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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

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Subject: pyramid

Written By: mr_crowly on 06/28/03 at 08:59 a.m.

whats the pyramid  i  understand the rest of the rules but whats  pyramid  thank for everything  

Subject: Re: pyramid

Written By: Hairspray on 06/28/03 at 05:41 p.m.

whats the pyramid  i  understand the rest of the rules but whats  pyramid  thank for everything  
End Quote

Pyramid is a type of scheme where everyone from top to botom is supposed to make a percentage. The higher you are, the greater the percentage. But also, the lower you are in the pyramid, the less of a percentage you get.

Typically, these types of schemes are so great or distorted that most, if not all, folks end-up being at the bottom.

It's all a scam.

Thus, those types of posts or posts containing links to those types of things are forbidden.