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Subject: Suspicious requests
Written By: Brian Kelly on 04/14/24 at 9:55 am
While I was editing, I received two "submissions" on Cool Band Names requesting that entries be removed. Due to similar writing and the close proximity of the "submissions", I believe these to be the work of the same person. However, I checked the entries in question and they were from different submitters. Ignore?
Subject: Re: Suspicious requests
Written By: nally on 04/14/24 at 10:18 am
I periodically get submissions like that. I don’t accept them; however, if they point out something that’s wrong, I would go into the entry it refers to and make the change (if indeed the piece of information is wrong).
Subject: Re: Suspicious requests
Written By: karen on 04/16/24 at 2:49 pm
While I was editing, I received two "submissions" on Cool Band Names requesting that entries be removed. Due to similar writing and the close proximity of the "submissions", I believe these to be the work of the same person. However, I checked the entries in question and they were from different submitters. Ignore?
I wonder if they came from someone who is not a fan of whatever band they referred to. As long as the band exists I don’t see a reason to remove them, just because someone doesn’t think the name is “cool”
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