' it!?"
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The Hanson brothers conferred, and then decided to let Manson do his reaper trick until he bled to death, since it seemed he was impaling his spleen each time...
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http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/testament-call.gif "Ouch! I cut my hand! Anybody got a bandaid?!"
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Because he was hard of hearing (what with being a giant pitcher of red juice and all), the Kool-Aid man burst through a wall of ice and splashed juice all over Manson's wound. Unfortunately, it was orange flavored Kool-Aid...which meant a minute amount of acid was seeping into the gash, and Manson started to scream...which sounded sort of like his music, so the goth Swedes began to dance and stuff.
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The penguins ignored Marilyn and began talking about what they brought to the recent picnic and who showed up at Penny's doorstep on halloween, but by the time that story made several rounds it included a sexually incompetent chimpanzee...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
And Penny laughed so hard that her heart increased two sizes, plus 4. The sexually incompetent chimpanzee morphed into a sexually incompetent Grinch, who gave back all the Whoville Christmas stuff back to the Penguins.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
But as the Grinch passed out the yams,
Who else to crash the party, but Sam I Am?
He ran through the penguins and knocked them away...
It must have been the seventh time today!
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Sam I Am had just been poisoned by green eggs and ham and nobody could help him, not the Zax, not the Lorax, and certainly not the Cat in the Hat. As he pleaded for his life, the Grinch gave him an antidote, Purple Eggs and Bacon.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Then Marilyn Manson arose
He was on a mission!
He threw back his robe
And bit on some Bacon!
And the Hansons and penguins
They cowered in fear
As Marilyn Manson had been
Transformed into Greg Kinnear!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
To make matters worse, Kinnear was dressed in nothing but the Captain's hat he wore as Bob Crane in the movie "Auto Focus". And Willem Dafoe was right beside him, also au natural. The Penguins' fright turned into disgust as they all puked on the Swedes who had put on their clothes in shame.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
And puked they did, with reckless abandon
On Magnus, Bjorn and Hans Johanssen
Their vomit formed nasty fjords
Upon the Swedes' exquisite gourds.
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Then, Greg and Willem were arrested by the IPD for indecent exposure and cruelty to animals, and were carted away in a freezer. The penguins' throw-up session ended, and the Swedes were relieved. But soon afterward, Bjork arrive and sang so badly and so off-key, the ice caps started to break, and instead of sinking into the ocean, Antarctica started to part from the Earth because it was upside-down.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Thank goodness Green Lantern, the Flash, and the Martian Manhunter were still around, playing cards on a green card table. Green Lantern created a big tube of green super glue while Flash ran really fast to dispense it across the bottom of Antarctica, and the Manhunter pushed the continent back into place. Right before it got stuck back on the planet, Flash shoved Bjork into the space so that she was crushed and the wailing died. Everyone rejoiced. Green Lantern made some green ice cream.
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Just then, the green Lantern and his friends noticed his green ice cream glowing. "Oh, Tiddleywinks! The Toxic Avenger and Lex Luthor have been putting kryptonite in my ice cream again. If Superman ever got a bite of this, he would be S.O.L." So they hid the dessert just as the Man of Steel. "What?! No green ice cream for your buddy from the Justice League of Antarctica? You didn't put kryptonite in it, did you, Lantern?" The latern laughed nervously and replied, "Ice Cream? Dadgummit, Clark. It's 100 degrees below zero. Who's going to make ice cream in this climate?" "You've got a point there.", answered the beleagered Superman, who then flew off again. "Whew, that was close," said a relieved Green Lantern. Then he went to get the ice cream, and it disappeared.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
We're in the home stretch, at some point we need to bring the story to a conclusion, hopefully by page 20. :)
Back to the story:
As Green Lantern and friends flew away, the penguins were in tears, as the force of Antarctica coming back to Earth and Bjork's prior shrieks had destroyed what once was a wonderful tobogganing slope. Whatever shall they do?
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After the tear shedding, the penguins decided to go to their favorite watering hole known as PPP, or P3 as they called it, for a black-tie affair. This was sure to keep other beings out for no black ties were sold in Antartica...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Here at P3, the penguins did the crazy penguin mamba, the Peningue, the Penguin trot and the Toboggan on the dance ice, while eating ice cream, and drinking Scotch on the rocks. Yes, this was a cooooooooooooool place.
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And the Stoli wasn't to bad either. These Penguins knew what was good for them. Since none of them knew how to drive, it was all good. So as the view got worse, the Penguins seemed more attractive to our Superheroes.
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"DC Superheroes?! Not on MY planet!" comes a voice from the sky. Then, out of a cleverly disguised helicopter come another mighty team of superheroes...
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/captainamerica-thumbsup.gif Captain America!
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/spidey-hide.gif Spider Man!
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/ironman-charge.gif Iron Man!
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/hulk-winpose21.gif The Incredible Hulk! And last but not least...
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/wolvie-claws.gif Wolverine!
"This here is a MARVEL town, Green Lantern! It ain't big enough for all of us!"
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The Green Lantern sat back to assess what was going on. It seemed to take longer than usual, with the arrival of the Marvel Heroes...but it could have been the Stoli.
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Green Lantern seems to be drunk, as he starts creaing martini olives, but can't seem to get them to land in the martinis.
"But...they're green..." he slurs, as countless olives fall on the floor.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The penguins they pelted the Marvel Superheroes with green olives and ice cream. "DC was here first," cried Penny. "You had your chance to save us, and you failed us." just then, The Green Goblin appeared from the sky. "What's that giant booger coming from the sky?", asked Little Cindy Lou Penguin. "It's my archrival", answered Spidey. And the two groups of superheroes joined forces and banished the evil Gunk to his doom. "Don't tell my son I was in Antarctica, Spiderman. He repeats everything to his mother", gasped GG as he evaporated into the sun.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
So then the Superheroes paired up, as in many cases when comic book writers need to make money and pair heroes together...
Superman and the Hulk arm-wrestled, with neither gaining the advantage because Superman was sun-powered and the Hulk got increasingly pissed off because he couldn't win...
Spider-Man and Batman took turns swinging across the icicles of the P3 roof...
Green Lantern and Dr. Strange traded magic tricks...
...and the Flash and Quicksilver started running around in circles for no apparent reason.
The penguins clapped their flippers in awe, as they got a really cool free show.
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http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/3-shadowgif.gif "Amatuers," said Shadow Charlie.
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Apparently Shadow Charlie totally forgot that Batman and Bruce Lee were still around...Bruce pounded his Tsingtao and then got into his dreaded Praying Mantis stance, while Batman, the second-best martial artist in the known universe, downed a Sex on the Beach (because he wanted one, DAMMIT) and assumed the Yurinuki Death Stroke...
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...until Robin stopped him. "You can't use that stroke," he said in his softest voice. "You know we left all our lotion at home...you'll get blisters..."
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Batman, uncharacteristically aroused, b!tchslapped Robin and said, "Shut up! You're ruining my moment...I mean, my chi!"
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Robin puts his hands on his hips and says, "Bruce, your 'chi' was already ruined before you even came here. What's the matter? You forgot your viagra? Is THAT why you're using that stroke?"
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So Green Lantern finally got fed up and created a big green pocket "cat" for Batman. "Maybe now he'll shut up," he said under his breath. Then he created some green masseuses and lap dancers and went to the bar with Flash and Green Arrow.
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http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/midler-walkfwrd.gif One of the strippers sheds her green skin, walks right past Batman (who seems not at all interested), and up to the Green Lantern. "Are you green all over?," she asked playfully.
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Green Lantern stared, looked deep into his vodka/Mountain Dew shot, then said to Flash, "Maybe I need to stop drinking..." before collapsing on the countertop. The strippers, unable to exist without GL's consciousness, disappeared. Flash and Green Arrow went off to find cheap ho's somewhere else.
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Suddenly, The Magic Pimp appears.
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/rugal-cvs-stance.gif "SOmebody lookin' for heap ho's? I got whatcha need!"
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Little did the pimp know that Spider-Man was sneaking up behind him to unleash the most painful, VICIOUS wedgie ever in recorded history...I mean, with the proportionate strength of a spider, you know that's going to leave a mark. And then some.
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"Spidey," says Magic Pimp as he picks his briefs out of his crack, "You done did it, now. I gots to pimp slap yo @$$ back up the water-spout..."
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Unfortunately, the pimp's steaming temper caused him to melt the ice he was standing on, and he plunged into the freezing ocean waters below.
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http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/orochirugal-entrance.gif Foolish little boy...you think cold water will stop the Magic Pimp?
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"Awww, what the hell..." said Spidey, and gave the pimp another emasculating wedgie.
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At that point, Spidey's wedgie was so hard that the Magic Pimp split in two entities. One as the Pimp, the other as The Perfect Gentleman.
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The Perfect Gentleman sees no need for further embarrassment, so he walks away calmly. http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/rugalwalk-cvs.gif
The Pimp, however, had no intention of leaving so easily. "I got an @$$ whoopin' with your name on it, Spiderman!" http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/rugal-kicks.gif
Spidey is confused. Although this man claims to be a pimp, Spiderman has yet to see any women...http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/spidey-scratchin.gif
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The pimp's lack of women was understandable, since in another life, he was...Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo!!
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The Pimp began to talk a lot of sh*t, trying to psyche out Spiderman. Spidey was beginning to get annoyed, so he...
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...reveals that not only was he Deuce Bigalow, but he also reveals that before the operation, Magic Pimp was...
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/rouge-dress1.gif The Magic Ho!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The penguins were all confused...why is the Magic Ho no more than a red x? It's like the Swiss flag just got violated.
(PS...Sync! check your URLs, man)
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Is that better? If so, we should edit these posts out
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Suddenly, the schizo Swiss flag morphed into the REAL Magic Ho! "Holy shiitake mushrooms!" the penguins exclaimed, though they had never before seen a shiitake mushroom...but in times of excitement, penguins and people alike will say weird things.
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"You'll pay for that, Spider-man!" Drawing up all his strength and pimp-power, Magic Pimp/Ho releases his most powerful attack.
"Mega-pimp slap...GO!"
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Spidey deftly stepped out of the way, and the Pimp pimpslapped a hole through to China, where he ended up slapping the Chinese president and starting a war between China and pimps everywhere.
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Magic Pimp whistles, and instantly all his fighting 'hos appear. "The only Chinese thing I like is take-out, man. You don't want none of this right here," he says, laughing. http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/rugal-laugh.gif
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Meanwhile, back in Antarctica, the penguins were glad to be rid of the Pimp for now, since they were busy fighting the Imperial Chinese Stormtroopers. They flapped their flippers to the beat of "Earth Angel" by the Penguins.
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"Now that Magic Pimp is gone...it's MY time to reign!!!" Out of the whole that the pimp created climbs
http://primeop.tripod.com/mugenboss/sprite_captaincold.gif Captain Cold, scourge of the Arctic! "Bow before me, feeble penguins, or meet your doom!
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The Flash gave Cold a wedgie ;D Since Cold was cold, his poor dingleberries started to crack with the force of a Mach 5 Rear Admiral...
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One of Magic Pimp's fighters appears and asks, "What is it with all these wedgies? Does someone have a butt fetish?" http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/sakura-scratchy.gif
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Flash ran circles around the megababe, swept her off her feet and made googly eyes while saying, "It's the most fun way to stop a third-class bad guy like Cold here"...then whisked her off to parts unknown. The megababe elected not to resist.
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"That dog," sobs, Cheetah, the only woman fast enough to keep up with the Flash in bed, "He told me he loved me..."
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Austin Powers then crept up and grabbed Cheetah's bum, while quipping: "I never forget a pussy...cat."
Oh, behave, baby, yeah!
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Cheetah turns and gets ready to claw Austin to shreds...but then realizes that the Flash is probably having the time of his life in parts unknown. "Ah...what the heck? Let's misbehave, Austin!"
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As Austin and the Cheetah went at it, hairballs started to fly all over the place...but wait, the horrified penguins yelped, those weren't hairballs...those were Gremlin spores!
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As they start to bound off of the wet ice, the Gremlins begin to grow into fully grown furry gremlins!
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Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, having beamed down to investigate, noted that they bore a similarity to the Tribbles...but were not nearly as cute. "Fascinating," said Mr. Spock while recording data on his tricorder.
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And then the sun came out and killed off the gremlins, not to mention Count Dracula!
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Then, Gilligan, knowing the horror of a really bad sunburn, pours some SPF 45,000 sun block on Dracula, who immediately reverts to normal form.
http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/demitri.gif "How did I get here?" he asks. "One minute, I'm about to bite Monica Lewinsky on the neck...and then, bam. I'm in the middle of the arctic."
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But some of the gremlins survived the solar attack, and someone poured water on the survivors, and, voilà! More gremlins!
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Dracula looks around and says, "Oooh...hors d'oeurves!" And begins chomping Gremlin after Gremlin...
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Until the sun came up again and melted both the vampire and his Gremlin grub. Gizmo and Scooby Doo celebrated with fireworks and bubbly.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Scooby and Shaggy crept off to a secluded ice shack to eat their Doobie---I mean, Scooby Snacks. The Scooby Snacks seemed to give off quite an interesting aroma though, but that may have been the incense they were burning, to worship some kind of god.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The aroma was so strong, Fred, Daphne, and Velma were getting stoned in the igloo next door. Pretty soon, they were all seeing ghosts, and not the ones they are used to seeing. These ghosts all came from Haley Joe Osment's head. He kept repeating to Shaggy and Scooby, "I see dead people." "Shaggy screamed, "Zoiks!!" And Scoob hid in secret penguin convention center.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Gone one day and I'm hopelessly lost.... ::)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
If you miss a day, you miss a lot. :(
Gone one day and I'm hopelessly lost.... ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
As Scooby and Shaggy dashed into the secret penguin convention center, they ran into the dreaded Adelie Penguin! Fred and Velma, thinking quickly, dashed in to set a trap that would make MacGyver proud, and captured the Adelie. Scooby ripped off his mask to reveal...Mr. Greedly, the amusement park janitor!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
That's when Maxwell Smart, CONTROL agent 86, looked at 99 and said, "If only he had used his amusement park for good instead of evil..."
99 rolled her eyes.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
We're almost at the home stretch, guys, so it's almost time to wrap up this story in 40 posts or less ;)
When we're done here, everyone go to QueenAmenRa's story, she's got a good one cooking, so don't start a new thread, just go to hers. Enjoy the rest of the story!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The CONTROL chief also rolled his eyes, even though he was dead, and Hymie the robot rolled his eyes too, onto the floor. "Who wants to play marbles?", Hymie chimed.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Suddenly, Smart's shoephone (TM) rang! It was the Budweiser guys and their pet frogs, and in unison they yelled "WAAAAAAAZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUP!!!!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Smart, not being too bright, answered, "You must have the wrong number. You want the Coors Light twins."
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Like clockwork, a dancing troupe appeared and thousands of frat boys and sorority girls flooded the P3 bar as Creed thundered:
I love football on TV
Shots of Geena Lee
Hanging with my friends...and twins!
I love burritos at four AM!
Parties that never end!
(something something)...and TWINS!
"And I love you too," said Smart to 99 as they got hitched and the show jumped the shark.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The Smashing Pumpkins (or what's left of them) and Train could not believe that Creed forgot that the words were "dogs who like cats" and thus engaged a battle of the bands!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
The bands jammed on through the night, as the penguins lay back and drank their Icees, waiting for everyone to go away so they could toboggan once more. Meanwhile, in the aisles, Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter decided to have an impromptu wrestling match. Conan smacked Andy upside the head with a loose penguin...
The thread is almost over! Please wrap this up before the lockdown, then move on to QueenAmenRa's thread...thanks! :)
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
and Andy fell down like a ton of bricks. Conan turned around and began to do a victory dance. But, little did Conan know that Andy was just faking...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
...as Conan was doing his patented "string dance", Andy sneaked up behind him and gave him...well, what else, a monster wedgie! Conan's face contorted into his W. Bush impression before he got away and hissed like a cat in front of the camera that was operated by Steven Spielberg.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Then Spielberg turned into a giant, radioactive Roger Waters and started going on a rampage. Conan morphed into Santa Claus as Rambo. And Max Weinberg transformed into....
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
And Batman and Robin went back to being millionaire Bruce Wayne and his ward Dick Grayson, and all the messageboard people came back to the inthe00s.com messageboard. The Penguin, meanwhile, turned back into an ordinary penguin.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
As the inth00s members waited anxiously for this thread to go to 20 pages, more bands appeared. The Go-Gos had their umpteenth reunion tour, with Belinda Carlisle weighing in at a pleasantly pump 165. The Bangles played "Eternal Flame" while the boys in the front looked up Susanna Hoffs' frou-frou mini. Bad Company and Will Smith did a rock-rap duet called "Can't Get Enough of Summertime".
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Suddenly, the Riddler stole Will Smith's diamond-studded microphone and tried to escape out the door. With him was the 1982 Stanfurd football team, and as such they were inept goofballs, who accidentally kicked away the microphone as they attempted to get away. The microphone landed in the California Golden Bears' hands, and they ran through the Stanfurd defense with a five-lateral play that ended up with a slightly dented trombone. :)
Which just goes to show that in a battle between good and evil, Cal will always win ;) So Will kept his precious microphone and the party went on...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Join in!) #1
Then a chain of things having to do with sports bloopers started to happen. Fred Brown mistakenly threw the microphone to Michael Jordan, who made two easy free throws. Chris Webber called a time-out, but he didn't have any left. Teofilo Stevenson accidentally hit the boxing ref. Michelle Kwan and Debi Thomas stumbled on easy jumps. And Bobby Knight threw a chair at Creed's Scott Staph. And Clarinda Penguin, who morphed into Zella, was sulking in her Liebfraumilch repeating to herself, "Lord, make it stop!"
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
Bugs Bunny, Tweety and Pepe Le Pew walked up to Michael Jordan and started plugging MCI to all the penguins, telling them how they could call long-distance all across Antarctica for cheap, and even get good rates to their friends in the Falklands and the Galapagos. Flippers flapped mightily as the penguins waddled into line to sign up for what they felt was a really sweet plan.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
Then, the Ectomobile drives in and parks in front of ALF's synthesizer. Four old men wearing jumpsuits and proton packs jump out of the Ectomobile. The Ghostbusters theme plays in the background.
OLD PETER VENKMAN We cammmme, we sawwww, now we'r' gon' kick its @$$..........fer the firrst timmme since 1989.
ALFMore like 1889! Hey how can the Ghostbusters be THAT old if the movie came out in 1984? And when are you guys gonna finally do that third movie?
OLD RAY STANTZThere're s'm rights issues w'need t'take care'f b'fore we do th'sequel.
And so, the Ghostbusters returned the giant, radioactive Roger Waters back into his former self. Then the eighty-one-year-old Ghostbusters FINALLYmade GB3. And they all lived happily ever after.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
Thanks, PF :) Back to the story:
As the rights issues and salary arbitrations came to an end for Ghostbusters 3 to get underway, Michael Jordan and his Looney Tunes pals decided to tack on a sweet deal so that the penguin customers could get a free ticket to GB3 with their purchase of a phone plan. Little did they know that the evil MCI executives would stand in their way!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
And MCI brought a lot of evil spokespeople with them. Regis and Kathie Lee brought their friends and family, then the demented operator Kim from the unfunny series "Yes Dear", then Joan Rivers chimed in with "Can we talk?!" The good guys seemed helpless. But then came Mr T. "I pity the fool who uses MCI.", he growled, and stomped on all of the MCI people with his large boot.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
And then Fred G. Sanford (the "G" stands for goofball) and his "dummy" son Lamont start collecting the junk left behind for their junkyard…
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
"You big dummy!", Fred said to Lamont. "There's no junk in the South Pole. I'm too old to be shivering like Jello. If I wanted to do that, I could've just worn Esther's underwear." "Shut up, Pop. You're supposed to be dead, remember?", piped Lamont.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
The penguins saw their opportunity, and collectively yelled, "The spaceship! The spaceship is for sale!"
Sanford and Son had a bit of trouble removing Elvis' spaceship from the toboggan slope, but with the help of a rejuvenated, cancer-free Mr. T, they were able to hoist the vessel onto their Chevy Avalanche. Mr. T remarked that the Avalanche was the goofiest idea for a truck he had ever seen, as he preferred his 1983 Custom GMC Van. Sanford and Son still did not know if Elvis was alive or dead, but since nobody claimed the spaceship, they rolled off across the tundra in the general direction of their junkyard. The penguins rejoiced: the toboggan slope was available again!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
And so the toboggan run was available for the penguins. And soon enought, the US Olympic Bobsled and Luge teams join the birds in a race on the slope. The Jamaica bobsled team also joined, carrying a load of ganja for the penguins to smoke.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
Unfortunately, the ganja made the birds so warm that they started to melt their slope away, and where it once was smooth, it became bumpy and the penguins could no longer enjoy their tobogganing. What to do?
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
The good side was of course, when the slope because frozen again, it was faster than it ever was. So the penguins didn't care. "Let really take this up a notch", said Emeril Penguin. So the penguins were sliding at approximately 100MPH. And they were still giddy from the ganja.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
"Thank goodness physics and chemistry have worked in our favor again!" said the psyched-out penguins on peyote. Wayne Gretzky skated by and handed out safety helmets, and Agent XXX handed out emergency chutes. The penguins would still have fun, but safety first!
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
Amid much giggling and general confusion, the penguins put on their helmets. Then they began to push and shove to see who would slide down first. A fistfight broke out between several of the penguins, which was hilarious because they were so spaced out they couldn't even land a punch.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
Naturally, since penguins don't have fingers, they couldn't make fists...and their waddling motions were akin to sumo wrestlers, so a Japanese news crew flew down in a helicopter to tape the fights. Soon, "Sumo Penguins #1" would be available on amazon.com on VHS or DVD for $19.95.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
Before the fighting could get any worse, the Great Emperor Penguin, ChuckyG, stepped in to break up the ruckus, and lectured them about good behavior and the need to respect each other. His associate, Hairspray Penguin, told the penguin citizenry to keep it mellow and to keep having fun on the toboggan slope until the 20th hour, when all good penguins are to go to bed and the slope would be locked up until another day.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
And so the penguins kissed and made up. The Japanese crews, without any more penguin sumo to film, packed and left for home. But they left behind dozens of sushi carts, and so the penguins didn't need to hunt tonight! There was much feasting in P3 where the penguins feasted on tempura and unagi.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
As the penguins dined luxuriously, the Swedish Elvis fans, the bikini team, Gilligan and his cronies, and the superheroes all headed towards the shore to catch their boats towards South America, where they would party in Brazil for Carnaval.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
The penguins waved goodbye to their new friends, telling them to send pictures of their drunken debauchery at Carnaval. They invited their guests back in a couple years when Ghostbusters 3 would premiere in the Penguin IMAX Theater at the South Pole.
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
As the guests sailed away, the penguins waddled back to their favorite tobogganing slope, and Penny told Penelope that this was one day they would never forget. However, it was getting quite dark, and the Aurora Australis was starting to burn vibrantly in the twilight...
Subject: Re: Writing a story game (Almost done!) #1
Seeing as it was too dark to continue tobogganing today, at the 20th hour, Hairspray Penguin decided to lock up the slope for now. The penguins waddled back to their nests and igloos, while some stayed around in P3 for cocktails. Who knows what tomorrow may bring?
Now everyone zip over to Queen's story thread ;) Thanks for playing!
(I wanted to end the story myself, sorry to disappoint anyone)
Subject: Re: Rice Cube's story game (Ended) #1
Hmmm...I was going to try to put the story into one big post, but I guess that would be sorta retarded. Whatever, here it is, all done and nice for everyone :)
Queen's story thread is waiting for your posts! Don't disappoint!