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This is a topic from the More Than a Decade forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Marty McFly on 02/18/08 at 1:14 am
I have quite a bit that I remember (and probably lots more which I don't), so I'll let others go first. Just a couple offhand:
"The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and "Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon equally remind me of going to this local Chuck E. Cheese in town where my mom used to take me. Both were 1985, so I was either 3 or 4 at the time. They must've had a radio tuned to some hits station. To this day, I can't help but think of ski ball, pizza and those jungle playground things (I forget the proper name for them) when I hear those two songs.
Men At Work, especially "Down Under" reminds me of the time my parents and I were on vacation in Florida and they bought a Corvette, which we drove all the way home. I was about 6, so I was small enough to fit in the hatchback area lol. We must've stopped at a music store where my mom bought tapes...since that was the first time I'd ever heard that song. On the way home, I also have specific memories of hearing "Karma Chameleon" and the hits from The Police's Synchronicity.
Any Paula Abdul song, especially "Rush Rush" is tied to when I was 10 or so, playing Super Nintendo games, watching VH1 (which is how I got into her in the first place) and adjusting to my new school and just starting to fit in. Well, lots of stuff brings that back, but I guess the reason it's so significant, was her being my first celeb crush and all, lol.
P.S. There's been lots more since then, but the teenage and adult years don't seem quite as magical as literal childhood when it comes to things like that.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 02/18/08 at 1:33 am
I have lots of memories associated with certain songs, but can't share them all here, so here's a few :0)
One song, "Walk of Life," reminds me of going to the waterslides in 1986 to Raging Waters. I distinctly remember hearing that song on the radio on our way there, but some 13 years later, I finally reheard it for the first time in a long time.
Another song, "My Girl," I remember listening while being a passenger in my dad's car. I remember he and I were driving home from somewhere, it may have been preschool or something like that. I remember singing along and thinking they were saying, "Micro-wave, Micro-wave" instead of "My Girl" I really don't know what was up with my hearing, lol ;D
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Davester on 02/18/08 at 2:02 am
Sleeping Bag - ZZ Top -
Afterburner playing on the walkman while delivering my paper route in late '85. Sleeping Bag and maybe Velcro Fly stand out. Every morning this old, retired guy would be up at dawn out in front of his house waiting for his paper. He'd see me coming up the street, "Good morning, young man! How are you today?" I'd hand him his paper and we would talk for a few minutes. "How do you like your job?" "How much money do you earn?" "How do you spend it?" "You should save it." "How is school?" "Do you have a girlfriend?" "It's cold. You should zip up your jacket.", and so on...
I live not far from that house and sometimes I walk past it. It's been remodeled since then but still looks basically the same. I'm guessing he and his wife are probably passed-on, by now, but I remember Sleeping Bag, Velcro Fly and my pre-dawn talks with him...
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Marty McFly on 02/18/08 at 3:37 pm
I have lots of memories associated with certain songs, but can't share them all here, so here's a few :0)
One song, "Walk of Life," reminds me of going to the waterslides in 1986 to Raging Waters. I distinctly remember hearing that song on the radio on our way there, but some 13 years later, I finally reheard it for the first time in a long time.
Another song, "My Girl," I remember listening while being a passenger in my dad's car. I remember he and I were driving home from somewhere, it may have been preschool or something like that. I remember singing along and thinking they were saying, "Micro-wave, Micro-wave" instead of "My Girl" I really don't know what was up with my hearing, lol ;D
Oh my God I used to do that all the time (and that's a thread idea in itself! ;) ). Mishearing lyrics, and/or getting a totally different idea of what they meant. That's so funny and cool that you did the same thing, lol. I love that song too, actually it's on that Big Chill soundtrack, so I always heard the tape as a kid, that's one way I came to like "older music" along with new (at the time) songs.
"Walk of Life" is good too. I don't have any specific memories tied to it, but I heard it lots of times back then (it was on one of those personalized tapes my dad made for us, and I think it's one of his favorite Eighties songs).
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: snozberries on 02/18/08 at 5:14 pm
I can remember driving down a certain street in Salinas CA listening to Baker Street. When ever I hear that song I am instantly taken back to that street. I can even see myself turning the corner to get on the street. Which is what I was doing at the time the song started playing.
Even though I haven't heard the song for years... I can remember the Pink Floyd song Another Brick in the Wall playing every morning for a few weeks while I was getting ready for school. Somewhere else on this board (the protest song discussion) this song was brought up and I immediately was back in the bedroom I had during high school.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/18/08 at 5:20 pm
Ok, this is going to date me: Joy to the World-Three Dog Night
I must have about about 7 or 8 years old. My sisters and I, along with a lot of kids in the neighborhood formed a club-we even had dues and everything. Well, we manage to save up enough dues for our club to have a picnic-and we went to our favorite picnic area-a cemetery. :o :o :o I know, I know-but it wasn't until I much older that I realize that it was indeed a cemetery because in the middle was a pond that had a whole bunch of ducks and we would call it "The Duck Pond". We were always so excited to be going to "The Duck Pond". Anyway, after going to "The Duck Pond" to have our picnic, on the way home, we started singing. Someone started singing "Joy to the World". The funny thing was, I was the youngest and I was the only one who knew the words and everyone was following me. I felt SOOOOOOOO important. :D ;D ;D ;D Anyway, whenever I hear that song, that is what I think of-our club going to "The Duck Pond" to have that picnic-the club's one and only "field trip".
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Marty McFly on 02/18/08 at 5:26 pm
^ Not necesarilly. I listened to the Big Chill soundtrack as a kid 'cause my parents had the tape, and there's alot of Sixties songs on there. So I have memories of that song too, just that it was in the mid-late '80s. You can always listen to something, and it doesn't have to be the week it came out. I guess there kinda IS something cool about tying experiences or memories in with a song when it is new/fairly current, though.
Nitpicking aside, cool story though. Things like that tend to stay with you. :)
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/18/08 at 5:32 pm
Anne Murray's "Could I Have This Dance" brings back a lot of memories. It was my Grandmother's favorite song. She had the sheet music on her piano. Hearing that song is pure comfort.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: snozberries on 02/18/08 at 5:41 pm
That's okay Cat... I'll date myself with you...
in the 70's I lived in Panama
I had a white, globe shaped record player.
I listened to You Light Up My Life and You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine...over and over and over again daily.
I used to sing those songs to my stuffed animal audience.
It was on Don't Forget the Lyrics last month and there I was in the living room singing to my audience of dirty dishes... I was washing them at the time but stopped to relive my childhood.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: loki 13 on 02/18/08 at 5:49 pm
What's really strange is that I have many songs with many memories that, unfortunately, I can't share
on this forum. let's just say they all involve a girl; whether it be a real girl or a girl's name that would be
slang for something else. ::)
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/18/08 at 6:04 pm
In high school, I went to a party with my boyfriend at the time. Someone turned on the song Roxanne by the Police (that was the VERY first time I heard the song or even heard the Police). Now, that song takes me back to that party. A few days later, I was sitting in my English class. It was a nice day so the windows were open. Someone was outside with their car radio on and cranked. The song "Can't Stand Losing You" came on. Never heard the song but I was thinking, "Wow, that sounds just like the band who sang that song at the party." Of course, I was right. Now, when I hear that song, it takes me right back to my English class and thinking about that party I want to a few days earlier.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: snozberries on 02/18/08 at 6:07 pm
What's really strange is that I have many songs with many memories that, unfortunately, I can't share
on this forum. let's just say they all involve a girl; whether it be a real girl or a girl's name that would be
slang for something else. ::)
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Marty McFly on 02/18/08 at 7:09 pm
In high school, I went to a party with my boyfriend at the time. Someone turned on the song Roxanne by the Police (that was the VERY first time I heard the song or even heard the Police). Now, that song takes me back to that party. A few days later, I was sitting in my English class. It was a nice day so the windows were open. Someone was outside with their car radio on and cranked. The song "Can't Stand Losing You" came on. Never heard the song but I was thinking, "Wow, that sounds just like the band who sang that song at the party." Of course, I was right. Now, when I hear that song, it takes me right back to my English class and thinking about that party I want to a few days earlier.
What did people think of The Police early on? Were they well liked?
From research I've done and things I've read, as strange as it sounds now, it seems like they were thought of as something of an oddball new wave band that couldn't really get on the radio. This was like from a 1979 or '80 perspective. Of course, it totally changed when they started having pop hits, especially "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" and "Every Breath You Take". Even their earlier songs probably got popularized once they became mainstream.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: snozberries on 02/18/08 at 7:14 pm
I don't know they were well liked in Salinas and I remember them always being on the radio.
Although I don't recall hearing Roxanne early on I remember the other songs getting lots of play time.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: KKay on 02/19/08 at 8:37 am
alone again, naturally by gilbert o'sullivan
i was a kid and we had been out with my family and on return to my grand parent's house we discovered they'd been robbed.
it wasn't bad, but it scared me. when we left this song was on the car radio and I always associated it with that scary feeling.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Gis on 02/20/08 at 12:58 pm
Again loads of songs remind me of things but ones that pop into my head at the moment are.
'Beach Baby. can't remember who sang it but I remember it being on the radio all the time when we went on our first family holiday to the seaside in Devon.
You're Gorgeous - Babybird. I used to dance around to this with my nephew in my arms when he was little so it reminds me of him.
Buck Rogers - Feeder reminds me of a holiday in Dublin.
Freefalling - Tom Petty was on all the time when I was backpacking around America
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: snozberries on 02/20/08 at 7:39 pm
You Raise Me Up... I DETEST that song. They played it at my best friend's memorial service. She died of a rare form of cancer and now every time I hear that song it immediately takes me back to that depressing day.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/26/08 at 10:55 pm
Sleeping Bag - ZZ Top -
Afterburner playing on the walkman while delivering my paper route in late '85. Sleeping Bag and maybe Velcro Fly stand out. Every morning this old, retired guy would be up at dawn out in front of his house waiting for his paper. He'd see me coming up the street, "Good morning, young man! How are you today?" I'd hand him his paper and we would talk for a few minutes. "How do you like your job?" "How much money do you earn?" "How do you spend it?" "You should save it." "How is school?" "Do you have a girlfriend?" "It's cold. You should zip up your jacket.", and so on...
I live not far from that house and sometimes I walk past it. It's been remodeled since then but still looks basically the same. I'm guessing he and his wife are probably passed-on, by now, but I remember Sleeping Bag, Velcro Fly and my pre-dawn talks with him...
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/26/08 at 11:08 pm
Here are some.
What was going on the first time I heard:
The Smiths: Shoplifters of the World Unite
Riding in the back of a friend's car nursing bloody nose and a shiner because a redneck kid punched me out for giving him the finger at McDonalds.
Marc Almond and the Willing Sinners: Uglyhead
Necking with my new older girlfriend in her college dorm room.
New Order: Age of Consent
Getting a filling under laughing gas at the dentist (my dentist would put on the rock station for younger patients).
African Head Charge: Some Bizarre
In my room tripping out on my brother-in-law's hydroponic stash.
Aztec Camera: Good Morning Britain
Trimming lettuce in the back of the grocery store I was working at.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/26/08 at 11:54 pm
Lost the big V to Beatles music. ::)
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/27/08 at 3:30 am
"Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores
During the late 70s I took my girlfriend now wife for a meal at a restaurant in one of the back roads of the West End in London. The food was atroucious and but what made it worse for over the sound system was played "Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores, then straight after "Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores was played again, and it must had been played about six times continously. We left as soon as we could.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/27/08 at 2:03 pm
What did people think of The Police early on? Were they well liked?
From research I've done and things I've read, as strange as it sounds now, it seems like they were thought of as something of an oddball new wave band that couldn't really get on the radio. This was like from a 1979 or '80 perspective. Of course, it totally changed when they started having pop hits, especially "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" and "Every Breath You Take". Even their earlier songs probably got popularized once they became mainstream.
Sorry I didn't answer this sooner. My friends seemed to like the Police right away.
"Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores
During the late 70s I took my girlfriend now wife for a meal at a restaurant in one of the back roads of the West End in London. The food was atroucious and but what made it worse for over the sound system was played "Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores, then straight after "Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores was played again, and it must had been played about six times continously. We left as soon as we could.
You mention that story on another thread and I can understand how it would remind you of that. What it reminds me of when I was in the Air Force-right after basic training, I went to tech school. We would have to march from the dorm to the classroom and back again. Whenever you are marching in formation you had what were called "road guards". There were two people who were supposed to run ahead of the group when we came to a road and they were supposed to stop traffic so the group could keep marching. The two road guards from our class used to always sing "Three Times a Lady" as we were marching. Not exactly the "marching tune" but it was kind of funny. So now, every time I hear it, I think of our singing road guards. lol
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: snozberries on 02/27/08 at 4:09 pm
"Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores
During the late 70s I took my girlfriend now wife for a meal at a restaurant in one of the back roads of the West End in London. The food was atroucious and but what made it worse for over the sound system was played "Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores, then straight after "Three Times A Lady" by The Commodores was played again, and it must had been played about six times continously. We left as soon as we could.
I got stuck on the It's a Small World ride at Disneyland... I don't know how long we were there but it felt like hours. I have never been back on it because I CANNOT stand that song!
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/27/08 at 4:36 pm
I got stuck on the It's a Small World ride at Disneyland... I don't know how long we were there but it felt like hours. I have never been back on it because I CANNOT stand that song!
When we went there, I felt sorry for the people who worked on that ride. Can you imagine hearing that for 8 hours a day? That would drive me bonkers-BIG TIME!!!!
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: wildcard on 02/27/08 at 4:49 pm
I got stuck on the It's a Small World ride at Disneyland... I don't know how long we were there but it felt like hours. I have never been back on it because I CANNOT stand that song!
What a place to get stuck. I've hated that song ever since I was forced on my first ride.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/27/08 at 5:01 pm
Bad Bad Leroy Brown - The only rock and roll song my Dad would sing along with. (Used to crack me up ;D)
Iron Man by Black Sabbath - Memories of my brother and his friends hanging out in his car radio cranked.
That Was Then, This Is Now- The Monkees - How my little obsession started.
Send Me An Angel - Real Life - It was playing on the radio while my friend and I were going to my other friend Jenny's burial. (Jenny died of Leukemia and Bone Cancer at 16) :\'(
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Philip Eno on 02/28/08 at 7:29 am
I got stuck on the It's a Small World ride at Disneyland... I don't know how long we were there but it felt like hours. I have never been back on it because I CANNOT stand that song!
My son has been on that ride and he has an instant phobia for that song.
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Davester on 02/29/08 at 7:07 pm
Ha! Heavier and with no walker... ;D
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: AmericanGirl on 03/02/08 at 9:00 am
Excellent topic! :)
For me there are a ton, too many to list here. I'll list one (negative) memory.
We Will Rock You (Queen) My first few years of college I lived in a college dorm, and was in a room by myself. One weekday night around 1:30am I was awakened by the telephone, and some guy (I never learned who) proceeded to make an obscene phone call which was slightly threatening in nature. "We Will Rock You" was playing very loudly in the background over the phone. This frightened me quite a bit, because I was alone, and I shook nervously all night, into the next morning. In the morning, before I was able to tell the R.A. about it, a discussion ensued between me and other women on my floor about this caller. It seemed he did the same thing to our whole dorm! :o (It was an all women's dorm.) So my emotion changed from fright to anger. Anyway, I never liked "We Will Rock You" because it takes me back to that stupid incident...
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: Davester on 03/03/08 at 12:34 am
Excellent topic! :)
For me there are a ton, too many to list here. I'll list one (negative) memory.
We Will Rock You (Queen) My first few years of college I lived in a college dorm, and was in a room by myself. One weekday night around 1:30am I was awakened by the telephone, and some guy (I never learned who) proceeded to make an obscene phone call which was slightly threatening in nature. "We Will Rock You" was playing very loudly in the background over the phone. This frightened me quite a bit, because I was alone, and I shook nervously all night, into the next morning. In the morning, before I was able to tell the R.A. about it, a discussion ensued between me and other women on my floor about this caller. It seemed he did the same thing to our whole dorm! :o (It was an all women's dorm.) So my emotion changed from fright to anger. Anyway, I never liked "We Will Rock You" because it takes me back to that stupid incident...
Serial heavy breather, huh? A pervert just can't get a break anymore...
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: AmericanGirl on 03/03/08 at 7:45 pm
Serial heavy breather, huh? A pervert just can't get a break anymore...
;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/05/08 at 2:10 pm
Oh, I just thought of one which is going to make everyone laugh-The Monster Mash. :D ;D ;D
When I was 12 or 13, there were a couple friends of mine and I would "act it out" so to speak. One girl was "Boris" while the other girl and I were the back-up and I was "Dracula". We recorded it and played it for one of our favorite teachers at school. To this day, I can't hear the song without doing the back-up. :D ;D ;D We did a whole bunch of other songs-Deep Purple-Donny & Marie (I think I was Marie) and Dead Man's Curve (don't remember which part I did on that one). I can't remember if there were others or not but the Monster Mash we kind of "perfected". :D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: snozberries on 03/09/08 at 8:04 pm
Oh, I just thought of one which is going to make everyone laugh-The Monster Mash. :D ;D ;D
When I was 12 or 13, there were a couple friends of mine and I would "act it out" so to speak. One girl was "Boris" while the other girl and I were the back-up and I was "Dracula". We recorded it and played it for one of our favorite teachers at school. To this day, I can't hear the song without doing the back-up. :D ;D ;D We did a whole bunch of other songs-Deep Purple-Donny & Marie (I think I was Marie) and Dead Man's Curve (don't remember which part I did on that one). I can't remember if there were others or not but the Monster Mash we kind of "perfected". :D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Personal stories or memories associated with songs.
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 03/16/08 at 10:46 pm
Only one I can remember off-hand was the last time I saw my then husband (now ex-husband) before our divorce proceedings, we went to the DMV where I paid to have our car put into his name only. I was going through lots of emotions at that time, but it was certainally capped by the song playing in my car as I left the Department of Motor Vehicles - "Goodbye to you" by Scandal. Now I giggle when I hear that song, because it helped me to say Goodbye to him. ;D