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Subject: The Ultimate 60's Lyrics quiz reborn

Written By: holicman on 02/17/06 at 6:01 am this works.

Someone picks a lyric from the 60's and whoever guesses the lyric correctly gets to put their lyric up.

Ok here goes :)

"You're all i want, so hear my prayer"

Subject: Re: The Ultimate 60's Lyrics quiz reborn

Written By: gmann on 02/18/06 at 1:49 pm this works.

Someone picks a lyric from the 60's and whoever guesses the lyric correctly gets to put their lyric up.

Ok here goes :)

"You're all i want, so hear my prayer"

Is that from "Eloise" by Barry Ryan?

Subject: Re: The Ultimate 60's Lyrics quiz reborn

Written By: holicman on 02/18/06 at 8:47 pm

Correct Gmann :)

Its your turn :D

Subject: Re: The Ultimate 60's Lyrics quiz reborn

Written By: gmann on 02/19/06 at 2:35 pm

Alright, I'll go easy on you all.  :) Name this tune:

"Beware of hidden dangers/And don't you go talking to strangers."

Subject: Re: The Ultimate 60's Lyrics quiz reborn

Written By: Trimac20 on 02/23/06 at 6:56 am

I know it's the Alfie theme song, don't know the original singer...
Here's one you can't use Google to cheat with. It's a knowable song (charted in the UK) so it's gettable.

"I'm happy to say, today I'm going away to to play, I'm going away to play, to laugh and jump and tumble on the hillside"
Plus it's the start of the song.

Couldn't be easier (if you know the song).

Subject: Re: The Ultimate 60's Lyrics quiz reborn

Written By: Trimac20 on 02/23/06 at 6:56 am

If you still can't get it...two more final clues...

Released in 1967 by a fairly obscure band, a 'one hit wonder' (though not a major hit) of a British band

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