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Subject: Theme parks that actually existed that tried to be like Disneyland

Written By: woops on 01/14/05 at 5:23 pm

BTW, this article is for real.  :P

"The Ones That Disn't Make It"

With other cartoon studios (Lantz, Famous, Van Bueren, etc) that had attempted to build a Disneyland type theme park.  :P

What's your opnion? Good or Bad?

Though "Looneyland" sounds a bit like Six Flags, but I don't know if they have (had) any 'Looney Tunes' themed rides or stuff.

Subject: Re: Theme parks that actually existed that tried to be like Disneyland

Written By: AL-B on 01/31/05 at 1:09 am

Hey! They left out Wally World!

Subject: Re: Theme parks that actually existed that tried to be like Disneyland

Written By: Allie Fox on 01/31/05 at 11:52 am

This thread reminded me of a place in Florida called "Circus World."  My family spend a day there in the very early 80s (maybe late 70s).  It was a total dump.  The only good thing about it was that there were no lines.

Subject: Re: Theme parks that actually existed that tried to be like Disneyland

Written By: Howard on 01/31/05 at 3:55 pm

Woody Woodpecker's Wonderful Village? That sounds way too corny. ;D


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