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Subject: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Game #2
This is a mix of Badfinger and the Beatles.
Well since she's a Girl she'll be pissed and send us packing to Stawberry Fields by way of a Yellow Submarine I know how you feel about this 'cause I'm looking Through You and can see that you've had a Hard Days Night and could use some Help! but as for Badfinger, I feel that she is just a Baby Blue so Day After Day she will Come And Get It and never be Without You....No Matter What!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Might as well...to the soon-to-be-Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Righteous Brothers:
I'm So Lonely tonight that I could play the B Flat Blues. Something's Got A Hold On Me and I don't know if it's Love Or Magic. I tell My Babe, Fanny Mae to "Bring Your Love To Me" so that My Tears Will Go Away. But This Little Girl Of Mine wants to Try To Find Another Man even as I cry "I Still Love You!" and "You're my Soul and Inspiration!" She doesn't care and says "Go Ahead And Cry" and so I am left as A Man Without A Dream. But Guess Who has come along to answer My Prayer? It's that Brown Eyed Woman, Justine, who is more than a Substitute for The Great Pretender. I Don't Believe In Losing, and She's Mine All Mine so Let the Good Times Roll!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
gotta bring this back for RnRF's sake ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
someone said that Freddie Mercury is dead (which I didn't know) so I guess a bit more Queen is in order:
So, it seems that Another One Bites the Dust as we lose celebrities left and right this year. From the Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy to the Fat Bottomed Girls, no one can escape the icy fingers In the Death Cell. That's what you get when you Play The Game of life. But We Are the Champions of our own fates, The Hero to our friends and family, the dreamer who will fly In the Space Capsule someday. So sit back and Party with The Miracle that is life, and in the end you won't have to ask "Was It All Worth It?"
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Bobby McFerrin (Outta left field, but check it out)
Baby, it's about time we went to The Garden and put on our Turtle Shoes and took a Drive. We might still be able to catch The Train, but if we miss it, I'll be Angry because we'll be Walkin' to get to where we're going. Hey wait...I hear Music! Hey you! Yes, You! Turn that up! Is that a Night In Tunisia? Cool! ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
someone said that Freddie Mercury is dead (which I didn't know) so I guess a bit more Queen is in order:
So, it seems that Another One Bites the Dust as we lose celebrities left and right this year. From the Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy to the Fat Bottomed Girls, no one can escape the icy fingers In the Death Cell. That's what you get when you Play The Game of life. But We Are the Champions of our own fates, The Hero to our friends and family, the dreamer who will fly In the Space Capsule someday. So sit back and Party with The Miracle that is life, and in the end you won't have to ask "Was It All Worth It?"
End Quote
COOL, Rice! I was hoping you were going to fit "Bohemian Rhapsody", their all-time best song (IMHO), into the story somehow. :-/ ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
COOL, Rice! I was hoping you were going to fit "Bohemian Rhapsody", their all-time best song (IMHO), into the story somehow. :-/ ;)
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You're welcome to try :) but if no one else does, I promise to give you a part 2 :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I know I'll be looking forward to it...you are really good at this! Meanwhile, I seem to have been afflicted with Writers Block :-/
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I know I'll be looking forward to it...you are really good at this! Meanwhile, I seem to have been afflicted with Writers Block :-/
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RnRF, if it makes you feel any better...so have! :( I will have another...I just can't say how soon!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
RnRF, if it makes you feel any better...so have! :( I will have another...I just can't say how soon!
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Well, I Don't feel any better knowing that YOU have it as well! I thoroughly enjoy your wonderful and well-thought out stories, CeramicsFanatic ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Well, I Don't feel any better knowing that YOU have it as well! I thoroughly enjoy your wonderful and well-thought out stories, CeramicsFanatic ;)
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I thoroughly enjoy your wonderful remarks! :) ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Ok well I'm a BIG Eurythmics fan, (see my sig??) So I'll do their album Revenge (The best by far!!)
I met a Missionary Man a few days ago- well The Last Time I was In This Town I guess.
I had a Thorn In My Side and he said "Lets Go I know someone who can Take Your Pain Away and all that will happen is a bit of memory loss. And if we leave now we can be there When Tomorrow Comes"
When I woke up after the thorn removal I saw him and said:
"I Remember You or A Little Of You at least."
He smiled and said "That's the Miracle Of Love".
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Ok well I'm a BIG Eurythmics fan, (see my sig??) So I'll do their album Revenge (The best by far!!)
I met a Missionary Man a few days ago- well The Last Time I was In This Town I guess.
I had a Thorn In My Side and he said "Lets Go I know someone who can Take Your Pain Away and all that will happen is a bit of memory loss. And if we leave now we can be there When Tomorrow Comes"
When I woke up after the thorn removal I saw him and said:
"I Remember You or A Little Of You at least."
He smiled and said "That's the Miracle Of Love".
End Quote
All from the same album ? :o Woah ! Good work then ! ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Every Title. ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
How about Michael Jackson's Thriller Album.
After the Thriller himself told Billie Jean to Beat it paul McCartney started telling him "The Girl Is Mine" But Michael was having none of it and so challenged Paul to a fight "Wanna Be Startin' Sometin'" He yelled. And because fighting is part of Human Nature when it comes to girls like that Pretty Young Thing they did. After Michael won the fight he said To Billie Baby Be Mine but she just smiled and McCartney replied "Billie's mine and she will always be The Lady In My Life".
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
How about Michael Jackson's Thriller Album.
After the Thriller himself told Billie Jean to Beat it paul McCartney started telling him "The Girl Is Mine" But Michael was having none of it and so challenged Paul to a fight "Wanna Be Startin' Sometin'" He yelled. And because fighting is part of Human Nature when it comes to girls like that Pretty Young Thing they did. After Michael won the fight he said To Billie Baby Be Mine but she just smiled and McCartney replied "Billie's mine and she will always be The Lady In My Life".
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Skyla, you are my hero :)
How about Michael Jackson's Thriller Album.
After the Thriller himself told Billie Jean to Beat it paul McCartney started telling him "The Girl Is Mine" But Michael was having none of it and so challenged Paul to a fight "Wanna Be Startin' Sometin'" He yelled. And because fighting is part of Human Nature when it comes to girls like that Pretty Young Thing they did. After Michael won the fight he said To Billie Baby Be Mine but she just smiled and McCartney replied "Billie's mine and she will always be The Lady In My Life".
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I thoroughly enjoy your wonderful remarks! :) ;)
End Quote
It takes a LOT to make me blush :-
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Since Skyla (my new British hero) has started the trend, I think I'll pay her homage by continuing it. And CF wanted the "big song" so I chose a proper album :)
From Queen, album -> A Night At The Opera:
In the summer of '39, I was Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon with a Sweet Lady giving me Good Company. I found that I was In Love With My Car that afternoon, so the Love of My Life and I decided to take it to a Seaside Rendezvous while humming the Bohemian Rhapsody. We would have seen Death On Two Legs had we walked to the beach, so I told my car that "You're My Best Friend!" Then my lady and I frolicked on the beach while hearing The Prophet's Song in our minds and watching God Save the Queen from an evil mutant killer giant squid.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Not suprising to me at all....Great job, RC :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
ok here goes.... Michael Jackson Dangeorous.....
I was thinking about the fact I had to clear out everything In The Closet and I couldn't help but Remember The Time it was too full- and that was Dangerous!! I was really in a Jam!!
But I decided I'd better tidy it. My Gramma saw me and said "did youGive In To Me? It's not like I was asking you to Heal The World or anything was it?!" She Drives Me Wildsometimes! And I Can't let Her Get Away with this!!!
My Phone rang, "Who Is It" I asked, My friend asked quickly "Will You Be There?" Talking about a party that night. But she was Gone Too Soon for me to ask whether I should wear Black Or White.
I tripped over on my way out the door. If that step could talk it would have yelled "Why You Wanna Trip On Me". It's happened so often lately!!!
(Wow that was hard!!)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Good job on both of your passages, Skyla! :D
Rice, thanks so much for using my favorite Queen song in your story! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Good job on both of your passages, Skyla! :D
Rice, thanks so much for using my favorite Queen song in your story! ;)
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It's a good song :D You do one now, CF!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
More Queen: from Hot Space (1982)
I'm just a Cool Cat, sitting in Spanish class doing the Back Chat with the ladies around me. I have real Staying Power. Unfortunately today I found that Life Is Real, and the teacher called me to Action This Day to translate "Las Palabras De Amor." Unfortunately I had no idea what that meant, so, Under Pressure, I had to find a quick way to Put Out the Fire. I started pretending to be a flamenco Dancer, but at the same time used my Body Language as a way of Calling All Girls in the class to my aid. They totally came through. :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Another great original from the Riceman. ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
It was a Beautiful Day, in fact it was New Year's Day. I was filled with Desire when I saw Gloria, she was simply The Sweetest Thing. :-*
I said to my Angel Of Harlem, I would like to Helter Skelter with you. She said "Have you no Pride" ? I said When Love Comes To Town I tend to act in Mysterious Ways.
You know All I Want Is You and whether I am With Or Without You I am telling you I Will Follow you...
After they convicted me of doing that, the guards watched me from All Along The Watchtower .....
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
#*(%!! I was gonna do U2! Oh well, good job FBVP :)
It was a Beautiful Day, in fact it was New Year's Day. I was filled with Desire when I saw Gloria, she was simply The Sweetest Thing. :-*
I said to my Angel Of Harlem, I would like to Helter Skelter with you. She said "Have you no Pride" ? I said When Love Comes To Town I tend to act in Mysterious Ways.
You know All I Want Is You and whether I am With Or Without You I am telling you I Will Follow you...
After they convicted me of doing that, the guards watched me from All Along The Watchtower .....
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I realized I didn't use a couple of the Righteous Brothers' most famous songs, so here we go with part 2, dedicated to the Borders girl who doesn't really know I like her...while trying hard not to repeat titles I used in part 1. Difficult!
Sometimes I'm a Night Owl, and I need to read a book or two in the Late Late Night to get In That Great Gettin' Up mode in the Morning. For some reason I started reading Cosmopolitan and I realized that I Need a Girl. The magazine told me how "You Can Have Her" if I did the right things, but those things are Without a Doubt for Just Another Fool. But then I looked up, and There's a Woman I haven't seen since high school. During the Summertime I might see her once or twice, and I should tell her "I Gotta Tell You How I Feel" but I can't. Perhaps The Angels Listened In to bring her back into my life, like an Unchained Melody that runs deep into my heart. I don't understand how I can be so Hung On You, Borders Girl, but I hope that I never find out that You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling, even if you didn't have it in the first place. I can't just Stand By idly anymore...I have to go in sometime and say "Hey Girl" and perhaps that will lead me to a Rock and Roll Heaven type of place :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Another story based on songs from a single album, this one "Destroyer" by Kiss…
In Detroit Rock City, in my Flaming Youth, I asked Beth, "Do You Love Me"? I had Great Expectations that I would be King of the Night Time World and the God of Thunder! And when she answered my question yes, I was in such Sweet Pain that I had to Shout It Out Loud!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
It was a Beautiful Day, in fact it was New Year's Day. I was filled with Desire when I saw Gloria, she was simply The Sweetest Thing. :-*
I said to my Angel Of Harlem, I would like to Helter Skelter with you. She said "Have you no Pride" ? I said When Love Comes To Town I tend to act in Mysterious Ways.
You know All I Want Is You and whether I am With Or Without You I am telling you I Will Follow you...
After they convicted me of doing that, the guards watched me from All Along The Watchtower .....
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Very good, Fuss! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
You're ALL so talented with writing these "song stories"! 8)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
You're ALL so talented with writing these "song stories"! 8)
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"You" are among the "ALL", CeramicsFanatic ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
"You" are among the "ALL", CeramicsFanatic ;)
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You're due for a story, CF, and I await with great anticipation :)
I thought I'd try my hand at some Fleetwood Mac...from the Mirage album:
Oh Diane...I Wish You Were Here to Hold Me so that I can gaze into the Eyes of the World. But That's Alright, I realize that I Can't Go Back, no matter what the Book of Love may say. As I sit Straight Back in my chair and gaze upon the Empire State, I wonder where my Gypsy has gone. There would be new Love In Store for me, if I were Only Over You.
I used to know a girl named Diane...cute as a button ;)
Check out our Fleetwood Mac parody --> http://www.amiright.com/parody/80s/fleetwoodmac5.shtml
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
How about a John Mellencamp story? 8)
Despite the principal's Authority Song, my friends and I decided to stuff a Cherry Bomb into the central plumbing. We rallied the schoolfolk to "Check It Out!" as the walls and pipes came Crumblin' Down, but when the principal came, we tried so hard to remain Without Expression. It is pretty easy to know what people are capable of in a Small Town, and we felt like Paper In Fire as we were sure we'd be caught. Miraculously, we got off the hook, and while we Ain't Even Done With the Night, we proceeded to egg all the Pink Houses while blasting R.O.C.K. In The USA on Jack and Diane's Caddy's subwoofer :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Great story, Rice. Almost as good as mine. ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Everyone's a critic :P :)
Great story, Rice. Almost as good as mine. ;D
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Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I only said that because I wrote a short story using Mellencamp tunes earlier. I was joking. The story is as good as mine. ;D
Everyone's a critic :P :)
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Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Another single album, this one "Cracked Rear View" by Hootie & the Blowfish…
I asked Hannah Jane to Hold My Hand, but I couldn't Let Her Cry when I said I Only Wanna Be with You. I could be Running from an Angel, but I wanted to do an impression of Eric Cartman saying, "Screw you guys, I'm Going Home!" I could be Drowning in my tears all this Time, but when I tried to Look Away, I know Not Even the Trees wanted to say Goodbye!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Good one Don...bringing this back from page 2 banishment now ::)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
How about a John Mellencamp story? 8)
Despite the principal's Authority Song, my friends and I decided to stuff a Cherry Bomb into the central plumbing. We rallied the schoolfolk to "Check It Out!" as the walls and pipes came Crumblin' Down, but when the principal came, we tried so hard to remain Without Expression. It is pretty easy to know what people are capable of in a Small Town, and we felt like Paper In Fire as we were sure we'd be caught. Miraculously, we got off the hook, and while we Ain't Even Done With the Night, we proceeded to egg all the Pink Houses while blasting R.O.C.K. In The USA on Jack and Diane's Caddy's subwoofer :)
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I like this one a lot, Rice! ;) You know what, though? For some reason I couldn't help but picture scenes from the movie Rock And Roll High School (1979) while I was reading it! ;D
I know I am overdue for a story. I've got too many projects going on at one time right now and am having trouble getting back to this one... :-/
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Can't let this thread sneak over to page 2!!! ;D
Okay, for what it's worth here is my "passage" using titles of Eddie Money songs...
I've got Two Tickets To Paradise and if you come with me I'll show you how easy it is to Walk On Water. You won't be asking, "Where's The Party?" because we'll be Shakin' to our own music for Endless Nights to come! You won't be saying, "I Wanna Go Back" to my old life; you'll be pleading, "Take Me Home Tonight because I Think I'm In Love and I have No Control over these feelings."
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Sweet, CF :) Knew you had it in ya.
I think we could turn this thread into a "one-hit wonder" story thread...what say you?
Can't let this thread sneak over to page 2!!! ;D
Okay, for what it's worth here is my "passage" using titles of Eddie Money songs...
I've got Two Tickets To Paradise and if you come with me I'll show you how easy it is to Walk On Water. You won't be asking, "Where's The Party?" because we'll be Shakin' to our own music for Endless Nights to come! You won't be saying, "I Wanna Go Back" to my old life; you'll be pleading, "Take Me Home Tonight because I Think I'm In Love and I have No Control over these feelings."
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Since I have done one in a while, I am taking suggestions for artists that members want me to write my next story using their songs' titles. Anything?
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Since I have done one in a while, I am taking suggestions for artists that members want me to write my next story using their songs' titles. Anything?
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Hey, Indy Gent...what about Def Leppard? :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Sweet, CF :) Knew you had it in ya.
I think we could turn this thread into a "one-hit wonder" story thread...what say you?
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Thanks, Rice! ;)
A "one-hit wonder" story thread? Hmmm, I think that would be a little too challenging. In the past I have done passages using songs that were all from one year, though! That is lots of fun! ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Moving this back to Page 1. :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
....and again
Moving this back to Page 1. :)
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Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Moving this back to Page 1. :)
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What she said!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Well, someone has to do something...*sigh*
Alright...Hall and Oates story:
Downtown Life was getting interesting, as the Maneater had struck again. This time the victim was an All American Girl. My name is Joe and this is my partner Harry -- we're Private Eyes. Harry and I were chiding ourselves for the Missed Opportunity we had of nailing this wacko, and we came So Close to Starting All Over Again with the case. We had a War of Words, and were Talking All Night about possible strategies. Then I noted the deathly Kiss On My List -- the telltale signature of the villain. I knew who it was, and before the night ends I know the perp would feel like The Sky Is Falling upon him.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Well, someone has to do something...*sigh*
Alright...Hall and Oates story:
Downtown Life was getting interesting, as the Maneater had struck again. This time the victim was an All American Girl. My name is Joe and this is my partner Harry -- we're Private Eyes. Harry and I were chiding ourselves for the Missed Opportunity we had of nailing this wacko, and we came So Close to Starting All Over Again with the case. We had a War of Words, and were Talking All Night about possible strategies. Then I noted the deathly Kiss On My List -- the telltale signature of the villain. I knew who it was, and before the night ends I know the perp would feel like The Sky Is Falling upon him.
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Very good, Rice! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Very good, Rice! ;)
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Thanks hun ;) You're due for one now!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks hun ;) You're due for one now!
End Quote
I know! :-[ It seems every time I start one I get distracted. :-/
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I was going to put a Def Leppard story here, but I accidentally pressed the back button and the story disappeared into oblivion. Guess I'll have to try tomorrow. :-/
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I was going to put a Def Leppard story here, but I accidentally pressed the back button and the story disappeared into oblivion. Guess I'll have to try tomorrow. :-/
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You mean you didn't write it down on paper first? :o If I don't do that I will be spending hours sitting here staring at a blank post reply window!!!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
John Prine then :
Donald & Lydia were looking into their Storm Windows, dreaming up some Sweet Revenge for their old enemy, Dear Abby.
It seems that Sam Stone had sent Abby One Red Rose to which she had been heard to exclaim "How Lucky". Sam said "I Just Wanna Be With You, after all, my Grandpa Was A Carpenter", and he flashed her an Illegal Smile and suggested that they go down to the Fish And Whistle for a little drinkie !
It was after a couple of spiked drinks that Sam began to be a Sleepy Eyed Boy - Abby tried waking him by shouting "Hello In There" but to no avail - Sam was having a crazy dream where he was Living In The Future and was polishing his Saddle In The Rain.
"Sam" Abby shouted, "I'm afraid that It's Happening To You - I think you are dying". "How Lucky" Sam thought in his delirium, and then added "That's The Way The World Goes Around".
Then he thought better and added "Please Don't Bury Me" but already Donald And Lydia were stripping him of all his Souvenirs...
"Come Back To Us Barbara And Lewis Hare Krishna Beauregard", someone shouted out, but no-one had any idea why....
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I love it Fussy! You are quite a trip! :D ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I never write stories on paper first. Waste of time. You might disagree, though. :-/
You mean you didn't write it down on paper first? :o If I don't do that I will be spending hours sitting here staring at a blank post reply window!!!
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Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I never write stories on paper first. Waste of time. You might disagree, though. :-/
End Quote
I always write mine down first, even the quizzes. I keep everything in a folder and that way I can refer to them or share them with friends who don't visit this site. :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I was going to put a Def Leppard story here, but I accidentally pressed the back button and the story disappeared into oblivion. Guess I'll have to try tomorrow. :-/
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Hey...I have had that happen SO much that I learned to hit copy....then you don't need to write it down and still have it http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/13.gif
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I'm going to add one of these, but only after I've gone home and thought about it a bit. ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Here's a short one using the titles of Iron Maiden songs. Naturally.
It was 2 Minutes to Midnight and Charlotte the Harlot felt like a Stranger in a Strange Land. She left her home at 22 Acacia Avenue, thinking of the Murders in the Rue Morgue and wondering if her Wasted Years had left her in Purgatory. There was a Thin Line Between Love and Hate in the Brave New World she lived in. Was she just Wasting Love on The Clairvoyant? The Angel and The Gambler had asked her to join their Aces High poker game, but her Dream of Mirrors haunted her. “Can I Play With Madness?” she asked, but her thoughts were in Total Eclipse.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
It's been some time so here is some Def Leppard!
This board has been like a Rocket for me. It's carried me to a dizzying height, I never thought attainable. If someone had told me a year ago, that I'd find such a great place, I'd have certainly thought they were Foolin'! When I first arrived...I found that Animal Love Bites....and it had sent me into a Hysteria which was Bringin' On The Heartbreak. I thought it was Too Late For Love. Then I found someone wonderful, beyond my wildest dreams. Even getting a Photograph from other Women, I know in my heart and soul that she is my one and only. I have fallen off the Rock Of Age(s) and am head over heels in love. Now the question posed too me is "Am I finally understanding true happiness" to which I reply..."Armegeddon It, oh yes, Armegeddon It!"
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
It's been some time so here is some Def Leppard!
This board has been like a Rocket for me. It's carried me to a dizzying height, I never thought attainable. If someone had told me a year ago, that I'd find such a great place, I'd have certainly thought they were Foolin'! When I first arrived...I found that Animal Love Bites....and it had sent me into a Hysteria which was Bringin' On The Heartbreak. I thought it was Too Late For Love. Then I found someone wonderful, beyond my wildest dreams. Even getting a Photograph from other Women, I know in my heart and soul that she is my one and only. I have fallen off the Rock Of Age(s) and am head over heels in love. Now the question posed too me is "Am I finally understanding true happiness" to which I reply..."Armegeddon It, oh yes, Armegeddon It!"
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Cute, RnRF! ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Cute, RnRF! ;D
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Thanks, CeramicsFanatic...now it's your turn ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Paul Revere & the Raiders…
I Had a Dream. I dreamt that I was on an Indian Reservation. There was someone who was Just Like Me and tried to get his Kicks with Cinderella Sunshine. So I said to Cinderella, "Him or Me—What's It Gonna Be?" She said that she was Hungry for a Good Thing, so if you'll Let Me, we can be Birds of a Feather, so Don't Take It So Hard. Then I said to Mr. Sun, Mr. Moon, there's just Too Much Talk, so I'm Steppin' Out!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Paul Revere & the Raiders…
I Had a Dream. I dreamt that I was on an Indian Reservation. There was someone who was Just Like Me and tried to get his Kicks with Cinderella Sunshine. So I said to Cinderella, "Him or Me—What's It Gonna Be?" She said that she was Hungry for a Good Thing, so if you'll Let Me, we can be Birds of a Feather, so Don't Take It So Hard. Then I said to Mr. Sun, Mr. Moon, there's just Too Much Talk, so I'm Steppin' Out!
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Great job, CrazyDon! I Love that group :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Sorry, Ceramics Fanatic, about not being able to finish my Def Leppard story before Mark started his. I don't think mine would have been as good as his anyway. Anywho, I'll take another suggestion of an artist and make what I hope is an amusing storyline.
Cute, RnRF! ;D
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Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Sorry, Ceramics Fanatic, about not being able to finish my Def Leppard story before Mark started his. I don't think mine would have been as good as his anyway. Anywho, I'll take another suggestion of an artist and make what I hope is an amusing storyline.
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It's alright to duplicate artists, IndyGent, and I always look forward to your stories too ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Sorry, Ceramics Fanatic, about not being able to finish my Def Leppard story before Mark started his. I don't think mine would have been as good as his anyway. Anywho, I'll take another suggestion of an artist and make what I hope is an amusing storyline.
End Quote
No worries, Indy Gent! ;) Hey, what about ZZ Top? (Just a thought) ???
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I Like when this topic stays on page 1...oops, wrong thread ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I'll start that when I get home from work.
No worries, Indy Gent! ;) Hey, what about ZZ Top? (Just a thought) ???
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I'll start that when I get home from work.
End Quote
I can't wait, Indy!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Marianne Faithful....
Hi ! My name is Vanilla O'Lay. I'm a bit of a Strange One you know, All I Wanna Do In Life is have some Intrigue.
If you Wait For Me Down By The River, then I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, after all I am Easy In The City. :P I'm Looking For Blue Eyes to be my Fairytale Hero so I can have the Morning Come and call him Sweetheart.
It was So Sad when we learned the Truth Bitter Truth about Lady Madelaine - she had taken the Wrong Road Again.
That Was The Day they said It's All Over Now, Baby Blue.....
I'm Not Lisa nor is this The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Marianne Faithful....
Hi ! My name is Vanilla O'Lay. I'm a bit of a Strange One you know, All I Wanna Do In Life is have some Intrigue.
If you Wait For Me Down By The River, then I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, after all I am Easy In The City. :P I'm Looking For Blue Eyes to be my Fairytale Hero so I can have the Morning Come and call him Sweetheart.
It was So Sad when we learned the Truth Bitter Truth about Lady Madelaine - she had taken the Wrong Road Again.
That Was The Day they said It's All Over Now, Baby Blue.....
I'm Not Lisa nor is this The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan
End Quote
Thanks for making me smile this morning, FB ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Marianne Faithful....
Hi ! My name is Vanilla O'Lay. I'm a bit of a Strange One you know, All I Wanna Do In Life is have some Intrigue.
If you Wait For Me Down By The River, then I'll Be Your Baby Tonight, after all I am Easy In The City. :P I'm Looking For Blue Eyes to be my Fairytale Hero so I can have the Morning Come and call him Sweetheart.
It was So Sad when we learned the Truth Bitter Truth about Lady Madelaine - she had taken the Wrong Road Again.
That Was The Day they said It's All Over Now, Baby Blue.....
I'm Not Lisa nor is this The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan
End Quote
Nice, Fuss! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
This is the Police..Come Out With Your Hands Up!
I felt as if I were Walking On The Moon after I had met Roxanne. We were like two kindred Spirits In The Material World who had survived the Fallout. As the Invisible Sun began to tear us apart, she cried out "I Can't Stand Losing You" and suddenly I was Driven To Tears. I tried to scream the Bombs Away as we prepared to Bring On The Night. To comfort her I softly sang De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da while she cried..."This Beds Too Big Without You." I felt like a Man In A Suitcase and asked her "Please Don't Stand So Close To Me because Every Breath You Take makes me feel like I'm a Canary in a Coalmine." Now don't get me wrong...I love her so much and feel that "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" and I often tell her "Sweetheart, I am definatly Wrapped Around Your Finger and we are so close that I sometimes feel like I'm "Walking In Your Footsteps." The Voices In My Head were soon telling me When the World is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around. Soon things quieted down though, and we were left quietly standing there...just two Shadows in the Rain. She told me "I love being Next To You." It was at that moment I showed her the Message In A Bottle that I'd written while she slept. I had felt as if I were the King of Pain with a Hole In My Life but then I had met her and I realized that sooner or later the Truth Hits Everybody , so off we headed for some Tea in the Sahara after finding out great news....our fellow board member Syncronos informed us that his lovely wife had just given birth to twins, and they named them Synchronicity I and Synchronicity II
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Hilarious!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
OK, RnRF...right back atcha...with Huey Lewis and the News
I hope this little story touches the Heart of Rock n' Roll fan. Some of my lies are true, but this story is 100% fact. You see, it's a Blue Monday 'cause it's been raining outside. It's Trouble In Paradise, because it's not supposed to be cold and rainy in Florida, but I'll Stop Trying to think that this is a Perfect World. Let me ask you this: Do You Believe In Love? I gotta tell you, it Hit Me Like A Hammer when I saw my lady for the first time. Let me take you Back In Time and tell you about the Power Of Love. When I first asked her out, I knew She's Some Kind Of Wonderful, and I was happy that she wanted to be with me even though I Ain't Perfect. I was so head over heels for her, I took a Couple Days Off just to be with her. I got in trouble, and eventually lost my job, But It's Alright as long as I have my Little Bittie Pretty One. Now, I'm Workin' For A Livin' and Doin' It All For My Baby, because she loves me with all her Heart and Soul. And finally, I said to myself If This Is It...I don't Want A New Drug. Then, I went up to her and said "I Want You to be with me for the rest of my life". She said, "What about all the other girls?" I said, "Who Cares?" And the rest is history. Now, I'm happy to say to her every night that "I'm Happy To Be Stuck WIth You." I've been stuck with her for 7 years...and I hope tobe stuck with her 70 more!
How's that? ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
You rock dude.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
OK, RnRF...right back atcha...with Huey Lewis and the News
I hope this little story touches the Heart of Rock n' Roll fan. Some of my lies are true, but this story is 100% fact. You see, it's a Blue Monday 'cause it's been raining outside. It's Trouble In Paradise, because it's not supposed to be cold and rainy in Florida, but I'll Stop Trying to think that this is a Perfect World. Let me ask you this: Do You Believe In Love? I gotta tell you, it Hit Me Like A Hammer when I saw my lady for the first time. Let me take you Back In Time and tell you about the Power Of Love. When I first asked her out, I knew She's Some Kind Of Wonderful, and I was happy that she wanted to be with me even though I Ain't Perfect. I was so head over heels for her, I took a Couple Days Off just to be with her. I got in trouble, and eventually lost my job, But It's Alright as long as I have my Little Bittie Pretty One. Now, I'm Workin' For A Livin' and Doin' It All For My Baby, because she loves me with all her Heart and Soul. And finally, I said to myself If This Is It...I don't Want A New Drug. Then, I went up to her and said "I Want You to be with me for the rest of my life". She said, "What about all the other girls?" I said, "Who Cares?" And the rest is history. Now, I'm happy to say to her every night that "I'm Happy To Be Stuck WIth You." I've been stuck with her for 7 years...and I hope tobe stuck with her 70 more!
How's that? ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
OK, RnRF...right back atcha...with Huey Lewis and the News
I hope this little story touches the Heart of Rock n' Roll fan. Some of my lies are true, but this story is 100% fact. You see, it's a Blue Monday 'cause it's been raining outside. It's Trouble In Paradise, because it's not supposed to be cold and rainy in Florida, but I'll Stop Trying to think that this is a Perfect World. Let me ask you this: Do You Believe In Love? I gotta tell you, it Hit Me Like A Hammer when I saw my lady for the first time. Let me take you Back In Time and tell you about the Power Of Love. When I first asked her out, I knew She's Some Kind Of Wonderful, and I was happy that she wanted to be with me even though I Ain't Perfect. I was so head over heels for her, I took a Couple Days Off just to be with her. I got in trouble, and eventually lost my job, But It's Alright as long as I have my Little Bittie Pretty One. Now, I'm Workin' For A Livin' and Doin' It All For My Baby, because she loves me with all her Heart and Soul. And finally, I said to myself If This Is It...I don't Want A New Drug. Then, I went up to her and said "I Want You to be with me for the rest of my life". She said, "What about all the other girls?" I said, "Who Cares?" And the rest is history. Now, I'm happy to say to her every night that "I'm Happy To Be Stuck WIth You." I've been stuck with her for 7 years...and I hope tobe stuck with her 70 more!
How's that? ;D
End Quote
Syncronos, you are brilliant when it comes to writing these "song passages"! How can I possibly hope to write something as good as this? Now you all can see why I've been so reluctant to post any new ones...
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Syncronos, you are brilliant when it comes to writing these "song passages"! How can I possibly hope to write something as good as this? Now you all can see why I've been so reluctant to post any new ones...
End Quote
He is great isn't he CF...now didn't you like mine? Did I come out of my semi-retirement too soon ;) Lastly, Do NOT seel yourself short...I have enjoyed all your stories :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
He is great isn't he CF...now didn't you like mine? Did I come out of my semi-retirement too soon ;) Lastly, Do NOT seel yourself short...I have enjoyed all your stories :D
End Quote
RnRF...I don't recall your last one. :-[ I will have another looksy. And thanks for that vote of confidence...I sure need it! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I felt as if I were Walking On The Moon after I had met Roxanne. We were like two kindred Spirits In The Material World who had survived the Fallout. As the Invisible Sun began to tear us apart, she cried out "I Can't Stand Losing You" and suddenly I was Driven To Tears. I tried to scream the Bombs Away as we prepared to Bring On The Night. To comfort her I softly sang De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da while she cried..."This Beds Too Big Without You." I felt like a Man In A Suitcase and asked her "Please Don't Stand So Close To Me because Every Breath You Take makes me feel like I'm a Canary in a Coalmine." Now don't get me wrong...I love her so much and feel that "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" and I often tell her "Sweetheart, I am definatly Wrapped Around Your Finger and we are so close that I sometimes feel like I'm "Walking In Your Footsteps." The Voices In My Head were soon telling me When the World is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around. Soon things quieted down though, and we were left quietly standing there...just two Shadows in the Rain. She told me "I love being Next To You." It was at that moment I showed her the Message In A Bottle that I'd written while she slept. I had felt as if I were the King of Pain with a Hole In My Life but then I had met her and I realized that sooner or later the Truth Hits Everybody , so off we headed for some Tea in the Sahara after finding out great news....our fellow board member Syncronos informed us that his lovely wife had just given birth to twins, and they named them Synchronicity I and Synchronicity II
End Quote
Wow, RnRF! This must have taken you ages to put together! VERY nice! Yes, you are quite talented with these as well. 8)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Wow, RnRF! This must have taken you ages to put together! VERY nice! Yes, you are quite talented with these as well. 8)
End Quote
Thank CF...you KNOW how much my ego needs to be fed :D It took me about 15 minutes to come up with that :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
All of you are very creative. I do not think i could even begin to try one of these.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
All of you are very creative. I do not think i could even begin to try one of these.
End Quote
You should give it a go...it's really quite fun :D
modified to get this back on page 1 :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I Should Have Known Better that in order to get this thread back to page one...modification would not work...sorry I just can't Let It Be. There's just Something about this topic that has Really Got A Hold On Me........ ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
The long awaited ZZ Top story.
I was a Sharp Dressed Man cruising in my Manic Mechanic's Eliminator wearing Cheap Sunglasses. My girl had on a Pearl Necklace and a dress made from a Sleeping Bag I ordered via box tops from T.V. Dinners. My girl was so lovely with her long sinful Legs that I considered doing the Tube Snake Boogie with her. "Gimme All Your Lovin'", I said with a smile. "I'm a Fool For Your Stockings" "Have Mercy", she harped back. "Keep away from my Tush. I'm one of those Beer Drinkers and Hellraisers. You wouldn't want me Lowdown On The Street." "But I'm a Rough Boy darlin. Let me undo my Velcro Fly." Then she kick me out of the car Goin' Down To Mexico. Man, that Hi-Fi Mama don't Doubleback to anyone.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
The long awaited ZZ Top story.
I was a Sharp Dressed Man cruising in my Manic Mechanic's Eliminator wearing Cheap Sunglasses. My girl had on a Pearl Necklace and a dress made from a Sleeping Bag I ordered via box tops from T.V. Dinners. My girl was so lovely with her long sinful Legs that I considered doing the Tube Snake Boogie with her. "Gimme All Your Lovin'", I said with a smile. "I'm a Fool For Your Stockings" "Have Mercy", she harped back. "Keep away from my Tush. I'm one of those Beer Drinkers and Hellraisers. You wouldn't want me Lowdown On The Street." "But I'm a Rough Boy darlin. Let me undo my Velcro Fly." Then she kick me out of the car Goin' Down To Mexico. Man, that Hi-Fi Mama don't Doubleback to anyone.
End Quote
I like it, Indy Gent! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I am like SuperFreak. I mean, no I'm not. I mean....shoot ! Let's start again !
I agree with SuperFreak (there that's better ;)) - I like them all.
SF, What I do is pick an artist, list all their songs, start writing a story and cross the titles off one by one. It's not so hard after the first time !
FB :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Millencolin, Pennybridge Pioneers.
I went out with a Hellman the other day, we went to the Duckpond and saw no ducks but we were sure we saw Penguins and Polarbears and a Highway Donkey. We didn't Stop To Think and he just went ahead and threw Pepper at The Mayfly!
"Devil Me" he said grinning.
Right About Now the fly turned into a Fox "Gimme your money" He snarled.
"I'm not a Material Boy Hellman cried, I only have A Ten
I gave up and started listening to my walkman, The Ballad I liked came on.
The fox and hellman had a fight and hellman agreed, "you can have the tenner but No Cigar!"
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I like it Kay..
I have no idea what/who you are talking about ;), but I still like it !
FB :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
The whole thing is a bit bizarre.... they're quite good I suppose a mate of mine likes them.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Millencolin, Pennybridge Pioneers.
I went out with a Hellman the other day, we went to the Duckpond and saw no ducks but we were sure we saw Penguins and Polarbears and a Highway Donkey. We didn't Stop To Think and he just went ahead and threw Pepper at The Mayfly!
"Devil Me" he said grinning.
Right About Now the fly turned into a Fox "Gimme your money" He snarled.
"I'm not a Material Boy Hellman cried, I only have A Ten
I gave up and started listening to my walkman, The Ballad I liked came on.
The fox and hellman had a fight and hellman agreed, "you can have the tenner but No Cigar!"
End Quote
THAT's the way to do it, Kay. Now get back to that essay ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I am like SuperFreak. I mean, no I'm not. I mean....shoot ! Let's start again !
I agree with SuperFreak (there that's better ;)) - I like them all.
SF, What I do is pick an artist, list all their songs, start writing a story and cross the titles off one by one. It's not so hard after the first time !
FB :)
End Quote
Thanks FussBugetVanPelt! I'll try and dream one up tonight ;) I'm heading to bed now.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks, CF! And I knew you would like the Thelma and Louise-like ending. ;)
I like it, Indy Gent! ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks, CF! And I knew you would like the Thelma and Louise-like ending. ;)
End Quote
Yes...Very nice CF.....so Indy....when do we get another one from you? I really enjoy yours too ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Soon, my friend. I had to edit misheard lyrics longer than I wanted to. So, it's too late now. But God willing, it's coming. ;D
Yes...Very nice CF.....so Indy....when do we get another one from you? I really enjoy yours too ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Soon, my friend. I had to edit misheard lyrics longer than I wanted to. So, it's too late now. But God willing, it's coming. ;D
End Quote
If God saw some of mine he'd probably start me On Fire Van Halen-1977....oops...kinda the wrong thread ::)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Sounds like a hint for my next story, unless someone has already done one. ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Here's a short one featuring the group America:
While I was sleeping one night recently, the Sandman came to me and said "Don't Cross The River while riding the Horse With No Name with the Tin Man 'cause if he falls off he'll surely rust. Better to take the Ventura Highway in your search for Zella's house." Even though she says You Can Do Magic with her on those Magic Mountain Rollercoasters because you feel a warm-fuzzy kinda Muskrat Love for her I Need You to realize that those are very scary things! So even though you would probably come across many a California Sister Golden Hair and maybe even an occasional Daisy Jane just realize that they are most likely very Lonely People it's best that you be near your true love, just up the coast....Jessica is your Woman Tonight and Forever, so go be with her....beacuse she is not Only In Your Heart but also in your Soul......"
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Niiiiiiiiiice ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Niiiiiiiiiice ;D
End Quote
Thanks, Rice ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Way to go, RnRF! 8)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
How about some Eric Clapton/Cream:
A German Shephered working on a Stormy Monday was Rollin' and Tumblin' in a field at the Crossroads when all of a sudden he saw a Grand Illusion of a Lonely Stranger yelling "I Shot The Sheriff I gotta Hideaway." The dog, noticing The Sky Was Crying, crossed a Floating Bridge. And tackled the man in Tulsa Time. When the police came, the officer said, "Nice dog, you can Lay Down, Sally," as they took the killer into the White Room. The dog shouted, 'Miss you!" in front of a stunned police force.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Way to go, RnRF! 8)
End Quote
Thanks CeramicsFanatic....now I need you to inspire me by posting another of your gems ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Pet Shop Boys:
One day while living in Dallas TX I decided to go hang out downtown with my brother, Josh. We drove south from the definitive Suburbia known as Plano and took the Ross Avenue exit off the Central Expressway. We stopped for a drink at one of the bars near the West End. Girls were everywhere. One girl came up to my brother out of nowhere and said "Hey there, Jeff!" and started groping him at the bar! :o
Josh, looking kind of dumbfounded and thinking "Wow! What Have I Done To Deserve This?", said, "Um...hey. My name's not Jeff but uh, thank you anyway." ;D
The girl, embarrassed by her actions, replied, "OMIGOSH I am so sorry! You looked like a New York City Boy I once knew. I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind Of Thing. Can you forgive me?"
"Yeah, 'Jeff,' Can You Forgive Her? Give her One More Chance," I chimed in.
"Oh, okay, It's Alright, um...I didn't catch your name," he said.
"Vanessa," she replied.
"Hey Vanessa, um, would you like to continue this conversation back at my place?" asked Josh.
"Nah, thanks anyway, but I think I'd rather be Left To My Own Devices," she replied and walked away.
OUCH! :o ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Both DJ_Midas and IndyGent get a big congrats from me on thier most recent entries...great job http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/35.gif
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Both DJ_Midas and IndyGent get a big congrats from me on thier most recent entries...great job http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/35.gif
End Quote
Thanks, RNRF! :D at that point this morning I think I was going for all recent threads on page one to be updated by me...but that one took a while to write so it didn't happen. :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Indy Gent and DJ Midas...you guys have done a good job with your "song passages"! ;)
RnRF...I know I'm long overdue for one and I haven't forgotten! I've just had a lot of other things going on lately. I will try hard to get one posted this week, okay. ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks, RNRF! :D at that point this morning I think I was going for all recent threads on page one to be updated by me...but that one took a while to write so it didn't happen. :)
End Quote
No Problem DJ Midas http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/03.gif
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Indy Gent and DJ Midas...you guys have done a good job with your "song passages"! ;)
RnRF...I know I'm long overdue for one and I haven't forgotten! I've just had a lot of other things going on lately. I will try hard to get one posted this week, okay. ;)
End Quote
I can hardly wait.....http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/32.gif
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Keep them stories coming. Someone might give us a movie offer. ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Keep them stories coming. Someone might give us a movie offer. ;)
End Quote
Ya really think so? ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Okay, I finally have another one. I seem to be having a harder time these days coming up with good story lines! :-It's A Long Way There, but I think we can make it," Tom told his wife as they drove down the interstate in search of a quaint resort town. Jut then the car's engine died. Tom managed to pull of to the side of the road and then made a call on his cell phone. He turned to his wife and said, "Don't worry, Help Is On Its Way." The couple looked at each other and, almost in unison, said, "Happy Anniversary!" They laughed and started Reminiscing about the time they'd met.
Rebecca had been a Lady on the rebound when she met Tom. She had just come out of a stormy relationship and was ready for a Cool Change. Tom was a Lonesome Loser who had always been considered 'The Other Guy'. The two Night Owls quickly hit it off and became inseparable. Two years later they were married. :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Okay, I finally have another one. I seem to be having a harder time these days coming up with good story lines! :-It's A Long Way There, but I think we can make it," Tom told his wife as they drove down the interstate in search of a quaint resort town. Jut then the car's engine died. Tom managed to pull of to the side of the road and then made a call on his cell phone. He turned to his wife and said, "Don't worry, Help Is On Its Way." The couple looked at each other and, almost in unison, said, "Happy Anniversary!" They laughed and started Reminiscing about the time they'd met.
Rebecca had been a Lady on the rebound when she met Tom. She had just come out of a stormy relationship and was ready for a Cool Change. Tom was a Lonesome Loser who had always been considered 'The Other Guy'. The two Night Owls quickly hit it off and became inseparable. Two years later they were married. :)
End Quote
THAT made me smile ;) Nice to see you back writing....I missed your creativity, CeramicsFanatic :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
THAT made me smile ;) Nice to see you back writing....I missed your creativity, CeramicsFanatic :D
End Quote
Why thank you, RnRF!!! Your kind remarks are much appreciated! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Very nice, CF. I heard "Cool Change" on the way back from lunch today.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
We can dream, can't we? 8)
Ya really think so? ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
We can dream, can't we? 8)
End Quote
Yes we can, IndyGent...and if I had the power and position, I'd sure give CeramicsFanatic her big break :) She's quite inspiring!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Yes CF, very nice.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Very nice, CF. I heard "Cool Change" on the way back from lunch today.
End Quote
Thank you, DJ Midas! :-*
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Yes CF, very nice.
End Quote
Aww...you guys are all so sweet! Muchas Gracias, Indy Gent! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Whenever I think up something new, I'll let you know…
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Bringing this back up to Page 1. :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Okay, I finally have another one. I seem to be having a harder time these days coming up with good story lines! :-It's A Long Way There, but I think we can make it," Tom told his wife as they drove down the interstate in search of a quaint resort town. Jut then the car's engine died. Tom managed to pull of to the side of the road and then made a call on his cell phone. He turned to his wife and said, "Don't worry, Help Is On Its Way." The couple looked at each other and, almost in unison, said, "Happy Anniversary!" They laughed and started Reminiscing about the time they'd met.
Rebecca had been a Lady on the rebound when she met Tom. She had just come out of a stormy relationship and was ready for a Cool Change. Tom was a Lonesome Loser who had always been considered 'The Other Guy'. The two Night Owls quickly hit it off and became inseparable. Two years later they were married. :)
End Quote
Nice Work Karen :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Bowie :
In the Five Years since Ziggy Stardust and I were Absolute Beginners, we had experienced some Golden Years, but, alas, we now only had Sorrow.
For I had shacked up with Lady Stardust instead. I was a Rebel Rebel, as here I was Loving The Alien which made me feel like a Starman. It was a bit of a Space Oddity, I'll have you know. ;)
The Jean Genie found out and said "Oy ! Watcha think you're doing with my China Girl" ? I replied John, I'm Only Dancing. Miffed, he said "Think you're a couple of Heroes then do ya" ? I thought Uh-oh, he doesn't seem to appreciate the Changes that our Modern Love has given him".
As he threw a match to the gasoline he had spread, he said "Ashes To Ashes you two, Let's Dance, Muwahahahaha" ! There were Cat People (Putting Out Fire) but it was too late.
In a pathetic attempt to either put out the fire and/or end this post, I yelled out "This Is Not America"....
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Here is a 2 parter featuring the solo works of John, Paul, George & Ringo......I hope you enjoy my little Christmas Story!
Part 1-The Early Years
On a snowy night All Those Years Ago during Wonderful Christmastime, I was listening to the Venus & Mars Rockshow When suddenly my Uncle Albert, Admiral Halsey and his wife Sally G. knocked on my door, so I Let 'em In. Albert told me to turn off that Devils Radio screaming "I've Had Enough, all they ever play are those Silly Love Songs I mean to say that back When We Was Fab we listened to stuff like Give Peace A Chance and besides, you should play something with more meaning beacause it's Happy Xmas,War Is Over, A #9 Dream is just what you need, beacause let me tell you something....as far as happiness goes, sometimes It Don't Come Easy. Just turn that radio off or I will be forced to Take It Away. You see nephew, Spies Like Us did not have time to get Hi, Hi, Hi in our Jet". As he spoke I realized his Mind Games and thought to myself Hey, Whatever Gets You Through The Night! They finally left...the Magneto And Titanium Man. My Uncles ramblings made my mind Blow Away any happy thoughts. I was feeling So Bad because I realized that my uncle would never Let Me Roll It when all at once my grandmother Helen Wheels herself into my room...she may be handicapped but never minds that I like Watching The Wheels on her wheel chair spin. She comforted me by saying "Don't worry about things...when you wake up in the morning it'll just be Another Day. I'll make you some Instant Karma, later on we'll have some Cold Turkey sandwiches followed by a piece of the Flaming Pie I made for dessert. You're Sixteen and such a Beautiful Boy so don't feel you're a Dark Horse. Just remember to respect your uncle....Listen To What The Man Said, don't concern yourself with the World Tonihgt, dream of floating on Cloud Nine and With A Little Luck You you will have a Goodnight Tonight, so promise to turn off the radio...remember the No No Song." Ah, those were the days of my youth. I loved visiting Juniors Farm. I still have a Photograph that I cherish.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Part 2-The Later Years
Finding myself in Nineteen-Hundred And Eighty-Five and living in a Crackerbox Palace I gazed out of my window and watched a beautiful Bluebird leave it's nest for what appeared to be the first time. It's as if the mother was Letting Go and saying "Live And Let Die." It put me into a deep thought about myself as I watched the baby bird fly about in a Figure Of Eight. At that moment I prayed to My Sweet Lord first asking "What Is Life?I feel like I'm Losing You. Since that time and until now I have spent my years putting on My Brave Face in front of everyone. I met and married years back and have had a wonderful family. Not being a Jealous Guy has also helped things go smoother. Yet suddenly I began to wonder if I'd ever really been happy. I felt like I wanted to suddenly join a Band On The Run and leave it all behind. I felt the loneliness and heartache that I'd hidden for so long, Coming Up to nag me once more.
As I began to wonder if I'd ever find the answer, I prayed once more, asking the Lord to Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth). I was told to "Beware My Love for Only You will know when love is true." Renewed with a Hope Of Deliverance I'd asked for, Imagine me suddenly finding my Woman! Now you may be thinking that I might just be in shock and Maybe I'm Amazed but truth be told it's really wonderful, (Just Like)Starting Over really. I know in my heart that This Is Love and for certain she is My Love. Soon there will be No More Lonely Nights because besides her having my heart and soul, I can say without hesitation to her "I Got My Mind Set On You, My Soulmate :-*
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay-yum... ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Making it SO much easier for me to want to write one aren't you (FussBudgetVanPelt, CeramicsFanatic & R&R Fan and the rest!)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I am amazed at how clever you people are ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I knew you had it in you, RnRf. ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Your two part story was wonderful, Mark! :-*
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I knew you had it in you, RnRf. ;)
End Quote
Thanks IndyGent, I wasn't sure how it would turn out ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Your two part story was wonderful, Mark! :-*
End Quote
What can I say? I'm happily creative and confident nowadays, Jessica ;) :-*
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Saved from page 2 :o for the time being :-/
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Bowie :
In the Five Years since Ziggy Stardust and I were Absolute Beginners, we had experienced some Golden Years, but, alas, we now only had Sorrow.
For I had shacked up with Lady Stardust instead. I was a Rebel Rebel, as here I was Loving The Alien which made me feel like a Starman. It was a bit of a Space Oddity, I'll have you know. ;)
The Jean Genie found out and said "Oy ! Watcha think you're doing with my China Girl" ? I replied John, I'm Only Dancing. Miffed, he said "Think you're a couple of Heroes then do ya" ? I thought Uh-oh, he doesn't seem to appreciate the Changes that our Modern Love has given him".
As he threw a match to the gasoline he had spread, he said "Ashes To Ashes you two, Let's Dance, Muwahahahaha" ! There were Cat People (Putting Out Fire) but it was too late.
In a pathetic attempt to either put out the fire and/or end this post, I yelled out "This Is Not America"....
End Quote
Very creative, Fuss...and lots of titles! Bravo!! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Very creative, Fuss...and lots of titles! Bravo!! ;)
End Quote
Thanks Karen
That Jean Genie was a bit of a mongrel though hey ?
Shows you what people who "Save up their dead hair for making up underwear" are really like ! :o
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
RnRF...you did a splendid job with your John, Paul, George & Ringo stories! Keep up the good work! :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
RnRF...you did a splendid job with your John, Paul, George & Ringo stories! Keep up the good work! :D
End Quote
Thanks VERY much ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Steely Dan brings this back to page 1!
In my younger days, when I had a job doing very Dirty Work, I was getting no respect from co-workers, who referred to me as Hey Nineteen! It was a very demeaning job as I had come to find out. You see, the boss was involved in a The Royal Scam and thought with all the money he was pocketing he'd have his own private Countdown To Ecstacy. I tried my best to put Time Out Of Mind and managed to make it out of that private hell. I had a bad case of the Deacon Blues after hearing from Kid Charlamagne that my girlfriend Katy Lied about loving me. As we neared my place he put a piece of paper in my hand saying to me "Rikki, Don't Lose That Number, you don't wanna call nobody else" Home At Last I was curious as to my friends Pretzel Logic which had confused me. He was such a Nightfly who always hung out at the local bar drinking many a Black Cow but I decided to make the call...turning down my favorite FM station. I missed the volume button as I fell to my bedroom floor reaching back for it, so I had to Do It Again! As I dialed the number I couldn't help but feel I was about to enter a New Frontier. Finally I heard the phone ringing and was overcome with anxiety. A beautiful voice answered and asked what I wanted...I told her my name and then hearing what I desired she replied "Hi, my name is Peg, my friend Josie and I are here to please you but it'll cost you $5OO for our time." I was shocked and angry that Kid had set me up with a prostitutes phone# and so I sat up for a while feeling sad and alone. In the morning my head was clearer though and I called Katy...we met later for lunch and managed to work things out. I guess I learned my lesson, you may be able to buy women but there is no dollar amount for True Love...so I guess you really Can't Buy A Thrill!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
That's good mark, I can't fill mine out with as much story as you can ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
That's good mark, I can't fill mine out with as much story as you can ;)
End Quote
Ah, but my friend, I think you are very talented to say more things with less words
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Another great one Mark. They'll be banging on your door yet. ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Steely Dan brings this back to page 1!
In my younger days, when I had a job doing very Dirty Work, I was getting no respect from co-workers, who referred to me as Hey Nineteen! It was a very demeaning job as I had come to find out. You see, the boss was involved in a The Royal Scam and thought with all the money he was pocketing he'd have his own private Countdown To Ecstacy. I tried my best to put Time Out Of Mind and managed to make it out of that private hell. I had a bad case of the Deacon Blues after hearing from Kid Charlamagne that my girlfriend Katy Lied about loving me. As we neared my place he put a piece of paper in my hand saying to me "Rikki, Don't Lose That Number, you don't wanna call nobody else" Home At Last I was curious as to my friends Pretzel Logic which had confused me. He was such a Nightfly who always hung out at the local bar drinking many a Black Cow but I decided to make the call...turning down my favorite FM station. I missed the volume button as I fell to my bedroom floor reaching back for it, so I had to Do It Again! As I dialed the number I couldn't help but feel I was about to enter a New Frontier. Finally I heard the phone ringing and was overcome with anxiety. A beautiful voice answered and asked what I wanted...I told her my name and then hearing what I desired she replied "Hi, my name is Peg, my friend Josie and I are here to please you but it'll cost you $5OO for our time." I was shocked and angry that Kid had set me up with a prostitutes phone# and so I sat up for a while feeling sad and alone. In the morning my head was clearer though and I called Katy...we met later for lunch and managed to work things out. I guess I learned my lesson, you may be able to buy women but there is no dollar amount for True Love...so I guess you really Can't Buy A Thrill!
End Quote
Good story, RnRF!! And a band that I like a lot, too! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Ah, but my friend, I think you are very talented to say more things with less words
End Quote
I agree! I, too, can't write one of these without having to add a lot of my own words. :-/
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
A short Carole King one then !
I was hanging out at the Hard Rock Cafe (that's where you could find me), waiting for One Fine Day hoping that my friend would arrive.
She is So Far Away and sometimes I think that It Might As Well Rain Until September but nonetheless, I will never think It's Too Late to one day say I Feel The Earth Move.
They are always Sweet Seasons when you can say You've Got A Friend. :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
A short Carole King one then !
I was hanging out at the Hard Rock Cafe (that's where you could find me), waiting for One Fine Day hoping that my friend would arrive.
She is So Far Away and sometimes I think that It Might As Well Rain Until September but nonetheless, I will never think It's Too Late to one day say I Feel The Earth Move.
They are always Sweet Seasons when you can say You've Got A Friend. :)
End Quote
How sweet, Fuss! :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Okay...a short story with two artists with a very small collection of hits....Gilbert O'Sullivan & The Spinners:
Once I was a Ghetto Child but since I knew someday I'd grow into a Rubberband Man I told my family "Soon I'll Be Around, but now I must Get Down to business with my girl Clair." When I met her I thought Could It Be I'm Falling In Love? She's definatly a One Of A Kind Love Affair and without her I'd be Alone Again (Naturally) :'(
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Trying to keep this off page 2…
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Okay...a short story with two artists with a very small collection of hits....Gilbert O'Sullivan & The Spinners:
Once I was a Ghetto Child but since I knew someday I'd grow into a Rubberband Man I told my family "Soon I'll Be Around, but now I must Get Down to business with my girl Clair." When I met her I thought Could It Be I'm Falling In Love? She's definatly a One Of A Kind Love Affair and without her I'd be Alone Again (Naturally) :'(
End Quote
What a curious combination, RnRF! ;D Nevertheless, I like it!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Short but sweet Mark.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
What a curious combination, RnRF! ;D Nevertheless, I like it!
End Quote
Thanks Karen ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Short but sweet Mark.
End Quote
Well, I tried the novel thing so I thought I'd give a short story a try! Thanks, IndyGent :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Here's one with Jackson Browne songs...
Keep in mind, this is supposed to be through a man's eyes... ::)
There I was cruising down the Boulevard and Running On Empty when I saw her. She looked so fine that I thought to myself, "Oh, she's got to be Somebody's Baby." I watched her as she slipped through a door that was In The Shape Of A Heart, then I parked my car and followed her into the club. I made my way through the smokey room and ordered a drink. Then I heard her. Her velvet voice filled the air with such sweet sound. That Girl Could Sing! I decided to Stay and watch the whole show. Later I found out that my a$$umption had been correct. It was back to the Fountain Of Sorrow for me.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Good job, Karen :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Here's one with Jackson Browne songs...
Keep in mind, this is supposed to be through a man's eyes... ::)
There I was cruising down the Boulevard and Running On Empty when I saw her. She looked so fine that I thought to myself, "Oh, she's got to be Somebody's Baby." I watched her as she slipped through a door that was In The Shape Of A Heart, then I parked my car and followed her into the club. I made my way through the smokey room and ordered a drink. Then I heard her. Her velvet voice filled the air with such sweet sound. That Girl Could Sing! I decided to Stay and watch the whole show. Later I found out that my a$$umption had been correct. It was back to the Fountain Of Sorrow for me.
End Quote
Reading your stories makes my mood this season even more joyful...Thanks, Karen ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Okay....here's another short one by Bad Company:
I was once a Youngblood with a Rock'n Roll Fantasy. Unfortunatly I was with some Bad Company though. My management would only let me wear clothes of Silver, Blue and Gold, The Color Of The Sky, I Am Told, and yet I thought to myself My Rainbow Is Overdue. So I finally decided it was time to be Movin' On, which led me to you. Now I just Feel Like Makin' Love to you all the time because I just Can't Get Enough Of Your Love!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
A little short one, Paul Anka…
Hey, Diana, I want you to know (You're) Having My Baby! I was a Lonely Boy before I met you, but (All of a Sudden) My Heart Sings! Could you please Put Your Head on My Shoulder, 'cause I Don't Like to Sleep Alone! I know it's not a Puppy Love, so Love Me Warm & Tender. I'm sure (I Believe) There's Nothing Stronger than Our Love!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Good job, Karen :)
End Quote
Merci Beaucoups, Fuss! :-*
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Reading your stories makes my mood this season even more joyful...Thanks, Karen ;)
End Quote
Thank you, RnRF! Oh, and I like your Bad Company story! 8)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
A little short one, Paul Anka…
Hey, Diana, I want you to know (You're) Having My Baby! I was a Lonely Boy before I met you, but (All of a Sudden) My Heart Sings! Could you please Put Your Head on My Shoulder, 'cause I Don't Like to Sleep Alone! I know it's not a Puppy Love, so Love Me Warm & Tender. I'm sure (I Believe) There's Nothing Stronger than Our Love!
End Quote
Lots of lovin' goin' on in this one, Crazy Don! ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thank you, RnRF! Oh, and I like your Bad Company story! 8)
End Quote
Glad you enjoyed it, Karen :D I'm contemplating doing a Led Zeppelin story next ???
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I would enjoy thay immensely.
Glad you enjoyed it, Karen :D I'm contemplating doing a Led Zeppelin story next ???
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I would enjoy thay immensely.
End Quote
Well then, here you go, IndyGent! I hope you like it :-/
One day I was sitting in the park In The Evening eating a Hot Dog and reading Moby Dick. Suddenly a man walked by and said "You're A Fool In The Rain and When The Levee Breaks you're sure to be Trampled Underfoot. If you don't take cover soon, You're Time Is Gonna Come. He proceeded to Ramble On and I realized that we were experiencing some sort of a Communication Breakdown. He sang the Immigrant Song told me he was some sort of D'yer Mak'er then spoke of the Battle Of Evermore and how he had escaped the Gallows Pole. He said "I'm Gonna Crawl over those Four Sticks and dance the South Bound Saurez" if you'll loan me some money. The I will Boogie With Stu, my Black Dog while singing The Rain Song." I said "Hey, Hey What Can I Do, everybody experiences Good Times, Bad Times" I told him that it was Nobody's Fault but his own for being broke and that I had No Quarter to spare. I offered him a Tangerine and tried to scare him off by singing him The Lemon Song. After I finished he said "Man, You Shook Me" He then ran off screaming "What Is And What Should Never Be! :o." I enjoyed myself as I sat in the now sunny weather, feeling the warmth of a Celebration Day. I took off my Kashmir sweater that my friends Living, Loving Maid had knitted for me, she was quite the little Heartbreaker. I turned on my radio, which my friend had changed to a country station. Knowing that no matter what they were playing, The Song Remains The Same, so I frantically tuned in a Rock And Roll station thinking if I heard one more twang of country "music" I would most certainly be In My Time Of Dying :P. My mood quickly improved as I felt Dancing Days were here again. They were playing a Led Zeppelin mini-concert starting with Babe I'm Gonna Leave You followed by Houses Of The Holy. I layed back in the soft grass and began to dream the sweetest dream. I had met someone and offered her All My Love. I had told her by phone "I Can't Quit You Babe and Since I've Been Loving You, I feel I'm living among the Houses Of The Holy." I knew I was Going To California and started my Misty Mountain Hop realizing I was heading towards The Ocean which was Over The Hill And Far Away. I had finally found a Whole Lotta Love in my life and just knew in my heart that my first step West was the path to my very own Stairway To Heaven.........
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
All I can say is "Amen!"
Your best yet. ;)
Well then, here you go, IndyGent! I hope you like it :-/
One day I was sitting in the park In The Evening eating a Hot Dog and reading Moby Dick. Suddenly a man walked by and said "You're A Fool In The Rain and When The Levee Breaks you're sure to be Trampled Underfoot. If you don't take cover soon, You're Time Is Gonna Come. He proceeded to Ramble On and I realized that we were experiencing some sort of a Communication Breakdown. He sang the Immigrant Song told me he was some sort of D'yer Mak'er then spoke of the Battle Of Evermore and how he had escaped the Gallows Pole. He said "I'm Gonna Crawl over those Four Sticks and dance the South Bound Saurez" if you'll loan me some money. The I will Boogie With Stu, my Black Dog while singing The Rain Song." I said "Hey, Hey What Can I Do, everybody experiences Good Times, Bad Times" I told him that it was Nobody's Fault but his own for being broke and that I had No Quarter to spare. I offered him a Tangerine and tried to scare him off by singing him The Lemon Song. After I finished he said "Man, You Shook Me" He then ran off screaming "What Is And What Should Never Be! :o." I enjoyed myself as I sat in the now sunny weather, feeling the warmth of a Celebration Day. I took off my Kashmir sweater that my friends Living, Loving Maid had knitted for me, she was quite the little Heartbreaker. I turned on my radio, which my friend had changed to a country station. Knowing that no matter what they were playing, The Song Remains The Same, so I frantically tuned in a Rock And Roll station thinking if I heard one more twang of country "music" I would most certainly be In My Time Of Dying :P. My mood quickly improved as I felt Dancing Days were here again. They were playing a Led Zeppelin mini-concert starting with Babe I'm Gonna Leave You followed by Houses Of The Holy. I layed back in the soft grass and began to dream the sweetest dream. I had met someone and offered her All My Love. I had told her by phone "I Can't Quit You Babe and Since I've Been Loving You, I feel I'm living among the Houses Of The Holy." I knew I was Going To California and started my Misty Mountain Hop realizing I was heading towards The Ocean which was Over The Hill And Far Away. I had finally found a Whole Lotta Love in my life and just knew in my heart that my first step West was the path to my very own Stairway To Heaven.........
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks again, IndyGent! What a nice thing to wake up to...kind words from a good friend! I didn't think it was my best though...I just didn't have that "Flow" that I usually get when writing one, but Thanks anyway ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I hear ya'. Sometimes when I write parodies or stories: I don't get that "flow" you mentioned. I submit them anyway, and sometimes I regret it. But that was one of you best stories and I am looking forward to more.
Thanks again, IndyGent! What a nice thing to wake up to...kind words from a good friend! I didn't think it was my best though...I just didn't have that "Flow" that I usually get when writing one, but Thanks anyway ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I hear ya'. Sometimes when I write parodies or stories: I don't get that "flow" you mentioned. I submit them anyway, and sometimes I regret it. But that was one of you best stories and I am looking forward to more.
End Quote
Thanks man....you sure know how to make me feel like my sories are worth writing! I would enjoy another from you too. Lets' keep cranking them out :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Maybe one right before New Years Eve.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Maybe one right before New Years Eve.
End Quote
Since you all came to my party...how about some John Denver!
Hey Zella, did FussBudgetVanPelt, HolyDooley & Karen :D sail over to your place on the Calypso? Fuss, I'm Sorry about not making the plane reservations for you in time! I was so upset with the shipping line when they told me you'd be subjected to hearing Annie's Song for the duration of the trip! I will offer a Sweet Surrender by coming to visit you by way of the same ship...as long as I can bring along My Sweet Lady, Jessica (She's a great doubles partner) to meet you. I just want to say that I'm so happy to have you all here, it's indeed a Rocky Mountain High being able to have all of you as my guests! Come take a tour of the town with me, and you will see the Sunshine On My Shoulders, but you will be Looking For Space on the next flight if you say to me anything like "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" because knowing how I feel about that kind "Music" you would be more apt to say "Take Me Home, Country Roads." I'd enjoy it so much if you could all stay with me through New Years Day before you decide to Fly Away and return Back Home Again.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Since you all came to my party...how about some John Denver!
Hey Zella, did FussBudgetVanPelt & HolyDooley sail over to your place on the Calypso? Fuss, I'm Sorry about not making the plane reservations for you in time! I was so upset with the shipping line when they told me you'd be subjected to hearing Annie's Song for the duration of the trip! I will offer a Sweet Surrender by coming to visit you by way of the same ship...as long as I can bring along My Sweet Lady, Jessica (She's a great doubles partner) to meet you. I just want to say that I'm so happy to have you all here, it's indeed a Rocky Mountain High being able to have all of you as my guests! Come take a tour of the town with me, and you will see the Sunshine On My Shoulders, but you will be Looking For Space on the next flight if you say to me anything like "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" because knowing how I feel about that kind "Music" you would be more apt to say "Take Me Home, Country Roads." I'd enjoy it so much if you could all stay with me through New Years Day before you decide Fly Away and return Back Home Again.
End Quote
I love John Denver so thanks! This is really good RnRF! :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Since you all came to my party...how about some John Denver!
Hey Zella, did FussBudgetVanPelt & HolyDooley sail over to your place on the Calypso? Fuss, I'm Sorry about not making the plane reservations for you in time! I was so upset with the shipping line when they told me you'd be subjected to hearing Annie's Song for the duration of the trip! I will offer a Sweet Surrender by coming to visit you by way of the same ship...as long as I can bring along My Sweet Lady, Jessica (She's a great doubles partner) to meet you. I just want to say that I'm so happy to have you all here, it's indeed a Rocky Mountain High being able to have all of you as my guests! Come take a tour of the town with me, and you will see the Sunshine On My Shoulders, but you will be Looking For Space on the next flight if you say to me anything like "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" because knowing how I feel about that kind "Music" you would be more apt to say "Take Me Home, Country Roads." I'd enjoy it so much if you could all stay with me through New Years Day before you decide to Fly Away and return Back Home Again.
End Quote
Cute, RnRF...but you forgot to include me. ??? Fuss and HolyDooley were supposed to be picking me up on their way over to the party! :(
BTW, it was nice to see that you used my favorite JD song in this passage ("Looking For Space"). ;)
P.S. I also liked your Led Zeppelin story! :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Cute, RnRF...but you forgot to include me. ??? Fuss and HolyDooley were supposed to be picking me up on their way over to the party! :(
BTW, it was nice to see that you used my favorite JD song in this passage ("Looking For Space"). ;)
P.S. I also liked your Led Zeppelin story! :)
End Quote
Hey, you have the un-edited copy...I fixed it just for you!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Another short one, The Association…
It was a Windy day, and then Along Comes Mary, the girl I Cherish. She asked me to break up with her, but I told her, "Never My Love, 'cause I like Everything That Touches You!" I found out she was seeing someone in a Six Man Band, and I told her it was No Fair at All that she was seeing someone else!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
I love John Denver so thanks! This is really good RnRF! :)
End Quote
Thanks, shazaah ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Keeping this off page 2 for now…
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
A very very short one :
Cheap Trick
The Flame said to me If You Want My Love you got it. I said I Want You To Want Me to which she replied "You've got buckley's, buddy.
I was sad and said Don't Be Cruel :'(
It was then that the Dream Police raided my sleep and it was all a {bad} dream .....
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
A very very short one :
Cheap Trick
The Flame said to me If You Want My Love you got it. I said I Want You To Want Me to which she replied "You've got buckley's, buddy.
I was sad and said Don't Be Cruel :'(
It was then that the Dream Police raided my sleep and it was all a {bad} dream .....
End Quote
Very nice, Fuss ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
At the last minute I was asked to DJ the Music at a Holiday party. I wasn't sure where it was so I asked, "Where's The Party?" and was given directions, which weren't that great. Between the bad directions and a Frozen tailpipe I wound up arriving 15 minutes late and people were not happy at first (which is only Human Nature), but I gave them what they wanted and soon Everybody was Into The Groove.
One girl started to bump and grind to the music very much not Like A Virgin and soon began Causing A Commotion. "Who's That Girl?" people whispered throughout the party. Come to find out her name was Angel and she worked at the Gentlemen's club Hanky Panky so her dancing, which was a mesmerizing display of Erotica, was all she knew.
The party was a hit as I ended with a slow Marvin Gaye track so people could slow dance with the one they Cherish. As I began to tear down my equipment Angel came up to me and slipped a card with her phone number into my jeans pocket. "Bye Bye Baby," she winked ;) to me as she was on her way out.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
At the last minute I was asked to DJ the Music at a Holiday party. I wasn't sure where it was so I asked, "Where's The Party?" and was given directions, which weren't that great. Between the bad directions and a Frozen tailpipe I wound up arriving 15 minutes late and people were not happy at first (which is only Human Nature), but I gave them what they wanted and soon Everybody was Into The Groove.
One girl started to bump and grind to the music very much not Like A Virgin and soon began Causing A Commotion. "Who's That Girl?" people whispered throughout the party. Come to find out her name was Angel and she worked at the Gentlemen's club Hanky Panky so her dancing, which was a mesmerizing display of Erotica, was all she knew.
The party was a hit as I ended with a slow Marvin Gaye track so people could slow dance with the one they Cherish. As I began to tear down my equipment Angel came up to me and slipped a card with her phone number into my jeans pocket. "Bye Bye Baby," she winked ;) to me as she was on her way out.
End Quote
Though I really don't care for her much as a person and just enjoyed her early offerings...that is a great story, DJ_Midas ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Though I really don't care for her much as a person and just enjoyed her early offerings...that is a great story, DJ_Midas ;)
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Thanks, RNRF. I'm not too fond of her as a person either. I don't care much for her current material, but some of the remixes are good for the clubs.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks, RNRF. I'm not too fond of her as a person either. I don't care much for her current material, but some of the remixes are good for the clubs.
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No Problem DJ, now put down the pen and let's cruise around...maybe we'll find SuperFreak and her friend...though I doubt the church I posted is the place to start looking :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
No Problem DJ, now put down the pen and let's cruise around...maybe we'll find SuperFreak and her friend...though I doubt the church I posted is the place to start looking :D
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Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
A very very short one :
Cheap Trick
The Flame said to me If You Want My Love you got it. I said I Want You To Want Me to which she replied "You've got buckley's, buddy.
I was sad and said Don't Be Cruel :'(
It was then that the Dream Police raided my sleep and it was all a {bad} dream .....
End Quote
I like it, Fuss! :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
At the last minute I was asked to DJ the Music at a Holiday party. I wasn't sure where it was so I asked, "Where's The Party?" and was given directions, which weren't that great. Between the bad directions and a Frozen tailpipe I wound up arriving 15 minutes late and people were not happy at first (which is only Human Nature), but I gave them what they wanted and soon Everybody was Into The Groove.
One girl started to bump and grind to the music very much not Like A Virgin and soon began Causing A Commotion. "Who's That Girl?" people whispered throughout the party. Come to find out her name was Angel and she worked at the Gentlemen's club Hanky Panky so her dancing, which was a mesmerizing display of Erotica, was all she knew.
The party was a hit as I ended with a slow Marvin Gaye track so people could slow dance with the one they Cherish. As I began to tear down my equipment Angel came up to me and slipped a card with her phone number into my jeans pocket. "Bye Bye Baby," she winked ;) to me as she was on her way out.
End Quote
Very well written, DJ! ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Hi-ho, Hi-ho...back to page one this goes :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Here's something different: a Jim Croce story.
I Got A Name, it's Bad, Bad Leroy Brown. I have the Workin' In the Car Wash Blues. Thankfully, New York's Not My Home, and I would fight a Roller Derby Queen in the Alabama Rain wearing a Lover's Cross. Then there would by One Less Pair of Footsteps to trample on me. I would race Rapid Roy (That Stock Car Boy) in the alley with my Railroads and Riverboats, then I'd be dating the Operator and Roy would be looking at his Time In A Bottle with his Photographs and Memories and his Age, because You Don't Mess Around With Jim.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Here's something different: a Jim Croce story.
I Got A Name, it's Bad, Bad Leroy Brown. I have the Workin' In the Car Wash Blues. Thankfully, New York's Not My Home, and I would fight a Roller Derby Queen in the Alabama Rain wearing a Lover's Cross. Then there would by One Less Pair of Footsteps to trample on me. I would race Rapid Roy (That Stock Car Boy) in the alley with my Railroads and Riverboats, then I'd be dating the Operator and Roy would be looking at his Time In A Bottle with his Photographs and Memories and his Age, because You Don't Mess Around With Jim.
End Quote
I did a Jim Croce story way back in the fisrt segment of this game...but as usual, I like your's better :D Great Job, Indy!
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks Mark. And I'm sorry I didn't remember your first Jim Croce story. I will try to find someone different to do stories with their titles later.
I did a Jim Croce story way back in the fisrt segment of this game...but as usual, I like your's better :D Great Job, Indy!
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Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks Mark. And I'm sorry I didn't remember your first Jim Croce story. I will try to find someone different to do stories with their titles later.
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No Problem...remember I don't mind duplicate Stories/Artists....you did a fantastic job (As always) and I enjoy your creativity. Keep up the GREAT work ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks again. And feel free to write as many stories as you want.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks again. And feel free to write as many stories as you want.
End Quote
Thanks...but only if YOU do the same ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Here's something different: a Jim Croce story.
I Got A Name, it's Bad, Bad Leroy Brown. I have the Workin' In the Car Wash Blues. Thankfully, New York's Not My Home, and I would fight a Roller Derby Queen in the Alabama Rain wearing a Lover's Cross. Then there would by One Less Pair of Footsteps to trample on me. I would race Rapid Roy (That Stock Car Boy) in the alley with my Railroads and Riverboats, then I'd be dating the Operator and Roy would be looking at his Time In A Bottle with his Photographs and Memories and his Age, because You Don't Mess Around With Jim.
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Good one, Indy Gent! You chose a great artist, BTW! :)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Icehouse :
I was sitting in a Street Cafe flipping through the Dusty Pages of my recently acquired manuscript, "Diary Of A Mad Teenager", when suddenly, she appeared, the one from the journal itself, My Obsession ! :o
So I said "Hey Little Girl, what brings you to my Great Southern Land" ? She replied "I thought We Can Get Together but dig it, I'm making No Promises but neither am I putting up Walls".
I thought to myself "Anything Is Possible but this is just driving me Crazy". "Baby, You're So Strange" I told her, and she replied "I Don't Believe Anymore and I Can't Help Myself, I want to experience some Love In Motion and I want to see stars ! I want you to be my Man Of Colours" :P
So after agreeing it would be Nothing Too Serious and then Taking The Town, we ended up watching the Sunrise together ;D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks, Ceramics Fanantic! ;D
Good one, Indy Gent! You chose a great artist, BTW! :)
End Quote
Good one Fuss. BTW, I never knew Icehouse had that many songs. ;)
Icehouse :
I was sitting in a Street Cafe flipping through the Dusty Pages of my recently acquired manuscript, "Diary Of A Mad Teenager", when suddenly, she appeared, the one from the journal itself, My Obsession ! :o
So I said "Hey Little Girl, what brings you to my Great Southern Land" ? She replied "I thought We Can Get Together but dig it, I'm making No Promises but neither am I putting up Walls".
I thought to myself "Anything Is Possible but this is just driving me Crazy". "Baby, You're So Strange" I told her, and she replied "I Don't Believe Anymore and I Can't Help Myself, I want to experience some Love In Motion and I want to see stars ! I want you to be my Man Of Colours" :P
So after agreeing it would be Nothing Too Serious and then Taking The Town, we ended up watching the Sunrise together ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Good one Fuss. BTW, I never knew Icehouse had that many songs. ;)
End Quote
Thanks Indy
They have heaps more ! They are the main ones though. They are worth a listen if you get a chance ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Good one Fuss. BTW, I never knew Icehouse had that many songs. ;)
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What he said! ;D
(Nice work, Fuss! ;))
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
What He^^ AND She^ said, IndyGent :D
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks everyone. Suggestions for my next story, please. ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Thanks everyone. Suggestions for my next story, please. ;)
End Quote
Okay, what about Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band?
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
You wanted Bob Seger? I'll give you Bob Seger!
I'm a Ramblin' Gamblin' Man who has come back from Katmandu, so at Nine Tonight, I went down on Mainstreet to check out the ladies, and there's one I love to see Her Strut her stuff because it makes me feel Like a Rock since I have The Fire Down Below. I tried to make my Night Moves on her. But it turns out I'm Still the Same guy who likes that Old Time Rock & Roll in those Hollywood Nights running Against the Wind. So I said to that lady, "We've Got Tonight, so if You'll Accomp'ny Me down to Fire Lake, we'll do The Horizontal Bop and have the time of our lives!"
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Very nice, CrazyDon! I realized that I stopped the first thread after 10 pages because of the legnth of the stories, and so since this one has gone to 14 I am starting a brand new one....see all of you there ;)
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Yeah, what ^ said.
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Bumping this up hoping CeramicsFanatic sees my Bob Seger story…otherwise post new stories to the new thread, please…
Subject: Re: Stories Using The Collection Of One Artist Gam
Bumping this up hoping CeramicsFanatic sees my Bob Seger story…otherwise post new stories to the new thread, please…
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I did see it, Don, and I was quite impressed! It's nice to see that you're still contributing to this thread. :)
See you all at the "new" thread! ;D