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Subject: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: KKay on 01/15/08 at 9:49 am

Smurfette and Smurfs Celebrate 50th Anniversary with Hollywood Movie

Paramount Pictures announces Smurf movie!

The Belgian cartoonist Peyo introduced Smurfs to the world in a series of comic strips, making their first appearance in the Belgian comics magazine Le Journal de Spirou on October 23, 1958. Kids and Adults in the US may perhaps know them best through the animated television series from Hanna-Barbera Productions, The Smurfs.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Jessica on 01/15/08 at 10:25 am

Smurfette and Smurfs Celebrate 50th Anniversary with Hollywood Movie

Paramount Pictures announces Smurf movie!

The Belgian cartoonist Peyo introduced Smurfs to the world in a series of comic strips, making their first appearance in the Belgian comics magazine Le Journal de Spirou on October 23, 1958. Kids and Adults in the US may perhaps know them best through the animated television series from Hanna-Barbera Productions, The Smurfs.

Ugh, yeah, they're totally screwing up my childhood memories. First Alvin and the Chipmunks and now this. :P

Happy birthday, you smurfing smurfers!

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/15/08 at 10:26 am

The latest details for The Smurfs movie can be found here

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: KKay on 01/15/08 at 10:26 am

Ugh, yeah, they're totally screwing up my childhood memories. First Alvin and the Chipmunks and now this. :P

Happy birthday, you smurfing smurfers!

personally, i never watched them, but i thought it would make a good thread.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/15/08 at 10:27 am

The latest details for The Smurfs movie can be found here
BTW, it is the first of a planned trilogy.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Red Ant on 01/15/08 at 12:20 pm

I didn't realize the Smurfs had been around that long.


Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: whistledog on 01/15/08 at 12:23 pm

A Smurfs movie?  They'd better leave it as a cartoon or I will be angry

For the North American market, Season 1 of the cartoon is coming to DVD sometime in the next few months

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/15/08 at 12:27 pm

I didn't realize the Smurfs had been around that long.

I just thought the Smurf's were a thing of the 80's and not early.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Red Ant on 01/15/08 at 12:37 pm

I just thought the Smurf's were a thing of the 80's and not early.

Yeah, me too. I remember seeing them on TV as a kid, even playing a Smurfs video game on Colecovision.


Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/15/08 at 12:54 pm

Yeah, me too. I remember seeing them on TV as a kid, even playing a Smurfs video game on Colecovision.

In my case, it was my son who watch them.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Henk on 01/15/08 at 1:40 pm

Sorry...I couldn't resist  :D

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/15/08 at 1:40 pm

Sorry...I couldn't resist  :D
should I?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Henk on 01/15/08 at 1:41 pm

should I?

It's safe. :)

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: karen on 01/15/08 at 1:55 pm

I just thought the Smurf's were a thing of the 80's and not early.

I thought the song was from earlier than that.

Sorry...I couldn't resist  :D

Ah I was right!  1977

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/15/08 at 2:00 pm

I thought the song was from earlier than that.

Ah I was right!  1977
The Barron Knights did a version of the Smurf Song on one of their records.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/15/08 at 2:03 pm

The Smurfs ran for 421 episodes on an original run from September 12, 1981 to December 2, 1989.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/15/08 at 3:32 pm

well if the song was 77 then that's 30 or 31 years...

Hmmm Smurfs in the late 50s that I'd like to see... wonder if they banned with the red scare and couldn't make a comeback until the 80s  ;D

or maybe it'll take 20 years for them to finish the film  ;D

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: whistledog on 01/15/08 at 4:11 pm

Yeah, me too. I remember seeing them on TV as a kid, even playing a Smurfs video game on Colecovision.


That game was called Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle

I have the Atari 2600 version :D

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: karen on 01/15/08 at 7:53 pm

The Barron Knights did a version of the Smurf Song on one of their records.

I can remember bits of that song.  Seem to remember it only being a small part of the song and then going into a parody of Matchstalk Men

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 01/16/08 at 7:42 am

I just thought the Smurf's were a thing of the 80's and not early.

Well personally I got my first Smurfs in 1975.

There was a girl in my class who went to Germany to have a holiday with her grandparent. She returned with a huge bag of Smurfs and gave the whole class one each. I got an extra one as we were best friends. So I became the proud owner of Chef Smurf and Smurfette. And I still have those two to this day.

She also brought back lots of the Smurf comic books and the whole class would read them together and re-enact the stories with all our own little Smurfs.

I dont remember when the cartoons were first shown in Australia as I have never really watched cartoons.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: gumbypiz on 01/16/08 at 12:40 pm

I didn't know the Smurfs had been around for that long, can't say I'm a fan. The images of little blue people still seems a little disturbing to me...Sorry but I always was kinda rooting for Gargamile (sp?), but why he wanted them (can't think he wanted to eat the blue buggers did he?). :P

I remember there has been a lot said about the entire environment being somewhat communistic in its setting.

Then theres the Smurfette, Smurfbaby thing. This always bothered me. ???

I've always wondered, at least throughout the cartoon versions, first there was an all male Smurf community, then Smurfette arrived. Then later the Smurf baby...

Now, I specifically remember that cartoon episode, the whole Smurf community including Smurfette and Papa Smurf running around wondering where Smurf baby came from?

ORLY? They had no clue where the baby came from and it appeared not too long after Smurfette joined the Smurfs huh?  ::)

Smurfette has been smurfing someone, and has some explaining to do!

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Paul on 01/16/08 at 6:11 pm

If there was ever a reason to declare war on Belgium, then this was it...

(That...and Plastic Bertrand!)

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Paul on 01/16/08 at 6:20 pm

I can remember bits of that song.  Seem to remember it only being a small part of the song and then going into a parody of Matchstalk Men

From their hit 'A Taste Of Aggro'...

From memory...

'Where are you all coming from?'

(In broad Sarf London accents) 'We're from Dartmoor on the run!'

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: wildcard on 01/16/08 at 7:53 pm

I remember seeing a few cartoons as a kid and I thought smurfs were very annoying.  I'd still like to find out what color they turn when choked.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: coqueta83 on 01/16/08 at 9:03 pm

Happy Anniversary, Smurfs! Thanks for being a part of my childhood!  :)

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Davester on 01/16/08 at 9:10 pm

I didn't realize the Smurfs had been around that long.


  Me neither...

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: karen on 01/16/08 at 11:08 pm

I remember seeing a few cartoons as a kid and I thought smurfs were very annoying.  I'd still like to find out what color they turn when choked.

They turn red I think.  Henk (or osmeone) posted a Dutch cartoon about it a year or so ago.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: karen on 01/16/08 at 11:09 pm

From their hit 'A Taste Of Aggro'...

From memory...

'Where are you all coming from?'

(In broad Sarf London accents) 'We're from Dartmoor on the run!'

Why do you all talks this way?

We're from Catford ain't we, ay

Also something then the line

We followed the arrows on our suits

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Henk on 01/17/08 at 1:05 am

They turn red I think.  Henk (or osmeone) posted a Dutch cartoon about it a year or so ago.

Not me. Can't remember who did, but I know I've seen it somewhere. And I think they turned pink.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Henk on 01/17/08 at 1:25 am

Not me. Can't remember who did, but I know I've seen it somewhere. And I think they turned pink.

I've tried to dig it up, but it appears to be no longer here. It might have been in a thread that was deleted. :-\\

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/17/08 at 1:44 am

Why do you all talks this way?

We're from Catford ain't we, ay

Also something then the line

We followed the arrows on our suits
"Where are you all coming from?"
We're from Dartmoor, on the run
"How did you work out your route?"
We followed the arrows on our suit
"What were you in Dartmoor for?"
We borrowed a safe from the bank next door
"and why do you all talk this way?"
Cause we're from Catford,aren't we? Uh!

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Gis on 01/17/08 at 2:48 am

I got my first Smurfs in the early 70's from Germany. They were called 'Schlumfs' in those days! I think Smurfs has a better ring to it!  ;D I still have them all somewhere.My cousins in Germany gave me all the ones they had as kids which would have been from the mid to late 60's so I guess 50 years is about right........

AS to favourites I liked Azrael Gargamels cat! 

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: whistledog on 01/17/08 at 2:57 am

To the best of my knowledge, I don't think the Smurfs made noise in North America until the cartoon series came on the air.  They had albums and hits prior, but none of that was popular over here

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Henk on 01/17/08 at 12:13 pm

I got my first Smurfs in the early 70's from Germany. They were called 'Schlumfs' in those days! I think Smurfs has a better ring to it!  ;D I still have them all somewhere.My cousins in Germany gave me all the ones they had as kids which would have been from the mid to late 60's so I guess 50 years is about right........

AS to favourites I liked Azrael Gargamels cat! 

Schlümpfe = Smurfs in German. So...they're still called Schlümpfe (in some parts of the world). ;)

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Gis on 01/17/08 at 1:38 pm

Schlümpfe = Smurfs in German. So...they're still called Schlümpfe (in some parts of the world). ;)
Cool, I thought I'd probably spelled it wrong, but that's how I used to spell it when I was little and I never bothered checking it.  ;D

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: karen on 01/17/08 at 3:40 pm

Not me. Can't remember who did, but I know I've seen it somewhere. And I think they turned pink.

It said something like

Look they do turn pink (or red) when you squeeze them

in Dutch.  I remember asking a colleague to translate it.

Of course it may have been on another message board  :-\\

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Paul on 01/17/08 at 3:49 pm

I got my first Smurfs in the early 70's from Germany. They were called 'Schlumfs' in those days! I think Smurfs has a better ring to it!  ;D I still have them all somewhere.My cousins in Germany gave me all the ones they had as kids which would have been from the mid to late 60's so I guess 50 years is about right........

They first came to prominence in Britain around the same time as 'that' record!

National petrol garages used them in a promotional campaign where, if you spent £50 on petrol, you'd be given a free 2 inch high smurf model!

This led to some controversy becuase the paint that was used to decorate the models was extremely high in lead content...some small kids started putting the things in their mouths (as they do!) and, well...you can probably guess the rest!

AS to favourites I liked Azrael Gargamels cat! 

I could never quite get my head around the fact that Gargamel was voiced by the same bloke who did Dick Dastardley...

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Gis on 01/17/08 at 3:51 pm


I feel how he looks in this picture!  ;D

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/17/08 at 3:59 pm

National petrol garages used them in a promotional campaign where, if you spent £50 on petrol, you'd be given a free 2 inch high smurf model!

Collectors items now?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Henk on 01/17/08 at 4:01 pm

It said something like

Look they do turn pink (or red) when you squeeze them

in Dutch.  I remember asking a colleague to translate it.

Of course it may have been on another message board  :-\\

Oh no, it was on this board alright. :) It just wasn't me that posted it, and now I can't find it anywhere... :\'(

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/18/08 at 8:12 pm

AOL has episodes of the Smurfs on IN2TV.  It's nice to be able to watch them again. 

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 01/19/08 at 2:42 am

I got my first Smurfs in the early 70's from Germany. They were called 'Schlumfs' in those days! I think Smurfs has a better ring to it!  ;D I still have them all somewhere.My cousins in Germany gave me all the ones they had as kids which would have been from the mid to late 60's so I guess 50 years is about right........

AS to favourites I liked Azrael Gargamels cat! 

LOL our smurfs are the same age and all from Germany - they could be related !!!

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/19/08 at 4:12 am

Any Smurfs on YouTube?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Gis on 01/19/08 at 7:25 am

LOL our smurfs are the same age and all from Germany - they could be related !!!
That would cool, globetrotting cousins!  ;D

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/19/08 at 7:33 am

That would cool, globetrotting cousins!  ;D
Research on Smurf Family Tree?

One match with an unknown birthdate, on One Grest Family

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/19/08 at 5:37 pm

Any Smurfs on YouTube?

Yes, people are starting to upload episodes of the Smurfs.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 01/19/08 at 11:19 pm

That would cool, globetrotting cousins!  ;D

I will have to dig mine out and take a photo for you!

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Gis on 01/20/08 at 6:22 am

I will have to dig mine out and take a photo for you!
Mint, mine are in my parents loft  somewhere.  :-\\

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: robby76 on 01/20/08 at 7:36 am

Forget the movie, I shall be celebrating the Anniversary with the season 1 original cartoon series on dvd!

Coming out on Feb 25th...

It's Smurf-tastic!


Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/20/08 at 8:46 am

Forget the movie, I shall be celebrating the Anniversary with the season 1 original cartoon series on dvd!

Coming out on Feb 25th...

It's Smurf-tastic!


Oh my gosh, that's so Smurfy!!!  I defiantly will buy it.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/22/08 at 10:28 pm

Either I inserted the wrong quote or I got edited.....me thinks I made a booboo due to extreme hunger....

Oh my gosh, that's so Smurfy!!!  I defiantly will buy it.

I am trying to figure out if this was a typo ......or

de·fi·ant      (dĭ-fī'ənt) 
adj.  Marked by defiance; boldly resisting

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: KKay on 01/23/08 at 8:12 am

this is hysterical..i never thought id see this thread last this long.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Gis on 01/23/08 at 1:38 pm

this is hysterical..i never thought id see this thread last this long.
We all love Smurfs!  ;D

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: karen on 01/23/08 at 11:34 pm

We all love Smurfs!  ;D

So much so that they even appear in the smilies

http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/smurf2.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/smurf1.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/smurf.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/12/icon_bigsmurf.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/13/icon_brilsmurf.gif

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: KKay on 01/24/08 at 8:10 am

We all love Smurfs!  ;D

I don't.  but it's a new phenomenon for me to see the many that do!
guess i missed something....
although..i was probably older than most of you when it was popular.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/24/08 at 8:49 am

So much so that they even appear in the smilies

http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/smurf2.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/smurf1.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/smurf.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/12/icon_bigsmurf.gif http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/13/icon_brilsmurf.gif

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/26/08 at 5:00 pm

Either I inserted the wrong quote or I got edited.....me thinks I made a booboo due to extreme hunger....

I am trying to figure out if this was a typo ......or

de·fi·ant      (dĭ-fī'ənt) 
adj.  Marked by defiance; boldly resisting

It was a typo, although if I'm with a Smurf  hating companion it would be the right word.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/26/08 at 5:49 pm

It was a typo, although if I'm with a Smurf  hating companion it would be the right word.


I don't hate the smurfs but they confuse me....so what, exactly, was smurfette's role???  ???

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Gis on 01/27/08 at 5:29 am


I don't hate the smurfs but they confuse me....so what, exactly, was smurfette's role???  ???

Gargamel created her to stir up the smurfs and make them fight amongst each other, which she did at first flirting with them all. I can't remember what came after that exactly except that she decided she didn't really want to be evil anymore and became good and went to live in the smurf village and was nice to everyone instead.

Paddington Bear is 50 this year too!

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Tia on 01/27/08 at 5:51 am

Either I inserted the wrong quote or I got edited.....me thinks I made a booboo due to extreme hunger....

I am trying to figure out if this was a typo ......or

de·fi·ant      (dĭ-fī'ənt) 
adj.  Marked by defiance; boldly resisting

reynolds is taking a stand against the anti-smurf extremists! i used to watch the smurfs in high school (thank god for the sticky ick! it pretty much makes all television good...  8) ) but i have a feeling watching it again i'll probably just remember that it was pretty bad. :( sorry, dont mean to killjoy, but there it is.

the smurf collectible figures were a huge fad, right up there with rubik's cube. i had 14 smurfs. my favorite was electric guitar smurf.


the best!

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/27/08 at 11:43 am

Gargamel created her to stir up the smurfs and make them fight amongst each other, which she did at first flirting with them all. I can't remember what came after that exactly except that she decided she didn't really want to be evil anymore and became good and went to live in the smurf village and was nice to everyone instead.

Paddington Bear is 50 this year too!

ah yes but just "how" nice was she..... and where did the baby smurf come from

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/27/08 at 11:48 am

ah yes but just "how" nice was she..... and where did the baby smurf come from
Should that question be asked?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/27/08 at 11:53 am

Should that question be asked?

Inquiring minds want to know.....I want to know...

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/27/08 at 1:43 pm

Inquiring minds want to know.....I want to know...
Has anyone read the books for deeper detail?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/27/08 at 1:45 pm

Has anyone read the books for deeper detail?

was harry potter in them? I only read books about Harry Potter  ;D

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/27/08 at 1:46 pm

ah yes but just "how" nice was she..... and where did the baby smurf come from
Does this Smurf know?


Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/27/08 at 1:46 pm

was harry potter in them? I only read books about Harry Potter  ;D
I was hoping any European mainland members could help here.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/27/08 at 1:49 pm

ah yes but just "how" nice was she..... and where did the baby smurf come from
From wikipedia:

"Baby Smurf was delivered by a stork on a blue moon night to the Smurf village. Baby has magical powers (not in the original comics) and speaks in baby-talk."

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/27/08 at 6:37 pm


I don't hate the smurfs but they confuse me....so what, exactly, was smurfette's role???  ???

She was the Smurfy sex symbol that made all the other smurfs drool.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/27/08 at 6:40 pm

reynolds is taking a stand against the anti-smurf extremists! i used to watch the smurfs in high school (thank god for the sticky ick! it pretty much makes all television good...  8) ) but i have a feeling watching it again i'll probably just remember that it was pretty bad. :( sorry, dont mean to killjoy, but there it is.

the smurf collectible figures were a huge fad, right up there with rubik's cube. i had 14 smurfs. my favorite was electric guitar smurf.


the best!

I am in touch with my inner-smurf. 

I knew someone who had all the figures. (Quite impressive.)  Did you have Brainy Smurf?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Tia on 01/27/08 at 7:04 pm

I am in touch with my inner-smurf. 

I knew someone who had all the figures. (Quite impressive.)  Did you have Brainy Smurf?
i believe i did, but my memory is a little foggy. quite a while ago! i know i had papa smurf and smurfette and a lot of times i'd separate em in my collection and then the next morning they would have mysteriously moved back together. it was weird. :o

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/27/08 at 7:06 pm

i believe i did, but my memory is a little foggy. quite a while ago! i know i had papa smurf and smurfette and a lot of times i'd separate em in my collection and then the next morning they would have mysteriously moved back together. it was weird. :o

The scandal!!!  I though Papa Smurf had some self-control.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Gis on 01/28/08 at 5:15 am

The scandal!!!  I though Papa Smurf had some self-control.
Nah, he was scared and running back to the other smurfs and she was chasing him!

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/28/08 at 5:19 am

From wikipedia:

"Baby Smurf was delivered by a stork on a blue moon night to the Smurf village. Baby has magical powers (not in the original comics) and speaks in baby-talk."
Was the stork blue in colour too?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/28/08 at 11:44 pm

Nah, he was scared and running back to the other smurfs and she was chasing him!

Now I understand the situation.  She was always kind of the boy/man crazy type. ::)

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/29/08 at 3:54 am

did anyone else find the Robert Smiglel take of Anna Nicole as Smurfette as funny as I did?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/29/08 at 4:22 am

did anyone else find the Robert Smiglel take of Anna Nicole as Smurfette as funny as I did?
Is it on YouTube?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/29/08 at 4:28 am

Is it on YouTube?

I don't know hold on... I saw it on Saturday Night Live

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/29/08 at 4:29 am

Is it on YouTube?


Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/29/08 at 4:30 am


Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/29/08 at 2:21 pm


I never tire of that. ;D

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: snozberries on 01/29/08 at 3:07 pm

I never tire of that. ;D

yeah me either

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/31/08 at 4:23 am


Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/31/08 at 4:35 am


Croatian Smurfs left blue-faced as world record attempt falls sadly short

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Tia on 01/31/08 at 7:55 am


evidently we're not giving croatia enough to do over there...

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Tia on 01/31/08 at 8:00 am

oh god i am just laughing and laughing. that's so awesome.


a part of a smurfs episode.


i would like to go ahead and be a killjoy by suggesting that maybe the smurfs t.v. show wasn't a nostalgic treasure but was, in fact, a poorly written, shoddily animated, irritating piece of scheisse?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Henk on 01/31/08 at 3:39 pm

i would like to go ahead and be a killjoy by suggesting that maybe the smurfs t.v. show wasn't a nostalgic treasure but was, in fact, a poorly written, shoddily animated, irritating piece of scheisse?

A poorly written, shoddily animated, irritating piece of smurftastic scheisse. ;)

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Tia on 01/31/08 at 3:44 pm

A poorly written, shoddily animated, irritating piece of smurftastic scheisse. ;)
i can accept that. ;D The smurfs’ main contribution to popular culture is this swiss-army-knifey metaword “smurf”. That and the delight that can come from speculating about smurfette’s sex life.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 02/01/08 at 8:40 am

Quote from: BrianMannixGirl on 20 January 2008, 07:19:47
I will have to dig mine out and take a photo for you!

Mint, mine are in my parents loft  somewhere.  :-\\

Well it took some digging but I found them. They are much heavier than the ones that came out in the 80s. Each has W.Germany stamped on their foot and a number that I can hardly read anymore. They are more battered than I remember - well loved!


Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/01/08 at 3:55 pm

When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/01/08 at 6:59 pm

When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

Probably an off white.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Henk on 02/01/08 at 7:08 pm

Probably an off white.

No...There's a cartoon somewhere that shows they turn pink. It has been posted on this board, but I think it got deleted (possibly with the thread it was in). And now I can't find it anywhere else... :-\\

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/01/08 at 7:10 pm

No...There's a cartoon somewhere that shows they turn pink. It has been posted on this board, but I think it got deleted (possibly with the thread it was in). And now I can't find it anywhere else... :-\\

Wow pink!!!  I was thinking it would have the opposite effect of chocking something till they're blue. Hence the off white.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/01/08 at 7:13 pm

No...There's a cartoon somewhere that shows they turn pink. It has been posted on this board, but I think it got deleted (possibly with the thread it was in). And now I can't find it anywhere else... :-\\
Can I Ask You is the thread you are thinking of.

...or this one Jokes that bring up questions

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Henk on 02/01/08 at 7:19 pm

Can I Ask You is the thread you are thinking of.

...or this one Jokes that bring up questions

No, it was neither of those. It was before that...I think the cartoon was posted by Jiminy, but I'm not sure - it's been so long... :-\\

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/01/08 at 7:20 pm

No, it was neither of those. It was before that...I think the cartoon was posted by Jiminy, but I'm not sure - it's been so long... :-\\
Let me check again.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/16/08 at 6:13 am

The Smurfs (2008) to be released in November 2008, details on imdb

It is hoped to the first in a planned trilogy.

Subject: Re: Smurf's 50th Anniversary!

Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 02/16/08 at 8:08 am

I used to love watching those little blue pests as a kid!!!  ;D

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