The Pop Culture Information Society...
These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.
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Subject: updates?
Written By: ewop on 01/27/25 at 10:30 am
unsure on how often the site updates anymore
Subject: Re: updates?
Written By: nally on 01/27/25 at 7:35 pm
Lately I have wondered myself. Chucky seems to be missing in action; I hope he is okay. I even sent him a pm about a potential bug on the site in October but I haven’t received a response.
Subject: Re: updates?
Written By: agrimorfee on 01/29/25 at 11:10 am
The comments section is a jungle of political and psychopathic naval-gazing crap that I have alerted Chucky to multiple times via his email. He--or someone--have been deleting *some* of the more egregious trolling posts as recently as today.
I don't participate on the site as I used to partially due to these ongoing problems.
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Copyright 1995-2020, by Charles R. Grosvenor Jr.