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Subject: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/14/04 at 08:33 p.m.

Dear Moderators:

In a recent post I referred to the popular play "The V****a Monologues."  Your mark-up automatically changed this six-letter word for part of the femal anatomy to "girly thing."  I went back and used asterisks to eschew this goofy euphemism.
The word v****a is proper clinical terminology and in no way indecent or profane.  "Girly thing" is not only silly and juvenile, but it smacks of Victorian censorship.
Please, we're all adults here.  Even if there were kids on this board, I'd hate for them to get the message that v****a is a dirty word.


Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: Dagwood on 01/15/04 at 06:09 a.m.

The mods didn't make the program.  The program censors all sorts of words that normally you wouldn't see censored.  Chucky wants to keep this board accessible to the younger crowd, too so he has the program.  He has no control over what is censored.

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: ChuckyG on 01/15/04 at 06:35 a.m.

Dear Moderators:
Please, we're all adults here.  Even if there were kids on this board, I'd hate for them to get the message that v****a is a dirty word.
End Quote

that's where you are wrong... we aren't all adults here, there's plenty of teenagers too believe it or not.

while I have no problem with the word in question, if it starts to appear to often though, search engines/web filters etc will start to flag the site and block it... better off to use asteriks, people will still know what you mean.

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: Marian on 01/15/04 at 01:28 p.m.


that's where you are wrong... we aren't all adults here, there's plenty of teenagers too believe it or not.

while I have no problem with the word in question, if it starts to appear to often though, search engines/web filters etc will start to flag the site and block it... better off to use asteriks, people will still know what you mean.
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::) ::)Hmmmmmmmmm...to me "girly thing 'sounds more questionable than the v-word----the former sounds like something a rap singer would use to describe,uh,certain things.Cheers!

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: Johnny_D on 01/15/04 at 02:20 p.m.

Folks, we all need to support Chucky G on this issue, big time!

This is an issue of cold hard business reality and Internet economics.

If we want Amiright to continue, Chucky needs to maintain and increase the traffic flow/number of hits/eyeball count of Amiright....advertising revenues depend on it.

If search engines and other entities currently listing links to Amiright flag and drop Amiright because of too much blatantly sexual content, the result would be less hits, less traffic, and, consequently, less advertising revenue to keep Amiright going and growing.

When Chucky instituted a no-sexual-topic-song-parody-policy, he didn't do it because he's a prude, he did it because he is shrewd....and we should support him in this.   If search engines and other entities currently listing links to Amiright start dropping Amiright because they find too much blatantly sexual content here, that's bad for everyone who enjoys Chucky's excellent website.

I'm with you 100% on this, Chuck - thanks again for doing your best to maintain and increase Amiright's World Wide Web prominence.

And if that means an occasional song parody must be turned down due to too much blatantly sexual content, well, so be it !!

Thanks again,
Johnny D

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: ChuckyG on 01/15/04 at 03:21 p.m.

If we want Amiright to continue, Chucky needs to maintain and increase the traffic flow/number of hits/eyeball count of Amiright....advertising revenues depend on it.
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Believe it or not, that's not as important to me or the site.  I actually turn down advertising, and only allow stuff that's targeted to the core audience of the site.  The google ads make up a most of my revenue right now, and I'd have to really let things get raunchy before they'd say no to letting me run their ads. Same with amazon, they pay decently too. I'm sure if I started running popups,popunders, etc, I'd make a lot more money, but I wouldn't want to visit my own site at that point. I'm happy enough breaking even.

If search engines and other entities currently listing links to Amiright flag and drop Amiright because of too much blatantly sexual content, the result would be less hits, less traffic, and, consequently, less advertising revenue to keep Amiright going and growing.
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Search engines are less of a problem than corporate web filters and public school filters, etc. From a fairly early point in the site development, I've been told there's a fair amount of school kids on the sites.  The decade sites are very popular because of their timelines (most timelines on the web are kinda lame). Amiright appeals to Weird Al fans, and Weird Al has always been succesful with young fans (because he never does dirty stuff). Making a site that would be inappropriate or have inappropriate material for the teenage set would drive away a decent portion of the site visitors. It'd be as crazy as Britney Spears chucking her squeaky clean image and alienating her core audience.

When Chucky instituted a no-sexual-topic-song-parody-policy, he didn't do it because he's a prude, he did it because he is shrewd....and we should support him in this.   If search engines and other entities currently listing links to Amiright start dropping Amiright because they find too much blatantly sexual content here, that's bad for everyone who enjoys Chucky's excellent website.
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I'm sure I do come off that way sometimes, but then again, I just have to point out whatfreaks to clear that up.

I'm with you 100% on this, Chuck - thanks again for doing your best to maintain and increase Amiright's World Wide Web prominence.

And if that means an occasional song parody must be turned down due to too much blatantly sexual content, well, so be it !!
End Quote

There's nothing I hate worse than turning down a well written parody for the site. Malcom did such excellent stuff I started a second site just for his stuff.  I still might bring that one back to life. It may turn out worse for the effort, but that might be better than shutting it down completly as I had originally planned.

As far as parodies are concerned, think of Olivia Newton-John's "Physical" as to a good guideline.  It was still banned in some areas, but there's still plenty of adults who've never read between the lines on that song.  "Do That To Me One More Time" by Captain and Tennille, "The Stroke" by Billy Squier also comes to my mind.  I'd name more recent songs, but most are way too obvious. In the ultra-conservative 80s, you had to be really squeaky clean looking to get on the radio, which makes those songs all the more impressive.  I certainly admire that, and can certainly approve of that.

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: mrgazpacho on 01/15/04 at 03:25 p.m.

It'd be as crazy as Britney Spears chucking her squeaky clean image and alienating her core audience.
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You so fahny!  ;)

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: ChuckyG on 01/15/04 at 03:32 p.m.


You so fahny!  ;)
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wait... You mean she's not a girl, but more of a woman now?

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: Howard on 01/15/04 at 04:39 p.m.

It's just about the same thing as cursing.


Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: philbo_baggins on 01/16/04 at 02:41 a.m.

It'd be as crazy as Britney Spears chucking her squeaky clean image and alienating her core audience.
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Mwahahaha!! And of course, she'd never do *that*, would she?

As far as parodies are concerned, think of Olivia Newton-John's "Physical" as to a good guideline.  It was still banned in some areas, but there's still plenty of adults who've never read between the lines on that song.
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Hard to imagine how you couldn't read between the lines of that one... especially if you saw the video ;-)


Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: Dagwood on 01/16/04 at 06:58 a.m.


Hard to imagine how you couldn't read between the lines of that one... especially if you saw the video ;-)

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But, Phil, I thought that video was about exercise and losing weight. ;)

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: philbo_baggins on 01/16/04 at 10:01 a.m.


But, Phil, I thought that video was about exercise and losing weight. ;)
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That sounds like testosterone deficiency - probably fortunate, given your gender...

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: Dagwood on 01/16/04 at 05:22 p.m.


That sounds like testosterone deficiency - probably fortunate, given your gender...
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Yes, extremely fortunate. ;D

Subject: Re: Goofy euphemisms

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/20/04 at 04:58 p.m.

It occured to me after I posted that Chucky was probably using an auto-censoring program.
Thanks for clarifying the issues for me, folks. :)