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Subject: No update March 14, 2011

Written By: Tommy Turtle on 03/14/11 at 6:22 pm

Barely have had time to glance at the site while trying to get my @#$%$^&* income taxes done, but did notice that it still shows song posts of Friday, March 11.

Subject: Re: No update March 14, 2011

Written By: ChuckyG on 03/14/11 at 7:15 pm

Barely have had time to glance at the site while trying to get my @#$%$^&* income taxes done, but did notice that it still shows song posts of Friday, March 11.

I totally forgot... I had such a massive migraine when I woke up this morning I must have spaced out entirely. My headache is gone now, and I can see that I didn't do it at all.

Well at least there are new misheard lyrics thanks to our latest editor.

Subject: Re: No update March 14, 2011

Written By: Tommy Turtle on 03/15/11 at 1:54 am

Sorry to hear of the repeated migraines. Here is just one of many articles and studies suggesting that both prevention and cure may be far more pleasant than you'd think. Search engines will give lots more research on this, but why not just try it out? There is very little downside.

Disclaimer: The poster is not a physician, and the above is not medical advice. For medical advice, see a qualified healthcare professional. The above is merely a link to articles created by others, for informational purposes only.

Subject: Re: No update March 14, 2011

Written By: ChuckyG on 03/15/11 at 11:21 am

Sorry to hear of the repeated migraines. Here is just one of many articles and studies suggesting that both prevention and cure may be far more pleasant than you'd think. Search engines will give lots more research on this, but why not just try it out? There is very little downside.

Disclaimer: The poster is not a physician, and the above is not medical advice. For medical advice, see a qualified healthcare professional. The above is merely a link to articles created by others, for informational purposes only.

my experience has shown it doesn't usually help, and if anything makes it worse.

I'm pretty certain it's this miserable chest cold I have making a rebound on me.

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