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Subject: Abusive stuff being submitted as 'misheard lyrics'
Written By: Jason on 11/25/08 at 9:06 am
I just wondered if IP addresses are logged when misheard lyrics are submitted. Recently a sizeable amount of misheard lyrics i've been going through are not misheard lyrics, they are abusive messages that I have been deleting. Im not making any accusations but I can't help feeling that Dr Music may be behind this.
A number of submissions recently has been containing stuff like "F**k this website" or "You lot are w****rs" and this seems to be increasing. I just wondered if it could be looked into.
Subject: Re: Abusive stuff being submitted as 'misheard lyrics'
Written By: nally on 11/25/08 at 5:58 pm
A number of submissions recently has been containing stuff like "F**k this website" or "You lot are w****rs" and this seems to be increasing. I just wondered if it could be looked into.
Those are NOT lyrics at all. Whatever it is, it would be best to simply reject it.
I'm still going through the corrections that were submitted many moons ago, and some people have been writing inane things of that nature as "correction suggestions." Most of those nonsense comments are gone now; there are still over 500 to go.
Back on the subject, I've also found already-submitted misheard lyric entries that don't make the least bit of sense. For example, on one instance of "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" by the Backstreet Boys, someone submitted a lyric that said "Show me the meaning of Heinz bologna." Come on now, how does one get "Heinz bologna" out of "being lonely"?? I could imagine "B-o-logna", perhaps, but "Hienz" doesn't sound a thing like the original lyric. That entry, along with others of a similar nature, are gone now.
Subject: Re: Abusive stuff being submitted as 'misheard lyrics'
Written By: karen on 11/25/08 at 6:12 pm
I just wondered if IP addresses are logged when misheard lyrics are submitted. Recently a sizeable amount of misheard lyrics i've been going through are not misheard lyrics, they are abusive messages that I have been deleting. Im not making any accusations but I can't help feeling that Dr Music may be behind this.
A number of submissions recently has been containing stuff like "F**k this website" or "You lot are w****rs" and this seems to be increasing. I just wondered if it could be looked into.
I haven't spotted any of this Jason. It looks like you are the lucky one!
I expect it was someone who was banned just being even more of a dick. I'll bet that they'll soon get bored.
Back on the subject, I've also found already-submitted misheard lyric entries that don't make the least bit of sense. For example, on one instance of "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" by the Backstreet Boys, someone submitted a lyric that said "Show me the meaning of Heinz bologna." Come on now, how does one get "Heinz bologna" out of "being lonely"?? I could imagine "B-o-logna", perhaps, but "Hienz" doesn't sound a thing like the original lyric. That entry, along with others of a similar nature, are gone now.
Jeff, Jeff
we've already had at least one discussion about making sure you are not imposing your standards on other people. Remember the AmIRight FAQ's for misheards?
Q: There is no way somebody heard "XXX" in song "YYY"
A: I can't personally guarantee a song is genuinely misheard. There are lots of instances where the mind fills in the blanks for people in ways you couldn't imagine. I try to filter out the "impossible" entries as much as possible, but even I'm willing to enter a submission if I consider it "possible".
Someone I know was debating how a song could be misheard when the title is the same as the misheard lyric. Simple, most radio DJs don't announce song titles, and not every song title matches a song lyric.
So please consider the Heinz and being might - just might- be misheard as each other. :-\\
Subject: Re: Abusive stuff being submitted as 'misheard lyrics'
Written By: wildcard on 11/25/08 at 9:20 pm
Just want to say these days with my hearing loss and my brain doing whatever it happens very often that what I think I hear and what was said are planets away. I don't think I put the misheard lyric I remember over there kids just keep getting harder to fight
Subject: Re: Abusive stuff being submitted as 'misheard lyrics'
Written By: Jason on 11/26/08 at 12:15 pm
Those are NOT lyrics at all. Whatever it is, it would be best to simply reject it.
Yea thats exactly what I have been doing, deleting those stupid messages. I know Dr Music has a huge vendetta against AmiRight since he got banned, so I still feel he is the primary candidate behind all this.
Subject: Re: Abusive stuff being submitted as 'misheard lyrics'
Written By: nally on 11/27/08 at 12:08 am
On a fairly similar terms of "abusive stuff", I found an entry in which the actual lyric was not submitted, but a comment in its place:
Green Day, "Good Riddance/Time Of Your Life"
Misheard Lyrics:
Tom grabs you by the ass Directs you where to go
Original Lyrics:
No... I think that one was right
I sent this entry for deletion, rather than replace the comment with the actual lyric ("Time grabs you by the wrist, Directs you where to go"), because there is already an instance of it in the archive.
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