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Subject: Problem with URLs

Written By: philbo_baggins on 01/17/03 at 04:34 a.m.

I've had a problem recently times I've tried posting links, e.g. http://www.inthe00s.com/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB.cgi?board=misheard&action=display&num=1042801739

where the entire text after the /url bit stays as part of the link.  Most disconcerting (I notice Hairspray edited one post to correct the problem)

Any ideas?

PS Though I notice the above is OK - is there a condition in the link which causes that problem?

Subject: Re: Problem with URLs

Written By: ChuckyG on 01/17/03 at 10:12 a.m.

the proper way to construct a URL for posting is to use the square brackets and a URL, so like url and then a /url at the end.. (not <url> or <a>, it's not html).. if you forget the closing /url it won't know where to end, and if you don't use the url tags around it, the system tries to guess where the url ends (which isn't always accurate)

Subject: Re: Problem with URLs

Written By: philbo_baggins on 01/20/03 at 09:20 a.m.

I know that (I usually get the url in by clicking the http://www.inthe00s.com/YaBBImages/url.gif button and pasting the web address.  And most of them seem to be OK, it's just that I had a spate of links running right to the end of the message... most odd.
