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Subject: Do you use an RSS feed reader?
Written By: ChuckyG on 10/07/05 at 11:38 am
If you don't know what RSS is, it's a type of system for allowing other sites to put up information from your site on theirs, or you can also use a Feedreader in your browser to see the latest info from a website.
I've tried a couple feeds in Firefox, and still prefer hitting the sites I tried in the browser instead of reading the feeds. So I'm one of those people missing the alure I guess. The technical implementation of something like this isn't hard for me, so if it's something people want, I certainly can add it.
No one has asked me for a feed, but that doesn't mean people don't want one. I just don't know what people would want for a feed if I did offer one. So if you use RSS, let me know what you might want to see. If you don't use RSS, no need to reply really.
Subject: Re: Do you use an RSS feed reader?
Written By: tmayfield on 10/24/05 at 10:22 am
If you don't know what RSS is, it's a type of system for allowing other sites to put up information from your site on theirs, or you can also use a Feedreader in your browser to see the latest info from a website.
I've tried a couple feeds in Firefox, and still prefer hitting the sites I tried in the browser instead of reading the feeds. So I'm one of those people missing the alure I guess. The technical implementation of something like this isn't hard for me, so if it's something people want, I certainly can add it.
No one has asked me for a feed, but that doesn't mean people don't want one. I just don't know what people would want for a feed if I did offer one. So if you use RSS, let me know what you might want to see. If you don't use RSS, no need to reply really.
I use SharpReader. I expect the best use of RSS is advertising new things or highlighting hot topics/parodies. It would also have been great as a 'John A. Barry 99 parody alert'. Also 'Cool Site of the Day'. RSS is usually used as a news alert, but whatever is 'hot' or needs exposure would be benefitted as well. I'm sure Spaff, Kristoff and Arwen parodies would almost always qualify. ;)
Subject: Re: Do you use an RSS feed reader?
Written By: Gonfunko on 10/24/05 at 2:34 pm
I use NetNewsWire Lite. I was actually considerign requesting an RSS feed in the suggestion thread, but didn't get around to it. If you do implement a RSS feed, that would be great. :)
Subject: Re: Do you use an RSS feed reader?
Written By: ChuckyG on 10/24/05 at 3:35 pm
I use NetNewsWire Lite. I was actually considerign requesting an RSS feed in the suggestion thread, but didn't get around to it. If you do implement a RSS feed, that would be great. :)
since I don't use one yet myself... I'm still not sure what I would put in one. If it's something that monitors the site for an update, I guess it could announce the latest parody updates, misheard updates, etc. like a more descriptive "Last update" page.
I've done news feeds for my local website, which use RSS, and have the latest headlines and pointers to the news site. If the news on amiright was more popular, I could easily see that becoming a feed.
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