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Subject: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/05/14 at 5:01 am
April 5th 1614 – In Virginia, Native American Pocahontas marries English colonist John Rolfe.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/10/15 at 3:49 am
Early February 1615, Sir Thomas Roe sets out to become the first ambassador from the court of the King of England to the Mughal Emperor Jahangir, sailing in the Lyon under the command of captain Christopher Newport.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 06/04/15 at 8:03 am
June 4th 1615 – Siege of Osaka: Forces under Tokugawa Ieyasu take Osaka Castle in Japan.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/26/16 at 2:01 am
February 26th 1616 – Galileo Galilei is formally banned by the Roman Catholic Church from teaching or defending the view that the earth orbits the sun.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/20/16 at 12:40 pm
March 20th 1616 – Sir Walter Raleigh is freed from the Tower of London after 13 years of imprisonment.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/23/16 at 12:56 am
April 23rd 1616 - Playwright William Shakespeare dies at the age of 52.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/14/16 at 10:03 pm
September 15th 1616 – The first non-aristocratic, free public school in Europe is opened in Frascati, Italy.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: nally on 10/25/16 at 5:35 pm
October 25th 1616: The Dutch sailing ship Eendracht reached Shark Bay on the western coastline of Australia, as documented on the Hartog Plate (replica pictured) etched by explorer Dirk Hartog.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 10/28/16 at 2:52 am
October 28th 1516 – Battle of Yaunis Khan: Turkish forces under the Grand Vizier Sinan Pasha defeat the Mamluks near Gaza.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/18 at 2:05 pm
May 15th 1618 – Johannes Kepler confirms his previously rejected discovery of the third law of planetary motion (he first discovered it on March 8 but soon rejected the idea after some initial calculations were made).
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: nally on 04/19/19 at 9:50 pm
April 19th 1619: Theatrum Anatomicum opens in Amsterdam.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 09/16/20 at 1:52 am
September 16th 1620 – Pilgrims set sail from England on the Mayflower.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/08/20 at 1:09 pm
November 8th 1620 – The Battle of White Mountain takes place near Prague, ending in a decisive Catholic victory in only two hours.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/09/20 at 6:30 am
November 9th 1620 – Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower sight land at Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: mercuryse7entenorsea on 12/21/20 at 11:30 pm
December 21, 1620: Mayflower Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 03/22/21 at 6:16 am
March 22nd 1621 – The Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony sign a peace treaty with Massasoit of the Wampanoags.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 04/05/21 at 7:22 am
April 5th 1621 – The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth, Massachusetts on a return trip to England.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: nally on 04/05/21 at 5:02 pm
April 5th 1621 – The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth, Massachusetts on a return trip to England.
I forgot to mention a few months ago (in September or thereabouts) the 400th anniversary of it setting sail. (Of course that date has been disputed due in part to Old Style date discrepancies.)
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: nally on 03/12/22 at 9:40 pm
12 March 1622: Ignatius of Loyola was canonized as a saint.
Subject: Re: 400 Years Ago Thread
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/28/24 at 7:31 am
January 28th 1624 – Sir Thomas Warner founded the first British colony in the Caribbean, on the island of Saint Kitts.
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