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Subject: Haiku #4
20th page is
Where #3 is now.
Hairspray may lock it.
So I began 4.
Please come here to post haiku.
Don't be out of luck.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Thank you Crazy Don
The legacy of haiku
Lives on with this thread :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
And #4 with
A bullet is a haiku
That'll knock socks off.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
A bird in the hand
Is worth two in the bushes
This is what I heard.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
A bird in the hand
Is very very messy!
Where did the soap go?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
You're not fully clean
Unless you're Zestfully clean
That jingle is cool
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Zella needs to watch
"The Simpsons" tonight. Mick and
Keith are on that show.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Darn you stupid work!
I do not get Vet's Day off
I am very peeved >:(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Rememberance Day
It is called over here
No-one gets it off.... :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
What I would not do
For some football on TV
And maybe those twins 8)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I get Vet's Day off.
I feel for Rice and Fussy.
But lib's are closed too. >:(
Note: Lib is short for library
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Dooley and Fussy
Are only ones on the board
I have to go soon.... :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Did Zella watch the
Simpsons last night? If she did,
Mick and Keith were there.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I missed "The Simpsons"
But heard about it on the
Radio today
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
So many haiku
Another thread full right up
Poets, all of us
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Bumped this thread to top
So that it does not get lost
Haiku must go on
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
You are right Midas.
What would Zella be doing
Other than word games?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
This is my first try,
I hope I have done it right,
Thanks for the tip mate! ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Dooley strikes with force
Perfectly is constructed
Haiku Number one ! ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
After day of work,
I have finally returned.
What'd I miss today? 8)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I back to the pen
Later today this morning
Gee, what a bummer. :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Thirty-four to ten
In many blowout losses
Denver scores just ten
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Super Freak has a buff
Scantily clad b***buster
Seen bending over. :-[
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Old guys sure can play
Jerry Rice is a legend
Still in the making :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
It's a shame that Time
Steals the life from some of us
And leaves some alone. :-/
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Painful words, I.G.
But seem to be so, so true
Life can be cruel
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
My cat is so old.
But I don't believe he will
Croak too soon, I hope.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
My cat is 20
But is still shuffling along
Very happily.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I don't have a cat
But we have a three-year-old
Goldfish who is blind :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I am all alone.
I have Zellaized the board.
I need company... :'(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Zella on her own?
Surely this cannot be true
There's lots of us here
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Gasp! You're all hiding
Somewhere and talking about me!
Paranoia strikes! :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Deep! Into your life
It will creep! Oops, wrong thread here!
This is for haikus!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
And like yesterday
I will bump this thread to top
So it won't get lost ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Without you, DJ
I might have never found it
Way to go my man!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Few haikus lately
Rice Cube posts one to save thread
Hope others will join 8)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Okay, I'll post one.
It's the right thing to do now
Instead of later.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Zella's cat returns
There was much rejoicing in
Town of Reseda :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
My cat is still sick.
Threw up this morning at noon.
I hope no more puke.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Indy Gent posts much
Soon to get to ten thousand
Then reads "A Whole Lot" :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Have gotten 10K.
A "mark" crossed by only two.
Are Zed and Fuss next?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Thunderstorm here now
All lightning and Thunder but
No rain yet dang it ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I'm up so early
Stupid need for eight hour's sleep
Must not zonk out now!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
My cat is still sick.
Threw up this morning at noon.
I hope no more puke.
End Quote
Thank you Indy Gent
That was more information
Than I really need
(what, no vomit smiley?)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
The vomit smiley
Was my idea. It's on
Chuck's smiley pages.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Haiku's are real weird
Always going on and on
Like acid poems
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Our friend Syncronos
Has just barely enough posts
For hopping on rocks :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
For just two hours
My universe was complete
Perfect contentment. :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Server's stuck again.
Only have a few seconds
Til Earthlink kicks out.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Had to watch South Park.
That's why I ran off and left.
A new episode.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Saw Buffy last night.
Jonathan killed by Andrew.
And Spike regains bite.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
So here I be now
Thinking up a good haiku
But proves difficult :-/
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Just think of topic.
Let your imagination
Take over your mind.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Type anything Sync
Whatever takes your fancy
Is just fine I think :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Before the penguins
There was Calvin and Hobbes. So
I brought them back. Yes.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Weather Forecast for
Brisbane next two days is more
Storms - Summer is here
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
The rain is welcome,
So long as it doesn't hail,
That is a problem. :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Hail, size of Tennis
Balls I recall in that bad
Storm in Eighty-Five
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I remember that!
18th of January!!
Legendary storm!!! :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
It was the one day
At Indooroopilly that
I parked underneath :P :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Good move that one Fuss.
Nothing escaped in that hail
Panel beaters Dream!!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I only did it
Cos was boiling hot, didn't
Know storm was coming ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Storms are not that fun
My dog freaks out so he has
To take a valium
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
It's boring around
Here. Thought I'd liven things up
By writing haiku.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Don is consistant
When he is bored he is bored
Right across the board! ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Good morning penguins
(And good evening Aussie friends)
TGIF. Yay!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
It is Saturday ;)
Lots of laughs, it is raining
Sport will be washed out >:(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Good morning penguins
(And good evening Aussie friends)
TGIF. Yay!
End Quote
It's afternoon here
Still some more hours to work, though
Then it's the weekend!!!!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
It is Saturday ;)
Lots of laughs, it is raining
Sport will be washed out >:(
End Quote
If it keeps raining
Hopes of salvation for the
England Cricket Team
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Good afternoon, Phil.
Hope everybody has an
Excellent weekend
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
If it keeps raining
Hopes of salvation for the
England Cricket Team
End Quote
They always have the
Trip back home to look forward
To, Philbo Baggins !
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Thanks DJMidas,
The weekend's looking busy
Fences, fayres, football
They always have the
Trip back home to look forward
To, Philbo Baggins !
End Quote
When the team get home
The press will have a field day
The team will love it
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I'm not looking to
This weekend as there are no
Football games. Gosh! Darn!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Hi Philbo Baggins
It seems I always miss you
When you come online :-/
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Hi, Mr RiceCube
Well, I'm here, right here right now
So are you, it seems
But as I'm at work
I always leave in a rush
Pretend I'm working
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Ah my dear Hobbit
Surely you know the fine art
Of hitting Alt-Tab ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Alt+Tab is OK
But Ctrl+F4 is safer
(MDI window)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
The free lunch was great
Hot dogs, cookies and ice cream
Must go get seconds
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Mom made lunch for me
Which means I can save money
I love my mama :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Another effort
To save haiku thread so it
Escapes banishment
(to page 2, that is) ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Haikus on page two?
Not if I have any say.
Rice and Zella, too.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Never should Haiku
Be banished to bad page two :(
That's what Fuss says too ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Something is amiss!
Mystery Woman not a
Moderator now? ???
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Crazy Don will scream!
His mysterious woman
Has done a runner!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I don't really love
Mystery Woman. She's more
In love with me. Yeah.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I don't really love
Mystery Woman. She's more
In love with me. Yeah.
End Quote
Don in denial
Mystery Woman has left
Him catatonic
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Darla, like judge 4
Of American Idol
Flew the Mod coop, sad. :'(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Pete Rose in the Hall
By Two Thousand Four at least
Selig better hear!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Rose gambled as a
Manager of the Reds team.
Sorry, dear Pete fans.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Some Black Sox players
Did back in 1919.
Are they in the Hall? ???
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
The answer is no.
They did not, 'cause Shoeless Joe
Did say it was so. :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Most unfortunate
Thank goodness memory saved
On the Field of Dreams :)
Why not different
If gambling on baseball
But not throwing games?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Sports are a business.
Ulterior motives are
Part of the plan, Rice. :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Darla loves me more
Than I love her. Thought you'd like
To know. That is right.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
But you are the one,
Who is professing your love,
And not Darla, Dear.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Indy Gent doesn't
Know half the story between
Me and Darla. There.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Now I guess I know
Why Darla is still missing:
Trapped in Don's basement... ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Call the FBI
Don's basement reveals secrets
Not before revealed :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
In comes the FBI;
Out comes tons of plume and ice
Saved for evidence!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Secrets revealed
BigFoot found in Don's basement
And Loch Ness Monster ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Darla is still in
Vancouver. I did not steal
Her. She is not here.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
A quick sig line change
Is all Don needs to extract
Himself from this prob !
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Went to "suit" party
First time I've worn a suit in
Darn near thirteen years :P
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
NASCAR season gone.
Tony Stewart :P champion.
Wait until next year.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
McNabb is injured
But played the game anyway
What a warrior
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
The Simpsons are on
At 8 pm ev'ry Sunday.
Indy Gent watched? No!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I would watch Simpsons
But the FOX affiliate
Shows football instead >:(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I have been away
And I shall be for awhile
Christmas means money
40 nights I work
without even one night off
I will be so tired
Try not to miss me
I will be back before long
I will miss you all
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Jonman sings for bucks
Hope he makes many to boost
Sagging bank balance
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I sing all the time,
Sometimes people listen 'til
They ask me to stop.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I sing a lot, too
And play on my acoustic
It makes people laugh
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
They are just jealous
they can't play or sing for quids
Phil will have last laugh! ;) :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Jonman is gone for
A while, like Vancouverite
Darla. Where is she?
Banasy's not back.
Is she still working at the
Library? Miss her.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Brain is shutting down
I require way too much sleep
I want to nap bad
(but it's barely 9 AM here)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Sleep in the morning
Is too much of a good thing
Something I dream of
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
So, has Crazy Don
Solved the Mystery of lost
Mystery Woman?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Mystery woman
Exactly five syllables
Good name for haiku
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Time to go to lunch
Pizza leftovers at home
Yummy yummy yum
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Mmmmmmmm, pizza
That's a three-syllable "mm"
With mozarella
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Lunch was very good
Could eat pizza every day
If I was forced to
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Would love a pizza.
Can't afford one. Will have to
Settle for chicken... :P
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Good Guys advertised
A free Motorola phone
With matching rate plan :D
Soon I buy cell phone
And with it free long distance
Then I talk for days :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Have free long distance
On my cell phone, but sadly
Not distance enough.
To call much further
Must spend lots of money and
Cut back on pizza! ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I have a cell phone.
It's a TracFone. I can call
Long distance, local.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
My sister offered
Verizon Wireless plan.
She wants Cingular.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Cingular fizzles
Inside laboratory
So I scratch that plan
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Can't change sis's mind.
Won't take advice from dumb me.
She lives and she learns.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Rice Cube does suspect
That Indy Gent is stalking
His every post :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I don't worry 'bout
Posts any more on this board.
I am "retired".
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I hate my cell phone
I hate being findable
Bring back the old days!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
One horse called one one
One one won one race, it won,
Two two won one too
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
"Two two" or "Tutu"?
I hear that Bishop Desmond
Does like the horses
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I'm Happy, Then Sad,
My Life's A Rollercoaster,
Sometimes Living's Bad
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Hope your day gets better soon
You are in my thoughts
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
My Inspiriration's Run Dry,
That's What's Goin' On,
Nothing's Right...I'm Torn
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Dig the jukebox avatar
It is very cool
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Eight in the morning
Already at work am I
Boy am I fatigued :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I know the feeling
It was hard to leave the bed
Comfy flannel sheets
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I get paid today
First paycheck in near four months
Now I will buy toys :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Cool beans, Mr. Rice
I wish I could buy more toys
Alas, bills come first
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
A happy Holiday
Early and hopeful as long as
We work together. :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
What's a holiday?
Sounds somewhat familiar
I did have one once
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Vacation time scarce
Must accrue enough hours
Or else can't travel :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Lurking in shadows
The phantom Rice Cube observes
All that goes on here 8)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Out of nowhere the
Dreaded Mr. E. Guest strikes
Again. And again.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I wonder who Mr.
E. Guest is. Is it someone
I know? Maybe. Huh?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I love this great place,
Too me it's just like heaven,
I'm so happy here :-*
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I thought your lady
Was your own private heaven
Superfreaky girl :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Yes, Rice, her gal is
Pure Heaven to her although
Not for my tastes, eyes.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Nine twenty PM
Just me and Jessica here
Where's ev'ryone else? ???
Now more have joined in
But still nobody will post!
What's with this silence? ???
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
docious is nearly
Haiku on its own
Just think, it only needed
Three more syllables
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Silence is golden
Or so they said, but it I
Dread, FussBudget said
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I would have gotten
Away with it if it weren't
For those meddling kids...
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Scooby dooby doo
We got some work to do now
Where the **** are you?
Laurel to Hardy:
And that's another fine mess
You got me into
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Batman to Robin:
We must capture the Penguin!
To the Batmobile!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Mighty Mouse: Here I
come to save the day. That means
that Mighty Mouse is…
Try again:
Here I come to save
The day. That means that Mighty
Mouse is on his way.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Holy fish, Batman
There's too many penguins here
Paf! Zonk! Thwack! Kapow!!!!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
To write a haiku
With seventeen syllables
Is very diffic
(sheer plagiarism, but I can't remember who did that one in the first place)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Here come the bana-
na Splits! Tra la la la la
La la, Tra la la...
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
You ever notice how
The hotline telephone is
Almost always red?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
There are two Calgons
"Ancient Chinese secret, huh?"
And "...take me away!"
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I waited around.
No one seems to be posting. :-SPLIT!!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Relax, Don't do it
When you want to go to it
Relax, Don't do it...
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I'm now embarrased
That used to be one of my
very favourite songs...
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
These Haikus are hard
For me to understand much.
How about a sonnet?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Thought about sonnets.
They are much harder to do.
Haikus are better.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Perhaps later on
One of us can start new thread
Only for sonnets :)
Syncronos and I
Had quite a good fun time on
The "Yo Mama" thread :)
Indy Gent seems not
To have noticed Skyla's post
That she has green eyes ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Hokies, Mountaineers
Tangle at 7 on tube.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I was way off then.
With a name like Skyla I...
Assumed blue was apt.
Indy Gent seems not
To have noticed Skyla's post
That she has green eyes ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Indy fixed his sig:
"Of the day" not accurate
Since it's not daily!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Yep, Zella, only
When I feel like do I
Start to "Giddy-Up". ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I found out how hard
That daily thing was with cones!
No more "of the days"!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Mountaineers win big
Pass intercepted with 12
Seconds left, 'Eers win.
(Sorry, Zella, I know you hate sports…)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
One of these game days
It would be nice to see a
Seventy yard field goal ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Zella also shuns
Men who talk about our sports.
I guess that is us. :(
Mountaineers win big
Pass intercepted with 12
Seconds left, 'Eers win.
(Sorry, Zella, I know you hate sports…)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I will allow for
One English soccer team but
Nada a sport more... ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Soccer is blasé
Hockey is much superior
Like soccer on ice ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
How did you get that
Accent mark? Don keeps telling;
I keep forgetting...
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Thanksgiving is near.
Turkey all through Christmas Day.
Turkeys eat the bird.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
No Thanksgiving here,
Aussie turkeys are quite safe
...until December. ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
How did you get that
Accent mark? Don keeps telling;
I keep forgetting...
End Quote
Ctrl, Alt and E
Gives é with an acute one
Graves are harder
Hold the Alt key down
Hit Zero then two, three, two
You should see this: è
Hold down the Windows key, and
Run the applet "Charmap"
Computer Support
Is much more amenable
Written in haiku
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I must leave again,
For just a minimal time,
Brian needs a ride
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
"Brian needs a ride"
Is this a euphemism
For something much worse?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
By definition,
Brian needs a ride to school,
Now I've taken him
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Working lunch today
I can deal with it because
I don't have to pay
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
My lunches are free
Mama cooks goodies for me
No jokes 'bout my ma! ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Mrs. C is cool :)
I wish someone made my lunch
Not so lucky here
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I was always told
"No such thing as a free lunch"
...there are exceptions
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I did have to hear
About some new procedures
Not about timeshares
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Crazy Don obsessed
With starting brand new threads 'fore
Hairspray locks them tight ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Ctrl, Alt and E
Gives é with an acute one
Graves are harder
Hold the Alt key down
Hit Zero then two, three, two
You should see this: è
Hold down the Windows key, and
Run the applet "Charmap"
Computer Support
Is much more amenable
Written in haiku
End Quote
Don't have Windows key
Situation has become
Both acute and grave! :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Yo mama joke thread
Unusually silent
Without Syncronos ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Philbo Baggins put
So many haikus in one
Post, he's a ku-koo. ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Zella hates sports, yes.
As soon as college football
Season's over, I'll quit.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Sorry Zed and Don.
But as long as Pacers win
I'll talk about sport.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Don't have Windows key
Situation has become
Both acute and grave! :o
End Quote
What, no Windows key?
If you have a "Start" button
Click on "Start" then "Run"
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
my time here is short,
yet it is always so sweet,
and enjoyable!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
It is Friday Night
Holy Dooley, FussBudget here
More to sign in soon
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
While the world parties,
We sit at the computer,
What sad gits we are! :-/ ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Gitchee Gumee Gits
If Gordon Lightfoot had thought
Of us for his song !
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Got a New Year's Gig
With a "decades" theme to boot
60's start at 10
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Die Another Day
Opens today nationwide
I ditch work to see :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Now Madonna song
Is playing inside my head
Like the remixes
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I, SamRice Gamgee,
Shall now be known as Rice Cube's
Mystery ID :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
He looks like RIceCube
Only he's not RiceCube
Isn't that weird?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
By proclaiming that
SRM is mystery
Is it really now? ???
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Is it hot in here
Or is it Super Freak's girls
Flirting hard with me?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Room 714
You'll be waiting, IndyGent?
For SF & Friend
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Actually, three-ways
Are not my gig, how about
One then another?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Double your pleasure
Double your fun, wasn't that
In a commercial? ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
That was for some gum.
You know, the one that you chew.
Don't chew any gum.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
3 Musketeers bar
I chew; unfortunately
It is rather stale! :P
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Starving di'betic.
Without a ounce of food in
My stomach, and no work. :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
It is time to go
I may make an appearance
In the wee hours. Bye!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Midas didn't stop
To answer my question now.
Thunder's show's tonight.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Gotta keep haiku
From going to page 2. That's
What I'm gonna do.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Keep on Haikuing
Is my motto for CD.
Keep Haikus going.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Time can go so slow
when you have to wait awhile
for what you need NOW!! ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
SS' frustration
Revealed on Renegade show :o
Secret safe with us ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Fuss is incorrect
You are so way off the mark
What I need is real!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I am kinda buzzed
Drinking while you mix cd's
Makes mix sound better
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Once again I have
To keep this page from falling
Onto page 2. Yes.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I will assist you
Haiku must never ever
Be far from the top
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Banasy is back.
Saw her about 1 o'clock.
On this board. Come back!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I'll believe it when
I see the post, Crazy Don.
Where's the Banasy?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Long time no haiku
So I will write this one here
Bump it to the top
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Haiku thread has dropped
Almost to bottom of page.
I'll bump up again.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
For a while I was
The only one posting in
Penguin Board Games board
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Crazy Don was here
Alone also, claiming he
Saw a Donna post.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
"Karma Chameleon"
Mixes well with Billy Joel's
"Tell Her About It"
Mixshow almost done
I may stay up for a few
Not tired just yet.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Stratching records not
My thing here, but mixing
Never fades away.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Very true, IG.
Scratching too much can annoy
Leads to overkill.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Not a post but a
Presence. Why she didn't post,
I don't know. So there.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Golden Bears triumph
Stanfurdites cry like the rich
Spoiled babies they are :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Technologies great!
We now have a DVD!
I am astounded!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I welcome you to
Twenty-first century life
Ms. Holy Dooley ;)
Technologies great!
We now have a DVD!
I am astounded!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I miss Century
20. No technology except
My hand and pencils.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Pencils and hand used
Silmultaneously? Won't
Touch with 10-foot pole! :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I'm 5 foot Asian.
Not even close to being
A 10 foot Pole (natch).
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I am a tall Strine,
Never met a 10 fool Pole,
Could it be Santa?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Missing extra point
Is like not making a putt
Halfway in the hole :P
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I miss Century
20. No technology except
My hand and pencils.
End Quote
I can use my hand
But employing a pencil
Sounds rather painful
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
About as painful
As the hottest laptop is
Man, that had to hurt.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Did DJ read 'bout
The dude who burned his poor wang
With a hot laptop? :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Yeah, talk about pain
That is not very brilliant
For a scientist
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Why does nobody
Post when I'm around? Why do
they wait till I leave?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
P4 Processor
As in "can't P4 a week"
Due to burnt privates
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Should not have laptop
On your lap. Processors too
Hot to handle there.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
So what is the point
Of calling it a laptop
Not to use it there?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I really liked mine,
Unfortunatly it's gone,
Hope the thief burned nuts >:(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
You mean like chestnuts
Roasted on an open fire?
Sounds yummy! Oooops! Bad! ;D
Subject: Re: Bless You # 1151
I have never owned
A laptop nor have never
Tried roasted chestnuts
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Eagles at Niners
Could be pivotal tonight
Monday Night Football 8)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
This thread is slowly
Disappearing down the page
Of most recent threads.
Subject: Re: Bless You # 1151
I have never owned
A laptop nor have never
Tried roasted chestnuts
End Quote
While I have tried both
I've never roasted chestnuts
Using a laptop
Subject: Re: Bless You # 1151
While I have tried both
I've never roasted chestnuts
Using a laptop
End Quote
You likely do this
If the laptop is antique
Don't throw it away :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Old laptops are slow
They don't develop the heat
Of a new P4
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Banasy's alive!
I just replied to her thread
On the other board
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I have not seen this
Thread you are talking about.
Which thread on the board?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Storywriting thread! ;D
Not really, but still very
Cool place to visit ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I have not seen this
Thread you are talking about.
Which thread on the board?
End Quote
Was referring to
The Playful Penguin Place Board
Banasy is back!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Human baby cloned
By Italian yahoo
Apocalypse now! :-X
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Followed real closely
By the Cubs winning Series
And Bob Hope's demise. :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
There is way too much
For me to read here tonight
I'll have to come back
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Human baby cloned
By Italian yahoo
Apocalypse now! :-X
End Quote
Attack of the clones
Unlike the rest of Star Wars
Is now possible
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
When you have a clone
There will always be two of
You hanging around ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I guess it's true, then
When you've a clone of your own
You're never alone
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I wish I had a
Clone of my own, but female.
We could get it on.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I wish I had a
Clone of my own, but female.
We could get it on.
End Quote
In that case, good sir
One could say that you would be
F***ing yourself, eh?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
To have your own clone
By definition would be
Of the same gender
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Having a clone of
The opposite sex cannot
Be done, but I tried.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Independence is
The reason Americans
Do not carpool much.
I'm in a carpool
I could be done with day now
But I am stuck here.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Happy Thanksgiving
Don't make me repeat the words
Happy Thanksgiving. :)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
My poor story thread
Is getting weirder quickly
Should we resolve this? ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Turkey taking me
Away tomorrow from where
I most want to be... :(
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
My poor story thread
Is getting weirder quickly
Should we resolve this? ::)
End Quote
Why not mix the two
And make all story entries
Written in haiku
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Why not mix the two
And make all story entries
Written in haiku
End Quote
If you can do it
More power to you, but how
To fit "silicone"?
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Canadians had
Thanksgiving in October
Not like the U.S.
Happy Thanksgiving
To my American friends
From one cold Canuck
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
No Aus Thanksgiving :(
Hope you all had a good feast
And drank merrily ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Today Nebraska,
Next Week Is Oklahoma,
Hope My Buffs Can Sweep http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/03.gif
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Is that Sport I see?
Loose from the Worthless Sports thread?
Mark needs a spanking! :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Sit ol' Mark right down
And spank him all around and
Sit ol' Mark right down.....
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Zella, Spank Me Now!
Zella, Just Don't Have A Cow,
Come And Spank Me...Now ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Well it's a nice thought...
But my reach is not that long...
Over thousand miles... ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
But Since We Both Run,
The Distance We Could Shorten,
To A Place Between!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
So now I must close
Haiku #4. Hairspray,
lock this thread up now.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Lock up this Haiku
Thread before Crazy Don attempts
To get the last word.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Thread is not locked yet!
Rice Cube shall have the last word!
Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha! ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Thread is not locked yet!
Rice Cube shall have the last word!
Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha! ;D
End Quote
So sorry Rice Cube!
Zella is having last word!
Unless V follows! ::)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
FussBudget follows :)
Maybe this will be last one
Hairspray's finger poised....... ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Think you get last word
In haiku thread? Nyah nyah nyah
Nyah nyah! Think again! ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Haiku will go on
Sang Celine Dion before
They changed the title
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
The Lurking Hobbit
Shall get the last word indeed!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Not on your Nellie
Here comes another one, Rice
'Man who won't log in'...
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Nay nay! It shall be
Zella and Zella only!
Who has the last word!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Outrageous cheek shown
To think you will be the last
Here I am once more :P
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Maddening this is
For Hairspray won't lock the thread!
Perhaps last word now :D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Whoever gets the
First post on page 21
Should be declared last!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Please prince of Haiku
Let it be me after I press
The send button now.... :P
(rats..... >:()
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Me first Me first ME!
I shall post first on the next
Page I will I will! (#)(*%&#)(*%&)!!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Try again I must
Yes that is what I shall do
Number twenty-one now !
Huzzah !
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Well Zella counted!
So if she types fast enough
She will be winner!
Well, maybe I didn't type fast enough, but I still officially got the last word! ;D
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
I think we should play
Until Hairspray locks this up good
So I will post last ;)
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Zella and Rice Cube
Changing rules as go along
Shameless and Naughty ! ::) :P :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
So it shall be written,
So it shall be done,
But the fastest one you
should all know
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Rice Cube no accept
Zella's terms for haiku posts
We play until locked!
^ not haiku! :o
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
There's a Haiku 5.
I pulled it up so you would
Notice it. So there now.
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
No no no no no!
I must post until I can
Post no more in here!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
For the love of Pete!
Would Hairspray please lock up this
Infernal thread and soon? ???
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Wow, incredible!
On page twenty one and still
Not locked up tight yet!
Subject: Re: Haiku #4
Wow, incredible!
On page twenty one and still
Not locked up tight yet!
End Quote
You all are nuts!!!! :D
But Crazy Don didn't get the last word or attempt to give the "instruction" to lock-up. Mwwa-ha-ha-ha.... 8)