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Subject: Scarey Food Items!!!
Written By: Shacks Train on 06/20/08 at 8:29 am
Some things never change .like those Swanson frozen TV dinners...That fried chicken dinner is the same crap they made back in the 60s...As a kid these things were forced upon me in my childhood to give Mom a break...& they have never changed it ever.I see that the desert finnally got changed!
1st invented in the 50s by Gerry Thomas (died 2005 at 83 - probley ingested that desert!)
Swanson Dinner ADTV Dinners - The first commercially successful TV dinner was introduced by L.A. Swanson Food Company in 1953. For the cost of $1.00, the 12 ounce TV dinner included sliced turkey, gravy, buttered peas, whipped sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce. The carton's front cover displayed a picture of a TV set. With the microwave oven becoming so commonplace in the 1980s, manufacturers of instant dinners began replacing the classic aluminum metal trays with those made of plastic, cardboard, and Styrofoam materials. Actually the first frozen dinners were made for the US Navy in 1944. The process of quick freezing food was invented in 1911 by Clarence Birdseye, a former government surveyor. His discovery was inspired by watching the Eskimos in Labrador preserve their food by freezing the food in the arctic air.
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