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Subject: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I don't know about you, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember the 60's. All I know is that I was living at 4600 Fulton Street. I lived with a band that became famous, but I can't remember who they were. ??? ??? ???. Any IDEAS?
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
This is a test, right?
I don't know about you, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember the 60's. All I know is that I was living at 4600 Fulton Street. I lived with a band that became famous, but I can't remember who they were. ??? ??? ???. Any IDEAS?
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Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
heyy. . . . teehee!!! That'swhat everyone who stayed stoned back in the sixties says........NOW!! Pshaw.........That time was the most ALIVE time for me...all the changes.......growing up, losing my virginity. war, civil rights issues......cool (or I should say) GROOVY! clothes. British music invasion. things didn't cost as much - I always had spending money back then. Oh, Hare Krishna dancers were around, there was Love-Ins and face and body painting, Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band! It was F..A..R..R..R.. OUT !!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Day 2 of woodstock '69 was the greatest day ever
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
You were living on Fulton St. No wonder you can't remember.
I don't know about you, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember the 60's. All I know is that I was living at 4600 Fulton Street. I lived with a band that became famous, but I can't remember who they were. ??? ??? ???. Any IDEAS?
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Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Of course I do, Man...It was my time.....
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I do...in 69 I was 8 yrs old so mostly kid stuff:P
I remember my ma's first Ford Galaxie convertible and when I went with her to get her brand new 68 seafoam green,fastback Ford Galaxie 500 LOL
I remember stuff like hogans heroes,Mc Hales Navy,The Saint (love that Volvo D1800)and of course Ed Sullivan that was worth extra late bedtime LOL
I also remember women and blacks having no rights:(
Riots over vietnam and racial riots,and all that stuff.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
As I was only born in the early 60's, I can actually only remember the late 60's, and considering my age, there wasn't a hint of 'sex, drugs and rock and roll' in those memories. Not only that, I grew up in the bush so we didn't have a telly or stereo. Just a wireless! That only had 1 station - the ABC and it's rivetting selection of music from the 50's. We didn't actually get the 60's 'til the 70's!
So my memories of the '60's are very primitive. Being shoeless and dirty most of the day, having an array of farm animals in my friendship circle, singing Irish ballads on the verandah of my grandparents house and having watermelon seed spitting contest after tea.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Like everyone above, i only remember the "kid stuff". Being from a typical southern small town we had to make our own activities and games up. No vidieo games (although I barely remember somebody in the family having a "Pong" game) and that was just other-worldly at the time. :D I had a cousin that went to Viet-Nam, but really wasn't aware of the ramifications of "grownup stuff" I guess until Kent State in 1970. I was 13 at the time and my father and I had a heated disagreement over that deal. The 60s to me were the age of innocence personified.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Like some people, I was one of the tailend of the babyboomers. I do remember the last part of the 60s. I remember my mother telling me that men were walking on the Moon and I ducked thinking they were right overhead (like on the roof). Mostly, what I remember was the music even if I didn't understand most of it at the time. I had 5 older siblings they all listened to the radio not to mention their 45s. I remember waking up in the morning hearing Cousin Brucey. I also remember a group of us started singing "Joy to the World" (the Three Dog Night song-"Jeremia was a Bullfrog.") The funny thing was, I was the youngest in the group and I was the only one who knew all the words. I was too young to get into the "psychodelic scene." I'm sure if I was just a bit older, I would have been a hippy.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Heck, I can remember when President Kennedy got shot!
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
of course I remeber things that happened in the sixtys even things that didnt happen . it was the best time to be a teenager if it didnt kill you it was ok
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Yes, I remember, because in a past life, I was Otis Redding.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I remember the '60s like they were yesterday......and I still have a "Bill The Cat" tee shirt. I was sober and not a doper! That may be why I can remember that era with fondness.
We were NOT the Woodstock Generation(There was no such thing, the media made it all up to sell their products!) The great percentage of us were simply young people growing up in the best country in the world with our futures waiting to be experienced.
It was a great time to be a teenager and student. Most of us did just fine and are now reaping the rewards of our and "The Greatest Generation's" efforts. AND thanks to those few of us who heard the call and became,".......Soldiers Young.....and Brave.", my and all generations to date remain free and continue to live in what is still the best country in the world.
Thanks Tom and Andy. May God bless and take care of you............"Forever Young" my friends!
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
:D I wasn't even alive in the '60s. I was born in '71. However, the '60s is such of a fascinating, remarkable era, filled with change and excitement, I like a lot of the music, TV, and other culture A LOT. That's why I came by this board...
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
When were the 60s?
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I remember the latter half.
I remember the big family holiday we took to Adelaide in 1967, I had to ride in the back of the station wagon all the way there and back (1300 miles each way).
When on that trip the Aus Prime Minister of the time (Harold Holt) drowned whilst swimming alone ( :o imagine that these days) at Portsea - I remember the hoo-ha about it but nothing more. To this day rumours persist that he was stolen away by a russian midget submarine - though for what possible purpose one can only imagine ::)
I remember the headmaster from my state school used to pick my Brother and I up in his VW Bug, and he used to hold the horn rather than the steering wheel (horns in those days were a shaped piece of metal inside from the sterring wheel itself).
I can remember the Beatles' Revolution being on the radio one day in his car - when it was on the charts !
I remember going to school in bare feet. Catching the bus to school for 5 cents each way. Dad being outraged when the fare was increased to 10 cents.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Quoting: Catching the bus to school for 5 cents each way. Dad being outraged when the fare was increased to 10 cents.
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I remember buying 45s as Mason's hardware store for 69 cents. Then one day we went to Clarkin's and they were 72 cents. My mother was annoyed at the price and would only let me buy one. I had to decide between "Hey Mr. Sun" by Bobby Sherman or "United We Stand" by Brotherhood of Man. I picked "Hey Mr. Sun," but a couple of years later I traded it away to my best friend for another record... :-/
Well, okay, this was 1970, not exactly the 60s, but hey -- it was a good story... ::)
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I remember sitting on the back porch in my peddle-pushersand eating Jell-0 shake-a-puddin', singing Mrs. Robinson and Wild Thing and never knowing what the songs were about. At night we'd warm up the Black & White and watch the Jackie Gleason Show, Red Buttons, Bonanza and reruns of "One Step Beyond". Sometimes we'd all climb into the Plymouth station wagon on a hot summer night and go for a cold jug of A & W Rootbeer with the 5¢ deposit-- because we had no air conditioning... didn't even know what it was.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Hello, I'm Phil
And I'm Don
And together we're the Everly Brothers bringing you the new Chrysler Plymouth. Don't forget the new Plymouth Duster.
That was later on in their career, so I believe...
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
:) ;) :D ;D :o 8) ::) :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*Oh,and i remember,my sed to watch "Lost In Space"and "General Hospital"--my mom watched the latter every day.Come to think of it,I don't remember watching the moon landing--I wonder if "General hospital" was on at the same time?I was in pre school,and i remember Fizzies drink fizz drops.I know McDonald's existed then.I wasn't around when the Everly brothers had their biggest hits,but it seems anything by thenm i hear triggers some deep memory,as if I really was around thenCheers!
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I was born on the same day as General Hospital. I'm really not too sure if that is a good thing or bad thing. Maybe I shouldn't be bragging about it. :-X
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Not seen footage. Used to have the MP3 of the Everly's and the J+D Coca Cola Commercials. Also the one for Chrysler Plymouth, which I can tell they HATED with a passion.
"You're impatient for the morning
and you must have something new
Chrysler Plymouth coming through
There are lots of other small cars that you pass along the way
Duster makes the difference seem like night and day"
don't remember exactly when that commercial was--I wasn't driving cars then--but maybe you can tell by what they looked like at the time.If both brothers were still skinny,it was probably around 1964 or 65;Phil was the first to start getting kind of chunky--and it's easy to tell;both are fine-boned.They were both smoking pot and getting the munchies a lot by the end of the 60s(after they recorded "Mary Jane")Also,in 65 I believe,Phil had shorter hair and Don was wearing his hair like the Fonz;I think by 1966 both had shorter hair.I don't know if this commercial was on tv or radio and if ypu've seen footage of it,but maybe this helps.Cheers!)
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Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
well I heard if you remember going to woodstock...that you were not really there ;D
Day 2 of woodstock '69 was the greatest day ever
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Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
They will be the most perfect years of my life...I was born in 1962...so those were my wonder years..you can't beat your childhood...the 60's to me will always be looked at as wonderful :)
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I remember the '60s like they were yesterday......and I still have a "Bill The Cat" tee shirt. I was sober and not a doper! That may be why I can remember that era with fondness.
We were NOT the Woodstock Generation(There was no such thing, the media made it all up to sell their products!) The great percentage of us were simply young people growing up in the best country in the world with our futures waiting to be experienced.
It was a great time to be a teenager and student. Most of us did just fine and are now reaping the rewards of our and "The Greatest Generation's" efforts. AND thanks to those few of us who heard the call and became,".......Soldiers Young.....and Brave.", my and all generations to date remain free and continue to live in what is still the best country in the world.
Thanks Tom and Andy. May God bless and take care of you............"Forever Young" my friends!
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Interesting... discounting historical events and the life expereinces of others as 'media hype'... hmm...
I am sure that the vast majority of youth is always clueless and apathetic, but history remembers those who take a look around them, realized what was wrong and tried to do something about it. "Clean Kids" eh? Remember how many of these kids came back from their tour in 'Nam as heroin addicts?
But you are right man, if it wasn't for all that baby-killing, we'd all be speaking Vietnameese right now and calling each other "comrade". God bless America. I mean that last bit with all my heart, eventhough I am an atheist.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I turned 13 in 1960 so yes i remember all of the 60s and it was a magical time that shall never be repeated. The talent was honest to goodness REAL....You actually had to know how to sing or play an instrument! and harmonies were REAL. I think everything was better then. I was one of the very few that didn't drink or do drugs and never did and am proud of it! I would also like to say that the war in vietnam was a total waste of time and the war protesting was a good thing. I was married to a vet of 5 and a half years, i know what was going on there first hand. But now it is crazy to be protesting a war that just has to be or we are all goners! We were not attacked or threatened by the vietnese...that's the big difference of then and now! We have come to a time where love and peace don't work....
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I haven't lived through the 60's but I heard a lot of great things that happened during that decade.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Heck, I can remember when President Kennedy got shot!
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Me too. The day before, in senior civics, our teacher was telling us that if you tell a big enough lie, everyone would believe it. Next day, in the same class, the Vice Principal came to the door and beckoned Mr Becker out into the hall. Becker came back in and said he had no details, but bad news. "The President and Gov. Connley have been shot". Remembering the "big lie" lesson I smelled a rat, soooo "I sure hope the governor pulls through" I said. Almost got lynched on the spot - until I said "Don't you get it? Its the big lie!" "No" says Becker "would have been a good stunt, but its true". Man, was I embarassed.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
The 60's was when we saw the down fall of honor. The family honor lost it's honor as the children rebelled to destroy themselves with VD, Drugs, and Anti-American propaganda.
I was a hippie-wanna-be until I grew up then in my apathy stayed with the Democratic Party as it diverted from it's values. My eyes were opened in 1988 when I saw the divergent path the Democratic Party took. It was not longer the party I had believed it to be. I went from being a held-over 60's apathetic and uninformed Democrat to becoming a Republican Activist in two months time. Many of the protest of the 60's supposidly were financed by the Communist Party and more recently those finances have been turned to the Democratic Party. Follow the money and much becomes clear.
I now rebell against the values or lack of that came out of the 60's. -- Have a good day, (-:)>
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Well, this is a trick question. To paraphrase the comment about Woodstock above, "If you remember the Sixties, you weren't there."
On the other hand, many of us who _were_ there are edging into the time when memories of the past overshadow those of recent days.
(And given a choice, which would you take?)
So, yeah, I was there, I remember, and i'm disgusted by their institutional misrepresentation.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
What I think about the 60s is the fact that everything was new (pop culture that is). The music, the styles, the movies, tv shows. You don't see that anymore. It seems like today, everything is basically a remake. Bellbottoms and mini skirts are back in fashion. Now-a-days, they have to take old t.v. shows and turn them into movies. To me, that is what was great about the 60s. There was always something new.
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
:D :D 8) 8) 8)I was born in 1965 so I remember like half of the 60sThat Everly Brothers Coke commercial came out the uear I was born,and strangely enough,I kind of remember hearing it.Cheers! 8) 8)
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
They will be the most perfect years of my life...I was born in 1962...so those were my wonder years..you can't beat your childhood...the 60's to me will always be looked at as wonderful :)
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The first year I remember is 1962, when I was 3.
I remember when men looked like Drew Carey, when the Beatles made their mark here in the U.S., penny loafers and suede fringe vests (later on). I was aged 1 - 11 during the sixties. Got a lot of exposure to the hippie scene in Greenwhich Village-really cool shops there with sand on the floors, exotic essential oils and powdered insence ! The aromas of the 60s are still fresh in my memory.
It was a time when little girls dressed like little girls and entertainment was happy and wholesome. Lot's of social change ! :D I feel blessed to have been born in 1959 and not have missed out on the 1960s ! 8)
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
The fun goes better, and the sun goes better, everyone goes better with coke! As for the Chrysler Plymouth commercial, that sounds a lot newer... :)
:D :D 8) 8) 8)I was born in 1965 so I remember like half of the 60sThat Everly Brothers Coke commercial came out the uear I was born,and strangely enough,I kind of remember hearing it.Cheers! 8) 8)
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Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
The fun goes better, and the sun goes better, everyone goes better with coke! As for the Chrysler Plymouth commercial, that sounds a lot newer... :)
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8) 8) 8)I wish they would show that one on TVLand's retromercials.Cheers! :D :D
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
I was born in November 1959 so I was a child of the 60's. They were some of the best and worst years of my life. My first memories of the 60's are 1964 when my brother (19) and sister (16) were killed in an accident. I have vivid memories of my sister's beehive hairdo, pointy shoes and makeup. I also recall my brother's winklepickers and stove-pipe pants. My sister loved Herman's Hermits and used to sing "I like it" to me. I still love that song. It always makes me sad to hear about the Beatles coming to Australia in 1964 because my sister and brother would have been there. They died a month or so before Beatlemania hit our shores. I can remember my Mum saying that my brother's death saved him from the horrors of Vietnam. Many of my brothers' mates went and came back shattered men.
In 1965 I started school. These were the good years! In 1966 I met by best friend and we are still best friends today. School was sooooo easy those days. Barefeet in summer. People didn't care if you wore the "right" clothes. Labels were something that told you what size the garment was!! I was usually dressed in one of Mum's creations with matching bloomers!!
I remember our first TV - unfortunately it was cricket season and all I can recall is Test Cricket ::) My younger sister and I loved the funnies (our name for comics) 3 Stooges, My Friend Flicka, Rin Tin Tin, National Velvet and Disneyland. Mum and Dad watched Z Cars, the Untouchables and the Groucho Marx show. Saturday night we visited relatives and would watch The Rolf Harris show - we always loved his painting at the end of the show. The oldies would then watch the Black and White Minstrel Show. Some of those songs were terrific (in hindsight) :D
I remember decimal currency coming to Australia. We all learnt a jingle that was sung to the tune of "Click Go the Shears". Lollies (sweets if you're English, candy if you're American) were 2 or 3 for 1 cent.
When I got a bit older (9 or 10) Saturday nights we would play records on the Stereogram with our cousins. Favourites were Midnight Confessions by the Grass Roots, The Monkees, The Archies (all the bubblegum music), Lily the Pink, Little Arrows, Snoopy and the Red Barron. My Mum would say to my Aunt "if only they knew their school work as well as they know those silly songs". For my 10th brithday I got a transistor radio and would listen to it every night. I knew every song on the top 40. To entertain ourselves we would also play board games - Monopoly, Pan Am, Slapstick, Pillow Fight and this great game called Green Ghost that had glow in the dark ghost.
My surviving brother got a job selling drinks and icecream at Brisbane's Festival Hall (soon to be demolished >:( :'() and we loved hearing about all the concerts; PJ Proby splitting his pants, the girls going wild at the Monkees, the wrestling the Roller Game - I wish I had kept all the programmes he brought home for me and my younger sister. My brother bought one of those little record players - the one's that looked like they came in a very small suitcase - you'd open the lid and voila there was the turntable. He joined the Record Club and every month a new LP would arrive! What excitement! Bob Dylan, Cream, Napoleon the ? (he sung "They're coming to take me away Ha Ha"), The Rolling Stones, Donovan, The Beatles and many many others all waiting on the doorstep once a month! We also had a huge collection of 45s.
I remember being herded into the school storeroom (most probably the only room in the school with a power outlet) in 1969 to watch man walking on the moon. Went home told Mum and Dad. Dad says "what a load of rot" to this day, he's 83, he doesn't believe anybody has ever been to the moon ;)
I also remember daytrips to the Gold Coast in the back of Dad's ute. We'd be singing at the tops of our voices!
Those my recollections of the 60;s but the 70's IMO were the very best.
Cheers. :)
Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Personally I've never seen the commercial itself. I'd love to see the Chrysler Plymouth / Plymouth Duster commercial though!
8) 8) 8)I wish they would show that one on TVLand's retromercials.Cheers! :D :D
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Subject: Re: Do you actually remember the 60's?
Listening to Dylan, "Highway 61 Revisited" on the college starion, first song he was backed by a rock and roll band, 1965 - DAMN I'm friggin rocking out - y'awll wanna taste of the 60s spin some Dylan albums!