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Subject: Unsung Music Revolutionaries of the 60s

Written By: Trimac20 on 07/16/06 at 12:44 pm

Can you list any? The 13th Floor Elevators - the 'original' psychedelic/psych garage band of the mid-1960s are one that comes to mind. Other groups from the same scene. The later psychedelic group Elephants Memory - best known for their track 'Old Man Willow' featured in the soundtrack of Midnight Cowboy. Many other obscure groups of the Sisco/LA/New York/Austin scenes in the acid rock era...

Subject: Re: Unsung Music Revolutionaries of the 60s

Written By: Paul on 07/16/06 at 1:06 pm

George Martin...

...noted producer of The Beatles (and many others), his ability to 'reproduce' the sounds that the group used to 'hear' in their heads really helped push back the boundaries of what a music studio could do...

Even more amazing, considering most of his 60s work was recorded on 4-track, thanks to the tightwads at EMI...!!

Subject: Re: Unsung Music Revolutionaries of the 60s

Written By: zcrito on 07/16/06 at 1:55 pm

What about the early Heavy Metal groups of the '60s and songs like 

1968's "Summertime Blues" by Blue Cheer (original from Eddie Cochran,1957)

1966-67's "Children of the Sun" by The Misunderstood


Subject: Re: Unsung Music Revolutionaries of the 60s

Written By: velvetoneo on 07/16/06 at 8:23 pm

Most definitely Laura Nyro.

Subject: Re: Unsung Music Revolutionaries of the 60s

Written By: Trimac20 on 07/16/06 at 8:47 pm

Most definitely Laura Nyro.

I haven't reach of Laura's work to say. Where would she sit on the spectrum? Closer to a Joan Baez, a Joni Mitchell, a Carole King or a Melanie?

Subject: Re: Unsung Music Revolutionaries of the 60s

Written By: velvetoneo on 07/16/06 at 8:50 pm

I haven't reach of Laura's work to say. Where would she sit on the spectrum? Closer to a Joan Baez, a Joni Mitchell, a Carole King or a Melanie?

She's sort of a soul Joni Mitchell, with some of all of those except for Melanie. Less folky than Joni or Joan.

Subject: Re: Unsung Music Revolutionaries of the 60s

Written By: Tanya1976 on 07/16/06 at 11:40 pm

George Martin...

...noted producer of The Beatles (and many others), his ability to 'reproduce' the sounds that the group used to 'hear' in their heads really helped push back the boundaries of what a music studio could do...

Even more amazing, considering most of his 60s work was recorded on 4-track, thanks to the tightwads at EMI...!!

Sir George Martin is anything but unsung. He is considered the fifth beatle alongside the late Billy Preston. His work is widely acknowledged.

Subject: Re: Unsung Music Revolutionaries of the 60s

Written By: holicman on 07/17/06 at 4:55 am

I dont know about unsung, but Brian Jones from the stones was one of the more influential and experimental musicians of his time.

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