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Subject: The 1967 6-day War
Was anyone here alive during the 1967 6-day War.
Were you surprised, Many Bible-Believing Christians at that time were thrilled, seeing it as proof that the Bible was True, and that the second coming of Jesus would occur soon
Subject: Re: The 1967 6-day War
I was alive in 1967
Jesus didn't arrive in Australia.... ;)
Our Prime Minister (Harold Holt) drowned in the surf though...... ::)
Subject: Re: The 1967 6-day War
I'm neither Jewish nor fundamentalist (actually Catholic with traditionalist sympathies) , but I would say that a Bible-believing Christian of any variety would have to give credence to Matthew 24:36 - only the Father in Heaven knows the day or the hour. People have been making thee kinds of predictions down through the centuries, only to look like fools when the date comes and goes and they're still around. So I would be careful about making statements like "proof...that the second coming of Jesus would occur soon". You don't know that's true, I don't know that it isn't, and neither does anyone walking the earth.
Having said that, it's hard to look at the odds Israel faced, not just in 1967 but at its founding in 1948 after a gap of nearly 19 centuries, and wonder at Israel's survival. In purely human, military terms, it's hard to explain.
Also, I think it took guts for you to post this. You knew you'd be ripped to shreds. I'm not sure this is the ideal venue for it, however. This is a site for discussing music, and by extension, popular culture. Of course, it's hard to talk seriously about culture for very long without touching on one or both of those two forbidden topics, politics and religion. That's the reason why people (myself included) can get so agitated arguing about the Fifties or Sixties (On one level, it's ridiculous - as if two decades in time can be at war with each other - but on another level, "taking sides" is a way of arguing what direction you believe society should take in the future.) But it's up to you to show the connection (by leading in from a musical/cultural topic and then raising the question), and you didn't do that. That's why I think at least some of the heat you're going to take is deserved. People who sign on expecting a discussion of music and popular culture might understandably resent being hit between the eyes with religious testimony instead. That doesn't make them heathens - it's more like signing onto a financial news website and finding a discussion on sports or cooking instead. Next time, try relating your point to something to do with music. Am I making any sense?
Was anyone here alive during the 1967 6-day War.
Were you surprised, Many Bible-Believing Christians at that time were thrilled, seeing it as proof that the Bible was True, and that the second coming of Jesus would occur soon
End Quote
Subject: Re: The 1967 6-day War
Maxwell Smart, you should have taken your own advice. First you state that you avoid comment on Israel as being risky. But then you don't find it risky to launch into a vitriolic attack against Bible-believing Christians. I am amazed that you have the audacity to label me, decide what my motives are, and the motives of many others who are followers of Jesus. You don't know me. You haven't taken the time to ask me, or my family what we believe. But you HAVE taken the time to spread this anti-Fundamentalist Christian garbage. One thing the Bible did say concerning the Last Days, is that in those times Evil would be called Good, and Good would be called Evil. Before you start espousing your wisdom, "O Ye who knows so much", you might first assess who is in your audience.
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Please accept my apology. I'm not here to stir up resentment. I removed my provocative post from this thread. I have strong feelings on many political subjects, but I don't want to become a nuisance around here.
Subject: Re: The 1967 6-day War
Thank you,accepted Maxwell. Peace.
Subject: Re: The 1967 6-day War
How can someone NOT admire the state of Israel,
it's one of the smallest nations on Earth, and being surrounded all these years by Genocidal enemies that would Gladly finish the Job Hitler started.
Israel has been on Guard every day, since 1948, yet she has produced so many briliant accomplishments. Benefiting all mankind.
As shown by Masada2000.org and the case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz
Subject: Re: The 1967 6-day War
How can someone NOT admire the state of Israel,
it's one of the smallest nations on Earth, and being surrounded all these years by Genocidal enemies that would Gladly finish the Job Hitler started.
Israel has been on Guard every day, since 1948, yet she has produced so many briliant accomplishments. Benefiting all mankind.
As shown by Masada2000.org and the case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz
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Umm... take away the weapons and the money that the United States provides to this terrorist country and see how well it would do.
Israel... America's Cuba ! >:(
Also, as a Bible-believing Christian, I was NOT thrilled Israel's conduct in the war, in which 34 crew members of the USS Liberty, a very lightly armed reconnaisance ship in international waters, were killed in cold blood by the Israeli Air Force.
Subject: Re: The 1967 6-day War
I like lima beans.
Subject: Re: The 1967 6-day War
I like lima beans.
End Quote
Lima beans (or as my British friends say, limer beans) rock. 8)
I can eat 'em right out of the frozen food box, no problem. :P