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Subject: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 10:13 pm


Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/11/06 at 10:14 pm

You packin' large?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/11/06 at 10:14 pm


Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 10:15 pm

are you a kinky kinda guy?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 10:16 pm

You packin' large?

It's big enough ;)


I might like you better if you didn't type like a preschooler (kidding).

I like my wife and family muchly :)

are you a kinky kinda guy?

My wife is happy, isn't she?  :D :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/11/06 at 10:17 pm

It's big enough ;)

My wife is happy, isn't she?  :D :D

These two must be connected.

Subject: Re: No hords balled

Written By: DJ Midas on 12/11/06 at 10:21 pm

Shouldn't you have titled this thread "No hords balled" ?  :D ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/11/06 at 10:22 pm

have you ever hit yourself in the nuts with nunchuks?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 10:25 pm

Shouldn't you have titled this thread "No hords balled" ?  :D ;D

HA!  I think Jess would cut off my "barrs" if I tried to teabag any "wholes" :P

have you ever hit yourself in the nuts with nunchuks?

No, but plenty of things have tried, and sometimes succeeded, in damaging my package.  Thank goodness that it's still healthy, or I would not be welcome into the assembly of the Lord (Deuteronomy 23:1) :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/11/06 at 10:29 pm

HA!  I think Jess would cut off my "barrs" if I tried to teabag any "wholes" :P

No, but plenty of things have tried, and sometimes succeeded, in damaging my package.  Thank goodness that it's still healthy, or I would not be welcome into the assembly of the Lord (Deuteronomy 23:1) :D
;D why on earth would they want to do a thing like that to such a good guy.  ???  I don't know that verse by heart but will look it up. I have some nunchuks, and am decent with them, and have never knocked my nads, but I've thumped my noggin pretty good.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 10:37 pm

;D why on earth would they want to do a thing like that to such a good guy.  ???  I don't know that verse by heart but will look it up. I have some nunchuks, and am decent with them, and have never knocked my nads, but I've thumped my noggin pretty good.

I believe more practice is in order ;)  Knocking yourself silly during a ninja battle to the death is a bad thing!  :o

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/11/06 at 10:39 pm

It's big enough ;)

I might like you better if you didn't type like a preschooler (kidding).

I like my wife and family muchly :)

My wife is happy, isn't she?  :D :D


preskoolers type like this

12 yr olds typ lyk tihs

Fifteen-year-olds type like this! =D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/11/06 at 10:46 pm

Are you a big boy, now?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 10:48 pm

Are you a big boy, now?

How do you mean?

I am about 5'8" and weigh 155ish.  I'm considered "skinny" methinks.  In the past I used to be able to grab the rim of a regulation basketball hoop and have wrestled with people much larger than I (I lost, but they didn't beat me up too bad because they were my friends).

But am I a "big person"?  I guess I could be ;)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 10:50 pm

You packin' large?

OMG.. that was gonna be my question!  You know.. the whole 'diminutive' Asian thing.. just wondering if that's a fallacy (phallusy?  ;) )

Actually, that picture of the two Asian fellas in wrestlethongs.. were sorta packing the goods!!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 10:51 pm

OMG.. that was gonna be my question!  You know.. the whole 'diminutive' Asian thing.. just wondering if that's a fallacy (phallusy?  ;) )

Actually, that picture of the two Asian fellas in wrestlethongs.. were sorta packing the goods!!

as was the guy in the picture that was spammed across the boards a few months ago! :D ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/11/06 at 10:51 pm

How do you mean?

I am about 5'8" and weigh 155ish.  I'm considered "skinny" methinks.  In the past I used to be able to grab the rim of a regulation basketball hoop and have wrestled with people much larger than I (I lost, but they didn't beat me up too bad because they were my friends).

But am I a "big person"?  I guess I could be ;)

You are skinny-ish.

Are you an important person? What is your job? What is your yearly salary? How many times do you touch yourself daily?

And, yes, I'm simply testing my limits.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/11/06 at 10:51 pm

as was the guy in the picture that was spammed across the boards a few months ago! :D ;D

No, those weren't goods. That was just a monster.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 10:53 pm

OMG.. that was gonna be my question!  You know.. the whole 'diminutive' Asian thing.. just wondering if that's a fallacy (phallusy?  ;) )

Actually, that picture of the two Asian fellas in wrestlethongs.. were sorta packing the goods!!

We have good herbs :D

And we exercise and eat right!

as was the guy in the picture that was spammed across the boards a few months ago! :D ;D

He was not related to me.  I'm probably better looking too :P  (I wish) :D

You are skinny-ish.

Are you an important person? What is your job? What is your yearly salary? How many times do you touch yourself daily?

And, yes, I'm simply testing my limits.

I am important to those who actually care about me.

I am in graduate school but I get my tuition paid for and a yearly stipend around $25K.

I'm touching myself right now.  But not in a sexual way.  I think I probably touch myself, either intentionally or inadvertently, at least 8000 times a day.  I am silky smooth though, so people like touching me.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 10:58 pm

I'm touching myself right now.  But not in a sexual way.  I think I probably touch myself, either intentionally or inadvertently, at least 8000 times a day.  I am silky smooth though, so people like touching me.

I gotta go change my pants!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/11/06 at 10:59 pm

I'm touching myself right now.  But not in a sexual way.  I think I probably touch myself, either intentionally or inadvertently, at least 8000 times a day.  I am silky smooth though, so people like touching me.

That is so sexy.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/11/06 at 11:00 pm

We have good herbs :D

And we exercise and eat right!

He was not related to me.  I'm probably better looking too :P  (I wish) :D

I am important to those who actually care about me.

I am in graduate school but I get my tuition paid for and a yearly stipend around $25K.

I'm touching myself right now.  But not in a sexual way.  I think I probably touch myself, either intentionally or inadvertently, at least 8000 times a day.  I am silky smooth though, so people like touching me.

8,000? Does an extended period of touching count as one touch, or multiple ones?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:01 pm

8,000? Does an extended period of touching count as one touch, or multiple ones?

One touch = one body part contacting another without loss of contact.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/11/06 at 11:02 pm

One touch = one body part contacting another without loss of contact.

Ah, I think you should see how long you could put your hand against your other arm without stopping.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:02 pm

Ah, I think you should see how long you could put your hand against your other arm without stopping.

I think that's something you can do on your own time ;)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:04 pm

so.. have you ever kissed a guy?

Would you be curious about it?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:08 pm

so.. have you ever kissed a guy?

Would you be curious about it?

No...but if you paid me enough I might ;)  It'd probably feel really weird if I knew it was a dude.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/11/06 at 11:09 pm

No...but if you paid me enough I might ;)  It'd probably feel really weird if I knew it was a dude.

If I take you to some of the drag queen bars around Atlanta, you will be fooled.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:10 pm

No...but if you paid me enough I might ;)  It'd probably feel really weird if I knew it was a dude.

maybe if he dressed up like a she, it might not feel so weird to you? Name your price.. what monetary amount would you do it for?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:10 pm

If I take you to some of the drag queen bars around Atlanta, you will be fooled.

I swear sometimes you read my mind , Beth :P

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 11:11 pm

No...but if you paid me enough I might ;)  It'd probably feel really weird if I knew it was a dude.

that would be hot. ;)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:11 pm

No...but if you paid me enough I might ;)  It'd probably feel really weird if I knew it was a dude.
rice cube! very open minded of you bro.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:13 pm

well well well.. if it isn't the nasal king himself... and what about you Tia? have you ever kissed a guy?  How much could we pay you and Rice to put on a show for us?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/11/06 at 11:14 pm

Would you rather be a man or woman?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 11:15 pm

well well well.. if it isn't the nasal king himself... and what about you Tia? have you ever kissed a guy?  How much could we pay you and Rice to put on a show for us?

Angel's on a roll go girl! ;) :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:16 pm

yeah I don't know where this sudden surge of boldness came from..

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/11/06 at 11:16 pm

I swear sometimes you read my mind , Beth :P

It's a tough job, but someone must do it.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:18 pm

wow.. suddenly the guys went quiet..

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:19 pm

that would be hot. ;)

Oh yeah :D

I'd probably do it MEEEEEELLION DOLLARS!!!

And if they looked like chicks I'd probably enjoy it until they put their gun in my hip to show me how happy they were to see me.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/11/06 at 11:19 pm

wow.. suddenly the guys went quiet..

I'm awaiting for an answer.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 11:20 pm

wow.. suddenly the guys went quiet..

hahah..I noticed that too. It's fine and dandy when it's the girls kissing...but when it turns to the guys kissing...that's a different story. ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:21 pm

If you pool together, wipe out my debt and buy me an HDTV, I'll kiss a dude.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:22 pm

I'm awaiting for an answer.

what about you , young man?

Have you ever kissed a guy? are you curious about it?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 11:23 pm

what about you , young man?

Have you ever kissed a guy? are you curious about it?

poor little innocent did he get pulled into this madness?!! ;D :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:23 pm

If you pool together, wipe out my debt and buy me an HDTV, I'll kiss a dude.

The check's in the mail.. GO! And we want pictures!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:23 pm

i kissed a guy once.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/11/06 at 11:23 pm

And you better do it with tongue or it doesn't count.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:24 pm

As soon as the money's safely in my bank account.  You tink I stoopid?

i kissed a guy once.

I'm apparently a great kisser if you wanna help me out here.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:25 pm

i kissed a guy once.

eagerly awaits details... AND?? AND???

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:27 pm

eagerly awaits details... AND?? AND???

i was drunk as several skunks. i realized what i was doing and freaked. he was kind enough to give me pointers, told me i shouldn't open my mouth so much.

next day the whole thing struck me as funny. he was a good sort, a fella could do worse. but he was kinda a swinger, i think, in retrospect, evidently anytime i went out with him and a female friend of mine he'd get her alone and start trying to get some kinda group sex thing goin'.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:29 pm

i was drunk as several skunks. i realized what i was doing and freaked. he was kind enough to give me pointers, told me i shouldn't open my mouth so much.

next day the whole thing struck me as funny. he was a good sort, a fella could do worse. but he was kinda a swinger, i think, in retrospect, evidently anytime i went out with him and a female friend of mine he'd get her alone and start trying to get some kinda group sex thing goin'.

wow!! and did you enjoy the experience? have you ever repeated it? How old were you?  Do you ever see that guy ?  And group sex???  where'd ya go with that?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: DJ Midas on 12/11/06 at 11:30 pm

If I take you to some of the drag queen bars around Atlanta, you will be fooled.

You finally ventured out to one?  Good for you.   :D

There's fun to be had in ATL.   8)

Rice, where's your wifey-san?  I haven't heard from her since before the flight.   ???

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 11:30 pm

wow!! and did you enjoy the experience? have you ever repeated it? How old were you?  Do you ever see that guy ?  And group sex???  where'd ya go with that?

Tia is being question molested!! ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:31 pm

Rice, where's your wifey-san?  I haven't heard from her since before the flight.  ???

She's playing Nintendo.  We beat Mario we have to beat 2 and 3.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/11/06 at 11:32 pm

You finally ventured out to one?  Good for you.  :D

There's fun to be had in ATL.  8)

No, but I know people who have gone and that's what they've said.  Going to bars/clubs of any kind is not my thing.....I barely drink as it is and what would I do in a bar or club?  I'm too fat and ugly to dance and no one would attempt to hit on me.  Lost cause if you want the truth.

And if you're not into bars, clubs and dodging gang bullets there is no fan to be had in ATL.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:32 pm

As soon as the money's safely in my bank account.  You tink I stoopid?

I'm apparently a great kisser if you wanna help me out here.

No, Miss Swan, I don't tink you toopid.  Hey, you and Tia.. yeah.. I'd pay to see that.   You could just picture him as Kim Richards. And vice versa.. til you open your eyes and realize ... "He looka likea man!"  :P

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:33 pm

No, Miss Swan, I don't tink you toopid.  Hey, you and Tia.. yeah.. I'd pay to see that.  You could just picture him as Kim Richards. And vice versa.. til you open your eyes and realize ... "He looka likea man!"  :P

How much would you pay?  I still want that $$.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:34 pm

wow!! and did you enjoy the experience? have you ever repeated it? How old were you?  Do you ever see that guy ?  And group sex???  where'd ya go with that?

i didn't really know what was happening. suddenly i realized it was another guy i was sucking face with and totally went wide-eyed wiggy. quite hilarious.

i guess it would have been around 2000. we were housemates at the time. he moved to san francisco, and no, i've never repeated it. the idea of group sex doesn't really appeal to me, it just sounds like a lot of bother to me, but the couple times he propositioned female friends of mine they didn't go for it so it wouldn't have happened anyway. he's married now.

i'm not terribly homophobic, personally, so i hold open the possibility that some guy could blow me away and i'd go ahead and cross over. in the abstract it's possible. but women just get my motor revving in a way fellas typically don't so i think, unfortunately, i may be permanently afflicted with heterosexuality. so much the worse for me. :(

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:37 pm

Women are lusciously scrumtidiliumptious.  Hetero for life!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:38 pm

well I applaude you Tia for having the balls to look homophobia in it's face and promptly slap it like a drag queen would slap a bad Barbra Streisand act.  

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:39 pm

just the word i'd use.

although i, personally, am looking for a cure.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:40 pm

Women are lusciously scrumtidiliumptious.  Hetero for life!

well how can you argue with that??

but still I'd pay to see frivolous pseudohomo action..  hmmm...

Hey.. did you see this thread GREW FASTER than your other random threads?? Pretty impressive.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:41 pm

I know, I should talk about jonesing with menz more often :P

Now pay me.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:41 pm

well how can you argue with that??

but still I'd pay to see frivolous pseudohomo action..  hmmm...

Hey.. did you see this thread GREW FASTER than your other random threads?? Pretty impressive.
it's hard to resist this idea of there being "no holds barred." at first i thought it was gonna be a big flame war thread but this is good too.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:41 pm

just the word i'd use.

although i, personally, am looking for a cure.

wha? a cure?
are you saying you'd rather be batting for the other team? I don't quite get that 'cure' statement.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:42 pm

Tia's looking for a good "job" if y'know what I be sayin' MMMHMMM.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:42 pm

I know, I should talk about jonesing with menz more often :P

Now pay me.

bill me!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:44 pm

Tia's looking for a good "job" if y'know what I be sayin' MMMHMMM.

hmm.... I'm not quite bold enough to be touchin that one. Just yet. Let me get to know ya all better. I've got this great ketchup bottle trick!  ;)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:44 pm

wha? a cure?
are you saying you'd rather be batting for the other team? I don't quite get that 'cure' statement.
my experiences with dating women have often been somewhat short of perfect. i delude myself into thinking if i could convince myself i like fellers, it would somehow become easier. although i have gay friends and they pretty much complain about the same crap i do so i think that probably wouldn't fix what's ailin' me...

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:45 pm

Bill for services:

One (1) big tongue-y kiss between Rice and Tia                              $40000
Two (2) sessions of therapy for being so gay                                  $40000
Shipping and Handling                                                                  $10000
Taxes                                                                                        $10000

Total                                                                                      $100000

Customer must pay before goods will be delivered.  Indefinite layaway.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:46 pm

hmm.... I'm not quite bold enough to be touchin that one. Just yet. Let me get to know ya all better. I've got this great ketchup bottle trick!  ;)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:47 pm

Bill for services:

One (1) big tongue-y kiss between Rice and Tia                               $40000
Two (2) sessions of therapy for being so gay                                   $40000
Shipping and Handling                                                                  $10000
Taxes                                                                                        $10000

Total                                                                                       $100000

Customer must pay before goods will be delivered.  Indefinite layaway.

I gotta go change my pants again!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:48 pm

^ Darn, I have to sign up.  Too lazy right now.  Explain!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 11:49 pm

that's hilarious! ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:49 pm

that's hilarious! ;D

Explain?  :\'(

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 11:50 pm

Explain?  :\'(

hehehe...think...someone comparing it to getting ketchup out of a ketchup bottle....but the girl totally taking the slamming the bottle approach! ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:51 pm

OMG.. That was classic!!  I had to show that one to my husband.. :P 

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:51 pm

Oh yeah, that one ;)  That was messed up.  Kid deserved it though for being such a whiny little turdburglar.  She'll give it to you when she's good and ready!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:52 pm

that's hilarious! ;D
oops, i should warn you there's simulated nudity in that clip. everyone knows by now that whenever i post a youtube clip it's usually something you watch at your own risk, yes?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:53 pm

I confess I've had Joe Mauer/Justin Morneau gay fantasies. I'd pay to see that.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/11/06 at 11:54 pm

I've seen that's funny.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/11/06 at 11:54 pm

I confess I've had Joe Mauer/Justin Morneau gay fantasies. I'd pay to see that.

You'd have to pay them a LOT :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:56 pm

You'd have to pay them a LOT :D

yeah, no kiddin.  The Twins can barely afford their contracts.. I doubt I'll ever get to see my gay fantasy come to light. Oh darn. Maybe we should take up a collection?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/11/06 at 11:57 pm

when i was doing my feller nose quiz i was kinda diggin' on cary grant and michael york. but they're no kim richards. or kate hepburn, for that matter.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/11/06 at 11:59 pm

when i was doing my feller nose quiz i was kinda diggin' on cary grant and michael york. but they're no kim richards. or kate hepburn, for that matter.

give me flared nostrils.  Oh and Rice.. I like your nose :)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/11/06 at 11:59 pm

No Holds Barred.....wasn't that a Hulk Hogan movie? ???

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/12/06 at 12:03 am

So.. Rice.. tell me how you and your wife met..

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 2:32 am

So.. Rice.. tell me how you and your wife met..

Through this messageboard.  Weird huh?  :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/12/06 at 2:34 am

Through this messageboard.  Weird huh?  :D

I got a little bit of that from reading previous threads.. but I mean.. did you end up meeting face to face?  Were you in one state and she in another? How did all that come about?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/12/06 at 2:36 am

I got a little bit of that from reading previous threads.. but I mean.. did you end up meeting face to face?  Were you in one state and she in another? How did all that come about?
ooooo, this is some good sh*t  :o I need to read this tomorrow

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 2:37 am

I got a little bit of that from reading previous threads.. but I mean.. did you end up meeting face to face?  Were you in one state and she in another? How did all that come about?


Well, I'd just "graduated" from graduate school with a master's degree and was looking for work, and I wrote parodies with my friend for a while and submitted it to Chucky's AmIRight site, and saw a thingy for a parody contest so I joined on this messageboard since that's where AmIRight funnels people into, right?  So she had this devil avatar that was cool because my parody partner/friend once drew this picture of me holding a chemistry book and he put horns and a tail on me and an evil goatee, and then threw a few of the same little devils on my picture, so I messaged her and she thought I was weird (who wouldn't).  But then we talked for a while, and finally after like a few months she made me call her on the phone and we talked a lot.  Then there was some stuff with a banana and we hit it off.  Then there was drama, and we met in July or something the year after, and then I didn't see her again until that October, then we got together fo sho and I asked her to marry me and we made a baby.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/12/06 at 2:40 am

Ok that story was concise and to the point.. except one detail which You HAVE to elaborate on..

Then there was some stuff with a banana and we hit it off. 

sounds.. twisted. :P

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 2:42 am

She was eating a banana and we got to discussing phallic symbols.  It was a thought-provoking conversation :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/12/06 at 2:51 am

She was eating a banana and we got to discussing phallic symbols.  It was a thought-provoking conversation :D

I love thought provoking metaphorical conversations.. It's like two wildcats circling each other and then one suddenly pounces!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/12/06 at 2:53 am

I nominate this thread the Best Ask Me Thread on the board. :)

It's been fun.. but now I must get to bed. I just looked back and I've posted 264 posts in just over 24 hours.. and I was only away from here a total of maybe 4 hours. I need to get a life !! :P

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/12/06 at 3:45 am

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What things would you like to teach your son as he's growing up?

Why is it just not much fun being a grown up?

Subject: Re: No hords balled

Written By: Howard on 12/12/06 at 6:55 am

Shouldn't you have titled this thread "No hords balled" ?   :D ;D

or No whores with balls. ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/12/06 at 11:31 am

What's your real name?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/12/06 at 12:09 pm

Go where?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/12/06 at 12:54 pm

Go where?

Go Home.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/12/06 at 1:04 pm

Go Home.
I am already there.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Jessica on 12/12/06 at 2:17 pm

What's your real name?


Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/12/06 at 2:51 pm

I am already there.

I'm home too

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 3:11 pm

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What things would you like to teach your son as he's growing up?

Why is it just not much fun being a grown up?

I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, but I think I want to stay in the scientific research field either as a research professor, a science teacher, a consultant or working in industry.

I'd probably try to teach him to be responsible and about truth, justice, and all that other stuff.

I think it sucks to be a grown-up because you have to be all responsible and make sacrifices and care for the family and stuff like that, but at the same time, that's why it's cool to be a grown-up because you actually have something to strive for :)  It's definitely not as easy as one thinks.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/12/06 at 6:31 pm

what about you , young man?

Have you ever kissed a guy? are you curious about it?

No, but I often get urges to. I'm not attracted to them, I just sometimes want to kiss the closest person to me, which is often a guy!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/12/06 at 6:32 pm

You missed my question asked many pages ago.

Would you rather be a man or a woman?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 7:00 pm

You missed my question asked many pages ago.

Would you rather be a man or a woman?

Oh right.  I'm cool with being a man.  Boobies are great though.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/12/06 at 7:31 pm

Would you take a load in the throat for $1,000,000? - Tax free of course.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 7:31 pm

Would you take a load in the throat for $1,000,000?

Whose load is it?  Is it disease-free?  Can I gargle with Listerine before and after?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/12/06 at 7:32 pm

Oh right.  I'm cool with being a man.  Boobies are great though.
boobie's are cool. wouldn't it be great if women had 3

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/12/06 at 7:33 pm

If Jessica suddenly grew testicles, what would you say to her/do with her?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/12/06 at 7:34 pm

Whose load is it?  Is it disease-free?  Can I gargle with Listerine before and after?

Some fat spotty dude, yeah, he's clean, after, not before.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 7:35 pm

boobie's are cool. wouldn't it be great if women had 3

That was really weird in Total Recall.  I know some Penguins who wouldn't mind eight-breasted girls though.

If Jessica suddenly grew testicles, what would you say to her/do with her?

I'd tell her to grab life by the balls.

Some fat spotty dude, yeah, he's clean, after, not before.

As long as I can close my eyes and don't actually have to put lip to wang, yeah, sure.  Lemme see the dough.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/12/06 at 7:37 pm

That was really weird in Total Recall.  I know some Penguins who wouldn't mind eight-breasted girls though.

that chick was hot with her triplets.  one time on Married With Children Al Bundy said something about wishing women had a 3rd breast on their backs. when asked why, he said "for slow dancing"

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/12/06 at 7:40 pm

As long as I can close my eyes and don't actually have to put lip to wang, yeah, sure.  Lemme see the dough.

No, you gotta do it properly for the million.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 7:42 pm

Dang.  That'd warrant at least $500K more.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/12/06 at 7:43 pm

Dang.  That'd warrant at least $500K more.

With your sense of fiscal responsibility, you'd be set for life with the million. For just 10 minutes work. Most chicks do that for free.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 7:44 pm

Oh, I have to jerk him off too? 

$1.5M sounds fair then ;)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/12/06 at 7:47 pm

to go from worst kiss thread to worst bj. :o   

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/12/06 at 8:05 pm

Dang.  That'd warrant at least $500K more.

With your sense of fiscal responsibility, you'd be set for life with the million. For just 10 minutes work. Most chicks do that for free.

I was just going to mention that most guys expect this from their girlfriends or wives and they don't get 1 dime .  You know.... It's not as bad as you imagine. :P

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 8:58 pm

I was just going to mention that most guys expect this from their girlfriends or wives and they don't get 1 dime .  You know.... It's not as bad as you imagine. :P

I have a very strong gag reflex, so for me, at least, it would be EXTREMELY difficult to, uh, swallow this.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/12/06 at 9:20 pm

were you a straight A student in high school?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/12/06 at 9:22 pm

were you a straight A student in high school?
if so, i think we know how mr.-herculean-gag-reflex got all those good grades.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/12/06 at 9:23 pm

if so, i think we know how mr.-herculean-gag-reflex got all those good grades.

Wait......there are ways besides that?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/12/06 at 9:24 pm

Wait......there are ways besides that?
i've been meaning to talk to you about that expository paper you handed in last week, beth.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/12/06 at 9:25 pm

were you a straight A student in high school?

No, I was an underachiever and did the minimum possible to get A- because the way the grade point system worked, even an A- got you a 4.0.  I also got a couple Bs and Cs here and there because I just didn't care.  I did, however, graduate fifth in my class of 400+.  In retrospect I don't think I was challenged enough and that was a bad thing because it made me lazy for college, where I was a straight B+ student, and in graduate school, where I sorta didn't work too hard...which is why I had to go again this time, and the layoff really sucked.  So gotta work harder now!

if so, i think we know how mr.-herculean-gag-reflex got all those good grades.

Hmmm, maybe if I had they would've given me A's instead of A-'s :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/12/06 at 9:27 pm

i've been meaning to talk to you about that expository paper you handed in last week, beth.

Whatever did I do wrong?  *looks innocent*

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/12/06 at 10:11 pm

Oh right.  I'm cool with being a man.  Boobies are great though.

Boobies Are great too. ;)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/13/06 at 12:54 am

No one is holding my bars!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 6:13 am

No Holes barn

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 6:21 am

Oh, I have to jerk him off too? 

$1.5M sounds fair then ;)

No dude, you gotta suck him off.. and $1.0 flat.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Tia on 12/13/06 at 9:14 am

No dude, you gotta suck him off.. and $1.0 flat.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 10:57 am


* $1.0Million.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: KKay on 12/13/06 at 10:58 am


Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 11:01 am


Oh honey, I know the concept of doing it for money sickens you.. it's alright, I won't give you any cash at all.  :)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: KKay on 12/13/06 at 12:17 pm

Oh honey, I know the concept of doing it for money sickens you.. it's alright, I won't give you any cash at all.  :)

now we're bringing a little respect to the conversation! :)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 12:22 pm

now we're bringing a little respect to the conversation! :)

Of course, always from me.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/13/06 at 1:03 pm

^ That's hot.

Hmmm...I'm afraid I'm still going to have to insist on the $1.5M.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 1:14 pm

^ That's hot.

Hmmm...I'm afraid I'm still going to have to insist on the $1.5M.

Because you've been indignant I'm gonna give you a 10 spot, force you down on Frank and have Jess film it.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/13/06 at 1:20 pm

Not if I make you smoke pole first. 

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 4:16 pm

Not if I make you smoke pole first. 

How do you smoke a pole? ::)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 4:16 pm

How do you smoke a pole? ::)

Slowly and gently.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 4:18 pm

Slowly and gently.

I'll try that someday. ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 4:19 pm

I'll try that someday. ;D

Just not with me, right?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 4:21 pm

How do you smoke a pole? ::)

You stick it in your mouth.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 4:21 pm

Just not with me, right?

And Why Not?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 4:22 pm

And Why Not?

I don't smoke.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 4:23 pm

I don't smoke.

So you've quit?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 4:23 pm

So you've quit?

Pole smoking is dangerous to your health.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 4:24 pm

So you've quit?

No.. it's just I tend to smoke Cigars and cigarettes, not poles.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 4:24 pm

Pole smoking is dangerous to your health.

Causes cancer

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/13/06 at 4:33 pm

Causes cancer
ummm......not really, but it can lead to other things ;)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 4:42 pm

Causes cancer

No, not really.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/13/06 at 5:02 pm

No, not really.

ummm......not really, but it can lead to other things ;)
:D ;D  As I said in the food thread....Are you sure you're not my twin? ;D :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 5:08 pm

:D ;D  As I said in the food thread....Are you sure you're not my twin? ;D :D

Well, we're both from Illinois.....

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/13/06 at 5:12 pm

I'm a social smoker.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/13/06 at 5:15 pm

I'm a social smoker.
You smoke with other people?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 5:16 pm

You smoke with other people?

In a long line.. in front of me.  ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/13/06 at 5:16 pm

In a long line.. in front of me.  ;D
You have to queue to have a smoke?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 5:18 pm

I really feel like telling everyone what the joke is.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 5:20 pm

You have to queue to have a smoke?

Well, it's hard for more than one at a time to smoke it.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 5:25 pm

No seriously, can I fill everyone in on the joke?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 5:39 pm

No seriously, can I fill everyone in on the joke?

Yeah, I wanna see some red faces.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 5:53 pm

Yeah, I wanna see some red faces.

Pole smoking = blowjobs

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 6:26 pm

Pole smoking = blowjobs

is that a good thing?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 6:26 pm

is that a good thing?

We'll just let this stand as is.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 6:27 pm

We'll just let this stand as is.

Ok we will

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 6:28 pm

Ok we will

I mean come asked if blowjobs were a good thing. 

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 6:29 pm

I mean come asked if blowjobs were a good thing. 

I killed this thread,let's move on now ::)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: nicki_morrissey on 12/13/06 at 6:30 pm

I've kissed more girls than Howard.  8)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 6:31 pm

I've kissed more girls than Howard.  8)

And you're a girl yourself!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 6:32 pm

I've kissed more girls than Howard.  8)

I haven't kissed you yet. ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: nicki_morrissey on 12/13/06 at 6:33 pm

And you're a girl yourself!

Hahaha, I know.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 6:34 pm

Hahaha, I know.

She claims to be.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/13/06 at 6:34 pm

She claims to be.

You don't think she's a girl?  I've seen her picture....she is.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/13/06 at 6:35 pm

You don't think she's a girl?  I've seen her picture....she is.

I was just joking. ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/13/06 at 6:49 pm

She claims to be.

She's a rather pretty girl Howard.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/13/06 at 8:17 pm

Well, it's hard for more than one at a time to smoke it.
Not if you do it right ;)

One works on the pipe and the other the bowl ;D

<speaks from experience :o

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/14/06 at 1:12 am

I've kissed more girls than Howard.  8)

That is also hot.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/14/06 at 2:48 am

I've kissed more girls than Howard.  8);_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=122fc7vn9/EXP=1166172338/**http%3a//

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: La Roche on 12/14/06 at 1:53 pm

Not if you do it right ;)

One works on the pipe and the other the bowl ;D

<speaks from experience :o

Valid point.

Prove it.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/14/06 at 2:20 pm

She's a rather pretty girl Howard.

And so she is. ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/14/06 at 2:23 pm

That is also hot.

This is even HOTTER!  :o

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/14/06 at 2:46 pm

You go Howard. 

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/14/06 at 2:48 pm

So .. are you and Jessica trying for more children?

What is your nationality? I thought I read Chinese somewhere.. and if so, do you have any traditions you observe?  Are there cultural obstacles between your family and your wife's family?

Did you get that check yet?  :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/14/06 at 2:52 pm

So .. are you and Jessica trying for more children?

What is your nationality? I thought I read Chinese somewhere.. and if so, do you have any traditions you observe?  Are there cultural obstacles between your family and your wife's family?

Did you get that check yet?  :D

I think it will depend on her mood and our financial's sort of hard to take care of Jason right now, but we're doing our best, and we have a lot of help.  I have no idea how it'd be like if we had another little KinJess running around.

I am Chinese.  She's Whitican.  Her family was like "whatever" but my family, being very traditional and somewhat xenophobic, took a while to get used to her.  They have no choice though :D  Both my aunts (my mom's sisters) are now married to white dudes.

I'm gonna have to charge you late fees if I don't get that check soon.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Abix on 12/14/06 at 2:56 pm

I think it will depend on her mood and our financial's sort of hard to take care of Jason right now, but we're doing our best, and we have a lot of help.  I have no idea how it'd be like if we had another little KinJess running around.

I am Chinese.  She's Whitican.  Her family was like "whatever" but my family, being very traditional and somewhat xenophobic, took a while to get used to her.  They have no choice though :D  Both my aunts (my mom's sisters) are now married to white dudes.

I'm gonna have to charge you late fees if I don't get that check soon.

Whitican? Is that White/Puerto Rican?
Do you have traditions you follow?  Are you Buddhist? By the way you and Jess make beautiful Babies! Jason is a doll.. I remember from Jess's avatar how cute he is!

Just don't charge interest on those late fees...  Oh and if the check arrives and bounces right out of your hand, well that's just the rubber it's made of.. sorry about that! ;D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/14/06 at 3:28 pm

Whitican? Is that White/Puerto Rican?
Do you have traditions you follow?  Are you Buddhist? By the way you and Jess make beautiful Babies! Jason is a doll.. I remember from Jess's avatar how cute he is!

Just don't charge interest on those late fees...  Oh and if the check arrives and bounces right out of your hand, well that's just the rubber it's made of.. sorry about that! ;D

S'alright about the check, just buy me a good burger ;)

Jess is half-white (of mixed Euro-whatever) and half-Mexican.  I guess I'm more of an agnostic than a religious person.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: deadrockstar on 12/14/06 at 3:40 pm

Do you actually like rice? If so which do you prefer, brown or white?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/14/06 at 3:44 pm

White rice > all.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: deadrockstar on 12/14/06 at 4:00 pm

White rice > all.

Whites a bit sticky for me, I prefer brown. :)

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/14/06 at 4:15 pm

You go Howard. 

Thank You. O0

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: DJ Midas on 12/14/06 at 7:16 pm

How are yous enjoying your vacation so far? 

How's that brown mutt Blue?  :D

When's the next spud launching?  :D

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: nicki_morrissey on 12/14/06 at 7:28 pm

Do you like They Might Be Giants?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/14/06 at 7:48 pm

do you have any siblings?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/15/06 at 12:10 am

How are yous enjoying your vacation so far? 

How's that brown mutt Blue?  :D

When's the next spud launching?  :D

Vacation's cool.  Baby's being a little whiny right now though :P  Blue's fine, still his same old self, but older.  We bought him some chewtoys.  I can't launch a spud this year because we haven't had a chance to go to Home Depot and get random stuff, and even if we wanted to we wouldn't have the time before I had to go home :(  Maybe next summer in Indiana, since they don't care :D

Do you like They Might Be Giants?

Everyone should like TMBG.

do you have any siblings?

I have a younger brother named Keith who graduated from my alma mater 6 months ago.  He currently "works" as some kind of engineer guy at some company in Pittsburg or Antioch in CA.  He'll pick us up tomorrow and then I will drive home because he's even worse at driving than I am :P  It's a tossup as to which one of us is weirder.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: nicki_morrissey on 12/15/06 at 1:30 am

Everyone should like TMBG.

That's a good answer : )

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/15/06 at 6:30 am

That's a good answer : )

No It Isn't.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/15/06 at 7:26 am

No It Isn't.

why the heck not? ???

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/15/06 at 12:40 pm

Howard doesn't like TMBG :(  How very sad.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 12/15/06 at 1:04 pm

Remember: It's Istanbul (not Constantinople)

So- why the handle "Rice Cube"?
I get the general references, but why that particular nomenclature?

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/15/06 at 1:12 pm

Remember: It's Istanbul (not Constantinople)

So- why the handle "Rice Cube"?
I get the general references, but why that particular nomenclature?

Back in the heyday of "In Living Color" they did some music video parodies, and one of them was the "MSG song" with rapper "Rice Cube" played by Steve Park.  I thought that was funny.  When my friend and I started writing parodies for Chucky's AmIRight site we decided to go by the name "Rice Cube and Watt Daddy".  It was fun but we don't have as much time now.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: HawkTheSlayer on 12/15/06 at 1:13 pm

I remember!

My personal preference was 'Baby Got Snacks', by Trail Mix-A-Lot.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/15/06 at 2:20 pm

Howard doesn't like TMBG :(  How very sad.

What Do They Sing and what's their genre? ???

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Howard on 12/15/06 at 2:20 pm

why the heck not? ???

I was just saying not everyone likes TMBG.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: nicki_morrissey on 12/15/06 at 3:15 pm

What Do They Sing and what's their genre? ???

They sing "Birdhouse In Your Soul," which is the first song I ever heard by them. Perhaps you may have heard it too. And I'd say that their genre is nerd rock.

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/15/06 at 6:39 pm

They sing "Birdhouse In Your Soul," which is the first song I ever heard by them. Perhaps you may have heard it too. And I'd say that their genre is nerd rock.

XD I hate the term "Nerd Rock"... It's not real! They're alternative... But quite different than anybody else!

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: Dominic L. on 12/15/06 at 6:40 pm

They sing "Birdhouse In Your Soul," which is the first song I ever heard by them. Perhaps you may have heard it too. And I'd say that their genre is nerd rock.

And that used to be a hit, but nobody seems to know it nowadays. :(

Subject: Re: No holds barred

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/15/06 at 6:58 pm

My general psychology professor played this documentary in class a couple years ago, and it had a music video with the They Might Be Giants performing Older in it.  I became a fan after that.  Here is a link on youtube.  I don't know if that is what I saw in class or not, I don't remember.

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