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Subject: The person OR people above me, #6!
Well, gotta start #6…
< is a mixture of English and Scottish with a little German and native American thrown in…
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ is late...did you both start this at the same time?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< was first, but will defer to ^^
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is getting a deja vu... :o
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< got confused for a minute
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says...huh?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
alright, ^, ^^, and ^^^...
< started thread first, but changed it to #7 because ^^^^^^ wanted his own thread
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says...Huh!?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says "#*&#(*%$!!!"
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< started #6 after seeing post on #5 go to page 20
^ also started #6 but didn't know I started #6
< tried to kill it but someone had already posted to it
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is laughing...can ^ and ^^ believe I'm actually getting paid right now?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< actually started thread first, but deferred to ^^...so go to #7 when this one is locked
< is also getting paid ;D
why doesn't ^ or ^^ make any more jokes?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< just made one...waiting on ^
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is not getting paid.... :-/
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ wants to start a harem
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< already started... just want to add.... ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wonders how a virtual harem works?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wouldn't mind a harem
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ would have to ask Mystery Woman -- if she ever returns... :-/
^ is often cubeless.... :o
< is often clueless ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< thinks cubeless rice is...
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ hasn't retorted!
no more Yo Mama's today :-/
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< since Dooley isn't here, can I just pick my line up? ;D ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< think yo mama done had enough, but if you wish...
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ do whatever ^^ wants ;)
^ is back! more mayhem!
< wonders if ^x10 would tell < what happened on Friends if < misses it tonight :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< may have to tape it so it may be a day or two before < could give ^ a synopsis
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< appreciates it anyway :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Does ^ have to work tonight?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
maybe...< hopes not though
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wants to know what happened on Frasier...and how did Romano lose his arm on ER?!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< tried starting a harem with Zella, Banasy, MW and Jessica but abandoned it (since Banasy and MW are AWOL)…
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wants to know what happened on Frasier...and how did Romano lose his arm on ER?!
End Quote
^ RE: ER ;D Romano stood too close to a helicopter while it was on the hospital landing pad ready to transport a patient...wasn't too pretty... :-X
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says ROmano was weird anyone...wants to know if ^ things that Luka bought that hooker the last episode
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< could only guess as < is three episodes behind (they're on tape though).
< needs to try to catch up this weekend.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Well, let < tell ^...last episode, Luka bought a hooker at a bar for $300.00 an hour...< couldn't believe it
Does anyone get the text < has written V
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Under ^'s avatar? < seems to get it.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
No...at the bottom...does ^ get V? FIRE!...Does ^ get that one?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Um... ;) ^ lost < there, dude. ???
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is talking about "I did it! I did it! HAHAHAH!!! FIRE!!!!"
Does ^ get that?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
perhaps if ^ explained it ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Castaway...Tom Hanks has been working for two days to start a fire, and all its gotten him is a stick through the hand....then he finally does it, and he says V
^ and ^^ Understand?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
makes sense to <
it was a decent movie
< needs to head out now, toodles!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< didn't see Castaway but understands ^^ ;)
Later ^
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< must also go too...almost 5:00 here...time to go home :'(
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< will see ^^ tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ isn't called Syncronos for nothing.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ showed up after everyone else left, almost... :(
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ comes and goes as she pleases. ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wish! ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< has to attend to his pet.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ Should know that < just watched the 1995 AFC championship...wamted the Colts but ALSO watched Indy beat the Cowpies AT dallas the following season and enjoyed seeing Jim Harbaugh say "That was our Super Bowl" :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< thinks the Colts should've beaten that Neil O'Donnell-led Pittsburgh team :-/
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ Rice sans Cube, mais Rice avec Sport... ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ should watch some football sometime :)
< has a cube again
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ sometimes shows up as a guest
< had to retire my alias, "Mr. E. Guest," when two people jumped ahead of him in one of these threads, destroying the meaning of the post (and a guest cannot modify his post, unfortunately!)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< used to go to <'s high school football games, but only to hang out, be cool, smoke pot and look for cute guys! ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
but like a good politician, ^ didn't inhale ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ LOL! ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^^^ needs to be a ghost every now and then :)
< dropped a cube again
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ smoked pot? naughty girl!
^ is incognito
< needs to find a new name to post incognito
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ should use N. Cognito ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ To cube or not to cube; that is the question...
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< chooses not to cube this time ::)
^ must find this amusing
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is amazed at how far his one word thing went... ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ pronounces name differently than I thought
< remember: it's CRAY-zee DON (it's that simple!)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ will want his Thundering Herd to beat <'s Ball State Cardinals a week from Saturday.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ needs to find the Worthless Sport thread... :-/
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< can't find it because it's usually on page #2.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^^^ posts really #(*&# fast :o
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< has a fast processor, not fast fingers.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ is happy now that his sports thread is back...
< is happy now that his sports thread is back... ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< hopes ^ is happy. ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ Herd has to play Ohio U. this Saturday; then Ball State
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
<'s Cardinals play Buffalow U this Saturday.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is now cubed
< hopes ^ and ^^'s teams win
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ and < say enough with sports. Zella is watching. ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< likes sports though :)
^^^^^^ WILL be assimilated into our Sports Collective ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ is a big Star Trek fan.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< watched Friends and thought it was funny...particularly the huge catfight scene between Jennifer Aniston and Christina Applegate
< thought it was soooooooooo hot ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^^^^^^^^ Will not! ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ Seems like a very outgoing lady
^^ Is new here but keeps quite busy!
^^^ Has been here for quite a while
< Hasn't had as much time to post as < wants
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is really more turned on by the girls in ^ sig line!
< wants to bump this thread back onto page one
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is back on the air. What'd I miss?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ monopoly, mostly.... ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ Monopoly?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Dinkum, ^ ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Struth? ^
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Oy !
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< Says "Good Morning" to ^^ and "G'Day" to ^!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Good Morning ^ :)
< prefers Good Morning to G'day :(
< suffers from "Cultural Cringe' :-[
< also has to go to bed right now, sorry to love ^ & ^^^ and leave ^ & ^^^ :P
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< Says "Goodnight" to ^
< apologizes to ^ for the other term :-X
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
says "Good Morning" to ^^
says "Good Evening" to ^
< had to pull this thread out of page 2. And why is there a #7? Well, we didn't know that either had started #6, and the other #6 became #7…
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says goodnight to ^ and wonders where he is that he has to go to bed at 9:30 am
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< Says good night to ^^^^ and good morning to ^^^ :)
And to ^ and ^^.... :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says "Nice to see ^" ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< Says "Goodnight" to ^
< apologizes to ^ for the other term :-X
End Quote
No need to apologise
No offense taken ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ Has made < laugh, yet again :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ how's the snake? ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wants to know how ^^ gets the snake to stick to the pole like that
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
<'s snake is great :D
< Asks ^^ how the running is going?
< Was lucky enough to have the link sent to < by MissInformation...and the very kind ^^ linked it for < I love it when my snake is in such caring hands! :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< stopped running when < got flu...
< must start again... :-/
^ must phone < at 7 p.m. and bully me back to running! ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ go back to the "person, place and thing" thread! (I had to make up an "IZ" person since I couldn't find one!)
^ the flu sucks, doesn't it?
< is trying hard not to get sick
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< Is very grateful to ^ for not ignoring my very difficult "I-Z" post!
< Will certainly call ^^ at 7...< time or ^^'s?
< doesn't know what V means about spelling errors :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ time is fine!
^ spells "definitely" just like I used to until I was reprimanded! ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< has been Severly reprimanded by ^...just not the way < envisioned :-*
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< could arrange that! :P
^ should practice begging! :P
^ is a bad influence on < ::)
when the cat's away....
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says PLEASE? Pretty Please, with YOU on top ;)
< says "Bad Influence < butt" :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says good thing we didn't start this an hour ago! :o
< says by afternoon will be well hidden pages down! ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says ^ are probably correct
< can't wait to call ^...it's been a while :-*
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< must leave now for McD******'s ::)
< catch ^ later! :-*
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< Will miss ^...it's been fun! :-*
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Does anybody ^^^^^^^ think that < talks too much? :-[
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< doesn't, although ^ has posted 150 times in the past 48 hours... ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
:-/ :'(
< Can't help it. <'s job is boring...work is all done, nothing else to do but talk to ^ and ^^^^^^^^, or else
< will fall asleep
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
OK...< will be quiet now... :-/ :'( :-X
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ has some work? ??? ;)
< doesn't have a whole lot of work today, and < has an office baby shower to attend (hey, free cake)...
< has had a very good week ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< :-X
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ ate something that didn't agree with ^ ? ???
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Really, is 150 posts a lot? < doesn't know the standard operations procedures here, would ^ enlighten me?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ can post as much as ^ wants.
< was just giving ^ grief about being chatty.
< is a addicted to this board
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ has a cute avatar
<has returned after a while of being away..
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wants to know who ^ is in the avatar picture?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< thinks it's Madonna circa the "Bedtime Stories" album.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< saw Friends last night and enjoyed it muchly
^ should watch it if ^ hasn't already :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< saw the opening scene and taped the rest as < had to run an errand
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< actually missed the opening scene...but caught the catfight between Jennifer Aniston and Christina Applegate ;D
where is ^^^^ now? must be at lunch..
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Sweet! < looks forward to watching it.
For ^>V, in the opening scene Joey realizes he's supposed to be in the Macy's Parade with the rest of the DOOL cast.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says...you lost me at CATFIGHT :o...go back and give me what happened...< missed the whole show
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^^ should probably PM ^ about that...
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wants ^^^^ to fill a brotha in! What went down!? ??? :o
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< doesn't want to know
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Hi ^!
< will be heading out for lunch soon
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< heard catfight...those are always fun. The rest is a irrelevant
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< saw the whole thing and thought it was hilarious
Rachel (Aniston) and Rachel's sister (Applegate) got into a tiff about who would get the baby when Rachel and Ross died, and then sister pushed Rachel and Rachel pushed back and then they started slapping and pulling hair and it was sooooooooooooooo HOT!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
has ^ run out of jokes?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Has ^ responded to any of the previous ones?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ says it's cold where < lives but it could be worse...
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< found <'s cube ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Did ^'s cube roll under ^'s desk? ???
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is happy that ^^ is here...Finally, a worthy opponent
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< was too lazy to log on...but found it fun to "lurk" ;)
has ^ retorted yet? :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< hasn't checked there yet, hold on
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ has been busy today ;)
so has <
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
why won't people just post here before going to <'s other thread? ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ and < both know that we humans are illogical
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< gotta go watch a movie :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ have fun with Mr. Bond!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ did in that Code Thread. :)
So did <. ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is a MAN, BABY!!! :D ;) ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says "Hi" to ^^ and says "Um" to ^ ;) :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says hello to ^ too
^ don't think < talk too much, do you?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ seems to be taciturn on some occasions and prolix on others... :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ is verbose ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
And ^ is seemingly well verses in employing such words as verbose, just as ^^ is skilled in the art of slipping in words such as taciturn, and not sounding preposterous
< likes big words. Ever see 'Threesome'? lol
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< doesn't know ^ too well, so < will keep his mouth shut. :-X
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says to ^: don't be shy...we're ALL penguins here, right?:D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says to ^ don't encourage ^^; he is an Aries! :o
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is not sure where ^'s jart is going to land...
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ don't worry! ^^^^ understands! ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
perhaps ^^^^^ will enlighten < and ^
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< will enlighten ^ and ^^^!
We Arieses constantly have our foot in our mouth, like in ^^^^! ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
And ^. :P
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< time to go. C'Ya! :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Well, < is classified as Gemini, so < agrees twice as much
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Well, < is classified as Gemini, so < agrees twice as much
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^^^ thought I was pointing at ^^^^, but I was really pointing at < (count those arrows -- this is so confusing... ::) )
< Had to modify, 'cus the twins posted twice! ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is a Pisces (and quite a fishy fellow!)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ should resort to ^X21's method.
<'s mother was Pisces too.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
So, Crazy Don (or, in <^>V, ^^) what were you going to say?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^^ says he's a Pisces.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ should ask ^ and < how much damage 3 Arieses and a Sagi can do on the misheard lyrics board... :-X
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is the only one to do damage on the misheard lyrics board. Let the others go, ^.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Nah! < started it and got everyone else in trouble! < always gets people in trouble. Well, some people anyway. ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< senses hostility in ^
< senses hostility in ^ too
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
There are two of < :o ??? Heaven forbid!
No, ^^^ and < have this Aries foot-in-mouth disease thing going.... ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
wouldn't the right disease be hoof in mouth for ^?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
LOL! Baaaaaahhhhhd! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
This is so much fun, but I must bid ^ all adieu
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ so long!
^ so long!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Hey? Is she making fun of <?
<< think she is!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Hey, is she making fun of <?
<< thinks she is again!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ is a trip!
^ is a trip too! :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ since she's an Aries, and Aries is a fire sign, her smurf name "Igneous Smurf" fits her well!
< I'm Insatiable Smurf!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Thanks ^! < always liked igneous much better than sedimentary or metamorphic... :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< Just got home from a long work day with my friend Mike...putting in a new floor
< Needs ^ to < tomorrow....... :-/
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< stayed home again today, as I did yesterday. So ^, pray < will feel better by next Monday.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< prays that ^ feels better soon
< is coming off his cider buzz
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< hopes both ^ and ^^ feel better tomorrow!
Esp ^ ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is feeling just fine. Thanks ^
< cranked out a great mix cd, to be titled "Cider House Rules" ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ named his mixed CD after the movie with Ethan Hawke and Charlize Theron (Raowww!)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ Yep.
< will be searching for a logo soon...
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< liked ^'s present one.
< might change too.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< might just pass out if ^ changes his!!!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Actually, < was going to look for a logo for his CD cover.
< was thinking about bringing a certain "scratcher" avatar back ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says hello to the other two boardies here at the moment and asks : Are you both listening ? ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< cautiously says: "Yeeeeessss.....?"
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
When FBVP talks....< Listens!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ & ^^ : Keep listening - watch the next space..... ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Well then ! :
< says PLEASE? Pretty Please, with YOU on top ;)
< says "Bad Influence < butt" :D
End Quote
< says good thing we didn't start this an hour ago! :o
< says by afternoon will be well hidden pages down! ;D
End Quote
Oho ! You think ! :D
< says ^ are probably correct
End Quote
Wrong again !
Sprung !
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says "Good Evening" (and probably "Good Night") to ^
< says "Good Morning" to ^^^ and ^^^^
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ Ooooooooooops! Caught! :-[
^ is looking up people's phone numbers... ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
:o ::) :-/ :'( :-X :D ;) < has just had severe mood swings!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< thinks it ironic that the moment I posted the post 4 up from here there was a total blackout throught the suburb
< was just feeling happy with himself, and now ten minutes or so later, I can still feel the adrenalin running through < body :-/
< says at half past midnight, being plunged into sudden complete blackness is not a comfortable feeling :'(
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^'s electricity must have come back on, unless ^ has a generator...
< has a generator. Waited in vian for those rolling blackout predicted for LA, but they never came. Maybe with Gray Davis back in, we'll get them yet... ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says what's a Gray Davis - sounds like a variety of potted plant ? :)
< has no generator - power came back as I was playing 'blind person' and feeling my way along the wall and down the stairs (aaarrgghh, thump, thump, thump, thump, crash, grooooan...) to where the torch was ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says Gray Davis is our idiot governor who just got voted back in.... :-/
^ torch? Isn't that kind of primitive....? ::) ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ would prefer perhaps < americanised myself and used the word "flashlight" ?
Same deal - < still fell over in the dark trying to get to it ! ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ that's better!
^ should always keep the flashlight handy, not on another floor! ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< doesn't want the light to just 'flash', hence torch ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ needs to prevent forest fires ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ is using an alias in the above post...or is ^? Hmmm...
< is listening to "12 Inch Saturday Night" - a very cool 80's mixshow
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ is listening to a mix show while reading our posts.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< and eating popcorn. ;D
Good evening, ^. :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Good evening, ^
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< couldn't log in for the longest time, so had to become ^^^^^ ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ Found his cube! Found his cube! :D :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
yes < did, but < may still become SamRice periodically ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Hey! ^ wanna sign up for Magic Mountain #2 which I am going to schedule for spring? :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wonders if ^ could elaborate? ???
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ oh no! <'s invite scared the cube off of ^! :o
MM#2 will be the followup to MM#1 which is taking place in SoCal on Dec. 14th. I thought it would be nice to begin planning a #2 with board persons from further away in CA or even out of state! :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< still would like to know what ^'s invite was all about 8)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< would love to sign up for a trip to magic mountain :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< just elaborated above for ^^
^ would have to promise to ride roller coasters! < would promise not to let ^ fall out! :P
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< would have eyes shut, and hand held thanks :)
< would then need to be escorted off rollercoaster at end of ride..... :-[
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< would promise to hold ^'s hand nice and tight... ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
and after, ^ could push me in my chair, and make sure <'s respirator stayed on.... ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ try it, ^'d like it! :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says goodbye to ^ and others, has a BBQ to help cook :P
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< must go beddie byes....
Goodnight ^ and all.... :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says "Good Morning" to ^
< wants Banasy to return or to explain why she was here for a short while yesterday and not bothering to post or to announce her return
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ probably needs more sleep!
< definitely needs more sleep!
< thinks Banasy is locked in Indy's basement..... ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< Wonders where Banasy is, too.
< Is listening to a darn fine track right now. Which is about to finish.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says "Good Morning" to ^
< wants Banasy to return or to explain why she was here for a short while yesterday and not bothering to post or to announce her return
End Quote
She was sending me a pm at the time...she is calling me today...I will let everyone know what's happening ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ maybe that explains why she was on line yesterday! I was wanting her to at least say hello to me!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ is anti-Pittsburgh (the U that is)
< has a friend who went to Pittsburgh who might think ^ is lame...but < thinks the flag is funny :)
< posts madly when the Yo Mama jokes are ripe :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ disappeared yesterday before he could read my M.M. explanation...
now that ^ has ^'s cube back, should put it under lock and key so it doesn't get away again! ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< might go to Vegas instead...but hopes ^ will keep < posted about another Magic Mountain trip later on :)
< likes being a Hobbit sometimes ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< promises to keep ^ posted! :)
< is eating cheese doodles for breakfast... ::)
< must leave soon to go get fast food for lunch! :P
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ U. of Pittsburgh is to West Virginia U. as Stanford is to Cal
^ hates sports
< hates Pitt!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ would envy < if ^ knew who < was talking to right now (Phone) :D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< tries not to envy, but ^'s friend sounds fun :)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ Is right...she's a blast!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^'s team is down...for now ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
<'s team is in the lead....for now. It's snowing hard :-/
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< thinks that might explain why the game is being played so ugly
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< Agrees with ^ about it being a very ugly game....
< Has to head back to watch at my neighbors now...< has no way to watch otherwise....yet :(
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< hopes that ^ told 'D' "Hi" from me! :)
^ needs to know that < just checked my email for the first time about 7:30 p.m. Sorry! :-[
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^'s team lost in OT tonight...which means <'s team is now tied for first ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ let the cube off the leash again! ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is re-cubed since it bugs ^ so ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is back for more mayhem...how y'all doin'?!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ "won't grow up, won't grow old", right sweetheart? ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ and ^^ are bickering ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^^are we bickering sweetheart?
< must be wrong, no bickering here between ^^ and ^^^ (is that enough arrows up? I'm confused now).
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ has a phrase under her avatar used by both Pac-Man and Fozzie the Bear.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^is the first person to recognize Fozzie's famous line!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ is crazy,
No, < and ^^^(CS) are not bickering. We're the best of friends, right dear?
< extends his left hand to shake
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Oh yeah, ^^,
< wnats to know what the HECK that green thing is?!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
why does ^ use left hand? is ^^^ left-handed?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ changed his avatar
< may change his
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
why does ^ use left hand? is ^^^ left-handed?
End Quote
I'm sure not touching his right hand! You don't know where that one has been!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< suddenly realizes that < asked for too much info from ^ ::)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^is totally f***ing confused by all of the arrows, IS, in fact, left haded, and has no idea what that green thing is. It's what I've always had since I've been at this site.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
<'s left hand is an inside joke...and my right hand has been right where you left it :o
I'm just playing! Don't get mad...I got nothin' but love for ya
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< would pay good money to see ^^ throw down on ^ ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< sure wouldn't want to see ^^^ throw up on ^^ ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is game if ^^^ is
< loves a good throwdown ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ pointed to ^self ;)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< may make ^^ throw up now...
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< is totally confused (which is why I don't like people posting here when I'm asleep!)
< is also crazy
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
oooh! Kitty! ^^ got a cool pic
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
<thinks this thread needs to end!
<is completely confused by and has a headache the result of all of the arrows!?
<isn't sure what "throwdown" means.
<might throw up if lunch isn't eaten soon!
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Thanks ^^
< has used this pic as <'s avatar a few times in the past
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^ avatar isn't helping the nausea :-X
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Sorry ^.
< believes this thread will end after 20 posts, then will continue on to TPAM #7 (which is hidden for now)
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< wants ^ to PLEASE eat..no need to pray to Ralph, the Porcelein God today. Save that for FRIDAY
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ is cat dizzy?
^^^ lives only 250 miles away from me, has advertised herself on match.com, but < wasn't interested
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Is Ralph Greek? ;D
< will go to lunch in a few minutes. < is not sick.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
And why not? ^^^ is a catch!
You're right...these arrows are confusing
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ is cat dizzy?
End Quote
One of <'s cats is (really; Dizzy is her name) ;D
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
How long does that cat stay on the turntable in ^'s avatar?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
<maintained close (oral) contact with the Porcelin God Saturday and Sunday.
<just had crackers for lunch
<wishes today was over
<might be having crackers again, if you know what I mean :P :-X
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ forever
^ hates being sick
< sez: "should be time to dredge up 'TPAM #7'!"
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Hehehehe...uh...hehehehe...^^ said 'oral'
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< has never seen the cat leave.
< thinks the kitty will stay until it can't handle any more 12 inches...
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
WIll V bring about thread #7?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< sez: "Time to dredge up 'TPAM #7'!"
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^very funny. Thank you for not being mean to me like ^^
< VERY hurt by ^^'s comments about me on match - what is this? Make-cs-feel-like-crap-day?
<suffered severe blow to self esteem by ^^
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says HUH!?
< liked ^'s post! ^ talking to <?
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says HUH!?
< liked ^'s post! ^ talking to <?
End Quote
No - looks like Don and I posted at the same time.
< were being nice
Don has some serious making up to do. I'm really hurt.
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
< says come over to the new thread...she shall continue this there
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
^^ knows you hate being sick, and I saw you on match.com, but I really wasn't interested in you. I know I live only 250 miles away, and you are a very nice-looking lady, but I felt that I was not the man you were looking for. I am sorry if I made you feel bad or hurt.
^ jumped ahead of me
< sez, "please ignore the title of #7 and go there!"
Subject: Re: The person OR people above me, #6!
Ouch... :'(