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Subject: Video: A typical American Household (1962)
Written By: yelimsexa on 07/31/09 at 2:00 pm
To make things clearer to get a REAL perspective about what life was back then, I found this 25-minute video for an average American housewife here.
I just love these old videos as you really can get that piece of mind, even if you didn't live in that time.
Subject: Re: Video: A typical American Household (1962)
Written By: Marian on 08/12/09 at 1:07 pm
cute girl at beginning
Subject: Re: Video: A typical American Household (1962)
Written By: 80sfan on 09/05/09 at 8:41 pm
The video is kinda cool. 8)
Subject: Re: Video: A typical American Household (1962)
Written By: robby76 on 09/06/09 at 10:20 am
Ahhh if only life was that simple!
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